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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie


Alright thanks :) Anyway, just beat Zealot. 5:46. Apart from a few stupid mistakes, it felt pretty good. Will start a newbie playthrough for the remainder of the trophies and to remember the annoying spots. It was kinda meaningless going into the final battle with 6 medium health packs :lol Didn't need to use even one thanks to the contact beam.
I've been playing this for a few days on the 360. Is there a way to install the 2nd disc to HDD? I don't see the option via the dashboard and the disc noise is getting annoying.

Great game, though. :)


Cornballer said:
I've been playing this for a few days on the 360. Is there a way to install the 2nd disc to HDD? I don't see the option via the dashboard and the disc noise is getting annoying.

Great game, though. :)

You have to select that option from the first disc. AFAIK you can either install both or none.
Ok, I'll take a look and try that out. I installed the first disc without any problems - maybe I just missed the option to install both in the menu. Thanks!

The End

I've been slogging through Survivalist for the last couple of weeks, and as I get closer to the end, every save station is a battle. It's like "here's 7 plasma cutter rounds, 2 javelins, and a couple contact beam rounds, clear out this room". I'm nearing the end of chapter 13 now, and as much as I enjoyed the earlier parts of the game, I just want it to be over.


The End said:
I've been slogging through Survivalist for the last couple of weeks, and as I get closer to the end, every save station is a battle. It's like "here's 7 plasma cutter rounds, 2 javelins, and a couple contact beam rounds, clear out this room". I'm nearing the end of chapter 13 now, and as much as I enjoyed the earlier parts of the game, I just want it to be over.
The End
(Today, 05:14 PM)

Seriously though, are you not having fun or what's the problem? Too hard? Contact Beam alt should kill most things in one shot if they're close. Chapter 14 and 15 are over in like 15 minutes too.
Came back to this game after many weeks. At the chapter 9 i think. So fucking hard. Fuck. I haven't died that many times in Demon's Souls. After so much time it feels just so hard.


I was thinking about coming back to DS2, I've been waiting for them to patch the bugs, of which there are many. I'm starting to get the idea they're never going to bother.


Muffdraul said:
I was thinking about coming back to DS2, I've been waiting for them to patch the bugs, of which there are many. I'm starting to get the idea they're never going to bother.
What bugs? :S I've only seen unlimited power nodes and suits disappearing so far. Losing suits can be a bit annoying I guess but power nodes don't happen on accident, most likely.
I've seen quite a few people online complaining about "game-breaking glitches." Not sure exactly what those entail though.

Only breaking glitch I found was making enemies follow you into Zero G, which breaks the game as a few rooms later the floor wont render.. falling to death.
I beat this last night, overall I found it to be a much more enjoyable experience although a little bit less scary. The city aspect, particularly in the earlier levels, really added to the sense of despair. It was definitely eery to see fleeing crowds, hear women and babies crying in their apartments, etc. However, this takes away from the sense of isolation a bit, and I wasn't necessarily as "frightened" as I was while playing DS1. It was a give and take type thing. Still DS2 is the better game.

Really enjoyed the fact that they got rid of the fucking backtracking that I remember in DS1. Such a sigh of relief to know that once I left an area, I had left it, and that was that. Only area I can think of that had a little backtrack was the
unitology church
and it wasn't annoying like it was in DS1.

I also liked the fact that there seemed to be a little bit of openness to the levels, not much, but there were a couple of occasions where it paid off to not follow the blue line. I'd like them to expand upon this even more in the sequel.

Other small touches like adding the power node rooms (I don't believe these were in DS1), less boss spamming (I saw a few complaining...I personally thought the game was very properly paced), and above all else making Stasis a bigger aspect of the gameplay all really helped this game along. Oh and I also noticed less zero gravity fights, particularly in puzzle rooms. Those giant sacks that shoot out pods are different, I'm talking about the areas where the necro fly through the air and hurt you, hated that and glad they took it out.

The only enemy I didn't really like were those exploding pods. Don't really see what the point of those were. They make a clear sound so you know when they are in the area. After that, they are more or less just tedious.

I enjoyed the "game" aspects a helluva lot. But everything else like the story, characters, dialogue, etc felt phoned in. From skimming through this topic, it seems like you have to sift through a bunch of different comics or something to understand what's going on; not really that interested. Not that I went into this expecting some great story, but it is worth noting.

I didn't even check out the multiplayer.
I've seen quite a few people online complaining about "game-breaking glitches." Not sure exactly what those entail though.

I did have some issues. But I'm pretty sure that my 360 is breaking so take this with a grain of salt.

The first thing was random freezes. Almost certainly a result of my 360 on its way out.

Also, if I installed the game, when I would try to load a file the screen would pop up saying "This disk cannot be read", once again, I'm pretty sure that's either my 360 or my harddrive on it's last legs.

The last glitch is the only one that might not be RRoD related. Sometimes after I would open a new door or enter an elevator, Isaac would fall through the level to his death, like the floor was an illusion or something. Also, their was one part where the floor wasn't there at all but Isaac could still walk on it, like an invisible floor. I'm pretty sure the texture just didn't load right.
So picked this up for a tenner for PC. Feels a lot like DS 1 so far, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I liked the atmosphere in the first one better though but I'm not too far in so I'll reserve final judgement for later.

Anyway, gfx are OK but the edge blur sucks and whenever I enable AA via Radeon Pro the in-game cutscenes are f*ed up. Is there a possibility to resolve this? Is there also a way to match the vertical sensitivity of mouselook and get rid of mouse smoothing (at least that's what it feels like)?

What's with this game? "DS 2 stopped working" happened to me twice now and I lost a good amount of progress. "LOL EA!" I guess.
Kitschkraft said:
I didn't even check out the multiplayer.

I wouldn't bother. I love pretty much everything Dead Space related and I thought it was a poor man's Left 4 Dead at best.

The last glitch is the only one that might not be RRoD related. Sometimes after I would open a new door or enter an elevator, Isaac would fall through the level to his death, like the floor was an illusion or something. Also, their was one part where the floor wasn't there at all but Isaac could still walk on it, like an invisible floor. I'm pretty sure the texture just didn't load right.

That seems to be the most common one from what I read so far.


So I finally completed Dead Space: Extraction. What a nightmare of a game. I hate railshooter. I can't go where I want to go and I only have a few seconds to grab items from the area. I definitely liked the multiple survivor angle that they used there. Having said that, Lexine is as useless as she was in Dead Space 2: Severed.
finally got the time to finish the game. Fucking amazing is all I can say. I think I prefer it to the first. I still find it somewhat easier, but it's probably b/c stasis+seeker rifle+javelin gun with special (boom!) was beast. I disagree that the endgame was weaker - it was harder, yes, but it was also much more intense and was a great climax to the game. Not a big fan of
enemies but this was in the first game as well.
I am assuming that it might have been too frustrating in the harder settings, hence why some might like the ending less (I played it a notch higher than normal, forgot the name). The 'lore', for lack of a better world, is pretty well made (though of course super formulaic).

I can't believe that some people can finish this game on hard core. 3 save points?!
how is that even possible?

Onto the dlc, now.


Hehe pretty goofy :) Of course, any story can sound ridiculous if you go out of your way like that. Still, pretty goofy indeed.
Ok I need some help. I'm at the start of the
ishimura chapter and I'm low on ammo. The problem is to get to a store I have to go through that long tunnel where ose big bull necromorphs burst out and charge at you. Is there a simple strategy for kiliing these things. Because by the time i kill one I have like no ammo left for the rest.


about to start my hardcore run, any real trick/fact/tip I should know before starting ?

I absolutely love this game btw. My first impression was meh but then came
the return to the Ishimura !


Anticitizen One said:
Ok I need some help. I'm at the start of the
ishimura chapter and I'm low on ammo. The problem is to get to a store I have to go through that long tunnel where ose big bull necromorphs burst out and charge at you. Is there a simple strategy for kiliing these things. Because by the time i kill one I have like no ammo left for the rest.
Someone else can probably give additional advice, but there are a bunch of items in that area that you can use kinesis to keep picking up and throwing, that's how I got through it. Also you probably already know that the back is the weakest point.


harriet the spy said:
I can't believe that some people can finish this game on hard core. 3 save points?!
how is that even possible?

Because we're HARDCORE. FUCK YEAH!!! :p

Lince said:
about to start my hardcore run, any real trick/fact/tip I should know before starting ?

Quoting myself:

Replicant said:
Tips to beat Dead Space 2 Hardcore:

* Take the following weapons: Plasma Cutter - for small enemies, Infectors, and those blooming Necro plants in zero-G, Force Gun (Zealot if you have it, if you don't, put upgrades on this baby for at least 5 nodes) - useful for everything but Brutes, Pulse riffles - for necro kids and babies, and Contact Beam (upgrade all the way to its SPEC node) - will freeze and destroy anything in the radius of your path).

* Do not bother buying ammo for any weapon other than Force Gun. Do buy a lot of Force Gun ammo (15 x 2 slots every chapter at least) and spend the rest of the money on nodes and health.

* Towards the end of Chapter 2 inside the train station, you'll save yourself from a heart attack, stress, and time-wasting by stomping/dismembering the 5 dead bodies on the station. If you do, all you have to fight is 1 Infector + 1 Dark Slasher and later on after you dispatch the two 1 normal Slasher. If you don't, prepare to fight at least 2 more Dark Slashers on top of the 1 that comes out of the train.

* After you jump to the 2nd train car, immediately blow up the Exploder so it'll kill everything behind him. Then quickly turn around and move backwards while pointing a weapon/stasis object towards the open door. You'll see a Slasher crawling from a window. Give him a blowjob from the Force Gun.

* When you're hanging upside down from the train like Clarke Pinata, the Force Gun (especially Zealot) is the most efficient way of dispatching the enemies below. After they all die, quickly switch to Plasma Cutter and cut the LEFT area (your side not the Brute's actual left arm) of the Brute's body up above. It's best to position your Cutter vertically.

* During the 1st gangbang scene on the entrance of the Church (where everything will be locked), immediately run to the area where an infector can be seen trying to spread its joyful seeds to a dead body. Stasis him then kill him with Plasma Cutter. Make sure he's dead (you can tell if you see him dropping an item) then RUN! Don't bother getting the item dropped by the infector. Just run towards the stage on the elevated platform and stands on the left hand area. If you're good, you can kill the two pukers from this angle by decapitating their heads/arms. If not, don't worry, just blow them away with Force Gun when they try to approach the stairs. Pay attention to the Exploder coming from your front and later your side. After they're all dead, there'll be one lone Infector trying to have its way with you but you need to be firm and tell it that NO means NO and put an end to that sucker.

* The slamming door inside the Church (the one you need to stasis) can kill Isaac if you don't time your stasis correctly.

* The giant thing that attacks Isaac with its tentacle can be incapacitated by aiming your plasma cutter TWICE on the TOP area and TWICE on the LEFT TOP area. That's where the weak points always idly stands.

* The tormentor's weak side will always be located TWICE on RIGHT area then TWICE on LEFT area. After you do this, DO NOT PANIC when trying to kinesis the door open. Otherwise, you'll mess it up and the Tormentor will catch up with you.

* In chapter 7, ALWAYS shoot the decompression window first when you're still inside another room (the one with all of the lasers). If you do that, you can shoot the safety button from the safety of the other room without getting sucked into the window. Then just bring a body with you and slam it to the lasers when it gets activated and immediately run to the door in front of you and deal with the babies/crawlers from there.

* You can just run around in circles at the end of Chapter 7 when all of the Necros break into the room if you want to preserve ammo. Just watch out where the Necros are coming out especially the puker since it can slow you down. Then when Ellie tells you to run to the CEC door, sprint for your life there.

* In chapter 9, there are 2 ways of dealing with the decompression window. The first is to run to the left hand area (the one without the power node box) and stand way way back and shoot the window yourself. Then when you get sucked, shoot the safety. Warning: sometimes the location of your pointer is not obvious by doing it this way but you have more time to shoot the safety button. The other way is to shoot the window while you're inside the lift. It's far more dangerous because you're closer to the window but your weapon's pointer for some reason is far closer to the safety latch so it's your choice.

* Chapter 13's redrooms. In the first room, just shoot the 3 babies with plasma/riffles then walk to the right hand side and when the first Necro pops out of the vent, use Contact Beam's alt to freeze him and the other Necros. Keep running near the door and deal with the rest of the enemies from there. A combination of Force Gun + Contact Beam is necessary here. My rec is to finish what you have here before moving to the hallway because otherwise, they'll follow you through the vent. In the 2nd room, you can just run and shoot the exploder then run to the hallway and all the way to the Brute's room. They won't follow you once you get inside the Brute's room.

* Chapter 14/15. What can I say? Contact Beam's alt'd / Stasis'd / Force Gun'd / Run your way through these two levels.

* Last flying sequence. It's best to follow the ship for direction. But on the 2nd debris, make sure you stay in the middle until you see the next debris then steer immediately to right to avoid both debris.


* End of Chapter 9. Before the final battle against the Tripods, make sure you stuff your inventory will all sorts of stasis, health items, and weapons. Because you won't find any store until the big open battle inside Ishimura.


Isaac, we’re going to suffocate unless we can reroute the power and get the air flowing again!
Why don’t you just purchase a pressurised suit from one of the stores? It’s really easy, they’re instantly welded onto your body where you stand.
I haven’t been helping myself to every paycheck lying around, so how about instead you head over to the old solar array and activate it while me and Stross wait here?
This stuff is great.
FTH said:
Someone else can probably give additional advice, but there are a bunch of items in that area that you can use kinesis to keep picking up and throwing, that's how I got through it. Also you probably already know that the back is the weakest point.

Thanks. Is there anyway to dodge them in that tunnel because they ram me no matter what I do


Anticitizen One said:
Thanks. Is there anyway to dodge them in that tunnel because they ram me no matter what I do

There are at least two Stasis Orbs there. Use one on the first that charges you, move behind him and take out one of his legs. Then move about 15 feet away from him, and he'll shoot a ball at you out of his stomach. Use Telekinesis on it and shoot it back. Do this a few times and he'll die. Repeat on the second one.
Lince said:
thanks Replicant!

Yeah, that's a pretty in depth list. Just take your time and don't rush into things and you'll be fine. Wish I saw it before I did my run! rofl

Starting to get the urge to play through again with my Hand Cannon. Only messed around with it for a little bit before I took a break after my Hard Core run. Blasting the shit out of everything on the last gauntlet run will be extremely satisfying.

Definitely be doing that once the Gears 3 beta is over.


I'm going to start playing this soon. Should I play Extraction before DS2 to get the most out of DS2 or can I play it after? Not that interested in Extraction, but I am interested in the general storyline of DS universe.


Bebpo said:
I'm going to start playing this soon. Should I play Extraction before DS2 to get the most out of DS2 or can I play it after? Not that interested in Extraction, but I am interested in the general storyline of DS universe.
Extraction takes place before Dead Space 2, and makes some allusions to the plot, but it definitely isn't critical.

That said, I quite liked Extraction. It's not your typical rail shooter, which can either be good or bad depending on your opinion of them.
Bebpo said:
I'm going to start playing this soon. Should I play Extraction before DS2 to get the most out of DS2 or can I play it after? Not that interested in Extraction, but I am interested in the general storyline of DS universe.

It's a prequel to the original Dead Space, so if you haven't played it by now I wouldn't worry about it.

The characters from the Dead Space 2 DLC are from Extraction though, so a little familiarity wouldn't hurt.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Great video man.

Kind of makes me want to pick Extraction up on PSN. I skipped it originally because I don't own a Wii, just read the plot on Dead Space Wiki.

I got it "for free" with the PS3 version of Dead Space 2, but it's totally worth purchase in my opinion. Btw, there is a link to my Move vs Wii comparison in that video if interested about the differences ;)


thanks for the video TTP, you're awesome.

well so following Replicant's advices on hardcore runs I managed to make my 1st save on chapter 8, my next goal was saving at the end of chapter 11 but my PS3 froze for a milisecond when some random PSN error messages popped out of the blue (like my PS3 was attempting to auto-log in or something) so I had to make my second save half-through chapter 10, and after a silly/cheap death and a couple of retries I managed to make my final save on chapter 13 with plenty of health items, the advanced suit, buffed weapons and modules and 120k+ money. Playing this game on hardcore makes it my GOTY so far (excluding the rage when some cheap kill happens such as an enemy falling from the ceiling on top of you or just behind and kill you in 1 hit and you can't do nothing).

I used the vintage suit from chapter 10 to chapter 12 and I'm using now the advanced suit for the final 2 chapters. My weapons have been plasma cutter (chapters 1-8), combined with the force gun (8-13) and I plan to sell everything and just use the javelin spears exclusively from chapter 13 onwards. The first tech I upgraded was the stasis module and then the plasma cutter, later on (on chapter 9) buffed up the force gun a bit so now I have plenty of power nodes to max out the spears and the suit so I can take full advantage of the secondary fire both for crowd control and 1-hit kills.

question: I imported this game from the UK, do I need to buy the DLC (if PSN is going to be actually back up someday lol) from the UK store or buying it from the Spain store is enough? region locked? thanks in advance.


Lince said:
question: I imported this game from the UK, do I need to buy the DLC (if PSN is going to be actually back up someday lol) from the UK store or buying it from the Spain store is enough? region locked? thanks in advance.
That's a good question :O I've been thinking of getting a recommended weapon pack for my hard core run but PSN is down :) Would be nice to get an answer on this.
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