Exactly why there has to be something said about the status of the VF characters for future tournaments, vice-versa if they added Ein/Leon (and added them to the PS3 verison)
IIRC Nicole/Spartan-447 wasn't able to be used in Tournaments, so it's a little weird the VF guest characters are allowed.
I don't remember any tournaments she was banned in.
The rules from an old DoA post by Sorwah:
Game: Dead or Alive 4
Version: 4.1 (Currently the most recent version)
Tournament Format: Double Elimination
Life Meter: Normal
Time: 60 seconds.
Rounds Per Match: 3
Dangerzones: On*
Stages: Random Select
Banned Stages: Experimental Playground (Dinosaur Level)**
Matches per Set:
-- Winner's Finals: Best 3 out of 5.
-- Loser's Finals: Best 3 out of 5.
-- Grand Finals: Best 4 out of 7.
-- Everything Else: Best 2 out of 3.
This could be out of date, though. I just don't remember her being banned.
Why is it weird VF characters are allowed? Starkiller and co weren't banned in SC4. Neither is Ezio.
It's not weird at all. The Vita version will not be relevant to tourney-goers. Therefore it should have no sway on who can or cannot be used in tournaments played on consoles. All that needs to be said is that, if you plan on playing in tournaments on consoles, be prepared to play against all characters available on consoles. What you cannot do is suddenly say I can't use Akira just because some people might buy the game several months down the road on the Vita.
Speaking of VF characters, I guess there was a tourney in Japan and some dude named Mochi won using Sarah: