Online is bad because you only have 1 game 1 set, which rewards dumber play.
If current trends stand I'd love to see his DOA2 outfit.
My full wishlist for DLC includes classic stages - though I find it odd that not a single online fighter with DLC has offered this- Ein, Momoichi, Leon and maybe Rachel.
people talking about nerfs already? lol?
Also competitive players should not even consider talking with casual players. It is a headache waiting to happen. The two groups do not mesh together at all.
When you play online, you have to play dumber, not smarter. Playing smarter will get you losses. But playing like a retard will get you wins. Now the reason why playing dumber will get you wins is because people online make the dumbest choices and because you only have 1 game 1 set to "win" it becomes harder for the smarter player.
This is evident in almost every other fighter. In other fighters, you can bet that a shoto player will dp on wakeup almost everytime, in DOA you can bet people mash buttons on wakeup, in P4A you can bet Yu's will full screen slide and dp on wakeup.
I find it funny how people act like competitive players all count frames and whatnot. No, competitive players do not all count frames or memorize frame data. What they do know is what is the best option given a situation and choosing correctly based on their opponents' actions. This can be as simple as knowing what is unsafe and what is safe, or knowing if an opponent likes pressing buttons regardless of whats happening. Online is bad because you only have 1 game 1 set, which rewards dumber play.
It may be dumber but it's more fun in my opinion. I actually like player matches where people are willing to pick multiple characters and just mess around instead of maining the same character over and over again and racking up meaningless wins. Tourney players shouldn't even bother with online play as it's catering to a completely different audience and will inevitably lead to boredom on their part and frustration on the part of people like me who don't take it that seriously. Live and let live.
It may be dumber but it's more fun in my opinion. I actually like player matches where people are willing to pick multiple characters and just mess around instead of maining the same character over and over again and racking up meaningless wins. Tourney players shouldn't even bother with online play as it's catering to a completely different audience and will inevitably lead to boredom on their part and frustration on the part of people like me who don't take it that seriously. Live and let live.
I stand corrected on stage DLC this is how you do it Tecmo.
That whole bold sentence is flawed. Its assuming that competitive players only play one character.
Let me name some top players.
Justin Wong: (SF4) Adon, Rufus, Cammy, Yang. (MvC3) Wolverine, storm, akuma, frank west, Iron Fist, Spiderman, Felicia, Wesker, She-hulk.
Pr Rog: (SF4) Yang, Balrog, T. Hawk (MvC3) Vergil, Dante, Strider, Felicia, Wolverine, Tron, Doom, Wesker, Rocket Raccoon.
Chris G: (SF4) Yang, Sakura. (MvC3) Ryu, Wesker, Firebrand, Hawkeye, Morrigan, Doom, Akuma, Magneto, Sentinel, Ammy, and more (P4A) Elizabeth, Mitsuru. (MK9) Noob Saibot, Reptile.
Bala: (KOF13) The whole entire cast
Kayane: (SC5) Leixia, Viola. (DOA) Ayane, Kasumi, Kokoro.
This is why Casual and Competitive players can never get along. They assume shit about each other without any basis.
First we got that competitive players count frames, memorize phd formula combos and memorize frame data.
Then we got competitive players play one character.
O and competitive players take away the fun of the game away because fighting games are about "fighting" and not memorizing numbers.
I bet the next one is that top players only pick the best character.
Sorry for the misunderstanding I wasn't talking about tournament players but rather people who are tournament level (or apsire to be) who do that online. Luckily DOA has been pretty varied for me but I got extremely tired of facing nothing but Shotos online in SSFIV.
What is this thread even about?
Arguing about tournament crap nobody cares about, apparently.
This is funny considering DOA5 was trying hard to convince people that it is a competitive fighter. Makes it even more funny that gaf ran a tournament for DOA, and that you have people in the competitive scene that care in order to keep the game alive but I guess they are nobodies. RIP DOA5 IPL. You did so well but nobody cares, maybe that explains the low viewer count.
You get that Skilletor, and Dogg. You guys are nobodies and nobody should care about your competitiveness. Stop trying to ruin another game with your frames data exploitation. You guys already ruined Smash Brothers.
I just want to be able to play this game with other people.
I'm building a local scene, but I'm a lot better than anybody here who wants to play DoA. :/
I have like 100 more vids to cap, but it's all me bodying people and that's just boring.
Well... You never know... The patch might completely fix online for you...
Or maybe not.
To be honest, I am actually hopeful that it fixes things. I'm just not getting my hopes up too much, only to then be let down.
I'm sure you'll manage; Jack Bauer sure did after that incident.I just want to be able to play this game with other people.
I'm building a local scene, but I'm a lot better than anybody here who wants to play DoA. :/
I have like 100 more vids to cap, but it's all me bodying people and that's just boring.
If current trends stand I'd love to see his DOA2 outfit.
Arguing about tournament crap nobody cares about, apparently.
I am still an F rank because I don't want to touch ranked until the next patch which I'm hoping will fix it for the better. But I do have close to 300 regular online matches. I think at least 200 are with Brad Wong, I do enjoy playing with Lisa and Jann but I just love how Brad flows.
Trying to unlock Alpha as well because I don't think I can beat survival champ let alone legend without spamming her moves. There is just absolutely no way I can get the swimsuits with normal means, the AI is absolutely brutal with the holds.
still haven't used the CE coupon. can others see the costumes when i use those? just curious, because i never encountered them online.
It matters for competitive players so people do care.
I was referring to the arguments, not the more constructive talk.
Nope if they dont download the content they can't see it.
Yes there is. Some can be a bit harshly written though.There's constructive talk here?
Online patch is done and going through certification according to Team Ninja on twitter.
Please work, for the love of god.Online patch is done and going through certification according to Team Ninja on twitter.
Hoping for the best concerning the patch! Was that Kasumi costume legit? Any DLC news?
Looks letit.
Looks letit.
Looks letit.
What is this thread even about?
What is this thread even about?
You may be happy with two different games, but I'm not. SC5 is not two different games. Neither is TTT2 or VF5FS. Why should we accept DOA5 being two different games? I'm quite sure the developers didn't want it that way. It hurts the game overall because people can't practice for tournaments and therefore the competitive scene dies and the game dies much faster than it should have.
Tits or Asses 5: I AM A LISA SWIMSUIT.
Cant we have both?
Japan loves boobs over asses. Explains why most if not all the cast in DOA5 have pancake asses
Cant we have both?