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Dead Island |OT| Island of the Dead

codhand said:

Infamous stretch neck glitch.
he probably can reach his penis now i bet ^_^.


Played for a couple of hours in another friend's game, kinda bumed that I can't complete side-quests in another's co-op game. Gathering $$$ and parts to make weapons, only found 1 mod so far. Gotta look at a guide for their locations.


Castor Krieg said:
Doesn't see so. When playing KB+M weapon style is locked to "Digital". You cannot pick "Analog". I wouldn't be surprised if it was patched in soon.

When a zombie is dead on the floor, look at its body and notice how the crosshair leaves the centre of the screen to trace its limbs. That's how you target body parts.


PS3 Impressions:

Hardly any tearing for me. No framerate dips. I did notice a consistent issue with the sound going out for a second every so often, which was getting on my nerves. I didn't get to try it out online (was tired last night), but I'll do so tonight. Now, onto the gameplay:

Fun. They really nailed the fun factor down. I was shocked too, because I was thinking after I finished the game, I'd just trade it in due to all the technical issues I was hearing (which again, outside of the sound and some minor tearing, has been nothing). But I'm keeping this title. It really feels like Fallout 3 looting, Borderlands skill tree, Dead Rising weapon collecting, and a bit of a beat em up. I was having fun curb stomping zombies. I guess if I had any other issues, it's the lip syncing. After LA Noire, lip syncing looks horrible in every other game. :)

Really, anyone that has the PC version, I'm horribly sorry you can't enjoy it. Let it get fixed and then play because you're going to have a blast.

Dan Yo

I'm quite surprised with this game to be honest. Didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. If there were a system in place that treated deaths is a fashion more similar to L4D, Gears of War, Lost Planet 2, or other co-op games rather than just allowing teammates to respawn over and over again making every encounter impossible to lose, as well as perhaps some system in place that would keep people from accepting quests and listening to dialogue without the rest of the group present, then this game would be damn close to perfect in my eyes.

As it is, it's hard to be completely excited about a game that doesn't really have a way to lose. I hope in the future, if another one of these were to be made, that they keep this in mind. It's hard to keep up tension or feel a sense of accomplishment when there are infinite respawns.

Aside from that, I'm really pleasantly surprised with what they have done here. Graphics are sensational even on the 360 version, and the combat can be surprisingly good at times.


Obsidian said:
Not tried it yet, but i dont think you can.

Even all the pools are shallow. Like the whole island is targeted at kids.
Kinda sucks but not a big issue.

rayner said:
Played for a couple of hours in another friend's game, kinda bumed that I can't complete side-quests in another's co-op game. Gathering $$$ and parts to make weapons, only found 1 mod so far. Gotta look at a guide for their locations.
You can't do side quests in someones game?
Enco said:
Ah good.

Hopefully the Friday patch fixes all the issues.
there's a friday patch? i thought it was already patched for NA version just that when rest of the world is out it'll already be patched to match NA or is there another one for NA?


DMPrince said:
there's a friday patch? i thought it was already patched for NA version just that when rest of the world is out it'll already be patched to match NA or is there another one for NA?
I thought I read somewhere that there was a new patch releasing on Friday.

I might be wrong.


Gold Member
omg the microstuttering is gone with a pad. wtf techland!?
I don't want t play this with a derp-pad. I really hope that this is still a dev build... not a port ...yeah right :|


wwm0nkey said:
I've been able to.

When I select the side-quest to add the marker it says that it will not be logged into my book, which to my knowledge is that When I play in my own game I will have to complete it again. You can do side-quests and get the rewards, but it won't be logged.

Can anyone detail the co-op and how it pertains to quests & side-quests?
Zenith said:
When a zombie is dead on the floor, look at its body and notice how the crosshair leaves the centre of the screen to trace its limbs. That's how you target body parts.

So it is possible to attack specific body parts when playing KB+M?


Enco said:
Quick question.

Can you go into the water and swim? It looks pretty nice.

You can go to water but if you go to depths that reach over your head you'll start to drown. I don't even think the character even tries to swim, he/she just...keeps on walking underwater.


Played it last night. While there is a lot to quibble about the basic act of dashing a zombie's head open is satisfying. The physics feel right and combat is dangerous.

I only wish they gave you more combat options like another kind of swing and a block you could activate. I'm worried it might get old having only one swing and auto-block when you back up.


Stitch said:
omg the microstuttering is gone with a pad. wtf techland!?
I don't want t play this with a derp-pad. I really hope that this is still a dev build... not a port ...yeah right :|

Pad is better anyway since you get analog combat mode.


Just played my first hour on PC, does anyone notice a weird acceleration when moving. It's like the character continues to walk for a step or two when I lift my finger from the W key, just feels weird. The FOV is completely fucked, also what is with the auto aim is there a way to turn that shit off ?


So, IGN says the 360 version is the superior console option, but Lens of Truth says the opposite.

Who to trust?


supersaw said:
Just played my first hour on PC, does anyone notice a weird acceleration when moving. It's like the character continues to walk for a step or two when I lift my finger from the W key, just feels weird. The FOV is completely fucked, also what is with the auto aim is there a way to turn that shit off ?

That's just how the game is designed.


I love this game. I really love the atmosphere it creates. Nothing like walking into a dense area with limited visibility only to hear the mumbling of a zombie.

The most fun way I found to kill is to rush a target, throw him with a cleaver. Jump kicking him then going to town with my fists on his face whilst he's on the ground. It might not be the most effective but god does it feel good!


supersaw said:
Just played my first hour on PC, does anyone notice a weird acceleration when moving. It's like the character continues to walk for a step or two when I lift my finger from the W key, just feels weird. The FOV is completely fucked, also what is with the auto aim is there a way to turn that shit off ?

Yeah, KB+M controls are a little fucked right now I think. Who knows if they will fix it in a future patch. Sounds like gamepad is the way to go. FOV is indeed a little too narrow and I have no idea about autoaim.


Would PC players recommend M/KB or a gamepad for the analogue controls because that feature seems really nice.


Played the game for 12 hours straight yesterday without even realizing it. Loving the game so far.

This the talk of either version (ps3 or 360) earlier is just stupid. Why can't both versions be good with their own positives?

As for the lack of AA options in the PC version, I wonder if this means they employed some kind of deferred rendering to the engine (if it hasn't been there already) since that does not play well with typical AA solutions. If this is the case, wouldn't forcing AA through the driver possibly cause issues?

The Interrobanger said:
Played about 2 hours on the 360. Having big problems with usability.

- What's the point of selecting a quest if it doesn't highlight/point to anything on the map? Is this a bug in my version?
- Any way to manual save instead of autosave?
- Everything is just super laggy. There's about a half second in controller lag, huge hiccups when bashing down door and opening suitcases...wtf? Is it just me?

It's fun, I just wish I had a usable map and didn't feel like I'm controlling a molasses drenched character.

-Some missions that require you to find something (or someone like Maggie) do not give you a bread crumb trail. Only missions where you're told the location of an objective will give you a trail on your map. It's intentional, not a bug as was previously mentioned and for good reason. In the drunk guy quest for example, where he asks you to find him booze, it would be a mess on your map if a trail was marked for every bottle of booze within the area.

-No manual saves other than quitting and saving, it's all handled by check point.

-Some weapons, like an axe, take longer to swing than a simple knife. Other than that, the game moves pretty good for me. You can tell they tried to put weight in the character's movement, which is also what you may be experiencing. As for the door thing, this isn't new for environmental reaction to have a slight delay to the player's reaction in games, others have done the same. Not excusing it, but saying that's just how it is.

Shurs said:
So, IGN says the 360 version is the superior console option, but Lens of Truth says the opposite.

Who to trust?

As long as both versions are good, I'm not sure how it matters really. The 360 version looks great, with minimal tearing and frame dips here and there, and others are having good experiences with the PS3 version as well. I think this is one of those games where it'll come down to your friends list and/or controller preference.

Also, while I can care less which version has better shader effects, LoT is hardly to be trusted IMO. Remember how LoT recorded a smooth frame rate for both Crysis 2 and DE:HR while more knowledgeable sites like DF posted much different results? Time and time again LoT have proven to not know what they are talking about, so I put very little faith in their articles.

I would suggest waiting for DF article if it really matters that much to people, and I'll bet the differences will be minimal and not important. /2 cents


Anyone having troubles with the indoor lightning? It looks very bright but the shadows look awful. On the pc.


Derrick01 said:
You can go to water but if you go to depths that reach over your head you'll start to drown. I don't even think the character even tries to swim, he/she just...keeps on walking underwater.
I can live with that. As long as I can chill in the sexy water.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see a patch next week.


Is anyone on PC been able to get multiplayer going currently? I'm getting a "Creating an internet game session failed." message when the game starts whenever multiplayer mode is set to "Internet".
Shurs said:
So, IGN says the 360 version is the superior console option, but Lens of Truth says the opposite.

Who to trust?

Lens of Truth says the PS3 version looks better. But the 360 version still runs better. PS3 version has nicer looking textures, is sharper, but doesn't run as smooth as the 360 version
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