Heavy's Sandvich
I'm trying to get the 4 levelled up guns achievement, are there certian guns I should buy which requires the least amount of power nodes?
XxSlasherMcGirkxX said:YES! Hardcore complete. One fine platinum trophy for me. What a challange, good fun all around. The Finger gun is pretty funny. I really hope we get some more single player DLC.
But for now we celebrate and rest.
ILOVEASIANS said:Same for me. Finished mine last night. Most satisfying achievement since Mile High Club.
Heavy's Sandvich said:I'm trying to get the 4 levelled up guns achievement, are there certian guns I should buy which requires the least amount of power nodes?
YulB.Yeung said:Sorry if this has already been asked, but are there prints of Dead Space 2 for PS3 starting to show up without Extraction included yet? I'm currently spending a year abroad and I'm worried I'll need to buy it sooner rather than later if I want it on disk... even if I don't get to play it for a year.
Rickard said:
Superimposer said:So I'm in a bit of a trilemma... for those who've played them all, should I get this, AC:B or Bulletstorm? How big a jump is this over the original? Also I loved Assassin's Creed 2, Bulletstorm looks awesome but for my money I want to get something that will actually last a good amount of time... they're all roughly the same price.
SamuraiX- said:I've only played this and AC:B.
If you're looking for what's gonna last a good amount of time, then probably Bulletstorm, just for the fact that it's a FPS and everybody is addicted to the genre nowadays. I heard the online is kinda broken though. Everyone was hyping it up, but I don't see anything that special that differentiates it from other FPS games with its "kill with skill" gameplay mechanic being its selling point. Though on a technical level, the game looks incredibly good.
AC:B has an online component also, but it feels incomplete. Like we paid money to continue testing out the beta version of it. If you enjoyed the gameplay of Assassin's Creed II then AC:B is pretty much that with more whipped cream on top. If you go out of your way to complete the side quests along with the main story missions, the game could last you quite a bit. It took me a week or two to get all the single player trophies and that was when I was on break. It depends how much you care about the series. My interest in the story and the lore is what pushed me to impose that completionist attitude with the game.
Most people would probably agree that Dead Space 2 is an upgrade over the original. If you thought the original was boring, dull, slow, uninspired, repetitive, etc., but still had at least a little fun with it, then you should enjoy the second one. The development team has made a lot of subtle, along with some major touch-ups that appears to have made the game appeal to a wider audience. I can't tell if it's longer yet. It feels about the same length as the first one but broken up into more chapters. Not much of a reason to replay the game unless you want more trophies or more of a challenge with the Hardcore difficulty, which I do. The online component, from what I hear, is fun for a little bit but nothing you'll probably invest heavy hours into. I would definitely call Dead Space 2's campaign the single player experience of the year so far, and I'm still only on Chapter 8!
CadetMahoney said:I still stand by the plot hole claim regarding all the writing and candles on the walls in the same areas you visited earlier. . . basically it's not possible someone could've done all that work with necros running around in that short of time you were away from the areas you visited earlier in the game (sprawl areas - laundry, shopping disctrict etc.)
There is also no indication that the writing and candles everywhere is just his imagination.
Minamu said:Survival horror fans may be interested in this thread of mine. *pimp*
Click it
As my last post there says, we're are gonna have a live stream presentation of our game (together with 9 other student groups) on Friday morning, 8AM CET (though we are after our lunch, local time).
Would be neat if someone from EA watched usA few students from my town recently won an award at the BAFTAs for a game called Twang
This is the stream!
ThanksMonkey Pants said:Congrats! Good feeling, isn't it?
Monkey Pants said:The idea wasn't necessarily that they had done that all during the outbreak. The idea was that as a marker was discovered on Titan Station (which pre-dates the necromorphic infection), Unitologists from all over the station came to their church. They anticipated the coming convergence and were ritualistically praying and communing there.
Monkey Pants said:The idea wasn't necessarily that they had done that all during the outbreak. The idea was that as a marker was discovered on Titan Station (which pre-dates the necromorphic infection), Unitologists from all over the station came to their church. They anticipated the coming convergence and were ritualistically praying and communing there.
SamuraiX- said:I think he was referring to the beginning stages of the game where when you first make your way through them there isn't any sign of candles or script writing and then it suddenly appears when you revisit the same areas not too long afterwards.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:I never really realized that on my first playthrough, but on my subsequent playthroughs, I thought to myself that Isaac was hallucinating the graffiti on the wall... cause of some of the strange things written there, why would people write stuff like "What are you willing to give up for what you love?" or "Mommy is sick/I'm scared".
How often do people actually write that? Though I guess they were in the throes of madness, so whatever. It makes for a creepy atmosphere.
luxarific said:I really wanted to see what he'd written on the walls (if anything).
AlStrong said:With a straitjacket on?![]()
luxarific said:I'm assuming he wasn't in straitjacket for three years.Apparently there -is- writing on the wall, but if you stay to look you'll be killed in a few seconds by that first Necromorph.
ILOVEASIANS said:And by "discovered" you meanright?built using the codes in Stross and Isaac's head
Monkey Pants said:Well, theEarthgov folks clearly didn't discover it, but the rest of the population of the Sprawl did gradually find out about it before the events of DS2. There were protests by citizens and more Unitologists came to the stations to be a part of it, anticipating convergence but also protesting the government "infidels" perverting the true purpose of the Marker.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:Is that part of VG's "series bible" or something? I don't recall that being mentioned in any of the DS media I've gone through.
But interesting stuff.
SamuraiX- said:Ok, so now I think I'm about halfway through chapter 10...just arrived at the medical deck. Did anybody else get a smug, "fuck this shit" type of look on your face after that convo with Ellie before the tram was stopped? I know I couldn't wait to visit my most favorite fucking area from the first Dead Space! Not like this place scared the fucking shit out of me enough!
And I couldn't agree more with the complaints in here. It feels like the game has gone from challenging to cheap with all these dark forms, some in packs, attacking you now (which I could deal with in the first Dead Space), but now they're even ambushing you from behind without any indication.
I have no idea how the fuck this game is possible on Hardcore. Thinking about my Hardcore run is already scarring me more than anything in this game has so far.
And basically what all of you are telling me is that it only gets worse in the chapters to come and I honestly can't even imagine how. Visceral certainly has outdone themselves with these ridiculous monster spawns.Please don't fucking do this in Dead Space 3. It's not fun nor challenging. It's just cheap.
Ben2749 said:Sadly, it gets a LOT worse. In my opinion, chapter 10 is the last truly great chapter, as although it does mark the beginning of the gangrapes the game decides to throw at you, it's manageable if you don't hang around in certain areas, and of course you have theto make up for it. Starting with chapter 11, the game seems to go mental with necromorph spawns, and a lot of the game's creativity is seemingly abandoned. It's still good, but it's a big step down from the quality of the rest of the game.nostalgia factor
SamuraiX- said:I actually made it to the final boss last night, which is equally a bitch. I think I have enough ammunition (I hope), but I feel like I didn't bring enough medical supplies and I'm getting fucked up bythose little dark minions. I try to herd them together and then one or two good blasts from the Force Gun usually wipes them all out, but then when I'm running from them again and trying to damage Nicole, at the same time, they fuck me up bad since they come from all directions.
Roscoe said:You are wasting your time with the little ones, concentrate on her with the Force Gun. Hit the boss until she disappears and then damage the target that pops up. When she pops up just run up and blast her two three times, and then switch to plasma cutter or contact beam.
SamuraiX- said:Hm. Well, I'm playing on Zealot difficult. You sure it still only takes two or three blasts? I haven't put many nodes in my Force Gun.
Those little fucks do a lot of damage if you let them crowd you.
Roscoe said:My first time was on survivalist, but on my Zealot playthrough I used the same strategy. If you can I would dump a few into the force gun from another weapon, but with minimal upgrade it shouldn't take too much to be effective. I agree with you that the kids are a bitch if they get you cornered, I wasn't trying to insinuate that you were bad at DS2 or anything.
ILOVEASIANS said:Same for me. Finished mine last night. Most satisfying achievement since Mile High Club.
itzknickknac said:Im doing my Hard Core run atm. Its such a pain in the ass.. I always get confused between using my Force gun and Contact Beam since i use them mainly as aeo's (Force guns main fire and contact beams alt fire). So i always end up dying from using the wrong fire..
My first save is at ch7 (b4 the elevator). Im currently working to get to my next save at ch12 but I'm probably gona have to cut that short.
Grats on the achievement though.. Cant wait to get that accomplished feeling. Too much raging going on.
ILOVEASIANS said:Nice. Making it to Chapter 12 for your second save is definitely doable. I did it on my run, just be careful of the decompression window in Chapter 9. One missed shot could make you replay two chapters.
As for the Force gun vs Contact beam, I really only used the Contact Beam on Tanks and on the last gauntlet run. A fully upgraded Force Gun makes short work of most enemies at close range.
Gamer98 said:I think people are kinda freaking out too much about the last couple chapters and what it trows at you. When I approached the Marker and saw all the enemies below me I knew from that point on it was peddle to the metal non stop enemies and I accepted that. I really did not feel it was cheap. (I also had a Force gun witch made things easy)
Psi said:Yeah I didn't think it was really that big of a deal. It's like everyone forgot that the last chapter of Dead Space 1 threw waves of enemies at you also and you couldn't skip most of them.