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Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate |OT| The ninjas are free; the swimsuits are not.


That was a way older game and for all the shit people give sega they are very technically proficient, just have a bad history and shit management.

Good netcode can't fix shit connections. But of course if you have a good connection and you still have issues that is unacceptable.

VF5 came out on home console a little after DoA4

VF5 had fantastic network play

DoA4 was unplayable garbage
saw all the pre-order posts and thought the game was available for pre-load....


I'm too hyped to play this all over again on the XB1

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
VF5 had no online play.

Yup. People also seem to be forgetting that the 360 came out a year before the PS3 did.

DOA4 was released in December 2005 for 360. VF5 came out on PS3 in February 2007.

VF5 Online was released for 360 in October 2007, almost two years later.

If you want to get technical about it, DOA4 came out like six months before VF5 had its official arcade release, although the game was location testing a month or so before DOA4's release...but that's only because DOA4 got delayed.


Looks good! Love the header reference.
I'd probably add the fact that there is the Warriors Orochi 3 music remixes this time (Ayane/Ryu/Kasumi, I know it's nothing :p), and something about the "soft skin engine", even if it isn't used in the western marketing (obviously).
Also some indication that you will update for how to transfer DLC from 7th gen to 8th gen. Apparently Team Ninja released some sort of schedule in japanese about that.

Nothing really comes to mind apart from that, and the obvious launch trailer (jp/west).
Maybe the new official tutorials too?
Linking to the great launch trailer was what I was gonna say, too.

Perhaps maybe link to the DOA5 Plus OT, since you linked to the other ones?

You got the Core Fighters covered, which is good. Really need to make people realise practically the entire game is playable for free.


What's the guesstimated time frame for pre-order DLC to become everybody DLC. I want that (ninja) Ayane costume, but not enough to buy it retail and from GameStop.


I'm relatively fortunate where I started with the F2P version and bought every character as a DLC pack. Hopefully all that translates to the F2P version when I eventually get it for PS4 (whenever I buy the system). That way I'm pretty sure it'll be cheaper to just get the costumes I individually want.
What's the guesstimated time frame for pre-order DLC to become everybody DLC. I want that (ninja) Ayane costume, but not enough to buy it retail and from GameStop.


Team DOA packs were pre-order bonuses for 5U. Team D came 3 weeks later for all, Team O came 2 months later. Team A I assume came the same time as Team O.

So if you take the above into consideration, anywhere from 3 weeks to just over 2 months after launch?



Team DOA packs were pre-order bonuses for 5U. Team D came 3 weeks later for all, Team O came 2 months later. Team A I assume came the same time as Team O.

So if you take the above into consideration, anywhere from 3 weeks to just over 2 months after launch?

Thanks. Just long enough where I probably wont want it anymore.

Now that the PSN blog is updated, are they really not putting up a preorder option for DoA?


Ah, I was thinking of the 360 version that did. Point still stands though, VF has solid netcode, hell, Tekken Tag 2 has good netcode, DoA4 (And 5) are terrible.

DOA4 had a solid netcode. Quite playable even with 16 player lobbys. It just depended on the people you were playing with.

DOA5 has seen continual updates to its netcode. Like DOA4 very P2P based. No excuse for it being as bad as it is(VF5 and TTT2 are amazing netcode wise), but it's still playable. Not really sure what's going to happen with Last Round, I'd hope with the PS4 and X1 versions they use that extra horse power to update the netcode. Shiner titties can only carry a game so far.

I have to admit I don't play DOA5 as much because of the way they've handled the netcode and ranked mode matchmaking. On top of players being able to see who you are (therefore able to abuse rank) and cherrypick who they want to fight, there's a filter that allows you to completely avoid the player just fought. This sounds great in theory, but most of the time there's just 10 people playing ranked at any given time. Half of them are scamming ranked and just picking people they know they can win against and the other half is players that really should be heading to the(amazing) tutorial mode.


Does anyone know if Core Fighters will bring all modes except Story? Even Tutorial? Oh and costumes. If it doesn't bring all the costumes I'll just get the retail version.


irresponsible vagina leak
Does anyone know if Core Fighters will bring all modes except Story? Even Tutorial? Oh and costumes. If it doesn't bring all the costumes I'll just get the retail version.

If its anything like the original core fighters it should bring every mode except story.


That is why I worry it will be the last one on pc.

I'd be more worried if they just released it in a complete shit state. There would be even more backlash and at that point I couldn't see them ever coming back to PC. Even if they tried they'd just get that shoved in their face, which I wouldn't be against. Yes it sucks the online will take 3 months to come out, but they could have handled the situation much worse.


I imagine they delayed the game because of how well it did preorder wise on Steam. They've said nothing in regards to which version it would be and what has caused a separate delay on the netcode on top of the game itself. My guess is they thought this wouldn't be a worthwhile venture and were about to release the basic version of Last Round (last gen doesn't have any of the new stages, textures, and hair styles).

A modder with a few hours of spare time can make an entire costume pack(which is basically 2 to 3 different costumes with slight alterations or colors for the same 10ish charactars) for every single character for free vs the outrageous $15 to $20 per pack. I'd go as far as saying they can make even better costumes with higher quality details and textures in the same time frame. They can even make them fully nude, as the crappy string bikinis they've been releasing for the same prices.

Besides the Legacy and casual collection where every character got real detailed and unique costumes. They've been especially underhanded with most of these packs, but it's also been a great source of revenue for such little effort. Modding would pull the rug under that. It would also expand their player base. The whole modding comment by Team Ninja is really shitty when you think about. They'd rather prioritize their short term income at the cost of their player base and long term income.

Last Round is a very lazy update in itself. 2 stages, 2 pallate swap characters(Honoka is literally using Marie Roses model), minimal next gen updates, PS3 and 360 missing the majority of the new content, PC release with no solid information or release date. Of course Capcom has done worse with Ultra SFIV, literally ripping content from a forgotten fighter. There's actually some new content in DOA5 LR.

There's no reason DOA5 couldn't be the premier 3D fighting game. Very high quality gameplay with tons of depth done in a very cohesive and understanding way that most people could pick up and play. With tons of flashy stages and cool costumes with easy to pick up deep gameplay. DOA has always been an progressive innovative fighting game that marched to the beat of it's own drum. But the emphasis on sex and bikinis takes so much away from that. It's not the fact that these things exist in the game that's an issue, it's the fact that it's so front and center. DOA is like being the most qualified applicant, but showing up to an interview in a string bikini.

It's so jarring to watch DOA on streams. You'll tune into a stream and the grand finals is a character in a bunny bikini fighting a character missing half her costume.

DOA5 was supposed to be about fighting and being a fighter. Taking combat to the next level. Taking all the ideas of past DOAs and streamlining them into gameplay. Taking the female characters, making them look more unique and relatable, dressed to fight. Virtua Fighter was being collaborated to help cement this new era of DOA and celebrate the series for its roots. Then A few minority pervert otakus start screaming the loudest and Team Ninja does the biggest 180 in history. Ayane and Hitomi get severely altered faces and bigger tits and more revealing costumes than they did in the beta. I'm a fighter started becoming a soft core porn slogan. With greater emphasis on sweat and breast jiggle and female models becoming a focus for the development team and marketing. All that said they still managed to make a really solid engine inspite of the increased focus and priority on sex.

The first and only new female announced was Mila, dressed like a tomboy, decently proportioned (as are the added Pai and Sarah from VF) unique relatable look and a fighter with her own personality. She represented everything DOA5 was supposed to become. Here we are with Last Round and all the new females are progressively worse and worse, but Honaka is especially offensive given the original direction of the series. No thought or personality, the whole idea of the character isn't even thematically coherent. She's advertised as being a clone with the biggest pair of tits(soft engine redeemed said no one). Using another characters model and with nothing unique to add to the series. She represents everything DOA5 was butchered into. A soulless pair of oversized tits.






Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
I think DR2K's post just stopped me from buying a ps4 and last round. I'll stick with the last gen version.


And this is why we can't have nice things. Oh well we shall see how DOA6 works out after they nail down their next 3 projects.

I am also of the view even if it stayed how it was in the vanilla it would never be the premier 3d fighter due to history.

But that's just my view on humanity. :E


Talk that truth, DR2K. Preach it. Beautiful post.

The big about the soft engine killed me and the end part about everything Hanoka represents is right on point.

Damn, what a good post.


Not gonna lie, DR2K's post was great, however I missed out on Ultimate so Last Round will feel new to me. Also, I will use Honoka just for fun, Kasumi is still my main and I want to give Mila a try.


I agree entirely with DR2K, but I have absolutely nothing else to play on my consoles (PS4 and Xbox One) and the only games I'm interested in right now are Bloodborne
(but I played Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1&2 and they were frustratingly hard, not "fun hard", so I don't think I'll be getting Bloodborne)
and Dead or Alive: Last Round.

So yes, I hate what they're doing to the franchise, but I can't stay away from it just yet :(


I think DR2K's post just stopped me from buying a ps4 and last round. I'll stick with the last gen version.

You shouldn't let it deter you. In fact you should do the opposite. Team Ninja actually listens to their audience. They are making these stupid costumes at the request of said loud fans. They also balanced and designed the core gameplay with input from fans and have gone above and beyond in supporting the core community. Make no mistake when I say the gameplay is great. The visuals are beautiful the base content the game has to offer goes above and beyond the rest of the DOAs and most other fighters for all types of players. It's just being vieled behind so much bull shit. Which deters people that want to see DOA being played and respected. Shimbori and his team put a ton of effort in making the ultimate DOA. It's so depressing to see all that hard work undermined and the original vision of get butchered in favor of playing it safe. DOA has never been about playing it safe.

When DOA6 does happen I hope they make more balanced design choices that reflect the community and treat their own game with a little more respect. Ironically the same problems plaging the Ninja Gaiden series are also afflicting DOA. I imagine this is the result of Hayashi being in charge, he's a terrible director. Ninja gaiden went from being one of the most respected action franchises to a punchline in the span of a console generation.


I totally agree.... and they forgot the backgrounds
Still getting FR doe...

I think the stages in DOA5 have some of the best interactions gameplay wise. They work and flow really well. Tokyo stage is my favorite stage to play in. Home is also crazy in terms of how it changes how you play and approach a character. Movement and spacing become more important, stage hazards are no longer random and can really hurt when played right. They aren't just rolling down the stairs for 5 minutes or just falling to another platform. There's more to do with them because they offer much more in the way of solid gameplay strategies.

They should have worked on some of the floor textures before "soft engine". Sand shouldn't look like concrete especially if all these "I'm a fighter" women are going to be rolling around in it for whatever reason. Higher resolution and better AA are going to exaggerate what works and what doesn't work for DOA5 visually. The character models are beautiful and the upgraded hair and cloth animations will excellent at 60fps/1080p.


Um guys...
Team Ninja plans to add more content as DLC "But it won’t be limited to costumes," Lee said. "We’re discussing other kinds of content too. It’s still in discussion mode. Without committing and don’t hold my word to it, but don’t be surprised if there are new stages and characters. It is the last version, but we want to extend the experience as long as possible. It’ll be a while before the next thing is."

Edit: great post by DR2K but I don't completely agree with it, particularly at the end. The new character design is way better, and it's also a community problem, not coming just from the developer.
Also, let's not do as if the previous DOA games were really different on this point...
I've no doubt new characters will be coming as DLC before we eventually get DOA6. Should keep people playing on new gen up until the next game.

I echo most of the other guys really - I agree with DR2K. I've always said: more Mila, less Marie. In the end, we got more Marie (Honoka).

I really would like a big change in marketing and the way they deliver DOA for DOA6. It's a shame that the signs were all there in DOA5 beta, but as you say, that 180 was huge. I really do hope they're listening to the more and more fans that are feeling this way.


I imagine this is the result of Hayashi being in charge, he's a terrible director. Ninja gaiden went from being one of the most respected action franchises to a punchline in the span of a console generation.
I think Hayashi gets too bad of a wrap about Ninja Gaiden and being called a bad director when he latest outing have been very good (Hyrule Warriors is a great game) I think he was the first one to actually start listneing to the fans since Razors Edge was a much better improvement over the base NG3 and he did add the new girls over fan feedback.

Hayashi has been at the end of so much hyperbole. People forget their fave NG game was directed by Hayashi. He directed NG:B not Itagaki, that was the first game he made Hayashi try his hand at. Hayashi's issue is some of his ideas are off the wall.

I know some don't like some of the outfits, I don't mind them because I think people just harp on the pervy ones too much and ignore some of the other stuff (Jann Lee is a awesome dragon :E) but then again I don't mind the silly stuff I make the content of the game engage me and not the dressing (Except Netherealm games they too ugly).

The sad thing about Marie is people who ignore her are missing a character that plays very intresting and on a gameplay stand point is very well thought out. Some of my most fun matches are against a Marie Rose:

But should be no surprise your rant turned some people off because they were never feeling getting it and you gave them a reason not to. :E


Easy to harp on the pervy stuff when it out numbers everything else 9:1.

Also, I really don't care how fun a character is if I can't stand to look at them. It's why I'll never play arcana hearts, even though it's apparently an amazing fighter.


Um guys...


Edit: great post by DR2K but I don't completely agree with it, particularly at the end. The new character design is way better, and it's also a community problem, not coming just from the developer.
Also, let's not do as if the previous DOA games were really different on this point...

I have no doubt they'll be adding new content. The game went from a spring release in April to earlier release in Feb. At this rate it'll be a breast themed stage with slightly altered Honokas as bonus characters.
Um guys...


Edit: great post by DR2K but I don't completely agree with it, particularly at the end. The new character design is way better, and it's also a community problem, not coming just from the developer.
Also, let's not do as if the previous DOA games were really different on this point...

But at the end of the day I think the numbers support the Honoka type of character," Lee said when talking about creating Honoka. "Maybe its a cultural difference, but sometimes in the East it’s dictated by aesthetics first and then the story is developed through character design.

Rather than saying, the sister of so-and-so just got messed up by him, so let’s create a revenge story. Lots of times we review character designs and she seems like a 15 year old school girl, she’s coming home from school, let’s create a story about that."

Are they fucking kidding me?


Man, I haven't had time to play DOA at all lately or keep up with this thread... Shin you doing any lobby this weekend? I may have some time on Friday/Sunday.

Oh, and hey if anyone is buying either LR special edition and doesn't want the Marie Rose mousepad, I'll buy it from ya just send me a PM :D


Are they fucking kidding me?

No, they used way too many words to tell you exactly how they make their characters. Looks > story. I'd be very surprised if they were the only company that followed that. As far as 3d fighters go, I can't think of one where I care about the story of the characters.

While I don't like some of the new characters, I feel like they released plenty of good ones. I'm going to focus on the new women added to the roster:

Mila, Rachel, Momiji, Marie Rose, and Nyotengu were all good releases in my opinion.

Phase 4 would have been a lot better in my opinion if they didn't make her a clone; story be damned. Honoka comes off extremely lazy.

I'm all for more interesting costumes in general. I don't buy the bikini/bathing suit DLC because that is all it is. You have one you have them all, or at least that is how it seems to me. It also doesn't bother me that it is there. Long story much shorter, I welcome and look forward to the mods; sexy, silly and everything in between.

EDIT: I agree, LR seems very lazy and I expect a ton of DLC to come. Hopefully stages are free.
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