NemesisPrime said:
I feel that some games should not get sequels (Bioshock for example). Not sure if I want to return to the DS universe for more. It might lessen my memories of the first game, some things are best left dormant. Plenty of other things to play...
Also I am back to ignoring any EA game
Well, Bioshock shouldn't have a had a sequel only because it was a bad game, with a terrible story, bland enemies, and lame protagonists and antagonists. However, Rapture was a fantastic setting that had an amazing amount of atmosphere.
Bioshock 2 had much better gameplay, more enemy variety, and a slightly more interesting story that actually involved the main protagonist. Of course, the atmosphere wasn't as great.
I was surprised when I first popped in the original Dead Space. It reminded of Bioshock quite a bit, but the overall quality seemed much higher. I actually enjoyed the gameplay and the audio, text, and video logs accentuated the story instead of replacing it entirely. I thought the atmosphere did a great job of immersing the player in the world of the game. Now, an overrun spaceship may not have been as cool a setting as a massive underwater city, but I thought it worked well within the universe of the game. I also liked the design of Isaac even though his role as a silent avatar pissed me off. (something they fixed for DS2)
From the outset of the game, you could already tell that there was no way everything about this universe could be told in a single space of 10-12 hours. I think there are a lot of cool places they can take this thing outside of dealing exclusively with necromorphs. I've never really understood how a person's thoughts about one product could be effected by another product, so I don't really see why you wouldn't want to play this after enjoying the original.
codecow said:
I kind of like how it is now better. In the first game I needed the R3 locator a lot of times because many areas were similar looking and you weren't led well by the level design.
Playing now I find myself using the locator very sparingly. I am interested in what I will find in the side rooms and there isn't so much confusion in the level layouts so I don't find myself getting disoriented and lost all that often.
I thought you guys did a pretty good job of leading the player along in the first game. I mean, the doors that led to a path that you would not be going through during a particular section were locked. Each door also had a little information panel above it that told you where it would lead, which was useful because you were always alerted to where you would need to go to complete your objective by your team. For example, they would say something like, "We need the Captain's rig. His body is located in the morgue." and you would be able to look at the information panels and they would lead you to the morgue. Side rooms were either locked or said something like "Storage Room"/had a male/female bathroom sign.
Of course, I suppose one would need a pretty good sense of direction in order to know whether or not they've already been through a particular door.
Will there be another "One Gun" type of trophy? I went for that in my first playthrough and was quite surprised at how much of a good decision that was. Not only was the plasma cutter a fantastic weapon, but there were so few nodes in the game that to open all of the additional doors and upgrade your rig, plasma cutter, stasis module, and kinesis module in a single playthrough required a fair bit of nodes bought from the store.
That might be hard to do this time around because I love playing through the demo using all of the additional weapons. The javelin gun only requires one shot to save you from the big monster in the little unitology sanctuary.