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Dead Island |OT| Island of the Dead


Starting to really like this game.

The gore system is amazing. Not only can you cut off limbs, you can break them and you can also cut off chunks of flesh!
Managed to make it to safety... just can't believe that the game decided to skip the last two missions of Act I, and started me off in the middle of one of the sidequests, lol.
Random observations time!

I jumped into a mate's game yesterday which I was about 15 levels too high for. Even then the quest XP from helping him got me a level in about 2 hours of playing. All the quests were reset so I could turn them in too, and the rewards I was seeing were being scaled to my level (i.e. I was seeing a level 25 weapon but my mate was seeing a level 10 weapon on the same NPC). It's a fantastic co-op system for this type of game.

During that 2 hour session I made about $10k too, not sure if that's just because we were decimating zombies so rapidly or what. I gave my buddy a purple weapon mod on his level 10 green hammer and he started to one-shot everything.

Trying to play analog without the FOV fix applied is balls, don't do it unless you have no choice. It's just too easy to get totally overwhelmed by 3 or more infected when it's that narrow.

Human enemies in this game are lols. I honestly don't know why they bothered, they're as dumb as the zombies but have half the HP. Decapitating them seems a bit much too, like I can understand the zombies coming apart so easily but why the hell does a relatively healthy adult male have the consistency of a sponge-cake?

At its heart this game is about the story of the player character, and it tells that story so fucking well it's insane. For example, I was asked to go and get some supplies from a petrol station in Act I, two sets of supplies for different people. When I arrived there in my car there was a puddle of water which had been electrified. There was a ladder leading to the roof of the building on the other side of the puddle which I would need to climb.

I stopped the car and got ready to get out when I heard the roar of a thug nearby. I started the engine and backed up until I could see him, then accelerated and rammed him into the puddle where he stood there dancing and screaming for about 5 minutes as he slowly cooked from the inside.

Having dealt with him I got out and set about turning off the power which was running into the puddle. That meant going into some nearby sheds where I found more infected and thugs who tried to eat me, so I found myself using the supplies I had been sent to get as a weapon, hurling them into zombies to give me a precious few seconds to pull out my machete.

This took about 15 minutes but I had finally made the puddle of water safe to cross. I could see a thug wandering aimlessly up on top of the petrol station, so I readied my machete and climbed the ladder. Unfortunately the thug seemed to anticipate this and began staggering to the ladder as I climbed it.

At that moment I heard the sound of screeching infected, probably 3 or more, and froze on the ladder. Up was a thug, down were infected. I chose up.

When I got to the top I aimed a kick at the thug to get my distance. He shook it off and swung at me. His clumsy swing connected and I flew off the side of the building into the waiting arms of the infected.

As soon as I got to my feet, 1 bar of health remaining, I sprinted away from the infected. Once I had a small amount of distance I turned on my heel and readied my machete.


Three one-shot decapitations in a row.

After that I climbed back up to the roof and made short work of the thug who had caused me such trouble. I smashed through a skylight and grabbed what I came for, then loaded it into the back of my ute and drove off.

Not a bad little trip down to the shops if I do say so, and a decent example of why this is one of the most incredible games I've ever played.
SnowHawk said:
The head guy at the lighthouse is bugged for me I can't finish his mission. :(
Have you tried quitting and then reloading your save? I've run into some weirdness with that guy too, but that fixed it for me.


Playing the PS3 version and I think I've run into some kind of time-warp bug myself; lost about three hours off the progress I made yesterday. I also noticed that I've gotten multiple pop-ups saying I've unlocked trophies, but they didn't post as far as the Playstation was concerned. After playing about six hours today, I was nervous to exit out of the game; I was in luck though as all of my progress was saved...
d1rtn4p said:
Playing the PS3 version and I think I've run into some kind of time-warp bug myself; lost about three hours off the progress I made yesterday. I also noticed that I've gotten multiple pop-ups saying I've unlocked trophies, but they didn't post as far as the Playstation was concerned. After playing about six hours today, I was nervous to exit out of the game; I was in luck though as all of my progress was saved...

It seems to be totally screwed, not sure if it is this 1.01 update thats doing it but none of my progress is saving at all.
PaulLFC said:
Is there anywhere to store items? Or do weapons you drop in the lifeguard house stay there? I'm carrying the max number of weapons at the moment and don't really want to throw one away in the middle of nowhere if I find a better weapon.

In the game you'll meet a young girl Jin who is basically your storage box.
PaulLFC said:
Is there anywhere to store items? Or do weapons you drop in the lifeguard house stay there? I'm carrying the max number of weapons at the moment and don't really want to throw one away in the middle of nowhere if I find a better weapon.
You will get the option to store items in a stash of sorts at the end of Act 1.


I obtained a glitched item last night while playing single player on 360. Playing as Sam B and was in Fury mode punching the hell out of some zombies and right as fury was about to end I picked up a weapon to swap since my inventory was full and it ended up dropping a item which has a variable name and the fists icon. I now have two sets of fists to choose between in my weapons list and the "fury" fists dont do as much damage as when I am in Fury mode but its close. It will take a normal zombie down in about two punches, I do not lose any stamina at all, and has a durability of -1 which means it never will degrade. Upgrade options are not functional for the item :(.
It's really not a spoiler, is it?

Anyway, under Additional Content there is an item called Ryder White's Campaign. I just realised that must be the guy in the intro movie, because he interacts with all four of the other playable characters during it (gets accosted by the football guy, grabs Purna's boobs, gets kicked off stage by Sam B and then gets told to get out by Xian when he goes into the women's toilet).

Also I wonder if Sam B's flow actually is a reference to Antoine Dodson?

Aside from all the glitches, Dead Island really is just a FUN game to play. Haven't really played a fun game in a while apart from Portal 2 and Just Cause 2, which I finished recently.


this game is so good.. the atmosphere is perfect, it really nails the feeling of struggling to survive, the combat is great and the emergent situations that come up are amazing.

i think this the first game this year that i have been staying up late to play, and am always hungry for more.


jim-jam bongs said:
Random observations time!

Human enemies in this game are lols. I honestly don't know why they bothered, they're as dumb as the zombies but have half the HP. Decapitating them seems a bit much too, like I can understand the zombies coming apart so easily but why the hell does a relatively healthy adult male have the consistency of a sponge-cake?

Human flesh isn't that strong... especially against sharpened machetes and other weapons. I've spent some time cutting on human bodies! (anatomy lab).
sleepykyo said:
Do you really want to use perks for xp when the enemies scale?

i would because you can't FUCKING PICK UP WEAPONS THAT ARE OUTSIDE OF YOUR LEVEL RANGE! this is a fucking stupid design decision. i have come across a few sweet weapons but i can't pick them up cause they are only for level 14 and i'm at level 9! lame
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i would because you can't FUCKING PICK UP WEAPONS THAT ARE OUTSIDE OF YOUR LEVEL RANGE! this is a fucking stupid design decision. i have come across a few sweet weapons but i can't pick them up cause they are only for level 14 and i'm at level 9! lame

Huh? Yes you can. Maybe you had your inventory full?

If your inventory is full the only option you have is to exchange ur current weapon with the one on the ground, if your the one on the ground is above your level then you obviously can't exchange it. Just drop something on the ground.


man, i love this game, but it seriously has the worst draw distance ive seen this gen.

i literally take two steps away from something and the texture becomes crap, its amazing.
SalsaShark said:
man, i love this game, but it seriously has the worst draw distance ive seen this gen.

i literally take two steps away from something and the texture becomes crap, its amazing.
x16 AF is your friend.


Phonomezer said:
I do! Sorry, I couldn't get to it because I've fucked up my ankle and am pretty much tied to the sofa until it's healed, lol.

I had someone join my game and when I opted out, it skipped 3 main quests (I am now suddenly in Act II on the other side of the map on some shop) but it says I've already been to the church.. wut.

Fucks sake. Now I have to traverse the entire map with a kitchen knife.

Lol, good luck with that. I will be back on tomorrow...


Metalmurphy said:
x16 AF is your friend.

its at 16, does nothing to the draw distance. Sure, it makes the "worse" textures look better, but there's a clear CHANGE of texture quality when you move, you cant filter it by any in-game or outside of the game options, its how the game is.

what bothers you in this case isnt the bad texture, but rather what people describe as the "pop in" when it just magically appears (or renders properly) when you are near them. Its bad with this game because on some textures that distance is literally like 2-3 feet. Its ridiculous.

Doesnt affect the overall experience mind you, but its a shame.
Analog mode officially sucks. I just got killed 5 times in quick succession because some idiot decided to map the camera control to the same button as the weapon control...so here I am checking out the Nike Air on this zombie dude while he skullfucks me.

Do people actually use this control scheme?


This game is amazing.

Slicing the arms off Thugs and watching them shift around trying to head butt you to death will never get old. ever.


also im still getting the micro-stutter when using a keyboard. The fix posted a bit back makes it better, but it isnt completely gone. Only happens with vsync on (but if its off i get terrible tearing).

Its just an overall lousy job and it could have been great because the core game is really, really good.

also note to deep silver: RELEASE FUCKING PATCH NOTES. People dont like to have random 50mb updates and not knowing what it fixes. It only takes 1 minute and its the proper way to communicate with the community.
Metalmurphy said:
Huh? Yes you can. Maybe you had your inventory full?

If your inventory is full the only option you have is to exchange ur current weapon with the one on the ground, if your the one on the ground is above your level then you obviously can't exchange it. Just drop something on the ground.

i tried! and i've seen other weapons where it has the "switch" option and says Hold X to take it. these weapons i found would show the stats and then flash an "X". i couldn't pick them up. i had plenty of inventory slots available. garbo!
SalsaShark said:
its at 16, does nothing to the draw distance. Sure, it makes the "worse" textures look better, but there's a clear CHANGE of texture quality when you move, you cant filter it by any in-game or outside of the game options, its how the game is.

what bothers you in this case isnt the bad texture, but rather what people describe as the "pop in" when it just magically appears (or renders properly) when you are near them. Its bad with this game because on some textures that distance is literally like 2-3 feet. Its ridiculous.

Doesnt affect the overall experience mind you, but its a shame.

I'm either blind, or this isn't happening to me.


Where's the pop in? oO

FrenchMovieTheme said:
i tried! and i've seen other weapons where it has the "switch" option and says Hold X to take it. these weapons i found would show the stats and then flash an "X". i couldn't pick them up. i had plenty of inventory slots available. garbo!
Something definitely wrong there. I've had plenty of weapons above my level stored so I would lvl up first. Were you playing coop? If so then if another player opens a storage it's locked to him for some time.


Saint Nic
Is there a lot of neat secrets to be discovered? The game looks quite good, sort of like a Borderlands meats Fallout (am I close, haha)? And is there a lot of "extra exploration" that's not part of the story? Sorry for all the dumb questions, haha.
SalsaShark said:
man, i love this game, but it seriously has the worst draw distance ive seen this gen.

i literally take two steps away from something and the texture becomes crap, its amazing.

I've only ever noticed this when driving fast


Metalmurphy said:
I'm either blind, or this isn't happening to me.

http://i.imgur.com/ZI7UI.jpg[/ MG]

Where's the pop in? oO[/QUOTE]

havent arrived at the city yet, and it seems to be dependable on areas. But i assure you its there since i just played a game with two other people and we stood at the same spot on the beach and watched as we saw a texture change by walking one step. Noticeable in the beach on the palm trees and wood docks.
SalsaShark said:
havent arrived at the city yet, and it seems to be dependable on areas. But i assure you its there since i just played a game with two other people and we stood at the same spot on the beach and watched as we saw a texture change by walking one step. Noticeable in the beach on the palm trees and wood docks.

Did it kept changing back by walking back and forth? If not then it was just a texture that hadn't loaded yet.

And holycrap imgur is compressing images to hell, switched picture to a better one -.-


Metalmurphy said:
Did it kept changing back by walking back and forth? If not then it was just a texture that hadn't loaded yet.


what does the map size/whatever thingie in the video options do anyway? i have that on 1024, that thing might be borked.


Neuromancer said:
Have you tried quitting and then reloading your save? I've run into some weirdness with that guy too, but that fixed it for me.

I'll try tomorrow. this game is so much fun I don't care about the bugs. thanks for the tip though. :D
SalsaShark said:

what does the map size/whatever thingie in the video options do anyway? i have that on 1024, that thing might be borked.



That's only for shadows and 1024 is the default value.

PumpkinPie said:
Analog mode officially sucks. I just got killed 5 times in quick succession because some idiot decided to map the camera control to the same button as the weapon control...so here I am checking out the Nike Air on this zombie dude while he skullfucks me.

Do people actually use this control scheme?
Yes I do and i think it works awesome Havnt gone back since I started using it. This game is incredible in co op.
Grass tends to pop-in quite badly for me. And shadows have a short draw distance (very visible pop-in on trees for example). The game does run very well. Everything at max settings, edited the Video.scr for better shadow definition, AA etc, V-sync and runs at 60fps 99% of the time.
Slackbladder said:
Grass tends to pop-in quite badly for me. And shadows have a short draw distance (very visible pop-in on trees for example). The game does run very well. Everything at max settings, edited the Video.scr for better shadow definition, AA etc, V-sync and runs at 60fps 99% of the time.

AA works for you? It does nothing for me.
Ultrabum said:
Human flesh isn't that strong... especially against sharpened machetes and other weapons. I've spent some time cutting on human bodies! (anatomy lab).

Perhaps you can arrange some type of Mythbusters thing for us, or would that constitute a misuse of cadavers I wonder?

PumpkinPie said:
Analog mode officially sucks. I just got killed 5 times in quick succession because some idiot decided to map the camera control to the same button as the weapon control...so here I am checking out the Nike Air on this zombie dude while he skullfucks me.

Do people actually use this control scheme?

Dunno if this helps but I found initially that I was holding down the left trigger then approaching enemies with the weapon ready to strike which didn't work well at all. I started getting used to rapidly pulling the left trigger then flicking the right stick, which worked a lot better.

The crosshair seems to "float" to the nearest body part then lock-on to it when you pull the left trigger. If you repeatedly press it, flick the stick to swing, then release it, it tends to go a lot more smoothly since you keep picking up the nearest body part rather than, say, swinging at an arm which is behind their back.


jim-jam bongs said:
Perhaps you can arrange some type of Mythbusters thing for us, or would that constitute a misuse of cadavers I wonder?

Dunno if this helps but I found initially that I was holding down the left trigger then approaching enemies with the weapon ready to strike which didn't work well at all. I started getting used to rapidly pulling the left trigger then flicking the right stick, which worked a lot better.

The crosshair seems to "float" to the nearest body part then lock-on to it when you pull the left trigger. If you repeatedly press it, flick the stick to swing, then release it, it tends to go a lot more smoothly since you keep picking up the nearest body part rather than, say, swinging at an arm which is behind their back.

Ummm, it would probably be a great misuse... especially if it was for a videogame... if it was for the structure in general maybe, but there is 0 chance I will be able to do it :p
Metalmurphy said:
AA works for you? It does nothing for me.
I'm fairly sure that a good number of the settings in the Video.scr file do not work as intended, especially AA.
From what I can gather, the only variables that actually make a change are the Shadow ones.
They should've named it Placebo.scr
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