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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie

Synless said:
Confession time, I have only ever played the demo for any of these games. I know this is kind of a dumb question given the thread, but are these games good? I just played a demo for Extraction on the PS3 with Move and I have to say that I am intrigued. Is Extraction cannon?

Yes they are.

Yes it is.


Synless said:
I bought Extraction a moment ago. Is it going to ruin anything if I play this game before the first? Is this a prequel or a sequel?
Extraction is a prequel to Dead Space 1. Playing it first won't really ruin anything. If anything, it'll give you more insight into what's going on in Dead Space 1.


Gribbix said:
Extraction is a prequel to Dead Space 1. Playing it first won't really ruin anything. If anything, it'll give you more insight into what's going on in Dead Space 1.
Great news then, thanks!! Alright here I go!!!!!
bigdaddygamebot said:
can't say I'm looking forward to that moment in hard core mode.
i hate those qte's, funnily enough the bits I shouldn't be dying on in hc mode are the bits that I should consider easier. Like the Turkerys in the Unitology bit. They were coming from the side for some reason ffs.

I was like, Game over man, game over! They're coming through the walls!


Short bus special
Okey, going into a proper Hardcore Mode run now. Done 2 or 3 testruns, and just gone to Chapter 2, before making some kind of mistake. (Last death, I accidently blew myself up. My fault completley.)

So, anyone want to share tips and tricks? Make it super helpful for me. Please.


Nork unification denier
KAOz said:
Okey, going into a proper Hardcore Mode run now. Done 2 or 3 testruns, and just gone to Chapter 2, before making some kind of mistake. (Last death, I accidently blew myself up. My fault completley.)

So, anyone want to share tips and tricks? Make it super helpful for me. Please.

I don't know why, but I died repeatedly in my Hardcore run in Chapters 1 and 2, while not having many problem with the later chapters (other, more gifted people, have had no problems with the earlier chapters, so YMMV).

General tips:

1.) forget about upgrading weapons and add nodes to your stasis first, followed by your rig. You can max out stasis (in terms of number of instances) by the beginning of chapter 2 (you should have six nodes by then (assuming the Conduit rooms are open to you) at the first bench you come across - spend five on your stasis and save one for the locked Node room at the end of the first hall in Chapter 2 - you'll find a power node schematic and sometimes an extra node/ruby semiconductor in this locked room - go back to the Store/Bench you were just at and buy two more nodes: add one more to stasis (so you have the maximum number of instances) and one to your Rig).

2.) Always keep your health up in the blue if possible - it is extremely easy to die in one hit if you're in the yellow on the first few chapters. Always, always carry spare health (at least two) and spare stasis (if you can find any early on). Even more than ammo, health and stasis will save your ass in these first few chapters when you're underpowered.

3.) stasis/cut off limbs to save ammo.

4.) if you're feeling overwhelmed, stasis and heal/move - so many times I would panic and get swarmed and forget that I could stasis and get the hell out of there and heal. And if you're surrounded and can't move, let go of the LT and press B. So many times I would be carrying health and forget to let go of LT and heal. You really cannot afford to freeze during Hardcore runs.

5.) Best practice for me was to hug walls and corners - particularly in those big open areas just before you go into the the Church in Chapter 4 and in the big swarm attacks in the Church itself. Particularly in the Cassini commons area before the Church - if you don't hug a corner, the game will send out those golden exploders which are fatal if you can't destroy them before they come close to you. I found that if I stayed right next to the grate that comes down when you're in that common area, and made sure to kill the facehuggers as quickly as possible, the game did not send out the golden exploders. Died a bunch in that commons area before I figured it out though. Hugging the corner also works during the laundry fight in Chapter 2 and in most swarm scenarios - you have a limited frame of view, so you need to avoid enemies attacking you from behind since you won't hear them when you're getting swarmed.

6.) Resist saving as long as possible - you should try to only save once before Chapter 5 (if you're more awesome than me, you can save after 5). I wanted to save just before the timed run down the corridor after Daina gets killed by the gunship, but I was getting frustrated by constantly dying in Church battles, so I saved a bit early just before the big commons area swarm attack before you enter the Church (in Chapter 4). So I saved once in Chapter 4 and once in Chapter 10 or 11 (before the decontamination room in the Ishimura) and then once more just before the unlimited spawning red rooms in Chapter 14. If you have the 360 version, like me, you get an extra checkpoint at the disk change to Disk 2 which is nice - however the checkpoint will disappear if you turn off your 360 so make sure to save after this point if you need to leave the game for some reason.

7.) the Zealot force gun you get with the Collector's Edition and the suit are extremely helpful in Hardcore runs. If you're getting insanely tired of repeating the first few chapters (like me), I would recommend investing in the Supernova DLC pack since this gets you the ripper gun and contact beam as well as an additional suit that increases stasis time by 10% much earlier than you would otherwise get them in the game. My weapons loadout was the plasma cutter, ripper gun, contact beam, and force gun. However, I'm not good at survival horror (I tend to freeze), so you will probably not need any DLC suits/weapons.

Go slow for the first two-four chapters. I died in these chapters more than I did in the latter half of the game, mostly because I didn't have weapons/powerups that I possessed in my previous non-Hardcore runs and that overconfidence was fatal. And don't be afraid to use DLC if you have to - buying the Supernova pack made my hardcore run much more fun since the ripper and the contact beam are such great weapons.

EDIT: I also found that certain boss enemies really only react well to one or two sorts of guns. The first tripod you fight in the medical bay landing area in Chapter 1 only seems to be killable with the plasma cutter - I tried killing him with the contact beam and force gun which I had by that point via DLC/Collector's Edition, but he just shrugged them off (which oddly enough, tripods don't do when you meet them later on in the elevator up to the solar array). The Brute you fight the first time you get to the Hub also shrugs off the Force gun pretty easily. I basically had to take him down with the plasma cutter (I restarted this section later on and he dies more quickly using the Contact Beam).


Synless said:
Great news then, thanks!! Alright here I go!!!!!

Think of Extraction being from the last generation of hardware but still very much Dead Space. It looks just fine, like one of the last PS2 games to come out, but the story is very much DS and is apart of the greater tale.

It's fun and it can be quite challenging. During the peaceful sections you will be firing almost as much as in combat. You have to open lockers/cabinets with TK and then use it again to get what's inside. For green boxes you have to shoot them and then TK the context. This two-shot concept can be tricky but it's fun and keeps you well supplied. Weapon Upgrades and Power Node Rooms are present and use the same mechanic. Watch out for them!


Nork unification denier
BeeDog said:
Very good tips, many thanks. Will bookmark your post for my inevitable Hard Core run. :)

Just keep in mind that I'm really not good at survival horror, so you may not have as much trouble as I did in the first few chapters (really didn't have nearly as much trouble with the latter half of the game, after Chapter 4). There was someone earlier in the thread who apparently made it through Hardcore w/o dying once. I am not that person, alas. (I just found it bizarre that I was dying so often in the first few chapters. Don't know why that is, really.)


luxarific said:
Just keep in mind that I'm really not good at survival horror, so you may not have as much trouble as I did in the first few chapters (really didn't have nearly as much trouble with the latter half of the game, after Chapter 4). There was someone earlier in the thread who apparently made it through Hardcore w/o dying once. I am not that person, alas. (I just found it bizarre that I was dying so often in the first few chapters. Don't know why that is, really.)

My aim will be to crack my first save around chapter 7 - 8. Right now I'm starting up my Zealot run, and I plan on taking chapter-specific notes on hard areas and potential strategies.


Short bus special
luxarific said:

Amazing tips there man! Thanks alot for that massive writeup. I will begin using your tips as soon as I can start playing again.

Also, one more question. What is the best way to get past the hanging-upside-down part? It's horrible. =/

Once again, thank you so much!


Nork unification denier
BeeDog said:
My aim will be to crack my first save around chapter 7 - 8. Right now I'm starting up my Zealot run, and I plan on taking chapter-specific notes on hard areas and potential strategies.

Zealot was fun - I did that on my third playthrough though and by then I was a god, lol. Boy, do I love New Game+. Hardcore feels much like playing the game for the first time through - even though you know where and when attacks will come, you're still as nervous as you were the first time you played the game, since dying has such a greater penalty (in lost time/replays). It's a great mode, but I can't say that I really had as much fun playing it as I did New Game+.


During my NG+ I ugraded all of the weapons I carry and got the Fully Loaded achievement. I must say the fights have been getting spectacularly gory as the weapons reached their peak. I didn't rush to finish one but upgraded them all together a bit at a time.

After one particularly successful yet brutal wave I had to take a pause and soak in all the gore around me. The image of multiple limbs and glowing loot caught in a stasis beam was still echoing in my head. It was just so much to take in.

I looked around the carnage. Even my wife had stopped what she was doing to take it all in.

"I did this," I uttered.


Dyno said:
During my NG+ I ugraded all of the weapons I carry and got the Fully Loaded achievement. I must say the fights have been getting spectacularly gory as the weapons reached their peak. I didn't rush to finish one but upgraded them all together a bit at a time.

After one particularly successful yet brutal wave I had to take a pause and soak in all the gore around me. The image of multiple limbs and glowing loot caught in a stasis beam was still echoing in my head. It was just so much to take in.

I looked around the carnage. Even my wife had stopped what she was doing to take it all in.

"I did this," I uttered.
I saw you on the news last night. You weren't playing a game.


Nork unification denier
KAOz said:
Amazing tips there man! Thanks alot for that massive writeup. I will begin using your tips as soon as I can start playing again.

Also, one more question. What is the best way to get past the hanging-upside-down part? It's horrible. =/

Once again, thank you so much!

Gah, died three-four times there.
The Collector's Edition force gun will not work on that damn brute, btw (although it works quite effectively on the weaker enemies that attack you before the brute). I could only get him to drop me using a weapon such as the plasma cutter or the ripper - the alt attack only for the ripper obviously, though I suspect the line cutter would also work here. Aim for the Brute's shoulder that's on your left and try to have the plasma cutter/weapon you want to use IN HAND before your viewpoint changes to Issac looking up at his feet. There's a slight pause just before your view changes there. You really don't want to waste time switching weapons to something that will work.
KAOz said:
Amazing tips there man! Thanks alot for that massive writeup. I will begin using your tips as soon as I can start playing again.

Also, one more question. What is the best way to get past the hanging-upside-down part? It's horrible. =/

Once again, thank you so much!

I found the line cutter ineffective against the brute for some reason. Plasma cutter (upgraded) wrecked him.


Nork unification denier
bigdaddygamebot said:
I found the line cutter ineffective against the brute for some reason. Plasma cutter (upgraded) wrecked him.

I've only ever been able to kill one brute with a line cutter and it was upgraded all the way, so I would agree that people should probably avoid the LC in favor of the plasma cutter for the Brute. Some people have reported success with the LC's alt-fire mine mode and stasis-ing the Brute, but I found it was difficult to coordinate the mine with the stasis. The Brute would usually end up missing the mine entirely. But I suck, so YMMV with this tactic. EDIT: sorry, should have added that this refers to the
Brute in the hub. You cannot stasis the Brute at the train-shoot-at-your-feet point.


luxarific said:
I've only ever been able to kill one brute with a line cutter and it was upgraded all the way, so I would agree that people should probably avoid the LC in favor of the plasma cutter for the Brute. Some people have reported success with the LC's alt-fire mine mode and stasis-ing the Brute, but I found it was difficult to coordinate the mine with the stasis. The Brute would usually end up missing the mine entirely. But I suck, so YMMV with this tactic.
Can't you attach the LC alt bomb on the Brute itself? I used it on the Necros on the walls.


Nork unification denier
LiK said:
Can't you attach the LC alt bomb on the Brute itself? I used it on the Necros on the walls.

Never tried that - would be cool if it works. I would throw bodies and furniture at the wall Necros to avoid wasting ammo.
LiK said:
Can't you attach the LC alt bomb on the Brute itself? I used it on the Necros on the walls.

Nope, it bounces.

Infact...I've had an alt-fire line cutter mine bounce off the wallpaper necros as well. It's best to fire them at all the goop and piles of flesh at the base of the wall.

edit: it doesn't bounce far, but it does seem to bounce.

I'd tend to think that because the brute moves around as much as it does, even while nailed with a stasis, the line cutter alt-fire isn't the most effective weapon choice.

All you need to do is blow off one leg, then it's static and shoots the tumors at you.
Save your ammo and TK the tumors back at the brute.

other than the brute that comes at you after the train, the other brutes are pretty easy.
If you've got the patience of a saint (or a 2 and a half hour podcast to keep you distracted) you can do what I did and use the DLC Detonator exploit. Go to the store take the DLC Detonator (0 credit cost), fire a mine, deactivate it, TK and store it, repeat until empty, sell them to the store, sell back the Detonator (you won't get any credits for it), buy it back for 0 credits again, rinse and repeat. I saved after doing this for about 3 and a half hours. Okay I'm at the start of chapter 2 with only 2 saves left but I have fully upgraded stasis, 2 HP upgrades on my rig, a PC that's just missing a few capacity upgrades, about 8 nodes into my Contact Beam and 50K+ credit contigency fund.


I just finished Dead Space 2 and have been trying to figure out why I found the game to ultimately be unsatisfying.

It looked gorgeous. Seriously beautiful.

The weapons, while there were a great variety, didn't grab me. Oddly, they all felt similar to one another, which makes no sense. I used the Line Cutter, Plasma Gun, Seeker, and whatever the mine gun was called. All very different in theory, but for some reason they seemed to work the same way during gameplay. I can't put my finger on it.

The monster closets annoyed the crap out of me. Yes, it makes sense from a story perspective as they're in the vents and moving throughout the ship. It felt like I was playing Doom 3 in that sense. "Everything clear over here? Ok. Safe to move forward." BOOM. Monster from the ceiling. Got really tiring.

The story was bland as hell. I came into the series with this game. I watched the "Previously on Deadspace" movie to catch up. Maybe I didn't have the attachment to the characters that was required to fully enjoy the story. After a while I lost track of where I was - "Wait, am in in the Ishimura now or the space station I started on or what?" I'm still unsure of exactly what the ultimate purpose of the Marker is.

Part of the problem is that I think I'm getting tired of the FPS tropes. "Oh, I'm almost to my destination! Yay! Oh no, a sudden obstacle has been placed in my path and I must now follow a more circuitous route to my destination that is literally right before me." It happened so many times to Isaac that it got ridiculous by the end.

It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. It just wasn't my cup of tea, and I'm a little puzzled as to why. I played through and and was glad when the end finally came. Compare and contrast to Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light which I just recently played, where I finished the game and immediately started it up again to beat some of the challenges.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I swear to everything that is holy , I'm going to play the severed DLC ( aptly named ._.) on my pc-version if it's the last thing I do.


Nork unification denier
Die Squirrel Die said:
If you've got the patience of a saint (or a 2 and a half hour podcast to keep you distracted) you can do what I did and use the DLC Detonator exploit. Go to the store take the DLC Detonator (0 credit cost), fire a mine, deactivate it, TK and store it, repeat until empty, sell them to the store, sell back the Detonator (you won't get any credits for it), buy it back for 0 credits again, rinse and repeat. I saved after doing this for about 3 and a half hours. Okay I'm at the start of chapter 2 with only 2 saves left but I have fully upgraded stasis, 2 HP upgrades on my rig, a PC that's just missing a few capacity upgrades, about 8 nodes into my Contact Beam and 50K+ credit contigency fund.

Hah! If I had known about this earlier, I probably would have done this. That said, the ripper (which you can also get early via DLC), is such an awesome weapon that ever since I got it Hardcore has been much more manageable.
quick question about the ending I dont know if i accidentally skipped the end or not but is the last cut scene before the credits
Issac and Ellie in the ship and Ellie says "what?"


AmericanNinja said:
quick question about the ending I dont know if i accidentally skipped the end or not but is the last cut scene before the credits
Issac and Ellie in the ship and Ellie says "what?"

Yes, although
a voice comes on after the end of the credits Metal Gear style. It talks about how the Sprawl was destroyed but theres still 12 other marker sites.


Grisby said:
Yes, although
a voice comes on after the end of the credits Metal Gear style. It talks about how the Sprawl was destroyed but theres still 12 other marker sites.

lol, yes it really was Metal Gear style, I was actually waiting for the "....thank you , Mr. President" ^^


Started my Hardcore run and made my save right after
That whole sequence were Daina gets killed
This is probably the most intense thing I've attempted to do in a videogame. You can fuck up so stupidly easy. And I'm loving it so far.


A question for the Visceral devs posting here. Are you guys aware of the bug in multiplayer that causes the objective to disappear thus making it uncompletable for the Security team and giving a free win for the Necromorph team? It's very annoying and happened to me and my buddies three times in a row today.


If were already talking to the devs, I wonder why you changed the Voice actress of Nicole? In Dead Space 1 she was (according to IMDB) voiced by Iyari Limon. In Dead Space 2 however she is voiced by Tanya Clarke. Was there any specific reason for this?
Kinyou said:
If were already talking to the devs, I wonder why you changed the Voice actress of Nicole? In Dead Space 1 she was (according to IMDB) voiced by Iyari Limon. In Dead Space 2 however she is voiced by Tanya Clarke. Was there any specific reason for this?



Amazing game.

Didn't care much for the last two chapters, kind of a middling conclusion, but other than that this was great stuff.


Damn, breezing through Zealot on NG++ with my upgraded weapons. :p Though enemies still hit like trucks.

What are the differences between Survivalist/Hard Core and Zealot in terms of item drops and enemies?


Please tell me chapter 11 isn't the start of a steady decline, cos its been fucking awful. More combat is ok but having 3 enemies spawn, one behind you as well, then to take like 2 steps forward for the EXACT same combination of enemies to spawn in the EXACT same place is tedious.
Story was the biggest disappointment. Really did nothing for the mythology. Isaac gets over Nicole, something that probably should have happened between games. In a lot of ways, the story to this game was a complete retread.

I'm probably putting too much stock in videogame stories these days, as they've continually let met down. But when your main character is called Isaac Clarke, I expect more. Especially after the first game threw in a lot of cool stuff (albeit ripped off most of it), and then to do little to nothing with it.

The game was good, but I really can't fathom how anyone would think this was better than DS1. Isaac controlled a little bit better, but literally everything else was done better in the first game. Bosses, sense of terror, mystery, story, etc.


I've been staying away from this thread to avoid spoilers, but I picked this up during the Amazon sale yesterday. I just finished up Chapter 1 and it's fantastic so far. Two questions though:

1. Am I really going to have to stomp every dead enemy for the rest of the game to get loot? It seems like such a poor design decision compared to how it was in the original Dead Space.

2. Has anyone transcribed/translated what's scrawled on the walls of Isaac's room when the game first starts? I tried to catch a glimpse but I died way too quickly each time. I'd appreciate a warning if it has anything to do with the end of the game or anything similar.


BigAT said:
1. Am I really going to have to stomp every dead enemy for the rest of the game to get loot? It seems like such a poor design decision compared to how it was in the original Dead Space.

Well, you'll have to 'abuse' corpses to get loot, that much is true. But you don't have to stomp bodies, necessarily: a simple telekenesis grab and 'fling' will release items from the dead. Much more efficient this way: kill, grab body, fling body, grab item.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
CartridgeBlower said:
The game was good, but I really can't fathom how anyone would think this was better than DS1. Isaac controlled a little bit better, but literally everything else was done better in the first game. Bosses, sense of terror, mystery, story, etc.
I don't think the bosses of the first game particularly gelled well with its story. Hell, I'm not so sure bosses work so well in this kind of game period. I think it's much cooler to do bigger set pieces and crazy battles than to toss in a massive boss and shoot its glowing yellow tumors.

As for the mystery, I think it's hard to fault the game for that. It's pretty tough to do that twice without just adding on new, ridiculous levels of mythology (something I'd say the Matrix sequels attempted). Once the genie's out of the bottle... I'd say Dead Space sort of followed the Alien/Aliens pattern. You can't rediscover all the stuff about the Marker, Unitology, necromorphs, etc., so it's more about the protagonist taking charge against a larger form of the evil.

Still, I think Dead Space 2 introduced some neat questions about EarthGov's plans and motives. I think they've done a fine job expanding the universe without doing any misguided gamechangers.


Finished the game and overall, I'm a little disappointed with it. It feels a little bit like a retread of DS1 and didn't really try to set itself apart from the original. Don't get me wrong though, it's absolutely a polished experience but I was hoping for a bit more overall. I was also disappointed in the choice of areas they had us progress through. It's set on a colony/space station and they used some of the most typical settings for the game. They could've really done some more interesting areas for us to go through.


Nork unification denier
Dan said:
I don't think the bosses of the first game particularly gelled well with its story. Hell, I'm not so sure bosses work so well in this kind of game period. I think it's much cooler to do bigger set pieces and crazy battles than to toss in a massive boss and shoot its glowing yellow tumors.

I completely agree with this. The Hive Mind was marginally better than DS2's final boss, but only, imho, because you could
actually see what was going on. I hated the shadow children and the general environment in which you had to battle Evil Nicole (not the concept itself - I liked the fact that two parts of Issac's brain were essentially warring against each other). I know that you're in his mind, blah, blah, but it would be nice if you could see what was going on.
DS1's Hive Mind never really made sense to me (why is it there? why does the marker control it? or does it? bleagh).

Dan said:
Still, I think Dead Space 2 introduced some neat questions about EarthGov's plans and motives. I think they've done a fine job expanding the universe without doing any misguided gamechangers.

I'm really looking forward to some more explanation in DS3 about this.
It seems as though Unitology and EarthGov are at odds, but are they really? Both of these factions want to make markers, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were both the tools of the Overseers/Marker aliens/INSERT BIG BAD HERE who are just intent at reaching Convergence by whatever means possible.

I have to say I also appreciated the
depiction of Issac's suffering at Nicole's death. You rarely see true mourning in videogames and I found his love for her and his guilt at her death and reluctance to let her go quite compelling


So how many rooms does Ignition unlock in DS2? I bought Ignition when I was upto chapter 7 and I only found 1 room from that point on through the rest of the game.

I swear I remember reading that there were 4 rooms? Figured they would be spaced out through the chapters.


Nork unification denier
voltron said:
So how many rooms does Ignition unlock in DS2? I bought Ignition when I was upto chapter 7 and I only found 1 room from that point on through the rest of the game.

I swear I remember reading that there were 4 rooms? Figured they would be spaced out through the chapters.

4, and they are spaced out, but not extremely evenly. There's one
in chapters 1, 2, 4 and 9. So glad that Franco bites it in the first few minutes of the game - Altman be praised, my ass.


I'm on chapter 7 right now and love it. Everything just feel satisfying, even just having Isaac walk around. The speed, animation, how he moves his head and arms.

I liked the
clever girls
achievement. The night before I started playing I actually watched the movie. That whole section with the sounds the enemies make did actually remind me of it.


Lingering questions that I don't remember being explained in the game:
How exactly did this outbreak start? In Ignition, the monsters just pop up, and they don't really go into it in Dead Space 2.

Also, is there any explanation for the new regenerator monster? Seems like it's the natural form of whatever alien race these are.


Nork unification denier
Scarecrow said:
Lingering questions that I don't remember being explained in the game:
How exactly did this outbreak start? In Ignition, the monsters just pop up, and they don't really go into it in Dead Space 2.

Also, is there any explanation for the new regenerator monster? Seems like it's the natural form of whatever alien race these are.

Re first question: according to a poster in this thread, the explanation is provided in the IPhone game.
Dave1988 said:
A question for the Visceral devs posting here. Are you guys aware of the bug in multiplayer that causes the objective to disappear thus making it uncompletable for the Security team and giving a free win for the Necromorph team? It's very annoying and happened to me and my buddies three times in a row today.

i cannot believe they didn't fix this issue considering they have known about it since the beta.


luxarific said:
Re first question: according to a poster in this thread, the explanation is provided in the IPhone game.

Interesting. Even when I started playing the iPhone game, I got the impression that my character is about to become
a sacrificial lamb for whatever shenanigans that will occur later on.

Still, Isaac Clarke >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characters from the other games (especially Lexine and Franco).
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