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Dead or Alive Ultimate screens + Gamespot impressions

aoi tsuki

DOAU isn't replacing regular reversals with arcade reversals are they? It would be nice if they did, or at least tightened the reversals to VF level. That's one of the major gripes i had with the DOA fighting system since the first game.


Hero said:
DoA is played on a national level? I'm pretty sure as far as the tier of fighting games goes, DoA is no where near the popularity level of SF, SC, VF, KoF, or even Tekken.

I didn't say the game was horrible. It's okay. But there are enough valid points to keep it from being on the same level as Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur.
Well to be fair, all those games wer Arcade bred. They developed an image, a following before it hit home. Dead or Alive could have been just as popular as Tekken and Soul Calibur if it was in the arcades.



Error Macro said:
Hmm, I hope they add them soon. That looks a little strange now that you pointed that out, considering there are reflections elsewhere in the game, like in the muddy water in Africa.

Doubtful. DOA2 didn't have them. Neither did DOA3. Even Ninja Gaiden is devoided of character reflections. I'd say it's a Tecmo trademark. :)


force push the doodoo rock
counters should be changed so that they dont have a super huge frame window and you cant do them while being attacked (not guarding). Counters are what make DOA one of hte lamest fighters out there (still better than mk5 by a mile though)
sp0rsk said:
counters should be changed so that they dont have a super huge frame window and you cant do them while being attacked (not guarding). Counters are what make DOA one of hte lamest fighters out there (still better than mk5 by a mile though)
no way man, 22 frames of execution and 8/5 frames of recovery are just great imo... especially when a throw is 5/6 frames and you get a 50% damage bonus for throwing someone during their DH animation... you just attack too much and don't throw enough...
they need to hire some new CG modelers for the fmv.

that shit looks horrendous.
DCX said:
Well to be fair, all those games wer Arcade bred. They developed an image, a following before it hit home. Dead or Alive could have been just as popular as Tekken and Soul Calibur if it was in the arcades.

DOA did start in arcades. DOA3 was the first console-only release in the series.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I very sincerely hope Microsoft is working closely with developers like Team Ninja in developing the Xbox 2, they are one of the best developers they have working on the current console, securing them for the second one would be fantastic.


The Inside Track
Schafer said:
I very sincerely hope Microsoft is working closely with developers like Team Ninja in developing the Xbox 2, they are one of the best developers they have working on the current console, securing them for the second one would be fantastic.
Itakagi said Team Ninja worked with microsoft on what they wanted in Xbox 2. Anyone thinking TN won't be working with MS next generation is very wrong I'd say.


"Arcade Reversals:
HP/HK = 67F
MP = 64F
MK = 46F
LP/LK = 61F

as opposed to...
Console Reversals:
HP/HK = 7F
MP/MK = 4F
LP/LK = 1F"

Excuse me... I think I remember how the arcade reversals worked on DC DOA2 (I should pop in back in for good measure though), but what really dont get what the hell those numbers mean....


Chili Con Carnage!
Blimblim said:
Itakagi said Team Ninja worked with microsoft on what they wanted in Xbox 2. Anyone thinking TN won't be working with MS next generation is very wrong I'd say.

To start with maybe, a launch title is easy money after all, but i wouldnt count out the possibility of TN jumping ship again one all 3 consoles are on the shelves.
mr2mike said:
"Arcade Reversals:
HP/HK = 67F
MP = 64F
MK = 46F
LP/LK = 61F

as opposed to...
Console Reversals:
HP/HK = 7F
MP/MK = 4F
LP/LK = 1F"

Excuse me... I think I remember how the arcade reversals worked on DC DOA2 (I should pop in back in for good measure though), but what really dont get what the hell those numbers mean....

They are directions...



Ninja Scooter said:
they need to hire some new CG modelers for the fmv.

that shit looks horrendous.
.. have you ever actually played, say, DoA3? Their CG modelers are superb. In fact, their whole CG animation team is superb, it's just that they generally lack story :)


I've always heard there was no arcade version, but in the Buffy episode "Gone" you can clearly see two characters playing an arcade version. The cabinet seems to have DOA sideart and a marquee and they're playing as Brad. What's the deal?
Koshiro said:
.. have you ever actually played, say, DoA3? Their CG modelers are superb. In fact, their whole CG animation team is superb, it's just that they generally lack story :)

Funny. Story lacking in a fighting game, you say? No way, dude!


The Faceless Master said:
Arcade Reversals:
HP/HK = 67F
MP = 64F
MK = 46F
LP/LK = 61F

as opposed to...
Console Reversals:
HP/HK = 7F
MP/MK = 4F
LP/LK = 1F

So basically it's going to be harder to do counters/reversals? Thank God, I think the rock/paper/scissors is bullshit. I mean, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't such a huge window frame. The fact that you can counter while being comboed is horrible, too.

Does anyone else think that Christie is cheap in DoA3? Her moves are fast, so many of them stun you, her moves have like no lag or delay, and she can air combo so easily.


Wow, can't wait for this. But I seriously hope there is more to do in the singeplayer aspect. DOA3 is so thin for the lonely player when you compare it to SC2 or another beat em' up. I want to collect and unlock tons of things! And I don't care if it's bikinis or carrots! :)
Hero said:
The Faceless Master said:
Arcade Reversals:
HP/HK = 67F
MP = 64F
MK = 46F
LP/LK = 61F

as opposed to...
Console Reversals:
HP/HK = 7F
MP/MK = 4F
LP/LK = 1F
So basically it's going to be harder to do counters/reversals? Thank God, I think the rock/paper/scissors is bullshit. I mean, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't such a huge window frame. The fact that you can counter while being comboed is horrible, too.

Does anyone else think that Christie is cheap in DoA3? Her moves are fast, so many of them stun you, her moves have like no lag or delay, and she can air combo so easily.
that's how DH's were originally in DOA2 when it was released in arcades... the console versions by default used 'Console Holds' as default, but you could change to 'Arcade Holds' in the options... which everyone i know did... :D

high rock beats mid paper? what? ok!
oh, and huge windows are good!
seriously, if the windows were smaller, it would be SO MUCH harder to punish hold abusers...

oh, and Christie isn't cheap... not even close...
Deepthroat said:
Wow, can't wait for this. But I seriously hope there is more to do in the singeplayer aspect. DOA3 is so thin for the lonely player when you compare it to SC2 or another beat em' up. I want to collect and unlock tons of things! And I don't care if it's bikinis or carrots! :)
maybe you should try anoother game... i suggest Jet Force Gemini...
Fighting Games are for versus play, any single player crap thrown in after is just an afterthought...


I'm kinda torn with this title. I've been a big fan of the series -owning 6 versions- but DOA 3 was such a huge letdown (as were Tekken 4 and Soul Calibur 2). I'm glad they are putting in the arcade counters, but that doesn't fix the myriad of other problems I have with the game. I really wish they'd stop worrying about how the game looks, and concentrate on the gameplay. That being said ... with graphics like that and if the online play is as good as they say it is ... I'll probably pick it up. I'm such a sucker.



Ninja Scooter said:
they need to hire some new CG modelers for the fmv.

Agreed. Team Ninjas CG Movies have always looked like shit. Really plastic like. They should get Robot to do their cg movies. <drool>


Koshiro said:
.. have you ever actually played, say, DoA3? Their CG modelers are superb. In fact, their whole CG animation team is superb, it's just that they generally lack story :)

But the fact of the matter is, the models in that pic are bad. I guess you're saying it's just an exception to the rule?


Wow, such amazing detail, and that's just in the panties!

Too bad it's not DoA4, then at least I could be mildly excited.


Kiriku said:
But the fact of the matter is, the models in that pic are bad. I guess you're saying it's just an exception to the rule?
Swap "saying" with "hoping" and you're on the right wavelength. :)


Chili Con Carnage!
Miburou said:
Wow, such amazing detail, and that's just in the panties!

Too bad it's not DoA4, then at least I could be mildly excited.

why? whats so exciting about DOA4?


Ghost said:
why? whats so exciting about DOA4?

You know, the usual. New characters, moves, techniques, etc. And the hope that they'll change the character models this time (like every other fighter does).
yeah, like 2/3 of their CG has been pretty bad, and like 1/3 has been really good... just alot of difference in the quality of the work done by the places they farm out their CG work too...


I just saw the new video preview fom over at IGN and I'm sorry....but this game is gonna kick ass BIG TIME! The graphics look phenomenal, but the moves on each character looks awesome! Hilary was narrating the video and stated that reversals have been teaked and the window of opportunity to do them is decreased significantly! He said he played against Itagi and the guys at Gamespy online and said the gameplay was seemless and didn't notice any lag!

Sorry I don't see how any fan of 3D fighters is gonna pass this up. Yes I know it aint nearly as deep as VF but who gives a shit? It's a fast paced 3D fighter ONLINE for crying oud loud! Arcade mode is gonna own in a major way!


DOA3s cg was awful. Might as well have made claymation cutscenes.

edit: wait nvm, im thinking of DOAX. I don't remember DOA3s cg work too well. But as far as I remember both DOA3 and DOAX had bad cg. Ninja Gaidens wasnt too bad tho. It still had the plastic look tho.


isamu said:
Sorry I don't see how any fan of 3D fighters is gonna pass this up. Yes I know it aint nearly as deep as VF but who gives a shit? It's a fast paced 3D fighter ONLINE for crying oud loud! Arcade mode is gonna own in a major way!

So just because it's online it's magically better? Competition from all around the world won't change the fact that you're playing a Dead or Alive game. Yeah, I give a shit apparently. :p

Sho Nuff

RiZ III said:
Agreed. Team Ninjas CG Movies have always looked like shit. Really plastic like. They should get Robot to do their cg movies. <drool>

Team Ninja always farms out their CG to Polygon Magic. Robot/Shirogumi would kick ass.


The Faceless Master said:
maybe you should try anoother game... i suggest Jet Force Gemini...
Fighting Games are for versus play, any single player crap thrown in after is just an afterthought...

To you, maybe. You'd be surprised at the number of people out there who enjoy playing fighters vs. the CPU to earn things (weapons, hidden characters, endings, costumes, whatever), rather than being little wannabe Ryu's who 'live for the fight' and only play against the computer to practice before beating down their friends.

Sorry if that sounds contentious, but I'm sick of people suggesting that features should be cut from particular genres of games (especially fighters) because 'nobody (meaning that person and his friends) cares about them' or 'they're a waste of time'. DOA (PS), along with Soul Calibur (DC), set the bar for unlockable content in fighting games extremely high, and there's nothing wrong with liking that sort of content, or in expecting similar things from the games that followed. If you don't care about it, that's great--go play a few more rounds against your friends and stop telling people what they should and shouldn't want from their fighting games.


Loser Pays, incidentally, looks like the gem of the online play modes. It's like a regular Versus match, only the players (assuming there are three or more) have to take turns fighting. The winner of the current match gets to take on the next queued challenger, while the loser is sent to the back of the waiting line. It's just like lining up at an arcade machine, with quarters lined up on the bezel. Spectators aren't stuck in the menus; they can watch the current match unfold, zooming the camera and shouting jeers or encouragement at the combatants

/me Pre-orders 2 copies for overnight delivery
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