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Dead Island |OT| Island of the Dead


So I just got this game for the 360 and it is actually quite interesting and a lot of fun to bash these zombies to smitheerens. I'm using the black guy from New Orleans that uses blunt weapons. Anyone play this online co-op with the xbox?


corporate swill
Played NG+ with some buddies and got and turned in the brown skull. Picked the orange one up on my first playthrough but had no idea what to do with it. Apparently I can craft a glove that shoots force lightning. Copacetic.


vitaminwateryum said:
Played NG+ with some buddies and got and turned in the brown skull. Picked the orange one up on my first playthrough but had no idea what to do with it. Apparently I can craft a glove that shoots force lightning. Copacetic.
it shoots lighting and melts their skin off. hit a guy with it twice and they are pretty much gone.

Also it knocks down thugs so you can stop their head in.


corporate swill
wwm0nkey said:
it shoots lighting and melts their skin off. hit a guy with it twice and they are pretty much gone.

Also it knocks down thugs so you can stop their head in.

This sounds incredible. Now I just need to go replay bits of the hotel part for some champagne to get diamonds.


vitaminwateryum said:
This sounds incredible. Now I just need to go replay bits of the hotel part for some champagne to get diamonds.
When you hit Act II and get to that building (not the storage shed) with the other survivors, there is a room in the far right that has champagne in the refrigerator, just exit the building and repeat 5 times.

Note: Sometimes it might give you lemon juice.


Ledsen said:
So their average is close to the actual average on their scale? Oh no, how horrible! They don't use the 7-10 scale, ban them now!
If they don't use the same scale and metacritic doesn't take that into account, then yes, ban them.

Nobody cares for what scale they use. Their scores destroy the normal ratings so they shouldn't be counted.

I don't understand how you think a different scoring system should be counted along with normal scoring systems.

Never really visited Edge much but from what I've seen, they suck.


Enco said:
If they don't use the same scale and metacritic doesn't take that into account, then yes, ban them.

Nobody cares for what scale they use. Their scores destroy the normal ratings so they shouldn't be counted.

I don't understand how you think a different scoring system should be counted along with normal scoring systems.

Never really visited Edge much but from what I've seen, they suck.

LOL y'all caring too fucking much about metacritic. Ugh, who gives a shit? Just play the game and have fun. Oh noez scores aint correct let me just throw a hissy fit.

And Edge is one of the best gaming magazines out there, their reviews are usually very good and spot on. Although I also don't always agree with the scores, they are fair most of the time.


MMaRsu said:
LOL y'all caring too fucking much about metacritic. Ugh, who gives a shit? Just play the game and have fun. Oh noez scores aint correct let me just throw a hissy fit.

And Edge is one of the best gaming magazines out there, their reviews are usually very good and spot on. Although I also don't always agree with the scores, they are fair most of the time.
Should have made clear that I don't care for metacritic or scores (for the most part).

I like plenty of average rated games (although if everyone rates a game under 7 I won't bother).


Ledsen said:
So their average is close to the actual average on their scale? Oh no, how horrible! They don't use the 7-10 scale, ban them now!

This is why I have such a big problem with Metacritic. Rating scales based on numbers are completely relative, a 3/10 could mean something completely different from one publication to the next.


Hit level 16 and just went back to the Hotel
to get the armoured car

Playing on PS3 - so far no issues *crosses fingers*

Really, really enjoying it so far. It did need a few more months in the oven though.

The M.O.B

Finished the game, took around 20 hours.

Random thoughts below

- Ryder White was lame, it was painfully obvious he was going be bad. The boss fight was even worse. Steroid zombie that rushes you and knocks you to the ground no matter what you try to do.

- The Kevin dude who finds you in the elevator was obviously going to be bad too. When I saw him I was like WTF this random dude come from, he's gotta be up to something. Turns out he was some terrorist hacker.

- The girl in blue jeans who i can't even remember the name of was lame, even though the sad music played when she got shot off the roof, I could care less since there was zero character development in this game.

- The antidote was fake? Why did it turn Ryder into zombie?

- Gameplay was awesome though, it wore a bit thin towards the end but the first 15 hours or so was a blast, I couldn't stop playing. The combat was what held this entire game together. Very satisfying to play.

-Dead Island 2, from the looks of it this game sold decently so far, probably going to be Techlands biggest game so far.

Final Score: 8.5/10


Those are pretty much the only complaints I have as well. The story just blew.

Also what I really want to see in Dead Island 2 is more city environments, Dead Island really just did that part so amazingly, its how I would have wanted a current Resident Evil to be lol.

This series has a lot of potential and I am sure they will increase the size of developers and QA testers for the next one.


corporate swill
The M.O.B said:
- The girl in blue jeans who i can't even remember the name of was lame, even though the sad music played when she got shot off the roof, I could care less since there was zero character development in this game
This bit was hilarious, mainly because in bits she seems like she has creepy child-like attributes, and she only manages to get about three minutes of scene time throughout the whole game.

The M.O.B said:
- The antidote was fake? Why did it turn Ryder into zombie?
I just figured that the vaccine was meant to prevent people from catching the disease rather than curing people that are already infected.

The M.O.B said:
- Gameplay was awesome though, it wore a bit thin towards the end but the first 15 hours or so was a blast, I couldn't stop playing. The combat was what held this entire game together. Very satisfying to play.
This, so much. I was playing tonight and the game manages to make you feel like such a badass pretty much all the time. Queue three zombies running at me, I throw my diving knife at the first ones head, killing it instantly. Kick the second one down and crit the second one with my machete, decapitating it and then I continue to curb stomp the one still laying on the ground. While doing that my co-op buddies are fifteen feet away doing their own thing. It makes for such satisfying game play, especially when they throw in bits of slow motion every once in awhile.


Enco said:
If they don't use the same scale and metacritic doesn't take that into account, then yes, ban them.

Nobody cares for what scale they use. Their scores destroy the normal ratings so they shouldn't be counted.

I don't understand how you think a different scoring system should be counted along with normal scoring systems.

Never really visited Edge much but from what I've seen, they suck.
What's a "normal" scoring system (hint: there isn't one)? Edge can and should do whatever they want. Metacritic is a fucking horrible abomination that shouldn't exist at all precisely because o this problem, but it is THEIR responsibility to make sure their score conversion reflects the actual opinion of the publication as best as it can. They don't. EDGE is one of, if not the most respected gaming publication in the world, so what you think about them in your self-confessed ignorance is completely irrelevant in this case.


Ledsen said:
What's a "normal" scoring system? Edge can and should do whatever they want. Metacritic is a fucking horrible abomination that shouldn't exist at all, but it is THEIR responsibility to make sure their score conversion reflects the actual opinion of the publication. EDGE is one of, if not the most respected gaming publication in the world, so what you think about them is pretty irrelevant in this case.
So if a game reviewer decides to use a 10 point scale and that 2 is stunning and 1 is awful, should they too be included in metacritic with a system they don't fit with?

By all means make your own system but don't go expecting to fit in and be counted alongside different systems.

A normal system is one that 99% of reviewers use. It's known for the most part that 6 or 7 is average.


Enco said:
So if a game reviewer decides to use a 10 point scale and that 2 is stunning and 1 is awful, should they too be included in metacritic with a system they don't fit with?

By all means make your own system but don't go expecting to fit in and be counted alongside different systems.

A normal system is one that 99% of reviewers use. It's known for the most part that 6 or 7 is average.
Whatever system a game reviewer decides to use, it is 100% the responsibility of metacritic to make sure they convert it correctly. If 5 is average, and you want to keep that idiotic 6-7 average, convert 5 to 65. The reason metacritic is such a horribly offensive site is precisely because they CANNOT accurately represent the opinions of dozens of subjective reviews, each with their own take on what the number or letter grades mean. And if they can't do that without removing reviews that "don't fit", they shouldn't exist at all. Which is the only logical conclusion. Don't ban EDGE, ban fucking metacritic.


Ledsen said:
Whatever system a game reviewer decides to use, it is 100% the responsibility of metacritic to make sure they convert it correctly. If 5 is average, and you want to keep that idiotic 6-7 average, convert 5 to 65. The reason metacritic is such a horribly offensive site is precisely because they CANNOT accurately represent the opinions of dozens of subjective reviews, each with their own take on what the number or letter grades mean. And if they can't do that without removing reviews that "don't fit", they shouldn't exist at all. Which is the only logical conclusion. Don't ban EDGE, ban fucking metacritic.

It says on metacritic that EDGE's average score is 63 or something.. that basically is the 'idiotic 6-7 average'.

i've never seen edge really give average games 5 scores, they reserve that for mediocre things they are shitting on that they know they can get away with trolling because no one will care about. the truly average games they assign random numbers between 6 and 8. i think they thought that dead island wouldnt be popular so they could trash it, or they are just trolling or trying to get attention.

edit: just took a look at the EDGE forum and as expected the dead island thread is full of people saying they won't buy it because they trust EDGE, and shitting on the game because of all the review's dumb/incorrect complaints having not actually played it, with the few who have played it trying to defend it because its actually pretty good.


Ledsen said:
Whatever system a game reviewer decides to use, it is 100% the responsibility of metacritic to make sure they convert it correctly. If 5 is average, and you want to keep that idiotic 6-7 average, convert 5 to 65. The reason metacritic is such a horribly offensive site is precisely because they CANNOT accurately represent the opinions of dozens of subjective reviews, each with their own take on what the number or letter grades mean. And if they can't do that without removing reviews that "don't fit", they shouldn't exist at all. Which is the only logical conclusion. Don't ban EDGE, ban fucking metacritic.
Whether MC or Edge fix it I don't care.

Heck, as I said before, I don't care about any number. Just don't break the system more than it is.

Back to the game..

The best things about it are:

- The gore system (cut off limbs, break bones and cut off chunks of flesh)
- Having zombies run at you looks/feels awesome
- The coop is fun
- Some of the textures are stunning
- The environments look great

Cider X

ezekial45 said:
The PS3 version is really sluggish in terms of framerate. Plus the texture pop in gets REALLY bad. Not to mention it's crashed on me after exiting a building.

It seems like the 360 version runs a bit better. I may be wrong though. Can anyone on the 360 care to comment?

Played 4 player online co-op last night on the 360. It runs just as shitty. Framerate can easily dip into 10-15 territory. Texture pop in is almost Mass Effect 1 levels of bad. Game is ok when playing with friends despite the poor tech though.
Cider X said:
Played 4 player online co-op last night on the 360. It runs just as shitty. Framerate can easily dip into 10-15 territory. Texture pop in is almost Mass Effect 1 levels of bad. Game is ok when playing with friends despite the poor tech though.

Must of been lag. I've played quite a bit of co-op and solo and the game runs fine on 360.


Any way to slow down weapon degradation via config files or whatever? The rate currently in the game is unrealistic and not fun at all. Twice as slow would have been perfect.


I was in the
last night and found a pile of skulls with a red arrow painted above them. Any idea what it's for? Easter egg?


Truant said:
Any way to slow down weapon degradation via config files or whatever? The rate currently in the game is unrealistic and not fun at all. Twice as slow would have been perfect.

I looted a rare bat right at the start and forgot I had it equipped (wanted to save it for boss fights and whathaveyou). After 5 or 6 fights I realised my mistake and promptly put it away. Did the same thing again 10 mins later and bust it. My own fault i guess but still... damn. Maybe if it had a unique graphic I wouldn't have done that, but it just looked like any other club. Anyway, they do indeed degrade too quickly imo.

Great game overall, thankfully I've been lucky I haven't came across any bad bugs.


robot said:
I was in the
last night and found a pile of skulls with a red arrow painted above them. Any idea what it's for? Easter egg?
It gives you a special developer blue print to make a weapon.

For example the brown skull in the first area of the game will get you the Power Glove which can knock back any enemy and tear off their flesh.


wwm0nkey said:
It gives you a special developer bloue print to make a weapon.

For example the brown skull in the first area of the game will get you the Power Glove which can knock back any enemy and tear off their flesh.
What do I do, pick them up? I don't remember a prompt to grab them. Or was the blueprint in the same room. I got a magic wand blueprint but not sure when.


robot said:
What do I do, pick them up? I don't remember a prompt to grab them. Or was the blueprint in the same room. I got a magic wand blueprint but not sure when.
You are meant to pick up a skull of a particular color and place it on the white skulls, there are plenty of guides of where to get the skulls and where to place them


wwm0nkey said:
You are meant to pick up a skull of a particular color and place it on the white skulls, there are plenty of guides of where to get the skulls and where to place them
Awesome, thanks - just found some more info.

Apparently u need diamonds to help build em, sucks that I've been selling mine.


Dead Island just messed up my savegame. Was about 2,5 hours/10% in and now I have to start over. Still contemplating whether I should start again or just don't bother and uninstall, because while I enjoyed the game it's basically constantly the same thing and was getting boring. Go to point A, get mission to grab object/person, go to point B, grab object/person, return to point A. Rinse and repeat.

Does the game get better/more diverse after a while or does it stay the same?


&Divius said:
Dead Island just messed up my savegame. Was about 2,5 hours/10% in and now I have to start over. Still contemplating whether I should start again or just don't bother and uninstall, because while I enjoyed the game it's basically constantly the same thing and was getting boring. Go to point A, get mission to grab object/person, go to point B, grab object/person, return to point A. Rinse and repeat.

Does the game get better/more diverse after a while or does it stay the same?
During Act II the game picks up A LOT
The only bug I've noticed, quite annoying (360 version):

When trying to sell items, if I sell the top item in my list, then the cursor jumps down to the very bottom of the list. And I have to scroll all the way to the top again to sell the next item.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tried this on the PC and I kind of like it, but the framerate is bothering me a bit. According to FRAPS, I'm getting 60 fps, but the mouse and keyboard movement make it feel as if it's lower. Anyone else noticing something like this? No matter which settings I select, FRAPS always reports 60 fps, but it never actually LOOKS like 60 fps.

It's not like it's choppy, it just doesn't appear as smooth as it should. Still having fun, though.


dark10x said:
Tried this on the PC and I kind of like it, but the framerate is bothering me a bit. According to FRAPS, I'm getting 60 fps, but the mouse and keyboard movement make it feel as if it's lower. Anyone else noticing something like this? No matter which settings I select, FRAPS always reports 60 fps, but it never actually LOOKS like 60 fps.

It's not like it's choppy, it just doesn't appear as smooth as it should. Still having fun, though.

Yeah it has a micro stuttering issue and you have to turn on filter keys to fix it until it's patched



Is there any way to turn off the "player near you" notifications...Im pretty much playing in just singleplayer and dont care to join anyones game.


wwm0nkey said:
You are meant to pick up a skull of a particular color and place it on the white skulls, there are plenty of guides of where to get the skulls and where to place them

Wow, and I thought they are just some other items with high price. At least I'm glad I didn't sell them. I didn't read the guides because of what I saw in many gameplay video they turn this off thinking this will make my game more easy in combat or something like that. Second playthough and now I'm going directly to those.

The game was cool, but somehow I prefer to start the game again. All the zombies started to be too difficulty in combat and kill. Now I'm going back into the game to read the guide.

Thanks for this tip.


AEREC said:
Is there any way to turn off the "player near you" notifications...Im pretty much playing in just singleplayer and dont care to join anyones game.

I'd like to know this as well. I've even been "sucked" into other players games unwillingly... Nothing sucks more than when you're shifting through your inventory one moment, and then next thing you know you're in someone else's game. I often have to quit out and re-load, causing me to lose mission progress (some side quest reset if you don't complete them before logging out).
Truant said:
Any way to slow down weapon degradation via config files or whatever? The rate currently in the game is unrealistic and not fun at all. Twice as slow would have been perfect.
Yes there are options to do it in the default_levels.xml file I believe it is. I did this as well because the rate is ridiculous.


anddo0 said:
I'd like to know this as well. I've even been "sucked" into other players games unwillingly... Nothing sucks more than when you're shifting through your inventory one moment, and then next thing you know you're in someone else's game. I often have to quit out and re-load, causing me to lose mission progress (some side quest reset if you don't complete them before logging out).

Just go into options and put it on single player mode.


Ok so i finally gave up and got this game after watching the giant bomb quick look. What im wondering is how should i play it?

With keyboard and mouse or xbox controller for pc?

Analog or digital controlls?

Also there seems to be some problems and fixes so what should i get there?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
anddo0 said:
I'd like to know this as well. I've even been "sucked" into other players games unwillingly... Nothing sucks more than when you're shifting through your inventory one moment, and then next thing you know you're in someone else's game. I often have to quit out and re-load, causing me to lose mission progress (some side quest reset if you don't complete them before logging out).

I don't recall seeing any join notifications while playing with it set to LAN mode... I also don't recall any problems with progress being erased or game saves getting nuked in that mode either.

ironcreed said:
Just go into options and put it on single player mode.

Nope. You get a shitton of notifications in SP mode. (at ;east on PS3. isn't that hilarious?)


finally tried the game
anyone getting baddd mouse lag after turning triple buffering and vsync on?
the cursor is slow even with mouse sensitivity to full

actual in-game seems fine though.


I think I LOVE this game - played SP (4hr) and then co-op with a friend (6hr and started over with them) yesterday evening. Easily the most fun I've had in co-op since Borderlands, possibly more fun. Can't wait to get back to it today! (360 version)
Sigh. Just finished the game. Took 45 hours, (single-player only)! Did all the side-quests, got all the blueprints, found all the hidden skulls, etc. I even grinded the last few chapters so I could be level 50 when I got a certain end-game weapon. Over 4,000 damage a swing! It was amazing, and well worth the effort.

I was looking forward to starting a new game+ and freaking people out in online co-op, but when I tried to continue after the credits finished rolling I got a nice "your saved game appears to be corrupted" message. So I essentially have a god-like character I can no longer play. Figures.

Ah well. It was fun while it lasted. This game was definitely a sleeper hit for me.
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