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Dead or Alive is always broken.

Single Player AI matters, if youre surrounded by fighting game fans 24 hours a day who'll participate in matches, you have problems.


The online mode more or less negates the need for competent 1P AI.....which only a couple other fighting games have had anyway.


A simplistic fighting game can be fun for some people, but for others nothing beats putting in effort and getting rewarded for it.

And I'm saying that I don't personally judge whether a fighting game is simple or not by how difficult they make the moves.


Chili Con Carnage!
DOA(3) is just plain fun, you can sit down with someone who has never played it before stick it on random characters and arenas and 60 rounds later, you are still enjoying yourselves, because the fight system is easy to pick up and has a decent amount of depth that you dont have to study move lists for weeks to find.

Of course it doesnt suit those that would rather wh00p their untrained friends 60-0 and give them the satisfaction and joy of being pummelled for an hour or so.

It's just a fighter for a different market, i personally prefer the more straight forward end of the genre, i get totally sick of the elitism in favour of the more complex fighters that have all the 'pick up and play' of an angry porcupine.


Miburou said:
I'm trying to draw a parallel here. In action or strategy games there's an argument for easy games because you just want to have fun and don't want to have to memorize all the commands, etc. and retry a level over and over until you perfect it. Another argument is that you only feel rewarded when you actually earn your way through a game. Same thing with fighting games. A simplistic fighting game can be fun for some people, but for others nothing beats putting in effort and getting rewarded for it.
So DOA = Pikmin!?! :O

border said:
The online mode more or less negates the need for competent 1P AI.....
Not for 14 million XBox owners evidently.


Ghost said:
DOA(3) is just plain fun, you can sit down with someone who has never played it before stick it on random characters and arenas and 60 rounds later, you are still enjoying yourselves, because the fight system is easy to pick up and has a decent amount of depth that you dont have to study move lists for weeks to find.

Of course it doesnt suit those that would rather wh00p their untrained friends 60-0 and give them the satisfaction and joy of being pummelled for an hour or so.

It's just a fighter for a different market, i personally prefer the more straight forward end of the genre, i get totally sick of the elitism in favour of the more complex fighters that have all the 'pick up and play' of an angry porcupine.

Well said.


akascream said:
And I'm saying that I don't personally judge whether a fighting game is simple or not by how difficult they make the moves.

Well, it's not just that. But games like SCII and VF4 are more complex than DoA3.

And I actually see Ghost's point, but those games just aren't for me.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
You'd think all the people bitching about fighting games being "unplayable" online would be jumping all over DOA Ultimate, since you won't have to worry about the timing and such, and can just have fun.

Oh wait, I forgot that the people bitching don't play fighting games for fun, just for "tournament practice." What am I thinking?


akascream said:
I found both SC and SCII to be very accessable.

I totally agree. SC series is unique in that it's very accessible, yet scratch beneath the surface and there's an insane amount of depth to be found. VF isn't quite as accessible, although VF4 is a big improvement in that regard.

DoA is also pretty accessible, but I don't find it to be as balanced or deep as either game. (depth here meaning that you could play the game for 2 years straight and still discover new techniques and strategies).


depth here meaning that you could play the game for 2 years straight and still discover new techniques and strategies

Thats the point though, with the accessibility of the DOA series along with the rock, paper, scissors mechanics of hit, throw, counter, there are tons of strategies. It becomes more of a player vs player game and less of a timesink that guarantees total ownage against n00bs. And I think thats really the issue here.


Hero said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

DoA is like McDonald's. Fast, cheap, and in the end, generally leaves you feeling sick.

The counter system is broken, as some combo's can never be successfully done.

Characters are unbalanced. Christie is sickeningly fast and can connect into so many of her other moves.

Irreversible wall punishment + wall damage = shit

Plus the fact that being able to sidestep is generally worthless thanks to the awesome tracking.

It's fun to look at and the models are nice, and for fighting newbies it's good because they can mash buttons and do fancy stuff, but in the end I'd rather play SC or VF4.

Well said, but in the end I'll probably break down and buy DOA:U.


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag

It's fun as hell with four people, and as long as you're having a good time, it doesn't matter.
anyone here in the NY area wanna play me in DOA2 or DOA3 just say so :)

and i know some people in Texas that can show you a thing or two if you're out west...

talking about how something is cheap is pretty easy to do, while actually showing it is another story...

we'll play a few matches, then you can report back to the forum on how well you fared :D

oh, i need to add this since i'm feeling generious... yeah, there IS something broken with DOA2/DOA3...

tag mode is broke as fuck...


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Why is it that every fighting game thread turns into a VF-fest? I find that game repetitive and dull. I accept that it's incredibly deep and requires real skill and years of training to enjoy. And that's all very dreary. But I would like to submit that the charismatic and original characters of VF, including, "Karate-Man," "Sumo-Guy" and "Karate Chick" are piss boring.

Give me Mrs. Mokujin and a breasty panda any day.

Please insert vicious attacks on my taste and credulity below.


It's already been said nut nobody can talk about DoA being a polygonal jerk fest when the female fighters in SC DC and SC2 has far more 'detail.' Taki in SC2 is basically naked with red skin. It's embarrassing at times and I prefer using her 2P outfit (or her T1000/Predator 1P costume in SC1).

As for DoA, is it me or are the male fighters for the most part more complex than the female fighters?


The complaints that you mentioned about DOA could apply to most any fighter- cheap moves that do to much damage and are to easy to pull off. I mean how many people in street fighter sit there and just do hadokens endlessly , simply becuase they can.

I find DOA to be the best 3D fighter on the market today becuase within 5 minutes anyone can get the hang of it and play it with me. Compare that to Virtua fighter 4 or especially 90% of 2D fighters out there where you need a good hour or more to get the hang of playing the game just to have fun with it. Don't get me wrong I like depth in a fighting game as well but it makes it much more difficult to find people to play with among my friends... not that I"m really that good anyway.


Pachinko said:
The complaints that you mentioned about DOA could apply to most any fighter- cheap moves that do to much damage and are to easy to pull off. I mean how many people in street fighter sit there and just do hadokens endlessly , simply becuase they can.

I find DOA to be the best 3D fighter on the market today becuase within 5 minutes anyone can get the hang of it and play it with me. Compare that to Virtua fighter 4 or especially 90% of 2D fighters out there where you need a good hour or more to get the hang of playing the game just to have fun with it. Don't get me wrong I like depth in a fighting game as well but it makes it much more difficult to find people to play with among my friends... not that I"m really that good anyway.

So wait, y0ou think DoA is the best 3D fighter on the market because it's easy to learn? Why is it any easier than SC or Tekken to grasp?

And there's a difference between learning curve and noob-friendly. You take a SSB:M or VF4 expert and maybe 1 out of 100 times a noob can win with button mashing, but I've certainly seen people who have never played DoA before beat my friends who have played for years.

I don't know about you, but I'd feel pretty shitty if I played a fighting game for a decent amount of time and got beat by someone who just picked up the controller.


XS+ said:
It's already been said nut nobody can talk about DoA being a polygonal jerk fest when the female fighters in SC DC and SC2 has far more 'detail.' Taki in SC2 is basically naked with red skin. It's embarrassing at times and I prefer using her 2P outfit (or her T1000/Predator 1P costume in SC1).

Well, you could say that the costumes in SC/SCII makes more sense (or, er, less nonsense if you prefer). Leather panties and bra on Tina is dumb. A skin tight Ninja outfit less so, Ivy is basically mad, so her dominatrix outfit fit her. Sort of.

I do find Taki's crotch in SCII to be quite disturbing, though.
Miburou said:
Well, you could say that the costumes in SC/SCII makes more sense (or, er, less nonsense if you prefer). Leather panties and bra on Tina is dumb. A skin tight Ninja outfit less so, Ivy is basically mad, so her dominatrix outfit fit her. Sort of.

I do find Taki's crotch in SCII to be quite disturbing, though.
yeah how dare a female pro wrestler wear leather...


The Faceless Master said:
yeah how dare a female pro wrestler wear leather...

There are a dozen other examples in DoA, and you know it. How about the rorikon school and gym outfits? The bunny and angel fetish outfits in DoA1? The bikinis in DOAU? The rape-victim outfit of Tina in DoA2?.....


Hero said:
So wait, y0ou think DoA is the best 3D fighter on the market because it's easy to learn? Why is it any easier than SC or Tekken to grasp?

It just is. It's much easier to look like a better player, you can string combos together by button mashing whereas if you dont know how to play VF4 you'll look like a twit doing the same jerky jabs and kicks over and over.

Totally different games for totally different people and occassions - for me, none of my mates are into videogames that much but we all love having a bash on DOA3. :)


Miburou said:
There are a dozen other examples in DoA, and you know it. How about the rorikon school and gym outfits? The bunny and angel fetish outfits in DoA1? The bikinis in DOAU? The rape-victim outfit of Tina in DoA2?.....

Chicks in fetish costumes are a feature exclusive to DOA now?


I see 12 year olds drooling on XBL together fapping and it sickens me. And sadly thats the realization i've come to of all the XBL players i've encountered in the past 2 years or so.
Miburou said:
There are a dozen other examples in DoA, and you know it. How about the rorikon school and gym outfits? The bunny and angel fetish outfits in DoA1? The bikinis in DOAU? The rape-victim outfit of Tina in DoA2?.....
hey, the torn up tina outfit was a cross licensing thing like zack's shadowman outfit... and you're comparing a game with 2-3 outfits to a game with way more...


Well I'm not speaking of costumes.. the female character models in SC are extremely animated, from head to toe. I don't remember seeing animated thighs/behinds for DoA's female fighters, and if so, they're not quite as animated as SC's.

All this was cute when SNK did it as a running gag for just one character, but I can to do without this juvenile brand of fanservice in video games.

Did I mention VF4 has the best overall character models in a 3D fighter imo?
XS+ said:
Did I mention VF4 has the best overall character models in a 3D fighter imo?

What's up with Pai's breast wiggle though? It's so freakin weirdly done. They sway from side to side in the wind. As far as I recall none of the other female characters have it.


Well, the way I see it, one reason why DoA games have many outfits per character is because they want to satisfy those fantasies/fetishes.


But is it realistic?

I don't really blame the physics programmer for making fat jiggle and bounce, but rather the character designers who decided to have voluptuous, scantily clad females prancing around. I mean if a female character has big breasts and thick, exposed thighs, and is jumping around like crazy, then they better jiggle and bounce. :)
Miburou said:
But is it realistic?

I don't really blame the physics programmer for making fat jiggle and bounce, but rather the character designers who decided to have voluptuous, scantily clad females prancing around. I mean if a female character has big breasts and thick, exposed thighs, and is jumping around like crazy, then they better jiggle and bounce. :)

But surely after 20 hours of gameplay their breasts should be all droopy and stretched from so much weight being flung about.

The one beat 'em up with a sports bra and its on a male character.


Miburou said:
You don't need to do either, actually.

And let me ask you this, are you in favor of games that aren't challenging and where you never die? BTW, even if you are, I'm totally fine with that. I'm just curious.

Most of the points I would have raised have already been mentioned by other people in this thread, but I felt this post was worth addressing personally.

Actually, I tend to be partial to games that offer a stiff challenge. That's part of the reason I love oldschool shooters and side-scrollers as much as I do. The problem I have with something like VF 4: Evo is that it provides a different type of challenge than I'm looking for in a fighting game.

Let me see if I can put that in perspective. I'm a big fan of 2D fighters in general, and I feel that the Street Fighter series exemplifies all that's good about fighting games. Your character's entire arsenal of punches and kicks are all very easy to perform, usually requiring nothing more difficult than pushing a single button. You've got also a handful of special moves per character, which can be pulled off with simple controller movements. Master those fundamentals and you can come to terms with the basics of any character in minutes, and move onto the business of throwing down with a friend, picking up more of the game as you go. The challenge is in finding ways to string together those basics most effectively. The old Othello tagline comes to mind: 'A minute to learn, a lifetime to master.'

Before you can get to that point in VF 4: Evo, though, you're forced to face another challenge: mastering the interface well enough to make your character perform basic actions. That's where the memorization and practice comes in, all the crap that you're expected to spend time on in training mode if you want to do more than throw a couple of weak punches without leaving yourself wide open for seconds at a time. I want to play a fighter that challenges my reflexes, not my ability to memorize which combination of P+K+G to use from what stance under which circumstances to get my character to do what I want.


XS+ said:
Did I mention VF4 has the best overall character models in a 3D fighter imo?
I just want to reply to this post.

I could not agree more XS+.

One of the thing which I find strange is that VF4 is not praised enough in my view on the excellent character models, which look amazing in the arcade version (PS2 version is still very, very nice.)

I can’t wait to see what AM2 do with VF5.


Tellaerin said:
I want to play a fighter that challenges my reflexes, not my ability to memorize which combination of P+K+G to use from what stance under which circumstances to get him/her to do what I want.

I just want to be entertained. :(


Fusebox said:
I just want to be entertained. :(

Same here. :) Different people seem to find different things entertaining, though. For me, 'entertaining' is a game where the basics are simple and intuitive to pick up, and I can get a handle on those and move right into the action. Apparently, that means I'm not 133t. :p


Well, I guess I have an advantage in that I started playing 3D fighters when they first came out (Virtua Fighter), and when they were far simpler.

VF2 didn't even have a training mode, and I never felt like I needed it. I would learn some basic moves for each characters (from glancing at the movelist plastered on the arcade unit), and learn more and more moves as time went by.

And I find the moves to be intuitive for the most part. Pressing down with an attack button will usually yield a low kick or punch, block and kick a strong kick, etc.

I guess if your first VF game is VF4 (or your first Tekken is T5), then yeah I can see it being overwhelming and not much fun, but for someone who has been following the series from the beginning, it doesn't take long to learn some basic moves to get going (mastering them is of course a different matter).


I have the perfect Idea for a fighter

smooth animation
lots of moves
Up+Up+Kick being the most complex
3 costumes for the males
52 per female
20 polys per male
900,000,000 polys per female
realistic jiggle physics for female's buttox
exaggerated jiggle physics for teh boobies
slow motion replays with movable camera
'training' mini games with free moving camera

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