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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie


polyh3dron said:
Is anyone who owns a PS3 NOT buying the PS3 version? Is there any word of it being an inferior version? I have the first game for 360 but want to get the PS3 version for the Extraction game and I'm just wondering if that's the right choice...

I downloaded both demos and the 360 version does look better, HOWEVER, the discrepancy is nowhere near as bad as the first one, they are practically identical.

If I wasn't such a graphics whore I wouldn't notice.


brandonh83 said:
Is it actually terrifying or is it surface-level terrifying because of jump scares like the first one? If it's the former, that's great news.
What game is "actually terrifying?" I don't think I can name a single one...


Silent Hill 2, System Shock 2, Amnesia. All of these games are 'scary' IMO because of the atmosphere they create and not for cheap jump scares, the way scary games should be.


I remember the devs saying whilst the first one was strong, there were some cheap scares. I also remember them saying they've ramped it up completely for this one.

The fact that a lot of the scares are based on Isaacs mental state sound amazing, not only knowing if the situations are life threatening, but also if they're real or not. BRING IT ON!


Fallout-NL said:
Silent Hill 2 was terrifying to me. And very little of that was due to jump scares.

ALLLLLLLLLLL the Silent Hill games made me want to shit blood.

Dead Space scared me like Event Horizon and Doom 3 did, scary cunts in the wall kind of shit!!


sam27368 said:
I remember the devs saying whilst the first one was strong, there were some cheap scares. I also remember them saying they've ramped it up completely for this one.

To be honest from the gameplay I've seen it looks like they've made it even more of an action game.

Seems to be the opposite direction of the 'less is more' type design of something like Amnesia.


beelzebozo said:
do you find yourself upgrading the plasma cutter more, or splurging for the new weapons? does that seem pretty balanced, having to make those options?

So far it feels pretty similar to the first game to be honest. So far I've been upgrading my plasma cutter. I just always wish I had more power nodes! And of course I always keep a couple spare power nodes handy in case there is a door that requires a power node to open.

I'm already regretting playing the game on normal though. Too easy!

K' Dash

beelzebozo said:
where the weapon economy is concerned, "similar to the first game" is great news.

No spoilers, but GAF is so fucking sensitive, so...

I've seen you ask this a couple of times now, you don't have to worry about that,
I would say it's the same, you buy a weapon for a fair amount of cash, then you can upgrade it via power nodes, just like DS, if you want your store to have more items, you have to find the schematics laying around, some are "hidden", some are on plain sight, just like DS.

beelzebozo said:
do you find yourself upgrading the plasma cutter more, or splurging for the new weapons? does that seem pretty balanced, having to make those options?

About this, I'm playing it safe this round with the same weapons I finished the first, Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle and Line Gun.

I'll try the other weapons on a new game+


Jealous Bastard
good. i ask that specifically, and repeatedly, because i think the first game's weapon upgrade/purchase system was balanced extremely well, and bore some resemblance to RE4's; i'm paranoid, i guess, because i think RE5 flubbed it up so much. it's good to hear DS2 has it right.
K' Dash said:
No spoilers, but GAF is so fucking sensitive, so...

I've seen you ask this a couple of times now, you don't have to worry about that,
I would say it's the same, you buy a weapon for a fair amount of cash, then you can upgrade it via power nodes, just like DS, if you want your store to have more items, you have to find the schematics laying around, some are "hidden", some are on plain sight, just like DS.
Nobody would ever complain about that being a spoiler.
So I caved and bought off Steam. Who knew I'd even be buying a new game so early in the year. I'm actually quite excited for this ajd looking forward to experiencing more in the DS universe. The reaction on GAF to those that have played it is reassuring. Thanks team!

K' Dash

beelzebozo said:
good. i ask that specifically, and repeatedly, because i think the first game's weapon upgrade/purchase system was balanced extremely well, and bore some resemblance to RE4's; i'm paranoid, i guess, because i think RE5 flubbed it up so much. it's good to hear DS2 has it right.

Well, the upgrades specifically are great, just like DS, I can talk about the plasma cutter cause it's the only one I've upgraded, you can choose different paths, to go with mostly damage and capacity, reload and speed, or make a balanced path, I personally took a path of damage and capacity, I'll be upgrading the speed and reload down the road, if at all.


Nork unification denier
Brandon F said:
I think Extraction will be sold separately on PSN eventually(could have sworn that was confirmed somewhere). Something about it being free for pre-orders and first-run copies, but available to public on PSN over time.

Regardless, I am getting on 360 for achievements mostly(and controller preference). I do already own Extraction for Wii and do not own a Move controller/Eye-cam for my PS3 as of yet to bother with whatever upgrades it will have. Extraction is a nice bonus though.

Don't really care about mp, but I'm still buying it on 360 (better controller, achievements, I've already played the first one there and want the unlock, I've played Extraction on Wii and could care less about the Move version).
Well this sucks. I want to get it on 360 but the PS3 version will have Extraction. Damn, looks like I need to go PS3 on this one. Is there an install on the PS3 version at all?
So I caved and bought off Steam. Who knew I'd even be buying a new game so early in the year. I'm actually quite excited for this ajd looking forward to experiencing more in the DS universe. The reaction on GAF to those that have played it is reassuring. Thanks team!

Yeah, I'm kind of wondering myself whether to cancel my PS3 pre-order and go for the Steam version. They cost about the same. The only problem is the controls, I'm worried they'll be as bad as in DS1, and the vsync/triplebuffering thing didn't fix it entirely.


cleveridea said:
does anyone know if extraction is rebalanced for controller vs move? If not, I would imagine it would get frustrating

I don't know it's rebalanced or not. But I guess it's a bit hard to play with a DS3/Sixaxis.

Has anybody here played online on PS3? The leaderboard is working so I think it's already playable. i tried a few quick much but I couldn't find any players...


Any advice on what difficulty level to start on? I'm thinking of starting on the one just above normal...
G_Berry said:
I downloaded both demos and the 360 version does look better, HOWEVER, the discrepancy is nowhere near as bad as the first one, they are practically identical.

If I wasn't such a graphics whore I wouldn't notice.

What did you notice? Tearing? Tex res?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
G_Berry said:
I downloaded both demos and the 360 version does look better, HOWEVER, the discrepancy is nowhere near as bad as the first one, they are practically identical.

If I wasn't such a graphics whore I wouldn't notice.
What exactly are you seeing? How does the 360 version look better? I've seen nothing that suggests such a thing.

Eurogamer agrees as well...

We've played the demo code through several times now, taken video, extracted stills and pored over them and we're yet to find anything that really shows any kind of noticeable difference between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the demo. To illustrate the situation, we've put together a Dead Space 2 comparison gallery for you to take a look at. Any differences in texture filtering you might see appear to be just down to the different algorithms used by the ATI and NVIDIA GPUs. There's some variation according to the angle of the texture, but in motion both versions look the same.
So, effectively a locked 30 frames per second. We see a rare frame or two dropped during the course of gameplay on the 360, which was so rare, and so unexpected across the run of play that we actually had to check the captures frame by frame to verify the result. Meanwhile, PS3 breezes through all the gameplay, only dropping frames in a noticeable manner during one of the engine-driven cut-scenes.

The differences in the original were also related entirely to performance and quite mild. The PS3 version slowed down a touch more often, but it was close. Aside from that, they LOOKED 99.9% identical.

This is not a typical multiplatform release.

The only thing I could think of is the calibration of your TV for the two systems. You should NOT see any difference between the 360 and PS3 demos for Dead Space 2.


360 version for me and if the Extraction port gets good word of mouth I will pick it up on PSN. I just vastly prefer the 360 controller and achievements.


all this talk of which version people are getting. I'm deciding betweeen PC/PS3 at the moment. PC because well, I've got a decent comp. PS3 because i can play some MP with ma PSN friends. Just a case of price for me at the moment. If i can find DS2 for £35 on PS3 i'll probably end up with that version.

Glad to hear the weapon economy is similar to DS1. Anyone know if you can carry your equipment into a NG+ on a higher difficulty, or are we limited to the same difficulty level like in the first 1?

God i'm anticipating this game so much now, haven't been this excited for a new release since GT5, and before that, a loooong time.

K' Dash

gdt5016 said:
Any sort of advice on what difficulty Dead Space 1 veterans should start at?

Kinda like Bungie recommends Heroic, I guess.

I'm playing Survivalist, and it feels like the sweet spot for me.


Gacha-pin said:
You can change it anytime.
Can you change it at any time in the original Dead Space? Wondering if I should try Normal first when I play through it.

Edit- will probably start the difficulty right above Normal

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Vard said:
Can you change it at any time in the original Dead Space? Wondering if I should try Normal first when I play through it.
No, in DS1 you are locked into the difficulty you select. Normal is really well balanced though.


dark10x said:
What exactly are you seeing? How does the 360 version look better? I've seen nothing that suggests such a thing.

This is not a typical multiplatform release.

The only thing I could think of is the calibration of your TV for the two systems. You should NOT see any difference between the 360 and PS3 demos for Dead Space 2.

360 version of DS2 is slightly sharper but not enough to cause a big concern, I noticed it when comparing both demos myself and confirmed when looking at Lens of Truth's demo comparison shots.


Christ, I just read the IGN review. How the fuck does a professional reviewer write like that? It read more like a middle school kid writing a review for his school newspaper rather than something that would be published by IGN.
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