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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie

So basically, we all pretty much had the same idea of waiting for them to charge instead of hunting.
I thought I was being cheap.

What about the exploding babies? I'm pretty sure I was being cheap with them.

I'd just run up to them and trigger them to explode as needed (lots of mobs around or something). Once you hear the sound that they're going to blow, just backpedal + L2 and you'll be able to back up enough that you won't even get hit by the explosion. Pretty easy.
I'm actually not even sure how to kill them without blowing them up (for the trophy), unless you can dismember their baby appendages. :\


Revolutionary said:
So basically, we all pretty much had the same idea of waiting for them to charge instead of hunting.
I thought I was being cheap.

What about the exploding babies? I'm pretty sure I was being cheap with them.

I'd just run up to them and trigger them to explode as needed (lots of mobs around or something). Once you hear the sound that they're going to blow, just backpedal + L2 and you'll be able to back up enough that you won't even get hit by the explosion. Pretty easy.
I'm actually not even sure how to kill them without blowing them up (for the trophy), unless you can dismember their baby appendages. :
I used Plasma Cutter on the babies. Especially good if you wanna go for the achievement/trophy. Cuts off their heads easily.

Your method is kinda risky to me.


Gotta say I'm impressed with the amount of media EA has got going for Dead Space.

I didn't even realize Martyr and Ignition existed until a bit ago.
LiK said:
I used Plasma Cutter on the babies if you wanna go for the achievement/trophy. Cuts off their heads easily.

Your method is kinda risky to me.
I see. Never occured to me because it's usually more than just one appendage that needs to be removed in order to kill the necros.

Still, I prefer my bullet-less method. :p


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Revolutionary said:
Speaking of Stalkers, how did you guys deal with them?

At first I tried to hunt them and outsmart them, but they simply ran away too much and never really gave me a shot (only had the Plasma Cutter and Line Gun at that point).

So, my strategy was to put my back to a wall and wait for them to charge. When charging, I'd take out one of their legs, and when they crawl I'd take care of the arms.

They're one of the big reasons I kept a Detonator on me.

I would stand in a spot I could get ambushed by the side, shoot one at a wall covering me from there, and leave a few other traps in areas it looked like they would cross(I would hear them randomly detonate). Then I would keep my sights aiming forward on the only section I wasn't guarded, ready with stasis + plasma cutter. When I was done I would just take my detonator back out, use the alt fire to disarm any extras I set and move on!

I used the Pulse Rifle for the babies. One shot to the head and they're done, stasis if needed. Kinesis the body to use as a bomb.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Draft said:
Combat... OK. Dead Space has a good combat system. Tactical dismemberment is a good concept. Stasis and TK are interesting tools to give the player. The weapon variety is great. Unfortunately, I think that DS2 falls just short of having a really great combat system, and that's mostly due to encounter design. Way too many fights devolve into throwing a bunch of enemies at the player, just enough that you can't comfortably put your back to a wall and start blasting. Maybe this is my own weak sauce gaming skills talking, but I didn't feel like my combat skills were improving as time went on. The combat system didn't open up for me. It just felt like, OK, use more stasis, use more ammo, just do whatever it takes to thin the ranks as quickly as possible so that you don't get overwhelmed.
I'm only in Chapter 10 on Normal, but I agree with this. There have been a good number of instances where I don't see how I could have been prepared without already knowing when enemies are going to jump out. So many times I'm in a corridor, walking slowly with my gun drawn, a necro pops out in front so I'm focused on him and suddenly I'm being mauled from behind. It's not uncommon in areas for me to just start blasting wildly, there's no chance to get into precision shooting or even capitalizing on stasis. I'm dreading the higher difficulties for that reason.


My only problem with the game is the lack of major boss fights. I think DS1 had 2-3 bosses and they were fun.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
LiK said:
My only problem with the game is the lack of major boss fights. I think DS1 had 2-3 bosses and they were fun.

Pretty sure it was 2. Some giant pit monster in Hydroponics (lol Dead Space = System Shock 2) and the finale of course.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Sub_Level said:
Pretty sure it was 2. Some giant pit monster in Hydroponics (lol Dead Space = System Shock 2) and the finale of course.

There was that one thing on the side of the ship you had to shoot off ala the asteroid segment that I guess would count, but I'd also only say those were the only two. I remember that giant one in zero g blew my mind graphically.
I feel that kinesis and stasis are used very well in combat, but their application in the rest of the game is pretty lacklustre. There is potential for complex Half-life 2-style puzzles that seems to go to waste in favour of simplistic "slot blue key in blue hole" objectives. This was a complaint I had about the original game too but little improvement seems to have been made. The one thing that made me smile was when you have to
use the corpse as ID
in chapter 7, but alas it's just a novelty that wears off in 10 seconds. I want to really flex my brain like in Silent Hill or Resident Evil, but maybe Dead Space is too fast paced now for a show-stopping puzzle.
Papercuts said:
I remember that giant one in zero g blew my mind graphically.
Yeah and the build up to it was so good where you could see the goal right in front of you but needed to complete a few other things first. That final walk down the corridor towards the boss, having heard how massive it was but never having actually laid eyes on it... now that was tension. Foreshadowing done right.


this game is quite sick...

Especially spoiler chapter 1 or 2,
when you come into some laundry place where you see one of the laundry machines jumping around with baby screams coming from the inside... and outside a teddy is lying


Papercuts said:
There was that one thing on the side of the ship you had to shoot off ala the asteroid segment that I guess would count, but I'd also only say those were the only two. I remember that giant one in zero g blew my mind graphically.
Yea, I meant the tentacle on the ship as the third boss, sorta. and yea, that boss in zero-g was way cool.
Dan said:
I'm only in Chapter 10 on Normal, but I agree with this. There have been a good number of instances where I don't see how I could have been prepared without already knowing when enemies are going to jump out. So many times I'm in a corridor, walking slowly with my gun drawn, a necro pops out in front so I'm focused on him and suddenly I'm being mauled from behind. It's not uncommon in areas for me to just start blasting wildly, there's no chance to get into precision shooting or even capitalizing on stasis. I'm dreading the higher difficulties for that reason.
Stasis really needs some kind of way to hit everything immediately around you. Maybe holding the Stasis button should charge it up and consume twice as much of the meter in order to hit all enemies in a small radius around you (not nearly the range of the normal aimed stasis shot, though, of course). That'd be awfully helpful for Dead Space 3, IMO.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
badcrumble said:
Stasis really needs some kind of way to hit everything immediately around you. Maybe holding the Stasis button should charge it up and consume twice as much of the meter in order to hit all enemies in a small radius around you (not nearly the range of the normal aimed stasis shot, though, of course). That'd be awfully helpful for Dead Space 3, IMO.

The alt fire of the compact beam is a ground slam that knocks back necros around you. The special for it adds stasis to this...kinda works for that.

I feel that kinesis and stasis are used very well in combat, but their application in the rest of the game is pretty lacklustre. There is potential for complex Half-life 2-style puzzles that seems to go to waste in favour of simplistic "slot blue key in blue hole" objectives. This was a complaint I had about the original game too but little improvement seems to have been made. The one thing that made me smile was when you have to
use the corpse as ID
in chapter 7, but alas it's just a novelty that wears off in 10 seconds. I want to really flex my brain like in Silent Hill or Resident Evil, but maybe Dead Space is too fast paced now for a show-stopping puzzle.

I think the engineer aspect could be used to greater effect. There's already
the solar beam realign, but I felt like the game could have used one more section flying around trying to fix something. I really liked the asteroid thing in DS1 which reminded me of that, they aren't puzzles persay but they break the pacing well enough for me.
Just finished my first run. Went with Survivalist and thought it was a decent challenge.

I really enjoyed it overall but I found it kind of tiring to play at times. They really pile the enemies on you pretty much relentlessly the entire game. Luckily killing them is fun.

Last boss was a piece of cake with a fully upgraded Seeker Rifle by the way. I just stood still and kept firing. That gun is amazing. Definitely the most satisfying way to shoot off limbs.
badcrumble said:
Stasis really needs some kind of way to hit everything immediately around you. Maybe holding the Stasis button should charge it up and consume twice as much of the meter in order to hit all enemies in a small radius around you (not nearly the range of the normal aimed stasis shot, though, of course). That'd be awfully helpful for Dead Space 3, IMO.

The only thing they need to do is to bring in playtesters to test the relatively finished product that haven't played the game yet. Valve does this and they pretty much never have absolutely retarded segments. If you have playtesters that have 300+ hours testing a game, pretty much nothing they say wrt balance is actually worthwhile. EA's big enough that they could probably just cycle the balance testers around pretty quickly just from the pool of people they have.

EDIT: The game is fundamentally good. I'd make some changes to the monsters to make them a bit tougher and more engaging to fight (ie splitting into two parts like I was talking about earlier), but the fundamental design is good. It just seems like there were a number of amateurish choices in the encounter design and I can't honestly say I think there was a lot of thought put into how the rooms played from a geometric standpoint.
Question for those who completed their first run.
Do any of your stats carry over? I'm near the end and I'm quite certain I won't be able to dismember 400+ limbs in less than 2 chapters.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Jeff Stephen said:
Question for those who completed their first run.
Do any of your stats carry over? I'm near the end and I'm quite certain I won't be able to dismember 400+ limbs in less than 2 chapters.

Yep. All achievement progress carries through all difficulties.


People called Romanes they go the house?
iconoclast said:
Achievement progress doesn't carry over into Hard Core.

Really? I could have sworn I got the nanny on Hardcore.

Eh, maybe it was zealot.

In any case, if you're continuing a save, you'd have to be on something other than hardcore anyways, I suppose.


Just finished a normal run on PC (first run), absolutely loved it. Anyone have tips for which weapons to max? Already can't wait to start a harder NG+.
I just realized that this game requires the EA Online pass to play online, but I am planning on getting this from Goozex so the code will most likely be used up already.
What do you guys think about the multiplayer element of the game? Is it an integral part of the DS2 experience? I am mainly a single player campaign kind of guy in terms of gaming (aside from fighting games), have never truly been addicted to any online shooter before.
To the people complaining about enemies getting you from behind, are you playing in surround sound? I've not had any issue like this as I can hear them come out of the wall/ceiling or whatever behind me. When this happens, it forces me to change tactics, like stasis the enemy infront, take out the baddie behind, then go back to the guy infront.


First run on normal gone, started a second with NG+ on the Ps3 version of Dead Space 2.

It's a strange game for me. When i think about it i find a lot of problems in it. Gameplay wise,cheap enemy spawn in the late chapters looks like the worst offender as some already said.

Story wise there are moments in which i had no idea why i had to go in a place, and what to do once there. The general plot was always quite clear to me, but the objectives of the single mission often where not.

These are problems that often ruin games for me, but the great thing is that i literally can't stop playing DS2. I've yet to fully understand why, considering the problems, but my guess at the moment is that gameplay apart from spawns looks perfect to me. Locations are great too, in quality and diversification.

Upgrade system is solid and gives the player real motivation to replay the game different times.

It looks like a solid upgrade from Dead Space 1. Great job Visceral Games :)


MarkMclovin said:
To the people complaining about enemies getting you from behind, are you playing in surround sound? I've not had any issue like this as I can hear them come out of the wall/ceiling or whatever behind me. When this happens, it forces me to change tactics, like stasis the enemy infront, take out the baddie behind, then go back to the guy infront.

I'm playing with surround sound but there are situations in wich the backround noise is so high that you can't hear them coming.

Isaac's turn rate is not that good either ( looks fine considering the armor he wears, but too slow considering enemy's spawn points ). If you up the sensitivity he turns faster but looses to much precision while aiming.

Maybe having the choice to set different sensitivity for turning and aiming could help a little.
Speaking of turning does Isaac have a 180 turn? Maybe it was because I played Resident Evil 5 recently but I feel like that's the one thing he's missing.


Beelzeboss said:
Speaking of turning does Isaac have a 180 turn?
No. There was a quick turn feature in the multiplayer beta which you could perform by double clicking the right stick, but it was removed from the final game.


Passed chapter 1 today (slow progress) on PC. Really feels like I've gotten into Mass Effect 2 with horror elements: The beginning in an asylum-under-attack, new lighting and swift controls.

Not saying it's a bad thing. But I do miss slow Isaac. Makes the danger feel more urgent. And where's Strategical dismemberment?


Well I've found that the harder difficulties force you to be more strategic with your shots. I just don't have enough ammo to not knock off a necro's claw and impale him with it. I didn't find myself doing that at all in normal.


I thought they could have made it a bit more obvious you're just supposed to run the last couple of chapters, especially since they've conditioned you to go slowly and murder/collect everything. Once you know you're supposed to run, the last couple of chapters are really easy. And the boss fight is really only about having enough ammo left over.

IMO you definately shouldn't play on normal difficulty if you've played the first game or any survival horror game really.


DrBo42 said:
Well I've found that the harder difficulties force you to be more strategic with your shots. I just don't have enough ammo to not knock off a necro's claw and impale him with it. I didn't find myself doing that at all in normal.
I am currently cranking up on Zealot and it feels too easy =D Maybe after I pass the game I start with NG+ hope that will be much harder.


I'm on Chapter 10 at the moment and the lighting is simply amazing...Visceral has created an awesome engine. O_O

So far I really love this game, I wouldn't say better than the first but it's definitely a really great game thus far.
I loved the
return to the Ishimura
and general atmosphere throughout the whole game. The Sprawl is definitely a good setting as it really takes you through a variety of environments and gives you something fresh every hour or so.

My biggest problem is with the combat heavy conclusion. I really like playing Dead Space slowly, but the ending just felt like I was being pushed into the finale. I ended up just running past the enemies rather than taking them out. I also hate the way as you progress (and upgrade your weapons) you actually get LESS powerful because the Necromorphs are suddenly covered in some bullet sponge armour.

Took the sheen off the game for me, though obviously it's still absolutely brilliant.


get2sammyb said:
I loved the
return to the Ishimura
and general atmosphere throughout the whole game. The Sprawl is definitely a good setting as it really takes you through a variety of environments and gives you something fresh every hour or so.

My biggest problem is with the combat heavy conclusion. I really like playing Dead Space slowly, but the ending just felt like I was being pushed into the finale. I ended up just running past the enemies rather than taking them out. I also hate the way as you progress (and upgrade your weapons) you actually get LESS powerful because the Necromorphs are suddenly covered in some bullet sponge armour.

Took the sheen off the game for me, though obviously it's still absolutely brilliant.

I loved the final boss.
Force gun for the kid necros and the javelin for Nicole. Such a fun fight.


Finished the game today on normal and it was a pretty laid back run through.

Also, the whole mythos behind the marker seems really broken. If it was written down clearly it would probably make sense but the overall picture I've gotten from playing the games and watching the movies hasn't given me a clear sense of how it works.

Final boss notes:
I died a couple of times with this. I'd back up into evil Nicole and get the insta-death 30 second cutscene which got really grating after the first time. But the design of the fight seemed very 'old school' and left me with a sour taste after an otherwise excellent game.


get2sammyb said:
I loved the
return to the Ishimura
and general atmosphere throughout the whole game. The Sprawl is definitely a good setting as it really takes you through a variety of environments and gives you something fresh every hour or so.

My biggest problem is with the combat heavy conclusion. I really like playing Dead Space slowly, but the ending just felt like I was being pushed into the finale. I ended up just running past the enemies rather than taking them out. I also hate the way as you progress (and upgrade your weapons) you actually get LESS powerful because the Necromorphs are suddenly covered in some bullet sponge armour.

Took the sheen off the game for me, though obviously it's still absolutely brilliant.

I though the final boss was good, but not great. The setup and the cut/death scenes for it are good but mechanically there's not much to it.

I thought the sprawl had more variety, but I still wasn't really feeling it as a city. It's like Bioshock where it's mostly city skyboxes you see out a window and some NPCs dying behind glass.


MarkMclovin said:
To the people complaining about enemies getting you from behind, are you playing in surround sound? I've not had any issue like this as I can hear them come out of the wall/ceiling or whatever behind me. When this happens, it forces me to change tactics, like stasis the enemy infront, take out the baddie behind, then go back to the guy infront.

I've also had very little issue with getting hit from behind that often, on Survivalist. Usually when an enemy encounter starts, the first thing I do is move, because whenever you see an enemy in front of you chances are there's one crawling up behind you. Just turn around and look if you don't hear anything. If you're standing still at the start of an encounter, you're just asking to get mauled from the back and sides. Your character has some mobility - use it. And use stasis. If you upgrade the duration just a couple times the shit lasts forever and its tactical value is unmatched.

I imagine this is all probably more of a hassle with laughable dual analog sticks though when you can only turn at a snail's pace. On the PC, if you spin the mouse 180 and then click the aim button, Isaac adjusts himself instantly and it's close to an instant 180 turn. This comes rather in handy.

Again: dual analog, lol.
Finished last night. The DS2 was everything I was hoping for. The last chapter was a bit of a bitch, but fun none the less.

What are everyone's favorite 4 weapons? I maxed out the plasma cutter, always had the line gun and pulse rifle. I never found a fourth gun that I really enjoyed. Maybe on playthrough 2 I will give the force gun some time.


The only weapon I really like is the cutter. Has the most satisfying sound and feel to it. DS2 kinda forced me to use other guns because of the necrorape, and I found the Ripper to be the most effective.


The Ripper is certainly one of the best weapons to use on higher difficulties, namely because of how much ammo it conserves overall.

I love the Force Gun though. Really relieves a lot of pressure during some more intense moments (particularly if you have a whole fuckload of stalkers chasing after you)


Question: does the game scan the PS3 for a save game of the first Dead Space? If yes, what does it give you and does the first game's save need to be with at least one playthrough or just any save?

I hope to get the game in the mail this week.


darkjedi187 said:
What are everyone's favorite 4 weapons? I maxed out the plasma cutter, always had the line gun and pulse rifle. I never found a fourth gun that I really enjoyed. Maybe on playthrough 2 I will give the force gun some time.

Haven't touched the pulse rifle, maybe on the next playthrough. The force gun and ripper have been my mainstays along with plasma cutter and line gun. People would save themselves a lot of headaches if they used the force gun, probably.
glaurung said:
Question: does the game scan the PS3 for a save game of the first Dead Space? If yes, what does it give you and does the first game's save need to be with at least one playthrough or just any save?

I hope to get the game in the mail this week.
Can't answer the last question but having a save of the first game grants you the Plasma Cutter from the first game. It gives you a second plasma cutter, basically. It's just a cosmetic difference, though. It has the same stats as the new Plasma Cutter and as you upgrade one it upgrades the other. It's just a little bonus for Dead Space fans that prefer the idea of taking the same gun from the first game with them throughout the series.

I want to say it requires just having any save of the original Dead Space because that's how the bonuses for Ignition work in the game but I can't say for sure.
So I will give the force gun a spot for my second playthrough. I missed the schematics and wasn't able to get it till way late in the game. didn't seem too useful compared to my other upgrades weapons.
TenshiOni said:
I want to say it requires just having any save of the original Dead Space because that's how the bonuses for Ignition work in the game but I can't say for sure.

It must do as I have both games on PC and got it.


darkjedi187 said:
So I will give the force gun a spot for my second playthrough. I missed the schematics and wasn't able to get it till way late in the game. didn't seem too useful compared to my other upgrades weapons.

Force Gun schematic is
towards the start of Chapter 7 in one of the lockers after you ride up that large maintenance lift.
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