I just finished Dead Space 2 and have been trying to figure out why I found the game to ultimately be unsatisfying.
It looked gorgeous. Seriously beautiful.
The weapons, while there were a great variety, didn't grab me. Oddly, they all felt similar to one another, which makes no sense. I used the Line Cutter, Plasma Gun, Seeker, and whatever the mine gun was called. All very different in theory, but for some reason they seemed to work the same way during gameplay. I can't put my finger on it.
The monster closets annoyed the crap out of me. Yes, it makes sense from a story perspective as they're in the vents and moving throughout the ship. It felt like I was playing Doom 3 in that sense. "Everything clear over here? Ok. Safe to move forward." BOOM. Monster from the ceiling. Got really tiring.
The story was bland as hell. I came into the series with this game. I watched the "Previously on Deadspace" movie to catch up. Maybe I didn't have the attachment to the characters that was required to fully enjoy the story. After a while I lost track of where I was - "Wait, am in in the Ishimura now or the space station I started on or what?" I'm still unsure of exactly what the ultimate purpose of the Marker is.
Part of the problem is that I think I'm getting tired of the FPS tropes. "Oh, I'm almost to my destination! Yay! Oh no, a sudden obstacle has been placed in my path and I must now follow a more circuitous route to my destination that is literally right before me." It happened so many times to Isaac that it got ridiculous by the end.
It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. It just wasn't my cup of tea, and I'm a little puzzled as to why. I played through and and was glad when the end finally came. Compare and contrast to Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light which I just recently played, where I finished the game and immediately started it up again to beat some of the challenges.