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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie


JoeBoy101 said:
To whomever at Visceral who designed the Elementary School area...

Fuck you.

Fuck you hard.
With a metal cattle prod.
That's defective.
And rusty.

What do you mean by this? Is it buggy, or do you just feel a sense of dread while playing this section?


I was looking forward to picking up the PC version of this when it drops below the insane $60 price tag ..but that + the DLC news (no DLC for the PC version) means no sale at all.

EA sure is doing a great job at keeping me away from all of their recent releases!


People called Romanes they go the house?
Dreamgazer said:
uh...it wouldn't be hardcore otherwise...

I'd say that only being able to save 3 times and going back to the last save with some of the enemy encounters being what they are is pretty hardcore.


Just beat it on survivalist, game kicked my ass. Spent most of the time with health in the red, ammo in the single digits, and ended up selling weapons just to afford medkits. By the time I beat the game all I had with me were my plasma cutter and the pulse rifle. Now that is survival horror.

Overall loved the game, terrific atmosphere, tons of awesome sequences, and top notch gameplay overall. Gonna start a new game+ now...however, gonna switch it down to normal this time, wanna wreck shit this time instead of the other way around

also, "what?" :lol

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Is the rivet gun just a code you enter? That's kind of lame that PC got shafted with that. Also, if anyone has one they don't plan on using please PM me.


Stallion Free said:
Is the rivet gun just a code you enter? That's kind of lame that PC got shafted with that. Also, if anyone has one they don't plan on using please PM me.

I got it on PC, was a reserve only thing through gamestop.


Good game,just very frustrating...always low on ammo,way too dark,not enough slots in inventory,not enough power nodes and some of the most annoying monsters ever...oh well,dropped it down to casual on chapter 5,hope it`s still enjoyable at this difficulty,the interactive cut scenes are pretty awesome so far and atmosphere is great.


Just picked it up for PS3. Really wanted to get it for the 360 but figured the exclusive game and single disc shit was worth it.

However, i find it completely embarrassing how long it takes for shit to install on a ps3. Takes an hour to do what a 360 would do in 10 min. Installing Extraction is taking forever.


Mudkips said:
Looks like I should turn the vsync option OFF in the game (and make sure CCC doesn't turn it on), then force a decent AA mode in CCC? The in-game "on" AA isn't doin it for me.

With the in-game vsync on the game's capped at 30fps, through d3doverrider, 60. And I haven't been able to force MSAA through drivers, so I'm using MLAA instead and it looks pretty good. Just played some on my 61-inch 1080p set and it looked ri-goddamn-diculous.

I was thinking while playing it, it was just 7 years ago when I was totally blown away the first time I saw Doom 3's dynamic lighting. Fuck we've come a looong way.

I was playing this on Normal to show the game off to my roommate, and I guess it's a combination of having played the fuck out of the first one and playing through my game on Survivalist, but I was absolutely ripping through the game with no trouble. Huge difference between the two difficulties.


can you switch difficulty on the fly? DS1 i was playing on hard and had to restart the game cuz i couldnt get passed the later chapters. When i did play on normal i never died once. Hope it's a bit better balanced this time around.


Are the crawling sequences- like the one that transitions you into another chapter; a new way of hiding load times?
I've noticed sequences like this in other games, for example; Uncharted 2 & God of War 3. These sequences involved the camera zooming in really close to the character while you squeezed and slowly walked yourself through a tiny crevice .
As stated before in this thread, you can hardly notice when you are playing a new chapter- which is a good thing. It definitely feels like one continuous experience.


GuessWho said:
can you switch difficulty on the fly? DS1 i was playing on hard and had to restart the game cuz i couldnt get passed the later chapters. When i did play on normal i never died once. Hope it's a bit better balanced this time around.

Yes you can shift the difficulty setting at any time.
Ricker said:
Good game,just very frustrating...always low on ammo,way too dark,not enough slots in inventory,not enough power nodes and some of the most annoying monsters ever...oh well,dropped it down to casual on chapter 5,hope it`s still enjoyable at this difficulty,the interactive cut scenes are pretty awesome so far and atmosphere is great.

Wow, this is pretty much the exact opposite of my feelings. I am in chapter 9 now and haven't even purchased a single weapon. Ammo is scarce, but with the abundance of limbs to toss around that is hardly an issue. I definitely feel that there are more power nodes in this then in DS, but I may be wrong. I haven't upgraded my suit beyond a single HP node so I have my plasma cutter maxed out and my stasis beefed up a a fair amount.

I like all of the enemies I have encountered so far. The new enemies bring a lot more to the formula for the most part and I haven't encountered any frustrating moments yet.

Loving the game so far and am already looking forward to a NG+ run through so I can focus on some of the other weapons.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
george_us said:
How the hell are you guys finding time to beat this already?

I've barely had the time to play this for an hour or two a night.:(

That's me. Still toward the beginning of Ch. 3. My schedule doesn't lend itself well to multi-hour marathons.

Incredible game, though.


hermit7 said:
What do you mean by this? Is it buggy, or do you just feel a sense of dread while playing this section?

Dread? Creepy bloody kindergarten classrooms with necromorphs are fucking stupid scary. Especially when they are newborns (no, not the fetus ones that have tentacle barbs).


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Stallion Free said:
Is the rivet gun just a code you enter? That's kind of lame that PC got shafted with that. Also, if anyone has one they don't plan on using please PM me.

The rivet gun seems pretty shit.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
george_us said:
How the hell are you guys finding time to beat this already?

I've barely had the time to play this for an hour or two a night.:(
I got lucky and had no classes on release day so I hunkered down and plowed through it.
Only played about 45 minutes so far, but the devs haven't missed a beat going into the sequel. Feels just as scary and intense as the first. The PC version looks sharp as hell @ 1080p60 to boot.


Stallion Free said:

I'm playing on my 360 connected to a 30 inch CRT.

Wanting to see this in HD is killing me more than this game is actually killing me. Which is a lot.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
how are people who really liked the first Dead Space for its long stretches of loneliness, isolation and really strong sense of place liking this game?
Ricker said:
Good game,just very frustrating...always low on ammo,way too dark,not enough slots in inventory,not enough power nodes and some of the most annoying monsters ever...oh well,dropped it down to casual on chapter 5,hope it`s still enjoyable at this difficulty,the interactive cut scenes are pretty awesome so far and atmosphere is great.

I'll admit it, I'm playing on Casual after trying it on Survivalist (was just way too fucking hard for me) and I'm still finding it tense, and the enemies still have SOME strategy to defeating them. Don't be ashamed to kick it down. This type of game is more about (for me) soaking up the atmosphere, story, and the other elements that come together. If I seriously had to worry about ammo shortages, tough-as-nails enemies, and dying all the time I'd be too frustrated and angry to continue.


Unlimited Capacity
Just hit Chapter 6 and don't think I'm at 3 hours gametime yet. These chapters are gonna have to stretch out if this is going to be longer than the first.
I love the rivet gun. I almost always end up using it as an awesome last resort.

Just finished the game, just fantastic. The final few chapters are pretty spectacular.

My thoughts on the ending:

So that was intense, huh? Loved the finale, much more impressive then fighting the Hive Mind at the end of the first game. So whatever created the Markers wants to be "reborn". Eerie. I was hoping we'd see characters from DSE, but it looks their story is still separate from Isaac's until further notice. And Nicole's a bitch, huh? First she's all helpful, and Isaac's like "awesome", and then she tries to kill him in such a fucked up way. The ending reminded me a little of Alan Wake's and GoW3's, but in a good way... visually, it was much more interesting then a standard boss fight. And as for the voices at the end of the credits... could that be one of the "Oracles" that were seen in Dead Space: Salvage? And there are like 11 other Markers? That's fucked up. I was happy to see Ellie make it, I was sure she'd get killed somewhere along the way. The relationship between Isaac and Ellie is interesting. Also, voice work in the game is great all around. I really should've seen Daina trying to fuck me over, but I wasn't that surprised when I met her in the Unitology church. Also, interesting to see Teidmann wasn't really that bad. The whole game, I'm convinced he's just a dastardly psycho like Mercer, but at the end he called the evac against orders to protect as many innocents as he could. And he looked so fucked up at the end, he's a pretty tough bastard.

All in all? Fucking fantastic. Does anyone know what song plays during the credits? That was really good.

K' Dash

Chapter 10 spoilers.

I can't believe
I'm back at the Ishimura, fuck me, I'm shitting my pants, I know every bit of this ship but Visceral found a way to make it 10 times scarier to explore, can't take this anymore, I just arrived to the medical bay
gonna save and turn this shit off, I haven't felt this way since the first time I played Resident Evil 2.

The sound is amazing, I'm glad I can play it with my 5.1 headphones, the wispers, the Necros crawling and screaming trough the walls, EVERYFUCKINGTHING, just now was quiet as shit and accidentally tripped on a broom and jumped from my chair lol.

This one is becoming my GOTG.

Rez said:
how are people who really liked the first Dead Space for its long stretches of loneliness, isolation and really strong sense of place liking this game?

Fucking espectacular, pretty much the same, the only difference is that Isaac talks, but you almost always (99% of the time) are on your own, at least until chapter 10.

JudgeN said:
Is thier a reason to upgrade the referb plasma cutter over the one you get at the start?

It's just a skin, you use one or the other and conserve the upgrades.
I'm halfway into chapter 4 on survivalist, its looking like they took all everything from DS1 and made it flow better. Though for some reason, I haven't really had any issues with dying and ammo yet. The scares seem to from the same formula from the first, still enjoying it but I feel like they're a bit too predictable now (could also be that I'm always hugging the walls lol). One tip I remembered from the first game if you have $ issues was to always have 1 power node on you at all times, never know when you'd run into a door that needs one and it seems to really pay off this time around.

All in all having a blast, no regrets in buying this sequel. Can't wait til the weekend so I can finish it and do new game +
Ricker said:
Good game,just very frustrating...always low on ammo,way too dark,not enough slots in inventory,not enough power nodes and some of the most annoying monsters ever...oh well,dropped it down to casual on chapter 5,hope it`s still enjoyable at this difficulty,the interactive cut scenes are pretty awesome so far and atmosphere is great.

Did you really know what you were buying?

Seriously. What did you think Dead Space was about?
ok cool. I'll probably just play though both of them at the same time then, switch back and forth.

thanks bigdaddygamebot and NotTheGuyYouKill


K' Dash said:
Chapter 10 spoilers.

I can't believe
I'm back at the Ishimura, fuck me, I'm shitting my pants, I know every bit of this ship but Visceral found a way to make it 10 times scarier to explore, can't take this anymore, I just arrived to the medical bay
gonna save and turn this shit off, I haven't felt this way since the first time I played Resident Evil 2.

The sound is amazing, I'm glad I can play it with my 5.1 headphones, the wispers, the Necros crawling and screaming trough the walls, EVERYFUCKINGTHING, just now was quiet as shit and accidentally tripped on a broom and jumped from my chair lol.

That was intense.
I kept hoping that the things that happened in the first game would happen in 2. Being stuck in the decontamination chamber, having to freeze the immortal guy, etc. etc. Despite not often enjoying backtracking, this was great.
For the brightness setting, does the logo include the beams coming from the emblem as well? Because on default settings where you can only see the emblem sans the beams of light (or whatever), the game seems WAY too dark at times...

In any case, I've just reached Chapter 7 and am enjoying it for the most part. Not a fan of the cheap scares - they're more plentiful than the odd cheap scare found in Dead Space 1, and thus have worn out their welcome a long time ago. Hah, completely random alarm clock scare. Cute. I miss real horror in videogames. Team Silent RIP
I'm also not a fan of random enemy spawns - they don't seem to be done very well at all. What's that? You just cleared out that area 5 seconds ago? Well too bad, turn around and fight the enemies that are now there! But wait... there aren't even vents there! Where the fuck did they come from? WHO CARES FIGHT DAMMIT

Sigh. Aside from that, the game is pretty great. I'm not having too much of a hard time on Survivalist so far, though... kind of wish I just went with Zealot like I originally planned. Oh well. Damn GAFers!
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