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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie

K' Dash

TheJollyCorner said:
are there any extended details out there on Unitology that I can read that won't spoil DS2 for me?

I'm starting DS2 this weekend, but wanted to get a jump on some of the stuff going on in the background before-hand.

Also- is the Dead Space anime that came out a couple years ago worth watching?

Yeah is worth watching, nothing espectacular, though.


Just got done with Chapter 11, and I got to say
I got some real pleasure in killing Stross. He was really getting on my nerves and his attack on Ellie sealed the deal for me. BTW, don't miss the audio log you get when stomping him.

Chapter 10 was incredible. LOVED how they handled that whole scenario and the tram tunnel sequence was yet another brilliant part that's going to stick with me.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I thought this was cool.

After you return to the menu after beating the game :
You can navigate the different menus and if you push the controls/mouse to the corners you'll see things written in the unitology(?) scripts. I thought it would be fun to decode what it says and here it is :

mainmenu :

In the end, It all comes down to just one little thing....
Unity after death,
unity forever.

singleplayermenu :

your body now,our body later, one body forever.
You can't stop what's coming.

new game menu :

Convergence is at hand

load game :

Ixtab the rope woman
( what the hell, I think I messed this one up )

multiplayer :

It's not over between us, yon can't run from me forever.
make us whole

extras :
welcome back nicole brennan
Finally cracked open the plastic last night and played for about 45 minutes.

Yeah, I fuckin' love Dead Space.

I love the pacing- how it's more deliberate than other spazzy shooters. I love that I can take my time.

And holy shit, it's just so polished.

Can't wait to play this more.....


Short bus special
Reposting this, since it got kind of jammed at the end of the last page.

Is there anything special I have to do to unlock the Plasma Cutter from the first game? Because yeah, it hasn't found my save at all, and no indication about it ever doing anything like that.

Can it be, that my Dead Space 1 copy is from the UK, and 2 is Swedish. But both go under PAL, so, there shouldn't be a problem there. I think. :( Somebody help please.
Oh, one thing: with the original Dead Space, I found that turning the music off made the game more immersive.

Try it out- I know some people adore having music in their games, but you may be surprised at how cool it is without.
I've been avoiding this thread for ages. I didn't watch any pregame interviews or trailers or press stuff or anything. I didn't get to go into the original Dead Space 'cold' because I was lucky enough to get flown out to San Francisco to play the original early as part of a community day (and who could say no to that?).

I love Dead Space. Since the first game informer cover I'd been optimistic that it was special. When I got to play it months early, I knew it was special and tried to 'spread the word'.

So this time around I'm not longer writing for the horror website I used to write for. For the first time in ages I have the luxury of keeping myself in the dark, and I'm glad I did.

I'm a little ways into Chapter 7. I'm playing on Survivalist. Three spots have taken some rather extreme strategy to get through.

the area in the apartments, in the laundry where it drops you into the dark...

the attack on the stage in the school

the lift of doom in chapter seven up to the solar panels

These are the moments where the game really shines for me. The game can be brutally difficult. I have seriously at times thought about selling some of the weapons I don't have much ammo for to buy ammo for the others and some health.

These are the moments where I've had to suck it up, and make full use of every tool in my arsenal. Getting ammo and health mid fight, using stasis to give me a moment to heal and reload. Very strategically taking out the enemies.

Dead Space 2 is great. I do miss the more open levels (enjoyed the bit in the
the church where you're opening it up as you progress
), but there is still a very good sense of 'place' here. the handful of places you revisit or spend longer in are just enough to keep that.

And the Necromorphs can walk through doors... I'm very glad that exploitable limitation was removed. Love the streaming levels now as well, that also makes the world feel more complete than the load times in the original (relatively well hidden as they were).

I'll finish it up this weekend likely and play more MP (had one quick go).

But yeah, Dead Space 2 is special. That it kicks my ass into playing intelligently, that it has me trying to make every bullet count, has me desperately trying to drag corpses over to me to stomp them open to hopefully get a couple of more rounds out of them...

I'm so glad I didn't start on normal. If it gets harder from here out... bring it.
dralla said:
oh you just wait
the parts where i died dozens of times to get through them are my favourite parts so far. they keep the game scary, and force me to be better to beat. they do not feel unfair.

or in other words, in response to 'you just wait' i say... 'i can't wait!'.


Gold Member
ToyMachine228 said:
I'm on Chapter 7 on my first play through. Quick question; Is there anything different about the Refurbished Plasma Cutter?
It's just a reskin of the plasma cutter, nothing else.
Miroku said:
Holy crap that
alarm clock
really got me, almost soiled myself. This games surround sound is so damn good.

Ha, just passed that part, I thought it was coming from my room for a split second, this fucking game, arghh.


I just started chapter 7 of the game, and so far, it has been amazing. The end of chapter 5 has to be the highlight so far. Incredible graphics, EXCELLENT surround sound, cool set-pieces and so on make this one a winner. Let's hope it doesn't crap itself as you continue.


when you do new game+ does your money and nodes carry over? because I had a lot of unused of both and might go back and use them before i finish the game so I don't waste them.


dralla said:
when you do new game+ does your money and nodes carry over? because I had a lot of unused of both and might go back and use them before i finish the game so I don't waste them.

everything carries over


Chapter 5 spoiler:

I was having a mild case of panic attack when
Daina told me to go through the crypts in the Church of Unitology.
I had to take a break from the game before proceeding.


I'd be in the dick
Hadoken said:
Chapter 5 spoiler:

I was having a mild case of panic attack when
Daina told me to go through the crypts in the Church of Unitology.
I had to take a break from the game before proceeding.
That part I pretty much had the same reaction as I did in DS1 when they told you to go through the morgue. "Really? REALLY!?"


Umm, either GAME fucked up or EU didn't get the full Extraction. The Swedish boxes on store shelves say that the ps3 version includes a DEMO version of Extraction with move support.

Edit: Hmm, there might be two versions over here. Hope I bought the right one :p
TheJollyCorner said:
No problem! I edited some of it to include a few more details and correct some spelling etc. Unitology and the underlying universe that surrounds the main narrative is actually fairly interesting. I actually like that you can choose to invest yourself in it if you like or avoid it as you see fit and follow the main narrative arch if you choose. The problem comes when folks do avoid the supplemental stuff like the text and audio logs and end up feeling confused by the story.

Ellie is a great example of that actually. If you played through this game and didn't bother to listen to any of the "Ellie's Story" text and audio logs, you're cutting out a substantial plot thread of what she went through on the Sprawl. Is it necessary? No, but it certainly adds something to the character.

Oh and Chapter 10 kicked me in the balls. It was neat
exploring the Ishimura again but hot damn if I didn't make it out of that decontamination room by the skin of my teeth. I literally had a sliver of health remaining as I walked out!

I'm digging the mines area in Chapter 11 and the Advanced Suit looks bad ass.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Futurevoid said:
Oh and Chapter 10 kicked me in the balls. It was neat
exploring the Ishimura again but hot damn if I didn't make it out of that decontamination room by the skin of my teeth. I literally had a sliver of health remaining as I walked out!

haha oh man, as soon as I saw that room I was like " no, no nonono, NO I know what's going to happen"


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Goddamit those
Raptor-like Necromorphs
are amazing. The section in the
containers room
was so intense and scary.

I'm playing at the highest available difficulty btw.


Corky said:
haha oh man, as soon as I saw that room I was like " no, no nonono, NO I know what's going to happen"
that's what the detonators for. any time you sense danger, throw some mines on the wall just in case!
Corky said:
haha oh man, as soon as I saw that room I was like " no, no nonono, NO I know what's going to happen"
Oh I love how the game toys with you. The first time you walk in and it triggers it immediately brings back memories of the first game and you're just waiting for the shit to hit the fan. Then, nothing happens. Fast forward 30 minutes later and you knew you weren't going to be as lucky the second time around.

Also, I had to laugh at
Ellie telling Isaac "It looks like they are tunneling through the Medical Bay" and Isaac comments how he's lucky he doesn't have to go through there to get to the Bridge only to have the Train immediately stop and the computer say "Rerouting to Medical Bay". LOL.

The game revels in being sadistic.

Also, the Stalkers are the best enemies in the game. The minute I hear their chirp and growls, my shorts go brown.:( God bless stasis.


Ending spoilers:

I loved the little throwback to the original games ending with Elle at the end. That and rocket boosting out of the Shard was a lot of fun. Sleeping on the ending though I half-wish Visceral would have ended it with Issac just sitting on those steps with the music playing.

Just that scene was so melancholic. Would have been a tragic ending for the character but pretty un-fulfilling for the player.

Wonder where they'll go for 3? Nicole talked about Issac being a pure mind? I think? And the only other character that seems to be like that is Lexine from Extraction. And she doesn't seem to have any of the problems Issac has.

Either way I hope they keep Issac as the MC. Giving him a voice was such a good idea and the VA did a fantastic job with him.

K' Dash

Corky said:
haha oh man, as soon as I saw that room I was like " no, no nonono, NO I know what's going to happen"

lol, the first time I went trough there I was prepared for the worst, and when nothing happened I knew when I came back I was going to get it.

And fuck me, I knew they'd fuck me up with
that fucking tentacle (again) when I got out of that room on the Ishimura.
, I had to burn my boxers after that, damn :(
Grisby said:
Ending spoilers:

I loved the little throwback to the original games ending with Elle at the end. That and rocket boosting out of the Shard was a lot of fun. Sleeping on the ending though I half-wish Visceral would have ended it with Issac just sitting on those steps with the music playing.

Just that scene was so melancholic. Would have been a tragic ending for the character but pretty un-fulfilling for the player.

Wonder where they'll go for 3? Nicole talked about Issac being a pure mind? I think? And the only other character that seems to be like that is Lexine from Extraction. And she doesn't seem to have any of the problems Issac has.

Either way I hope they keep Issac as the MC. Giving him a voice was such a good idea and the VA did a fantastic job with him.

I agree that actor playing Isaac was excellent. Definitely hope that Isaac will make a return. And Isaac finally having a personality and interacting with the world and other people was the best choice. I agree that if they'd just ended it with him on the steps, it would've been suitably tragic, but I loved that at the last second Ellie came in to save him... it's the closest thing to a happy ending I've seen in the DS universe, and it was pretty awesome to see that. So I really loved that ending.

As for future stories... so much potential. I wonder what future locations they could use... Mars? Europa or Ganymede? The Moon? Extrasolar system? Perhaps even Earth.


I have Dead Space 1 on 360 and never finished it, but from the reviews I have read I get the gist of the story for 2? Will I be missing anything by jumping straight into 2? It seems like a lot of improvements are made over the original.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I also love the gradual
decrease of the hints that tell you that something is real or not, usually that yellowy tint/filter was an indication that he has hallucinating, but as isaac gets progressively worse those signs dissapear making it tougher to know what's an hallucination and what's not.

K' Dash

DSmalls84 said:
I have Dead Space 1 on 360 and never finished it, but from the reviews I have read I get the gist of the story for 2? Will I be missing anything by jumping straight into 2? It seems like a lot of improvements are made over the original.

I highly recomend you to play DS1, you will appreciate MUCH more many moments from 2 if you do, but it's your decision.
What really made me edgy was in, I think, Chapter 13, where all of a sudden
Isaac has no waypoint for his blue light beam thingy. I was like "Fuck what the hell do I do now?". Even Isaac was like "What the hell?"
DSmalls84 said:
I have Dead Space 1 on 360 and never finished it, but from the reviews I have read I get the gist of the story for 2? Will I be missing anything by jumping straight into 2? It seems like a lot of improvements are made over the original.

Dead Space 1 is well worth playing all the way through. Just do it.


I finished the game on normal yesterday and immediately started new game plus. This is definitely one of my favorite horror games this generation. Whole game spoilers from here on.
I loved the Sprawl and the return to the Ishimura. They were amazing settings, and I usually can't stand space related media. I felt the setting became uninspired after leaving the Ishimura. The mines left me bored, and the earth gov building felt like the death star. In addition to the weak setting, it seems that horror is replaced by respawning enemies in the last few areas. Although I must admit, I smiled when I thought I killed that necromorph and he regenerated. I figured he would be making a return appearance somewhere. Still not looking forward to those last few chapters on the harder difficulties though. I thought the final boss was much better and more fitting than the first. Took me some deaths to figure out what to do but I loved the imagery. This game also has made me more interested in the actual mythology of series. I'm curious about the overseer and the dozen or so markers in other locations. And I want to finally see the black marker.

Visceral did a tremendous job with this game. Consoles have been severely lacking the single player, story driven horror games that were so prevalent last generation. I will gladly take more Dead Space to fill that void (and please god let Silent Hill Downpour be good). My only hope for part 3 is that Visceral trusts in their ability to craft tense and horrific scenarios down the stretch instead of relying on waves of respawning enemies.


So are the elite suits not in the pc version of the game? I'm standing right in front of where the elite engineering suit should be in chapter 1 right before entering the vacuum and there's nothing there.


I'm knee deep in Dead Space right now.

I re-downloaded the motion comics from PSN, am playing through DS Extraction (handles great with the Move controller) and am going to watch Dead Space Downfall.
From Penny Arcade:



GOD FUCKING DAMNIT ISHIMURA! Fucking nothing happens and then boom, BRUTE, then, BOOM another brute, then fucking necromorphs everywhere. fuck fuck fuck fuck


Is this a bad place to ask for PC tweaking help?

Bought DS2 on Steam but wanting to play through 1 again first on PC(played on PS3 before).

Need help with PC DS1. Using D3DOverrider and the framerate is smooth and no obvious tearing until there's a strobe light effect. Then I see horrible banding. Triple buffer on and v-sync off right? Anything else I can check?


naib said:
Is this a bad place to ask for PC tweaking help?

Bought DS2 on Steam but wanting to play through 1 again first on PC(played on PS3 before).

Need help with PC DS1. Using D3DOverrider and the framerate is smooth and no obvious tearing until there's a strobe light effect. Then I see horrible banding. Triple buffer on and v-sync off right? Anything else I can check?

You can force vsync on through Overrider, but just not in game. That's what causes the framerate cap to come on.

Olivero said:
GOD FUCKING DAMNIT ISHIMURA! Fucking nothing happens and then boom, BRUTE, then, BOOM another brute, then fucking necromorphs everywhere. fuck fuck fuck fuck

Ah yes. Just did that this morning. What a brilliant fucking level. They do an almost unbearable amount of setup, get you right where you know SOMETHING's got to happen because they wouldn't waste that kind of 'room' and then they take just a couple steps further and 'BAM'. No music or nothing, just, "I'M HERE!"


JoeBoy101 said:
You can force vsync on through Overrider, but just not in game. That's what causes the framerate cap to come on.
I gotcha. Much thanks.

At work, but I'll try again this eve.


People called Romanes they go the house?
boredofcanada said:
It's hard to trust elevators in this game/ series.

It's interesting though, only
One elevator inside the church ever actually throws an enemy at you while the elevator is moving.

Granted, if you add the moving scripted elevators, then yes, things get a bit hectic.

But that sense of tension always remains.
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