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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Haha, this game turned into mediocre game to garbage game in seconds. What the fuck were they smoking when they designed the last boss :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Terrible game. Thank god selling games exists


slopeslider said:
So If I can beat non + Survivalist with 3 saves I can take on hardcore mode?
Would've figured it be zealot difficulty.
Zealot's the hardest one right?

Technically, yes. That said the first time I played DS2 was on Zealot, it was enjoyable but I never found it overly punishing.

Hardcore does scale the enemies back to Survivalist but you'd be surprised how easily you can die here, having finished this mode myself it's definitely the hardest challenge. Up until Chapter 7 is probably the hardest section on Hardcore, mainly because it's full of set-pieces that can kill you quickly if you have forgotten about them from your previous playthrough.

Once you hit the second half of the game I think it gets a little more relaxed, mainly because you will probably have a save by that point. Knowing you have that behind you is nice insurance. Once you have got a weapon fully upgraded and have your supplies in order you will be in full swing.

Not being able to skip cutscenes is a real pain though, especially if you die and have to restart the game over, the opening 30 minutes is torture if you have already played it a couple of times. I really enjoyed the challenge but certain parts can feel cheap and unfair if you've not got a handle on it.
Played multiplayer for an hour for the first time. It was fine for maybe two rounds. This game is a great example of when a developer should just have poured all there resources into expanding the SP a little bit more. There's nothing wrong with the mode but it's instantly forgettable.

And because people are insane. The top guy on the ps3 leaderboards already has 300+ hours on multiplayer. Ridiculous.


Okay, I broke down and made my 2nd Hardcore save at the beginning of Chapter 10. I'm tired, I want to sleep, and I just don't want to risk it anymore. There were so many one-hit-kills in chapter 7, 8, and 9 that to risk all of those before the fight with 2 big brutes is just not worth it. I also have upgraded many of my weapons and rigs and I've died so many times before so I thought it's better to safe now. But now I have 4 chapters to complete before my last save. Altman help me. Since I'm playing on PS3, I don't have the convenience of disk swapping to get the extra checkpoint.
Trying my absolute best to get through "Severed," but so far isn't not really grabbing me like the regular game did. I never played Extraction, so the main character and his ladyfriend mean nothing to me. I kind of wish there was a little backstory for that, for folks like me, to help connect the dots.


I just downloaded the PC patch, but I'm kinda confused: I obtained all the weapons/suits in the store, but are the Elite Suits + Handcannon patched in as well? Searching for it on google didn't really help.


Neo Member
Yoshichan said:
Haha, this game turned into mediocre game to garbage game in seconds. What the fuck were they smoking when they designed the last boss :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Terrible game. Thank god selling games exists

Haters gonna hate. Trolls gonna troll.


KoreanBarbecue said:
Trying my absolute best to get through "Severed," but so far isn't not really grabbing me like the regular game did. I never played Extraction, so the main character and his ladyfriend mean nothing to me. I kind of wish there was a little backstory for that, for folks like me, to help connect the dots.

I think it was a mistake to use Gabe directly after using a highly likeable character like Isaac in the main game. Gabe always struck me as an annoying asshole and I never really liked him in Extraction. Plus, they basically amped-up Isaac's badass-ness in Dead Space 2 that Gabe became less interesting as a result. And Lexine is pretty useless as usual. They should have used Nathan McNeill or an entirely new character to follow up each and every Isaac's adventure. Or let us play as Ellie as she and her crew escaped the CEC facility or something. Or even random sprawl citizen.

Hunt3r said:
Going start my hardcore playthrough today hopefully it doesn't kick my ass to much

Nah, it's just going to kick you in the nuts and then kick you in the face while you're writhing on the floor in agony.


Neo Member
Well I had a busy last two days. I finished my hard core run and beat Severed.

My first hard core run I made it to the Unitologist church, specifically to the room with the malfunctioning door and decompression window. I knew that as soon as you fixed the door you had 3 robed necros attack. I got nervous and avoided shooting the window because of some fear I might miss the shut down panel.

So I roll out and promptly panic when a necro jumps my ripper blade, and boom I'm dead. No save back to the beginning.

On my second and successful run I saved in the church which was a mistake, but I didn't want a repeat of the night before. I promptly made it through the disk swap and to chapter 8 and then saved again. I must say that was misguided too. I probably could have made it to 10 or 11, but I didn't want to free fall through space again.

My final save was right after you send Ellie off on the gunship, and yes if you sense a theme that was a bad idea too. Somehow through luck and will I ran from there to the end, and unlocked my sweet Hand Cannon.

To anyone trying a new hardcore run I'd suggest (on 360) trying to not save until after the disk swap. So chapter 7, then 10, and then 14. Or you could try 4, 8, and 13 like I used.

Then I went on and plowed through Severed with the Hand Cannon. It is still only March, but I feel like this is probably my GOTY. Great production values, great mechanics, and great story.

Also I'm proud to say I've got 1250/1250 DS2 achievement points to match my 1000/1000 on Dead Space 1.

So GAF, I've played Dead Space 1&2, I've played ignition, and read Martyr. I'm still craving more of this universe, any suggestions?
You could check out the animated movies Dead Space: Downfall and Dead Space: Aftermath. They're ok I guess, any fan of the DS universe should get a kick out of them at least.
Air Zombie Meat said:
You could check out the animated movies Dead Space: Downfall and Dead Space: Aftermath. They're ok I guess, any fan of the DS universe should get a kick out of them at least.

I would skip Aftermath. I found it incredibly boring and the 3d animation is just embarrassing.


Air Zombie Meat said:
No idea, sorry. Just be prepared for some of it to look like a PS1 era fmv and you'll be good to go.

That's an insult to some of the finest PS1 FMV like Resident Evil 2/3, which were so much better than what Aftermath came up with.


Neo Member
Does anybody know where this Arctic suit I got came from? I fired up my save today for fun(on round 4 or 5) and noticed this suit available in the store for free. Is it a bonus from Severed maybe?

Also, if someone was wondering, if you've played Severed, you can get gabe's suit in the main game for free(applies to hardcore too!), which helps early on.


Raul_Atreides said:
Does anybody know where this Arctic suit I got came from? I fired up my save today for fun(on round 4 or 5) and noticed this suit available in the store for free. Is it a bonus from Severed maybe?

Also, if someone was wondering, if you've played Severed, you can get gabe's suit in the main game for free(applies to hardcore too!), which helps early on.

It's not from Severed; I have the suit and haven't bought the DLC yet. I'm pretty sure it's a bonus from beating the game on a certain difficulty, maybe Zealot?

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
So I plan on doing this thing over my spring break, how long is taking you guys to finish your first play through? I'm thinking of just renting it, wanted to know about how long the first play through is on normal or whatever difficulty. Yes, I've played DS1 so I understand the fundamentals. Thanks!


I don't understand the love for this game. It's well programmed and playable but I can't work out why something like this gets 9's whereas Madworld was stuck with 5-6's when Madworld is based around a similar mechanic.

My main problems with it are (SPOILERS) :

1) The story. Or lack of it. If I hadn't played the first game I don't think I would have understood what was going on. Having the protagonist's dead wife hassle him throughout the game is extremely weak as a plot point as she is never really introduced to us during the adventure and you can't really hear what she says clearly anyway.

Ditto all the other characters. People appearing on screens does nothing to engage me in what's going on. Watching a guy slitting his own throat has far more impact than watching one character you've never met struggle with another you've never met.
Great that you've saved the girl, how cathartic, except you never actually spent enough time with her in the first place to care.
It's not that what happens is bad, just that so much weight is placed on moments that have no dramatic impact.

2) The gameplay is very samey. Clear the area, walk forward. Upgrade. This would be fine if there was some variety in the gameplay or some sort of score based system but there isn't. Also, seeing as you're pretty much moving in a straight line it was surprising how many times I got lost.

I genuinely preferred extraction. It does exactly the same thing but the characters are more clearly defined and you don't have to push forward on the stick to walk -- I'm serious about this as there's almost nothing in Dead Space 2 that requires you to do anything else apart from push forward to get to a new area. No exploration and hardly any real puzzle solving. It's all about the shooting - so given that I just wish it WAS all about the shooting.

A game like Resident Evil 4 knew how to ramp up the scares and build to something. DS2 reminded me of Doom 3 more than anything. The programming team are doing everything right but they don't seem to know what makes a game like this work as a whole.


tassletine said:
I don't understand the love for this game. It's well programmed and playable but I can't work out why something like this gets 9's whereas Madworld was stuck with 5-6's when Madworld is based around a similar mechanic.
Explain, because MadWorld and Dead Space 2 aren't alike at ALL.

the TMO

tassletine said:
I don't understand the love for this game. It's well programmed and playable but I can't work out why something like this gets 9's whereas Madworld was stuck with 5-6's when Madworld is based around a similar mechanic.

Madworld?! Come on... Madworld?


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
tassletine said:
It's not that what happens is bad, just that so much weight is placed on moments that have no dramatic impact.

A game like Resident Evil 4 knew how to ramp up the scares and build to something. DS2 reminded me of Doom 3 more than anything. The programming team are doing everything right but they don't seem to know what makes a game like this work as a whole.

Totally agree. Outside of a few set pieces there is nothing that wasn't done better in the original game. The story was a tissue-thin mess and it was linear in the extreme, plus most of the scares and enemy encounters were lifted from the original. I don't think I thought 'I wasn't expecting that' more than a couple of times. Don't get me wrong it was brilliant fun but it didn't build on the first game at all. The original had the 'get the fuck out of there' hook but DS2 didn't create a compelling one of it's own. The plot was just too thin and they fumbled the ball too many times when it came to explaining the Marker.


Neo Member
tassletine said:
I don't understand the love for this game. It's well programmed and playable but I can't work out why something like this gets 9's whereas Madworld was stuck with 5-6's when Madworld is based around a similar mechanic.

I just remember Madworld being based around being bad.
Yoshichan said:
Haha, this game turned into mediocre game to garbage game in seconds. What the fuck were they smoking when they designed the last boss :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Terrible game. Thank god selling games exists
Hopefully whoever buys it isn't as crazy as you!


abcderik said:
Bah I'm getting disconnected from the multiplayer very frequently, anyone else experiencing this? Also, am I missing something with the puke-attack? (not the projectile one, but the "steady-stream-of-vomit") It just seems very weak considering you have to get up fairly close to use it.

I haven't played in a while, but I believe the vomit slows them down.


Yoshichan said:
Haha, this game turned into mediocre game to garbage game in seconds. What the fuck were they smoking when they designed the last boss :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Terrible game. Thank god selling games exists

So what's your issue with the last boss then? The concept is great. The execution is just ok, but doesn't make the game garbage in the least.
Just finished it in normal, easily one of the best single player experiences I've played in a long time.

The last part was a bastard though, as I'd used all of my health packs and stasis recharges running and gunning my way through the last area. Got lucky on my 4th attempt when I got better drops off of enemies.

Also, what happened to Tiedemann in the end? Was it severe radiation poisoning?


tassletine said:
I don't understand the love for this game. It's well programmed and playable but I can't work out why something like this gets 9's whereas Madworld was stuck with 5-6's when Madworld is based around a similar mechanic.

Er wat? Madworld is a never-ending enemy bashing without the feel of danger lurking in every corner and moreover, it lacks sympathetic character and interesting and cohesive background storyline. Dead Space is a universe on its own, filled with multitude of characters who have either died or still surviving. This causes most players to form an attachment to the surviving characters, especially Isaac.

1) The story. Or lack of it. If I hadn't played the first game I don't think I would have understood what was going on. Having the protagonist's dead wife hassle him throughout the game is extremely weak as a plot point as she is never really introduced to us during the adventure and you can't really hear what she says clearly anyway.

It's not his wife. It's his GF. If you haven't dealt with the loss of someone you love (whether through break up or death), then obviously you can't understand his pain. But most adults have been through the same thing Isaac went through, except without the psychosis and the crazy delusions from the marker. And fuck that, having to get over someone that you love is not easy. It really haunts you for a while and the game presents a rather realistic consequences from the loss of a person.

It's funny that you complain about the story though considering that Madworld barely has any story in comparison to Dead Space 2.

Ditto all the other characters. People appearing on screens does nothing to engage me in what's going on. Watching a guy slitting his own throat has far more impact than watching one character you've never met struggle with another you've never met.
Great that you've saved the girl, how cathartic, except you never actually spent enough time with her in the first place to care.
It's not that what happens is bad, just that so much weight is placed on moments that have no dramatic impact.

You're saying that seeing a human slitting his own throat has no dramatic impact? Well, for you maybe but I'm not cold stone person who can't feel pain on behalf of someone that I don't know well. A death is a death whether it's someone you know or not.

2) The gameplay is very samey. Clear the area, walk forward. Upgrade. This would be fine if there was some variety in the gameplay or some sort of score based system but there isn't. Also, seeing as you're pretty much moving in a straight line it was surprising how many times I got lost.

You must not like many games then because most games has that kind of format. All platformers has jumping around blocks of stuff, all adventures has some enemies to clear and areas to explore/puzzle to solve, and open world games well, pretty much just fucking around in an open world. It'd be like saying Mario games has nothing else to do but jumping around blocks and turtle's shell.

I genuinely preferred extraction. It does exactly the same thing but the characters are more clearly defined and you don't have to push forward on the stick to walk -- I'm serious about this as there's almost nothing in Dead Space 2 that requires you to do anything else apart from push forward to get to a new area. No exploration and hardly any real puzzle solving. It's all about the shooting - so given that I just wish it WAS all about the shooting.

Extraction was a weak game. I don't want to be directed as to where I supposed to go within an already confined amount of space. So what if the amount of space I have is limited? I still want to explore every nook and cranny and gets surprised/shocked when an enemy drops in or I find a goody. If all you want is a railshooter, there are some railshooter games you can play. But don't ask Dead Space main series to become one.

A game like Resident Evil 4 knew how to ramp up the scares and build to something. DS2 reminded me of Doom 3 more than anything. The programming team are doing everything right but they don't seem to know what makes a game like this work as a whole.

Bleh. I HATE Resident Evil 4. Lame main character, lame pathetic villain, lack of genuine tension or scare. The most over-rated game from last generation and the reason why RE series is now in decline.


I was a fan of Ellie as a sorta companion. Love to see some companion like fighting with her as new dlc or add on? The last scene was kinda cool in an "ironic" kind of way.

I dont remember so many necros swarming me each time in ds1. It became see one-engage-turn immediately to deal with necro who just spawned behind me. Sorta cheap.

Good game- for me not as great or groundbreaking as ds1.

no interest in severed.


Neo Member
Badgerst3 said:
I dont remember so many necros swarming me each time in ds1. It became see one-engage-turn immediately to deal with necro who just spawned behind me. Sorta cheap.

I remember the fights in the Valor* in DS1 were pretty swarmtastic.

*The military ship that arrives around chapter 9.
Going to start my second play through tonight. After my first, I don't think I like it as much as the original, but maybe that will change after a couple more times through.
Replicant said:
Er wat? Madworld is a never-ending enemy bashing without the feel of danger lurking in every corner and moreover, it lacks sympathetic character and interesting and cohesive background storyline. Dead Space is a universe on its own, filled with multitude of characters who have either died or still surviving. This causes most players to form an attachment to the surviving characters, especially Isaac.

It's not his wife. It's his GF. If you haven't dealt with the loss of someone you love (whether through break up or death), then obviously you can't understand his pain. But most adults have been through the same thing Isaac went through, except without the psychosis and the crazy delusions from the marker. And fuck that, having to get over someone that you love is not easy. It really haunts you for a while and the game presents a rather realistic consequences from the loss of a person.

It's funny that you complain about the story though considering that Madworld barely has any story in comparison to Dead Space 2.

You're saying that seeing a human slitting his own throat has no dramatic impact? Well, for you maybe but I'm not cold stone person who can't feel pain on behalf of someone that I don't know well. A death is a death whether it's someone you know or not.

You must not like many games then because most games has that kind of format. All platformers has jumping around blocks of stuff, all adventures has some enemies to clear and areas to explore/puzzle to solve, and open world games well, pretty much just fucking around in an open world. It'd be like saying Mario games has nothing else to do but jumping around blocks and turtle's shell.

Extraction was a weak game. I don't want to be directed as to where I supposed to go within an already confined amount of space. So what if the amount of space I have is limited? I still want to explore every nook and cranny and gets surprised/shocked when an enemy drops in or I find a goody. If all you want is a railshooter, there are some railshooter games you can play. But don't ask Dead Space main series to become one.

Bleh. I HATE Resident Evil 4. Lame main character, lame pathetic villain, lack of genuine tension or scare. The most over-rated game from last generation and the reason why RE series is now in decline.
But that's just like, your OPINON man...


slopeslider said:
But that's just like, your OPINON man...

Did someone say enraged? :mad:


Wish I can do that to the regenerator.


Just thought i'd chime in.

I thought this game was fantastic. In the gameplay department, it improved in nearly every way. The story was solid, I love the dead space universe. I think Issac is a much better character because of his voice tbh. They nailed him perfectly. The game wasn't quite as scary as the other one, but I still thought it had some nice terror. The only problem is that we may need some new ideas in the next one. Not sure they can keep the same type environments. With that said, bring on Dead Space 3. With even more improvements please.


Junior Member
slopeslider said:
You CAN kill it though, it's just that the part where you can is near the part where you leave it behind anyway.

That's gotta be an unintentional glitch though. There's not even an animation or blood spray when you push it into the fan, it just... disappears.
Well... I don't think it's something anyone's gotta worry about...
Without the Marker, all the Necromorphs dissolve into DNA goop. Also, there was a massive explosion that annihilated everything. That SOB is dead.


Wiggum2007 said:
That's gotta be an unintentional glitch though. There's not even an animation or blood spray when you push it into the fan, it just... disappears.

Yeah, I wonder about that. Or maybe
it doesn't actually die but as long as the fan keeps spinning, he's on a never-ending cycle of destruction and rebuild inside that fan. For eternity. BWAHAHAHA. I like the thought of that.

In other note, I managed to reach Chapter 13 for my last Hardcore save. It's the one before the
eyepoke machine
. YES, that Platinum and hand cannon are so mine.
Replicant said:
Yeah, I wonder about that. Or maybe
it doesn't actually die but as long as the fan keeps spinning, he's on a never-ending cycle of destruction and rebuild inside that fan. For eternity. BWAHAHAHA. I like the thought of that.

In other note, I managed to reach Chapter 13 for my last Hardcore save. It's the one before the
eyepoke machine
. YES, that Platinum and hand cannon are so mine.
Where were your first 2 saves? What did you put your nodes into?
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