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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?


I wonder what's going on in the "actual game footage" picture.
Man you can really tell this is a co-op game during singleplayer, so many awkward moments of Carver showing up out of nowhere and then finding random excuses to make him go away when a cutscene ends, lol.


Yeah one of the reason I wanted to pick it up is that Glen Schofield is actually a pretty accomplished artist in his own right outside of games. Plus Ian Milham has done some other non game related stuff I've come across in the past that has looked mental.

Glen Schofield hasn't worked on Dead Space for years. He now works for Activision. I don't think he did any art for this game.


The physical form of blasphemy
I enjoy the backstory a lot, and how the side characters in the side games all connect to main series. Did anybody read the new book yet? It's supposed to be about what happened before DS 3.


Chapter 1 was utter shite, but I just got to the
and now it's starting to feel a lot like Dead Space.

Can't wait for my co-op partner to get on.

K' Dash

Yep, just cosmetics.

Speaking of the N7 suit... anyone know how I can acquire it on PC since I don't have a ME3 save?

Well, I don't know how to feel about that, it felt pretty awesome to find a new suit in the previous entries and see what the pros and cons were, anyway, game is good so far, not enjoying the MUCH faster enemies but I can manage, if things start to go south I'll just change to Normal.

Ya I wonder if there's a way to lock the framerate @ 60fps, I hate the 30fps feel and without Vsync im running 120+ FPS and my videocard is running hot =/


Install D3DOverrider, disable vsync in game and force it.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Chapter 1 was utter shite, but I just got to the
and now it's starting to feel a lot like Dead Space.

Can't wait for my co-op partner to get on.

Imo Prologue should've been a cutscene intro and Chapter 1 should've been the Prologue


Formerly Gizmowned
I'm hoping I've nearly completed what a fucking drag of a story. Someone tell me I'm near the end I'm really fed up with it now and I loved the previous games. Too much action in certain areas. I enjoyed the opening 5-6 hours but from that it's been tedious.

Just had to fetch 5 things for that Rosetta and now heading back so I think I'm at the end of chapter 14. I hope the last few chapters are short.


I'm at Chapter 4 and there's literally zero tension in this game. No creepy atmosphere and the sound design overall feels a lot weaker than past games.


Yeah, this is definitely Dead Space.

I'm in need of some help, though.

Just got past the
spinning fans, climbed the ladder, stepped into the hall, killed two necromorphs
and now I'm trying to open the door to
the officer's quarters
, but it's locked. As far as I can tell, I should be able to get through it. Not seeing any obvious buttons, and my tracker is pointing a path straight through.

EDIT: Never mind, it was just bugged and not pulling me into the hacking minigame.

This game's mouse support is fucking bad. This is definitely a lazy port, not "we wanted parity between three systems." Really, really disappointed in Visceral about this.
I'm at Chapter 4 and there's literally zero tension in this game. No creepy atmosphere and the sound design overall feels a lot weaker than past games.

Really??? Really?? what are you playing in a lit room with a boom box and apple jack midgets doing back flips next to you?
Yeah, this is definitely Dead Space.

I'm in need of some help, though.

Just got past the
spinning fans, climbed the ladder, stepped into the hall, killed two necromorphs
and now I'm trying to open the door to
the officer's quarters
, but it's locked. As far as I can tell, I should be able to get through it. Not seeing any obvious buttons, and my tracker is pointing a path straight through.

What the hell?

Look for a panel. You need to "brute force hack" it, and by that I mean you need to rip out some circuits in a mini game. It should be right by the door near one of the sets of stairs.


This game's penchant for putting checkpoints before cutscenes but not after is getting on my nerves. There's not a way to skip scenes, is there?


Dead Space 3 Review-
An accurate subtitle for this game would be A Tale of Two Cities. I could literally start this review with "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness," blah blah blah. I'll start by saying that it's not a bad game if you were looking only at mechanics. That's the problem though, when you include other stuff like the story, characters, pacing, and boring sidequests is when the game becomes bad.

Visuals and Audio-
I would have to say that this was the best in the franchise visual-wise. The levels are lookers not only on a technical level but primarily in regards to art direction. The graffiti in the opening level, the debris in outer space, the orange glow on Tau Volantis, and the final area are all absolutely gorgeous. The last area in particular get an outloud "Wow" from me as it's truly a spectacle to behold. All of these settings are particularly crucial for not only atmospheric games but also particularly the horror genre. It really makes you want to look around at times and can really get you in the mood. Muscat deserves an around of applause for the job he did in this. The audio was adequate for the most part. The sound effects were stellar in a quiet atmosphere but the soundtrack is wholly forgettable.

It felt for the most part like Dead Space 1 and 2 except for three crucial aspects. The first is the cover system and the human enemies. The human enemies do make sense from a narrative point of view but don't feel particularly well integrated into the game and feel like an afterthought at times. The human enemies aren't prevalent enough and their AI isn't that great either, to really justify being in the game on a gameplay point of view. Human enemies and that whole aspect also brought to the forefront the shooting mechanics and while the shooting is fine against necromorphs, it feels particularly clumsy against the human AI. This also ties into the 2nd aspect, the crouch/cover system. This is a case where if you're going to go down that route at all then do it properly and it feels Visceral definitely didn't do it properly. The best word I can use to describe it is clunky. It technically gets the job done but that's really it and it's not fun to use. There's a reason why developers seem to go the sticky cover route and surely one of the reasons is because it works. Mass Effect 2 comes to mind and ME2 handled the addition of cover much better. There's also the roll move, however it's so useless that it's really not worth talking about. Then there is the Bench stuff which is without a doubt, a great improvement over the systems in DS1 and DS2. There's an insane amount of customization and it can be really fun to experiment with the system at times. That said, I ended up using a SMG over the plasma cutter and Ripper due to how insanely effective the rapid fire for guns are in this game. The SMG was more flexible in regards to positioning and seemed to do much more damage. Still though, the Bench system with the materials idea is pretty great except for how you get materials. While you can get them through the probing robot, you don't really get enough to experiment how you would like, when you would like. I imagine that's going to be a much bigger issue on the higher difficulties. Word of advice, there are only two decent sidemissions in the game, the first being in Chapter 5 with the Tower and the other being Chapter 16(I think) with the Raptor dorms because they have a somewhat solid story behind them and have character. The rest are just overly long dungeons with the last one being filled with Regenerators.

This should really be its own separate category as the pacing issues are somewhat separate from the narrative. The main problem is that Tau Volantis sucks shit. It's a boring planet that isn't utilized effectively at all until the very end and that even doesn't require the planet to be snow. There were Thing comparisons when the planet was announced and the game doesn't live up to it all. The best you get is enemies popping up from underneath the snow. Chapters roughly 10(when you land on the planet) up to 17 are the worst parts of the game by far. They are boring due to the quest design but also level design and drag on far too long. The comparison is especially poignant when you see what comes after Volantis but also what is before it, being in outer space. The nicest terms I can use to describe it is that this was a complete misstep on the part of Visceral. Another aspect of the pacing is how the game when you land on Volantis is pretty much nonstop action and fighting off hordes(and I'm not exaggerating when I say that) of enemies. It becomes really boring and feels pretty generic in that regards. That said, the set pieces really aren't used that much and it's not that big of a deal. They however are definitely more prevalent than DS2.

Story and Characters-

This is what killed the game for. There is so much stupidity to discuss in regards to the overall narrative but then there is also the horrible characterization. I want to first start off by saying how horrible the love triangle is. Absolutely atrocious cringeworthy shit that has no business being in the game in the first place and then isn't executed remotely well. Robert Norton, the other end of the triangle, is such a dick that
the twist that he worked with the Unitologists, isn't a twist at all
. In fact I thought Norton would play a bigger role in the story but nope, was a complete waste of time that would have been better served establishing the link between Ellie and Isaac. The love triangle also brought down Ellie as well and reduced some of the later potential romantic moments with Isaac and her. You never get the sense that Ellie gives a shit about you, and the ending confirms that. There was also the stupid design of Ellie in the beginning but she looks much better planet-side. Absolutely stupid writing. One test of a good character in a romance is that even if there wasn't a romance angle, would the character still be interesting? Norton himself is a poorly realized character and sure as hell fails that test. He's a shallow plot-mechanic that is never fleshed out to any appropriate degree. Carter is another somewhat shallow character in the single player. He might be fleshed out in the co-op but if he's going to play as big a role in the single-player anyway, then you need to give him appropriate screentime. As it stands, he's an utter ass and just serves to yell at people. Isaac himself is nowhere near as believable as his Dead Space 2 version. In DS2, the audience sees Isaac come to grips with Nicole's death and his trauma from the Ishimura. All that is gone. Too much of the first half is spent on the stupid love triangle and the later half is just him doing things and the whole inner discussion in DS2 is completely lost. There is also the rest of the crew but they're a bunch of redshirts so it apparently doesn't matter. The main villain is also poorly written in the "I want to be God" type aspect. Simon Templeman though does a fantastic job voicing him.

As for the narrative, it's complete and utter shit. There is literally only one good aspect about it and then 30 minutes later it gets negated by something of such amazing stupidity that I'm stunned that it wasn't nixed in a meeting. The final boss battle will consist of most people shaking their heads and asking why. I mean the Dead Space games never really had an outstanding story but both games and fairly decent twists that were properly established and not only that but decent cathartic moments such as "Fuck you and fuck your marker" then really helped to solidify the stories. None of that shit here. Danik is insanely incompetent and the Necromorphs are never fleshed out to an appropriate degree for a climax game. Then there is the ending which is absurdly abrupt. There is none of the emotion or even complexity in storytelling such as the hallucinations in DS2. It's fairly straight forward in the stupidest manner possible.


In short; I couldn't recommend this. The space bit in the beginning is great and so is the ending part except for the absolutely ridiculous boss battle (in the stupidest manner possible and not Bayonetta-like stupid awesome), however the game really drags.


Save system is starting to get to me. I feel like I was playing longer than I wanted too in order to hit a save point.

Also, you really have to notice the times when it says 'inventory saved' as opposed to 'progress saved' in the top right corner.


Just had to fetch 5 things for that Rosetta and now heading back so I think I'm at the end of chapter 14. I hope the last few chapters are short.

14 is really the last 'long' chapter but either 17 or 18 is also pretty long too. You got about a solid three to four hours to go. The game picks up though for the final act, you'll appreciate the change in scenery.


Prologue and Chapter 1 down, and I actually enjoyed them. Blasphemous, I know.

Can someone please explain the save system to me? WTF were they thinking?


I'm in.. chapter 7 or something right now (just got the new suit at the ice planet). So far this has been a great sequel for DS2 (apart from the very start).
Well, I don't know how to feel about that, it felt pretty awesome to find a new suit in the previous entries and see what the pros and cons were, anyway, game is good so far, not enjoying the MUCH faster enemies but I can manage, if things start to go south I'll just change to Normal.

Install D3DOverrider, disable vsync in game and force it.
I don't know why this always seems to happen to me, but D3Doverrider doesn't do anything for this game.

I can get it to work using Radeonpro, but the game is really jittery and it looks worse than it does with vsync off.

Streaming again if anyone wants to watch, just got to the ice planet and doing a sidequest.

Have a few questions though. What's the difference between a standard and elite frame? The stats seem to have remained the same so I'm a bit confused as to why I spent so much on one. The other is if It's possible to change how long corpses stay. (on pc obviously) Not a fan of how fast they disappear, first game in the series where I've noticed it.
Played the demo in so far as to think that the game should be called 'Falling through/off/out of unstable objects & surfaces 3'. Fuck, I hate this trend. How could anyone enjoy such "spectacles"? I was actually embarrassed whilst playing.


Played the demo in so far as to think that the game should be called 'Falling through/off/out of unstable objects & surfaces 3'. Fuck, I hate this trend. How could anyone enjoy such "spectacles"? I was actually embarrassed whilst playing.

the demo is really not indicative of the actual game, at least as far as I've played. (almost 8 hours, although I'm a scrounger). I've only just reached the part that was showcased in the demo. So unless the next 8 hours are jam-packed with those 'spectacles' you've got little to worry about. The first 20-30 minutes or so are like that though, and it's been pretty funny seeing the internet throw a shitfit over the intro before even getting to the real game. I guess people play 15 minutes of a game then pause it to rage on forums.
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