Is 1.0.0 the patched version? Steam doesn't seem to want to update anything. Massive screen tearing during the opening cutscene. I don't want to brave the game yet until I know I at least have the first patch...
Christmas sale it is!legbone said:a big fuck yeah if you are on going to play it on consoles. a big "wait for the patch" if you are part of the pc master race.
vaelic said:
It's the patched version of the old/wrong build, a.k.a. the-one-that-has-broken-the-game-even-further.ROBOKITTYZILLA said:Is 1.0.0 the patched version? Steam doesn't seem to want to update anything. Massive screen tearing during the opening cutscene. I don't want to brave the game yet until I know I at least have the first patch...
WickedLaharl said:Wow do not kick beach balls. Twice now I've insta killed myself by doing so lol
Gritesh said:Epitome of first world problems.
WEGGLES said:Christmas sale it is!
BattleMonkey said:So the correct version is up... this mean we have to uninstall and redownload it?
Derrick01 said:Yeah this is what I want to know. I should probably just do it anyway.
doing the same as well. 45 minutes.Warnen said:DLing it again now let ya know in about 1hr 15mins if its not ver 1.0.0
I honestly have no idea where anyone is getting this from. Just because it was a "dev build", some people think that redownloading the entire game will be required. We got the "dev build" by preloading, and the retail discs have the "dev build" on them as well... the problem is that we were supposed to receive that day 0 patch last night, which would have patched it into the retail version 1.0.0.FrenchMovieTheme said:what the H we'll have to re-download the game? the patch does nothing?
amrod said:deleted cache re-downloading now
Will Hopefully be done in <10min min... God I love 100Mbit![]()
JambiBum said:Anyone know how to get empty alcohol bottles for the molotovs? Partner and I can't figure it out.
Nelo Ice said:verifying the cache worked for me unless im mistaken ur supposed to have version 1.0 and i noticed theres options for private slots and a vac secure game and when i press Y i dont no clip lol.
Carm said:That patch was from earlier this morning. We are unclear if that is the one they are talking about or a new one. If it's that one, the patch broke the game even more than it already was. I'm downloading the game again at the the moment to see if there is any change again.
FrenchMovieTheme said:then i took the controls from Xbox 360 pad (which i've been using) to keyboard (to test out the Y thing) and the game goes to complete shit. stuttering, framerate looks like crap, garbage. i change it back to 360 controller and it's back to normal. wtf?
JambiBum said:Anyone know how to get empty alcohol bottles for the molotovs? Partner and I can't figure it out.
Did that but for some reason it didn't let me give him the bottles.Dizzle24 said:Equip and drink bottle of alcohol? Haven't tried this, but it seems like an idea!
Definitely getting that feeling, would love to buy this for PS3 but the comments about bugs are making me wait.Gez said:Seems like Borderlands/Fallout. God dam at the cheesy backstories on the main characters.
I figure I might as well do the same too. Make it so Fios!amrod said:deleted cache re-downloading now
Will Hopefully be done in <10min min... God I love 100Mbit![]()
He says you need them though. Unless you actually don't?INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:You don't need empty ones. Just pick up alcohol and bring it back to the quest giver.
JambiBum said:He says you need them though. Unless you actually don't?
cleveridea said:wow nice box has 3D vision ready on it, cant wait to try it. installing now...
Posted right after I delete my cache and redownload the game. Oh man am I happy I have no bandwith cap!amrod said:Still 1.0.0 after re-download in game
and .exe properties![]()
Pretty sharp.ironcreed said:Well, this is interesting. According to Lens of Truth, the PS3 version is quite noticeably sharper. I am actually surprised at how much more defined the textures are and how much better the color is in the PS3 version.