Kind-of glad for this.DancingJesus said:Reddit is hilarious:
There's now a correction to the corrector:
Waiting for the follow up.
19 & 21 said:God damnit. Unlocked, decrypted, cockblocked.
19 & 21 said:God damnit. Unlocked, decrypted, cockblocked.
Sinatar said:This just showed up on the main Steam page for the game.
So at least they know about it.
Pretty sure everyone gave that out at the time of pre-order. I know I was sent the code from Amazon. I don't think you'll be seeing anything about Ignition in the box.MechDX said:Anyone who has the console version: is the dead Space Ignition code inside the box?
Somnia said:Holy shit @ the pc version. Just installed my retail copy (wish I got steam version, but employee discount out weighs full price this time). Game runs and looks amazing. I have everything maxxed (though vsync off) in 1920x1080 and am getting 70-80fps at all times. I will try to post some pictures later in the pc thread.
Snuggler said:can anyone confirm/deny if Extraction is actually coming out for PSN tomorrow?
SolidSnakex said:Rey from the PSblog said that it's supposed to be up today and it'll cost $15.
Wallach said:Are there any AA options, or can AA be forced?
Rickard said:Does the 360 version come on 2 discs?
Snuggler said:Damn, 2 discs? Didn't know that. What the heck is in this game that requires two discs?
Ooooh, uncompressed audio?
Snuggler said:Damn, 2 discs? Didn't know that. What the heck is in this game that requires two discs?
Ooooh, uncompressed audio?
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Why would you disable v-sync? That ruins pretty much anything.I have everything maxxed (though vsync off) in 1920x1080 and am getting 70-80fps at all times.
Giant Bomb Review said:If there were a university course about third-person shooter design, it would devote an entire unit to the way this game plays.
scitek said:Ok, so the PC version unlocked and I was able to just now jump into the menus and play like 3 minutes of it.
Still no proper AA support, only "On" or "Off", and Vsync still caps the framerate at 30fps, using D3DOverrider I still get 60fps. However, there is a separate setting for controller sensitivity now, not just mouse, and the controller lag with vsync on is practically non-existent. I'll try M + KB next.
UPDATE: M+KB work wonderfully. No lag whatsoever either with in-game vsync or d3doverrider. I liked the default sensitivity, so I didn't mess with that, but the game felt good.
Tried to force MSAA using RadeonPro and it didn't work.Looks like I'm stuck using MLAA instead, but it's better than nothing. Someone with an Nvidia card should test it out too, though I suspect they probably can since they can force MSAA in the first game now. I have a Radeon 5770 BTW.
Corky said:can someone take some screengrabs of the pc-version running with AA``? WOuld be very appreciated
EA has announced Dead Space 2: Severed, a "digital download pack" that extends the Dead Space 2 story with two standalone chapters in the single-player game.
It sees the return of Gabe Weller and Lexine Murdock, the two main characters from 2009 prequel Dead Space: Extraction. The Dead Space 2 Limited Edition for PS3 includes Dead Space: Extraction, which supports the Move controller.
Weller and Lexine's story runs parallel to Isaac's in Dead Space 2. Players assume the role of Gabe Weller, who as a Sprawl Security Guard fights against Necromorphs.
SolidSnakex said:
Regardless, without the DLC market potential, these pieces of content would likely have never been created in the first place. I understand why people dislike the idea of DLC content being worked on alongside the full game, but really, that extra content would never have been considered if it could not be sold.Corky said:Alright for once I'm going to be reasonable and ask questions before having my usual kneejerk reactions to announcements like these.
Codecow, Monkeypants ( obviously this is a buisness decision and nothing else, but ya'll might have some insight regardless ) was these chapters ready for release alongside the game? Or are they actually going to be "true" DLC?
SolidSnakex said:
Corky said:Codecow, Monkeypants ( obviously this is a buisness decision and nothing else, but ya'll might have some insight regardless ) was these chapters ready for release alongside the game? Or are they actually going to be "true" DLC?