AEREC said:So how would this game run on a i7 @ 2.93 GHz and a GTX 460 1GB?
The Giant Bomb quick look made me very interested in this game.
It should run very well. The game is not very challenging hardware-wise at all.
AEREC said:So how would this game run on a i7 @ 2.93 GHz and a GTX 460 1GB?
The Giant Bomb quick look made me very interested in this game.
Ha! I knew I wasn't crazy. I felt like I was the only one that didn't see any difference whatsoever in a majority of the settings. The water looks the same, higher quality objects load in at the same distance, etc.jim-jam bongs said:I went back after reading this and tried a before and after, I'm now convinced it's not working. On top of that, the game had removed the PostProcess line from my file anyway. Placebo.scr indeed.
brandonh83 said:Game is way better than I had personally anticipated. I knew I would like it to some extent but after a few hours of play I'm just flat out addicted to this shit.
My only problem is that the music, while not bad, seems to play during inappropriate moments. I go into a dark building and it's still playing this upbeat music. So I turned the music off and all of a sudden its far creepier-- obviously.
But whatever, game is awesome as hell and I'm actually digging the quest structure. I did find the analog combat to be kind of convoluted, which is strange after some of the praise I've seen. Pretty great of them to make both styles optional I guess.
vaelic said:killed a zombie chasing me and this is how he ended up
Lasthope106 said:Holy shit! 35k people playing this on Steam. I thought this game was going to be ok, but that shit is bananas. Are the bugs with the pc version fixed? The dev version removed?
Lasthope106 said:Holy shit! 35k people playing this on Steam. I thought this game was going to be ok, but that shit is bananas. Are the bugs with the pc version fixed? The dev version removed?
Varna said:Pretty much knew I would be skipping every single cutscene and dialogue as soon as I saw the playable characters. I know I'm not missing anything.
The city is so much harder then the resort. I feel like I'm barely making enough to repair my modded up weapons. Not to mention those runners come in nearly endless waves now and that makes defending very tricky. I'm fairly certain I kind of screwed myself with my stats. Once I saw the skill trees I knew I wanted a bunch of stuff from the survival tree... I'm at level 21 and I don't have a single point in anything but the survival tree.
They really need to patch in keyboard chat for gamepad users. I'm playing this on my comfy couch and I don't have one of those 360 mics so I'm pretty much screwed communication wise.
Aselith said:It didn't really bother me so much as it made me write off the story part of the game. Like, I didn't give a shit about the story anymore at all after that cause this is not my story, it's someone else's so I'll just hit B and skip over it. Normally, I will watch every cutscene in a game good story or not but not for Dead Island. Also, shit like this happening didn't help:[/IMG/]
I could see that. You always hear those coming on single player because it makes a specific Zombie-on-the-other-side zombie sound if there's one on the other side of the door. I can see how being distracted would cause some surprises there if you didn't hear it.[/QUOTE]
That glitch happened on exactly the same cutscene for me, and my friend who was cooping with me. Kind of distracting. I thought the other cutscenes were fine though. I wish there was more cutscenes actually. At the moment I don't really care that much for any of the survivors to be honest.
vaelic said:killed a zombie chasing me and this is how he ended up
Drewsky said:What do you mean sloppy? I'm thinking about picking it up.
Aselith said:It should run very well. The game is not very challenging hardware-wise at all.
Lasthope106 said:What the fuck! Amazon run out of keys! Anywhere else where I might get this on the cheap for pc?
Lasthope106 said:Holy shit! 35k people playing this on Steam. I thought this game was going to be ok, but that shit is bananas. Are the bugs with the pc version fixed? The dev version removed?
sazabirules said:Jump on the cars to avoid the runners.
Lasthope106 said:What the fuck! Amazon run out of keys! Anywhere else where I might get this on the cheap for pc?
Phonomezer said:Awesome. I had a lot of people on my friend list asking me if it was any good or not. Today most of them are playing it. Word of mouth is strong with Dead Island.
Varna said:This works a good number of the time. Except when they kind of clip into each other and are able to knock me off.
EDIT: Why is it some normal zombies are able to knock me back like the bigger ones? Seems kind of random.
Varna said:This works a good number of the time. Except when they kind of clip into each other and are able to knock me off.
EDIT: Why is it some normal zombies are able to knock me back like the bigger ones? Seems kind of random.
Lasthope106 said:What the fuck! Amazon run out of keys! Anywhere else where I might get this on the cheap for pc?
Gez said:$34 from Greenman Gaming if you use the code GREEN-MANGA-MING1 at checkout.
Lasthope106 said:Holy shit! 35k people playing this on Steam. I thought this game was going to be ok, but that shit is bananas. Are the bugs with the pc version fixed? The dev version removed?
Baha said:Not anymore. Dead Island is $49.99 now, no more 15% off pre-order since the game has launched worldwide by now.
Derrick01 said:I'm still not even sure if I feel like they deserve that number or not. The game's picking up a bit in Act 2 but between the awful and boring Act 1, the launch garbage, and general sucky performance and console FOV I'm still pretty sour on the game.
PC version is working fine for me now but we still have to rely on community fixes for things the Devs should have fixed, especially since they claimed it wasn't a console port.
Small Mailman said:What's the deal with the EDGE review? How could they find it s much worse than everyone else is?
Could a few people just tell me if it's long enough or addicting enough, or does it run out of steam pretty fast?
Small Mailman said:What's the deal with the EDGE review? How could they find it s much worse than everyone else is?
Could a few people just tell me if it's long enough or addicting enough, or does it run out of steam pretty fast?
Small Mailman said:What's the deal with the EDGE review? How could they find it s much worse than everyone else is?
Could a few people just tell me if it's long enough or addicting enough, or does it run out of steam pretty fast?
Small Mailman said:What's the deal with the EDGE review? How could they find it s much worse than everyone else is?
Could a few people just tell me if it's long enough or addicting enough, or does it run out of steam pretty fast?
I'm pretty sure Edge considers a score of 5 to be average, so a 3 just means worse than average to them. I don't agree with the score but of couse they're entitled to their opinion. (I've not actually read the review yet.)Small Mailman said:What's the deal with the EDGE review? How could they find it s much worse than everyone else is?
Could a few people just tell me if it's long enough or addicting enough, or does it run out of steam pretty fast?
thanks again friendArtadius said:To skip the opening cinematics in Steam library, right click on Dead Island and choose Properties.
Then go to Set Launch Options.
Then type in: -nologos
That'll skip the opening cinematics without messing with any files or renaming anything.
The file I linked earlier might not actually be disabling coop voice to talk... we've had mixed results.
Gibbed from Something Awful (fairly famous modder from Borderlands and Just Cause 2 fame) just got this and should be spitting out some quality mods in the near future for PC users.
So their average is close to the actual average on their scale? Oh no, how horrible! They don't use the 7-10 scale, ban them now!Gez said:Edge reviews should really be banned from Gamerankings and Metacritic. Fine everybody is entitled to their option, but these guys just trash everything in sight.
Case in point