did Team Ninja forget the PC version
As for the PC version, I think they're waiting for next month's pack to bundle it with the SK pack and Fighter Force pack and sell the whole bundle for 60+$, like they did with the other packs. It would at least explain why they're taking this long to release the SK pack...
It makes me so mad that they don't sell individual costumes on Steam. All I can do is laugh about the way PC has been handled though.
How hard could it be to release DOA5 Ultimate Bundle and the other packs like PS3? Steam doesnt seem to have any limits on how much DLC you can put on the game judging by some games in there so it shouldnt be an issue.
Is it just me or would it have been cool if this Fighter Force DLC had some kind of storymode to it, a bit more than just costumes if you get my drift. Like a few stages suited for the superhero style and a challenge mode etc.
Dunno about that: I'm not seeing any "vol. 1" anywhere, and the next batch of costumes is still listed as "???".I'm guessing the other dlc June costumes will be the rest of heroes
PC version still offline
As much as I feel left out being primarily a Rachel player I really hope not. 3 Ninja packs was rough. I don't need 2 superhero packs as well. Whatever they are Rachel better get a costume in the next set.I'm guessing the other dlc June costumes will be the rest of heroes
But it just got achievements. Holy shit, are they actually taking the backlash to heart and maybe MAYYYYBE going to add two stages and soft engine?!could not care about soft engine
But it just got achievements. Holy shit, are they actually taking the backlash to heart and maybe MAYYYYBE going to add two stages and soft engine?!could not care about soft engine
But lolno for soft engine, and doubtful for the stages (since it's also apparently linked to the engine, and a tweaked version of the stages might be really weird).
I emailed TN to see if they will accept udders.
I emailed TN to see if they will accept udders.