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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie

jackdoe said:
Just beat Dead Space 2. While not as scary as DS1, it was just as tense. The Alien vs Aliens comparison really holds true here.

I dunno I felt that Dead Space 2 was a lot more creative and varied when it came to atmosphere and setpieces, like the
elementary school
which I found to be a lot creepier than anything in the first game.


Nork unification denier
Scarecrow said:
How can you play Hard Core mode? I tried after beating it and it said HC mode wasn't applicable to Severed.

Oops, sorry, that was an incorrect assumption on my part. I assumed because it was grayed-out in Severed, just as it was in the main game, that once you had played through Severed on any difficulty, Hardcore would unlock in the DLC as it did in the main game. That sucks if that's not the case. Wanted to use my foam hand on Hardcore in Severed. :(


Calion82v said:
I know this has been discussed to death, but the last few chapters on zealot are simply bullshit. Ugh.
Stores become extremely rare by the end of the game (and they don't have one prior to the final boss) so it makes it kind of challenging. I had to backtrack cause I only had heavy weapons left for the final boss, which makes it way too challenging.


Wario64 said:
Well with Move, I think you have to do the motions to do melee. On DS3, you just hit L2. So you can just constantly spam L2 while you're shooting and stuff. Makes the challenges so much easier too.

Awww shit, I'm pretty far into Extraction and completely forgot about melee.
Just finished up the game on Zealot :0

My second playthrough was much, much easier, with all the upgraded weapons and all. Zealot was a cakewalk kinda. I went with Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, Line Gun and Force Gun.

The game was actually harder until maybe... chapter 11?

By the end of the game, I really didn't have any reason to kill enemies / get more ammo / conserve ammo, so I started just plunging through the rooms. Force Gun + Stasis made almost all rooms passable without too much difficulty, even in the areas where you are ambushed and have swarms of enemies coming towards you.

I did run low on ammo on chapter 13, on the areas where you
face a brute in an room where you have to do a hack after killing him
, so instead of killing everything I just stasis'ed my way through.

Chapter 14 and 15... I don't know what to say. I honestly think, whoever is going room by room clearing up every enemy through the rooms is doing it wrong. I mean, it's pretty obvious to me that (especially on chapter 15) the game was designed so that you would just RUN. It's doable to kill everything, but a hassle at the same time.

I got every trophy except for Hard to the Core. I think I will put the game down for now and come back to the trophy later.


Sohter.Nura said:
I got every trophy except for Hard to the Core. I think I will put the game down for now and come back to the trophy later.

I'd say do it now while the areas are fresh in your mind, that way you won't waste time later on silly deaths because you forgot where the cysts were.


Just wrapped up DS2! Those last few chapters flew by. It's a toss up between DS1 and DS2 though. Both games have their strengths and weaknesses.


Junior Member
Going through DS1 again is making me really appreciate all the subtle refinements to the controls in DS2, nice work Visceral.


Neo Member
So I finished my Zealot run on NewGame+, and it was fairly easy after the I beat it the first time on Survivalist. However Chapter 13 onward is still complete bullshit, especially the 3 tiered room with the Brute at the bottom, and the Regenerator.

I started a third run today to finish all the achievements other than Hard Core, and I have promptly fell in love with the contact gun. Saw a bunch of hype in this thread but I didn't try it till today. OMG that gun is god tier. Just destroys shit.

So any advice for the last two weapon spots in my hardcore run? Right now I've committed to plasma cutter and contact gun. I'm torn between including the pulse rifle, flamethrower, force gun, or javelin launcher.


Roscoe said:
So any advice for the last two weapon spots in my hardcore run? Right now I've committed to plasma cutter and contact gun. I'm torn between including the pulse rifle, flamethrower, force gun, or javelin launcher.

I've been using:

* Plasma Cutter (for those action sequences where you have to quickly dismember a creature). It's fast enough and if you don't use it often, you'll get enough ammo to use on those action sequences. This is important. Don't waste your plasma cutter on normal enemies when you can.....
* Blast them to smithereens with Force Gun. Upgraded Force Gun or better, Zealot Force Gun, will knock back an enemy so hard, it breaks them. It's especially important during gangbang moment so they'd give you the space that you need. The ammo is also the cheapest that you can buy by bucketloads and still have enough money to buy other things.
* If Force Gun is not good enough, then that's when you employ Contact Beam. With its SPEC node fully filled, you don't even need to fill the rest of the nodes after it. Just those first 7 leading up to SPEC node. Once you do, you can stasis+break everything in your path. This includes the ever-annoying Mr.Stalker.
* To round it up, Pulse Rifle is *very* useful to dispatch small enemies like the Children, the babies, the critters, the cysts, and its alt-weapon will one-hit-kill those wall moaners that spit outs pods.


Neo Member
Bah I'm getting disconnected from the multiplayer very frequently, anyone else experiencing this? Also, am I missing something with the puke-attack? (not the projectile one, but the "steady-stream-of-vomit") It just seems very weak considering you have to get up fairly close to use it.


Neo Member
Replicant said:
I've been using:

* Plasma Cutter (for those action sequences where you have to quickly dismember a creature). It's fast enough and if you don't use it often, you'll get enough ammo to use on those action sequences. This is important. Don't waste your plasma cutter on normal enemies when you can.....
* Blast them to smithereens with Force Gun. Upgraded Force Gun or better, Zealot Force Gun, will knock back an enemy so hard, it breaks them. It's especially important during gangbang moment so they'd give you the space that you need. The ammo is also the cheapest that you can buy by bucketloads and still have enough money to buy other things.
* If Force Gun is not good enough, then that's when you employ Contact Beam. With its SPEC node fully filled, you don't even need to fill the rest of the nodes after it. Just those first 7 leading up to SPEC node. Once you do, you can stasis+break everything in your path. This includes the ever-annoying Mr.Stalker.
* To round it up, Pulse Rifle is *very* useful to dispatch small enemies like the Children, the babies, the critters, the cysts, and its alt-weapon will one-hit-kill those wall moaners that spit outs pods.

I think you and I are on the same exact wavelength with respect to the first 3. I also like the pulse rifle but I think the flamethrower is a better child and baby killer.

It seemed when I used higher power weapons on kids the bodies would disappear before I could loot them. With the flamethrower you simultaneously kill them and make them spit up loot.

During my last run every time I ran into a pack of kids the flamethrower left me with a huge puddle of credits and ammo underneath the flames.
Beat this just in time last night for the new DLC, I loved it all the was up towards the last few chapters. Im not sure what they were thinking making you fight that many Necros at once, I just wanted it to end. But besides the annoyances this game is amazing. 9/10, im finishing up Extraction before I start Severed.
I had avoided all talk and media on this game until I finished it, and I found it amusing that I wasn't the only one that came to the "Alien/Aliens" conclusion.

I really enjoyed the game. I thought it was fun, entertaining, and the gameplay was really refined from the first. Not to mention everything looked really, really nice. That said, I don't think this game will really stay in my memory like the first one did.

There were several moments that should have been really impressive, but I just don't think the atmosphere or tone was quite there like the first one did for me. I did really like the
space catapult part, though.
That was probably the highlight of the game for me.

DS2 also wasn't scary at all. I found myself calling almost all of the times when something was going to happen or what they were planning on doing because so much of it was rehashed from the first. It felt more like RE4 type of anxiety from too many things at once, but never scary. The fact that I reached the "alien/aliens" comparison makes me want to be more lenient toward the game since it's more action, but I'm almost positive I remember them hyping this game to be scarier than the first when info was first releasing.

I also felt this game suffered from really not making me remember what I was doing. Every time I would reload the game I found myself not recalling what I was doing or why. After reading the objective I would realize nothing had changed from the standard "go here." I know that's really not at all different from the first, but it just didn't work this time for me. When I played the first game I would stop after boarding the train to the next area, and I would reload the next night remembering exactly where I left off.

The side characters also felt really pointless. They didn't seem to contribute anything to the overall plot. They were just there telling me that I had reached the destination and to run over to the next. The worst offender was
the Tiedeman guy. Why bother throwing in that last minute attempt to make us feel sympathetic for him when the only times we had seen him he was doing his "I'm the bad guy! Mwahahaha!" routine?

When they announced Isaac would be voiced I was looking forward to maybe exploring his character more, but the opportunity felt squandered. In my eyes, he boiled down to
either just swearing angrily or talking aloud about how he felt guilty/you're not real.
I don't know what direction I would have taken him in, but I probably would have done more with him than that.

All in all, I still really enjoyed the game. The weapons were all great to use and had excellent feedback. Stasis and kinesis felt like they were even greater tools in combat this time around. I'm looking forward to replaying it and seeing if my perspective changes at all. I'm hoping I like it more second go-around.

Fake edit: Those spitting enemies are so annoying when they're at a distance and you don't hear/see them. Made me want to scream.


Typographenia said:
Fake edit: Those spitting enemies are so annoying when they're at a distance and you don't hear/see them. Made me want to scream.
There was one moment where I entered a room and all of a sudden I went "Did I just get bukake'd? By whom?" I didn't see the puker because he was so far away. Man, I didn't even get the chance to say "All over my face, please!"
Replicant said:
There was one moment where I entered a room and all of a sudden I went "Did I just get bukake'd? By whom?" I didn't see the puker because he was so far away. Man, I didn't even get the chance to say "All over my face, please!"

usually you can hear the gasp just before a spitball no matter how far away they are iirc.

In the heat of battle though with lots of stuff going on around you it's annoying.

In multiplayer I think they were quite good if you use them properly, but I was fighting with the controls so much that I gave up with multiplayer. Starts saving pennies for a xim3.
Somebody in the Dead Space 2 Severed DLC thread mentioned an awesome tip for getting free Detonator ammo, and I found a way of making it a bit quicker.

Unfortunately though, you need either the Supernova or Martial Law DLC pack (400 points each), as you need the Detonator that comes with either one of them.

Apologies if this is already common knowledge, but that didn't seem to be the case in the other thread.

Anyway, here's the process:

1) Get a free Detonator from the store, which comes with three mines.
2) Fire all three mines onto the ground.
3) Deactivate the mines, and pick them up.
4) Sell your now empty Detonator back to the store (you won't get any credits).
5) Repeat.

You'll accumulate Detonator mines this way, which you can sell for credits. You get three mines for each "cycle", which are worth 600 credits. Each cycle takes about 20 seconds.

However, you can speed this process up somewhat (about twice as fast) by doing the following as soon as you can get a normal Detonator and 13 power nodes:

6) Buy a normal Detonator.
7) Upgrade it to maximum Capacity (everything else is irrelevant).
8) Put your regular Detonator into your Safe. Do NOT sell it.
9) Repeat steps 1-5 with the DLC Detonator.

You can now fire and pick up seven mines per cycle, rather than three. The reason for buying and upgrading the regular Detonator is because upgrades carry over between normal and DLC weapons. If you just upgrade your DLC Detonator and don't buy a normal one, you'll lose all the upgrades when you sell it.

You'll now earn 1400 credits per cycle, which now takes roughly 25 seconds.

It's hardly a quick process, but it's certainly possible to keep doing this to earn all the credits you need. Even if you don't have the time or patience to repeat this over and over to get all the Power Nodes you want, you can simply do it a few times each time you get to a store, to make sure you can buy enough health kits and ammo for other guns to make things easier. And if nothing else, you could just make the Detonator one of your main weapons, as it's very quick to build up a large amount of ammo for that.

Personally, when I do a hardcore run, I'll probably use this trick at the first store to buy a decent amount of health kits/ammo, and maybe a few Power Nodes, but I'll wait until I'm just about to use my first save to dedicate the time necessary to completely beef up my weapons with Power Nodes. Since it's a time-consuming process, I don't want to spend ages doing it right at the beginning of the game, only to end up dying and have all that time (in addition to actual playtime) wasted.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Well I just finished the game. Great fun and incredibly polished but so similar to the first game that the tension and excitement fizzled out quickly. There were no new enemies that provided any challenge or asked you to think in new ways, and while I'm no fan of stories in videogames, I thought the first game laid a good foundation for a more expansive sequel, sadly it seemed like they just stopped trying to flesh things out after the first 3 chapters and just had you running around fixing machinery until chapter 15. I also thought they handled Isaac having a face and voice pretty badly. This:

*Isaac opens helmet*
*looks sad*
*weepy violin music*

...got pretty painful by the end, Extraction had a lot more character and was much less mawkish. DS2 is a really fun game but outside of some brilliant set pieces it feels like an add-on to DS1 rather than a true sequel. I guess that's the name of the game these days.


Not sure if this is old news, but it seems like the MSRP for the PC version of this game is now $39.99, even on Steam! Looks like I'll finally get around to buying this, especially since all the DLC suits/guns are available now. <3 Visceral.
Has there been any discussion about the stalker necromorphs yet? In "Questions with Steve Episode 06" on youtube he gets a question about their origin and declines to say anything concrete, although he suggests cats and dogs are likely candidates. However, my friend who has been playing the game obsessively gave me his theory which makes a hell of a lot more sense, which is that stalkers are bird hybrid necromorphs.

It actually makes perfect sense. There's the guy with the text logs who releases his birds on the station, and if you look at a stalker's head it looks like a bird skull fused with a human skull. Furthermore, there's the Jurassic Park reference to raptors (clever girl). In the movie Dr. Grant talks about the raptor/bird connection.
Well, maybe dinosaurs have more in common with present-day birds than they do with reptiles. Look at the pubic bone: turned backward, just like a bird. Look at the vertebrae: full of airsacs and hollows, just like a bird. And even the word 'raptor' means "bird of prey."


I agree with the bird theory, plus the part of DS2 in that one guy's area where there are birdcages. Im not sure if the dev team thought it out as far as we are romantically hoping, but it would sure be cool. those necro's are awesome, and yes, the 'clever girl' drop, definitely says something, as well as their shrieking raptor noises..


I found DS2 scary as shit! But only on hardcore actually. Especially towards the last 3 chapters, certain sections sent my pulse racing so fast that I went a little giddy and couldn't aim at all, and had to stop for a breather.

Anyway my hardcore strat was simply Plasma Cutter + Contact Beam. Upgraded stasis as quickly as possible, followed by maxing the C-beam's secondary fire. I also used a lot of kinesis during combat to conserve ammo. Plasma cutter with fire special ability cleans up the babies and leaves their loot drop. C-beam's maxed secondary fire is the ultimate back up for any situation when you're just swarmed with anything whatsoever. It's primary pretty much wipes out everything else left standing at any range.


maomaoIYP said:
I found DS2 scary as shit! But only on hardcore actually. Especially towards the last 3 chapters, certain sections sent my pulse racing so fast that I went a little giddy and couldn't aim at all, and had to stop for a breather.

Anyway my hardcore strat was simply Plasma Cutter + Contact Beam. Upgraded stasis as quickly as possible, followed by maxing the C-beam's secondary fire. I also used a lot of kinesis during combat to conserve ammo. Plasma cutter with fire special ability cleans up the babies and leaves their loot drop. C-beam's maxed secondary fire is the ultimate back up for any situation when you're just swarmed with anything whatsoever. It's primary pretty much wipes out everything else left standing at any range.

Likes this.


Neo Member
I dont know if this was previously addressed but does anyone know if or when they are going to come out with some new maps for the multiplayer.

This game by the way is by far one of the best games I have EVER played. Ive beaten it on hardcore and must say if it was amazing. If I could give any advice it would be dont save until the second disc, if you die on the second disc and press continue it takes you back to the beginning of that disc kind of like a save. Just DONT return to the main menu or you will have to put the first disc back in again.


Nork unification denier
Saw this linked on Gamasutra:

Horror in Video Games: There's Seeing -- and Then There's Realizing What You're Seeing

I have to admit I never noticed that second pair of hands on the slasher. I never really paused to examine the enemies attacking me because that would have diminished the mood of the game for me, and usually their bodies were in such bad shape by the end of our encounters in any case that the only recognizable bits were heads (which sometimes have some amusing expressions). I only really have vague impressions of most enemies in DS2 (except the infants), because most of them move so quickly and their attacks are so damaging that if you don't eliminate them immediately you're dead.

I don't agree with the author's comment about not stopping to look at the scenery, however (particularly in Red Dead Redemption - the environment is one of the best things about that game). The environments in DS2 were also something I enjoyed - whenever I had eliminated all enemies in a region, I spent some time looking around (though admittedly, I saved most of this until my second run through the game). I also liked the views of Saturn out the windows and any time there was a zero-gravity sequence, I toodled around out there for awhile.


LiK said:
camera is pulled back way more too than DS1. didn't noticed until i replayed DS1 last month. it's probably why DS2 feels a lot of less claustrophobic.

This sounds very interesting to me. Are you sure about this? I don't see much of a difference in the few good screenshots I've found of the two games.
Just Beat DS2
Line gun, cutter, ripper, contact beam
The ripper saves you so much ammo, On that
elevator ride where mechanic necros drop in on you for 2 minutes
I could kill 3 with one ripsaw,including an enhanced.
Final boss was a bit anti climatic,
shoot the girl twice with contact beam, shoot the pulsing blob twice, reload, rinse, repeat, done.
I kept carrying the line gun around, thinking I'd need it, but I'd rarely use it unless I had too much of its ammo building up and wasting space.
How much harder is zealot than normal?


So in a nutshell, is Severed good? Just downloaded it, so I guess its not a relevant question, but I wanna be prepared.

oh, and does it come with cheevos??


I managed to reach Chapter 7 on Hardcore. I didn't want to take any more risk and the thought of having to restart right from the beginning after all of that will make me lose my mind. So I saved in the area prior to the Elevator fight. I died once fighting those tripod so I didn't want to take chance.

But now that I've done this, where is the next best save point?


Replicant said:
I managed to reach Chapter 7 on Hardcore. I didn't want to take any more risk and the thought of having to restart right from the beginning after all of that will make me lose my mind. So I saved in the area prior to the Elevator fight. I died once fighting those tripod so I didn't want to take chance.

But now that I've done this, where is the next best save point?

From chapter 7, you can pretty much push all the way to the beginning of chapter 13 before saving.


It sucks, I wanted the downloadable version and had the promo code applied to it but the price went back up at checkout. WTH?


BeeDog said:
From chapter 7, you can pretty much push all the way to the beginning of chapter 13 before saving.
How about those machinary stuff (the blades, fire etc)? Where are they? I hate those and tend to die there.
slopeslider said:
Won't happen again.

That makes me feel mean! But someone was bound to tell you. =)

Anyway, at the end of my 2nd playthrough. Love the game so much but I think I figured out what I couldn't put my finger on the first time through... the Sprawl. There's not enough of it. With the Ishimura I felt I explored that fucker top to bottom, front to back, upside down and then back up right again, but the Sprawl just kind of felt like it wasn't really represented that much, or enough, or something.

I mean, the locations that were there were awesome, but I guess I wanted to see more of it. Extremely minor nitpick in the long run.


Hardcore is Survivalist difficulty with 3 saves, no checkpoints, unless you're on 360, which gives you a soft checkpoint when you switch discs.
So If I can beat non + Survivalist with 3 saves I can take on hardcore mode?
Would've figured it be zealot difficulty.
Zealot's the hardest one right?


Yep, Zealot's the hardest; I guess Visceral wanted to catch us a break. I failed miserably in my first hardcore attempt, gearing myself up for another run at it. Going all the way back to the opening cutscene sucks.


I wish Gabe's suit had the same face in the main DS2 game. :| I paid $7 for it and I can't even get that.

mittelos said:
Yep, Zealot's the hardest; I guess Visceral wanted to catch us a break. I failed miserably in my first hardcore attempt, gearing myself up for another run at it. Going all the way back to the opening cutscene sucks.

I just failed in the first part with the Tripods. So angry...one somehow came from behind and just mutilated me. I was doing so good up until then too. It's gonna be a while before I get wanting to do that again.
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