I like how i'm using practically the same guns i did in Dead Space 1
Plasma cutter-only run baby. I blame the weapon designers for making the default weapon damn near perfect.fizzelopeguss said:I like how i'm using practically the same guns i did in Dead Space 1
I hardly used the plasma cutter in DS2. The alt fire for all the other weapons are much improved so I find them more useful and fun to use.fizzelopeguss said:I like how i'm using practically the same guns i did in Dead Space 1
I think it is kind of necessary in a game like this to have at least one weapon that's useful in most situations but, yeah, the plasma cutter is the best thing in the vast majority of situations.Stallion Free said:Plasma cutter-only run baby. I blame the weapon designers for making the default weapon damn near perfect.
HixxSAFC said:Fucking baby necromorph alien things, why do you hate me so!
Long time since I felt so satisfied in killing things in a game, I'm glad I'm the only one in the house!!
Really? He makes some pretty bad arguments in there. It doesn't help that he's a reviewer who probably got the game from the publisher for free anyway.NotTheGuyYouKill said:Sorta related to Dead Space, Jim Sterling rails against those who decry game length versus game value:
I thought it was a good read.
I can't begin to express my disappointment that Visceral removed that achievement/trophy from DS2.Stallion Free said:Plasma cutter-only run baby. I blame the weapon designers for making the default weapon damn near perfect.
"The one thing I don't like about the Plasma Cutter is that it's almost too good."badcrumble said:I can't begin to express my disappointment that Visceral removed that achievement/trophy from DS2.I got to be a fucking surgeon with that thing in the first game.
They want ppl to know.Crewnh said:Do you really need an achievement/trophy to get you to do a Plasma Cutter only run?
I'm on PC which doesn't have achievements and did a Plasma Cutter run on both DS1/2 haha.Crewnh said:Do you really need an achievement/trophy to get you to do a Plasma Cutter only run?
Yeah, fully powered-up Stasis and TK are a big big deal and save you tons of ammo.datruth29 said:An actual challenge would be to complete the game without Plasma Cutter.....
I just started playing on New Game+, and I've found a really effective strategy is to knock off an arm, TK it, and impale the shit out of the fuckers.
badcrumble said:Question about the Plasma Cutter - does it do more damage if you line it up with a limb to hit it with all three targeting reticles, instead of setting it to cut across that limb in a perpendicular fashion? I tend to treat it that way because I've always assumed that this was the case, but maybe I've been wasting my time (it's made me fucking awesome at lining up shots, though).
zlatko said:@Ben2749. That was the most tense/atmospheric part of the game for me too was chapter 10.
I also liked the ending area where,that necromorph that won't die chases you non stop as you fight tooth and nail room from room taking more and more necro baddies. Wasn't necessarily scary, but it was really a tense moment of "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck," and I felt was really well put together. I know one part of that sequence has you waiting for an elevator, and the damn thing caught up, and it was at this point I was thankful for the ripper even more. Seriously the Ripper DESTROYS the black skin necro baddies like they are no issue, and he was no exception.
fizzelopeguss said:I like how i'm using practically the same guns i did in Dead Space 1
JEKKI said:yo this game is sweeeeet!!
I played up to ch 7 so far and this game is sweeeeet!!
dralla said:the weapon select wheel
LiK said:how sweet?!
subversus said:1)How can I put my stuff into safe?
2)Should I upgrade my health or should I focus on stasis? Or may be air is more crucial later in the game?
3)At what limb of ramming necros should I shoot?
subversus said:1)How can I put my stuff into safe?
2)Should I upgrade my health or should I focus on stasis? Or may be air is more crucial later in the game?
3)At what limb of ramming necros should I shoot?
subversus said:1)How can I put my stuff into safe?
2)Should I upgrade my health or should I focus on stasis? Or may be air is more crucial later in the game?
3)At what limb of ramming necros should I shoot?
Zeliard said:Speaking of the air upgrades, when is there ever a need to get them? I ignored them completely in both games (actually, I mostly ignore the suit upgrades in general). They have to make it possible to get through those sections if you never upgraded your air, so it seems pretty pointless.
I blame the game designers for not incentivising other weapons.Stallion Free said:Plasma cutter-only run baby. I blame the weapon designers for making the default weapon damn near perfect.
On my second playthough I have really been digging the Seeker rifle, you should check it out.
Luken said:SPOILER !
Luken said:SPOILER !
""]How to Kill the Ubermorph !
In the first game you could kill the regenerator with ice and fire, now you use the winds.
the chris said:Can you change the first part of the spoiler hyperlink? You can still see the text that's tagged.
yep, air upgrades are pointless.Zeliard said:Speaking of the air upgrades, when is there ever a need to get them? I ignored them completely in both games (actually, I mostly ignore the suit upgrades in general). They have to make it possible to get through those vacuum sections if you never upgraded your air, so it seems pretty pointless.
Lol, that got me aswell.K2Valor said:Holy shit.. the part in Chapter 6 where
I'm fucking exploring these apartments, ready to shit my pants. There's little kid shit everywhere and I'm scared as hell. Then that alarm clock goes off. That scared the shit out of me 0_0
K2Valor said:Holy shit.. the part in Chapter 6 where
I'm fucking exploring these apartments, ready to shit my pants. There's little kid shit everywhere and I'm scared as hell. Then that alarm clock goes off. That scared the shit out of me 0_0