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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?

That chapter 5 tram section on Impossible -___-

I had to adopt a force gun for that. In fact, I've found Impossible to be be very trying with the game constantly wanting to flood necromorphs at you.

I also don't get where people are saying they have a ton of ammunition and health on Impossible.



Are the alternative difficulties (Pure Survival, Hardcore, etc.) set to Hard or Impossible difficulty? Because if its Impossible then I'm fucked for that section.

I think codecow said hard, as he wanted it on Impossible but that wasn't the popular opinion.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
This is another case of developers thinking bigger budgets will create better games. Great design can't be bought, the only aspect money can help on is those superficial ones like the art and set pieces.

Wonder what DS2 would be like if DS1 wasn't a critical darling.

I don't think it's a bad game though, just a bit dull for my taste. And honestly, such massive production value is put to really good use. Visceral's artists and audio team have their stuff down more or less to an art. It looks and sounds incredible, and those moments (if ever so brief) of lonely, empty space are captured perfectly.

It's the actual gamey game that I'm not all that fond of. I was pretty critical of Dead Space 2 for similar reasons: retreading ground, repeated encounters, emphasis on action, and so on. The game didn't know how to pace itself or keep most of the encounters climatic and interesting (Raptor necros aside, which were a brilliant addition), and I'm getting that same vibe with Dead Space 3. Meanwhile the "pick a station" optional mission concept is super cool, and the larger space areas to fly around in is a great idea too. Not sold on the padded upgrade system yet, but we'll see.

I've always felt Dead Space was begging for more influence from Metroid, less from Uncharted. But I'm also aware that probably wouldn't sell half as well, and may not even make for a better game, just a game I'd prefer.


Don't make me cry
The way I see it is that it won't sell to expectations but won't totally tank. (Pre-orders tracking ahead of DS2) EA will probably put it on hold for a while and then bring it back later on next gen.

Just speculation.

Also, god damn at the return of raptors. Those things were terrifying


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Sweet jesus the enemies in this game are insanely aggressive and fast. I don't remember ever getting swarmed this much before.
Im guessing this has an online pass?.

Yep. $9.99 I think to purchase it.

I don't think it's a bad game though, just a bit dull for my taste. And honestly, such massive production value is put to really good use. Visceral's artists and audio team have their stuff down more or less to an art. It looks and sounds incredible, and those moments (if ever so brief) of lonely, empty space are captured perfectly.

It's the actual gamey game that I'm not all that fond of. I was pretty critical of Dead Space 2 for similar reasons: retreading ground, repeated encounters, emphasis on action, and so on. The game didn't know how to pace itself or keep most of the encounters climatic and interesting (Raptor necros aside, which were a brilliant addition), and I'm getting that same vibe with Dead Space 3. Meanwhile the "pick a station" optional mission concept is super cool, and the larger space areas to fly around in is a great idea too. Not sold on the padded upgrade system yet, but we'll see.

I've always felt Dead Space was begging for more influence from Metroid, less from Uncharted. But I'm also aware that probably wouldn't sell half as well, and may not even make for a better game, just a game I'd prefer.

The upgrade system is pretty rough on Impossible. It wasn't until around Ch.5 I could do much more than craft some supplies. I can see it being a bit better on hard and possibly too lucrative on normal.

I also agree that the game is a bit dull. I love the atmosphere of the pre-planet chapters, but they feel a bit soulless. I think part of what made DS1, and even DS2, great in the atmosphere was that many of the areas had a story to them that you could tell by just looking at the rooms; no logs were necessary to make it feel like a living space. DS3 though just sort of feels empty. You don't get any idea of what the Sovereign Colonists were like on the same level as the crew of the Ishimura. In a way it feels like ME3 where the little lore texts are sort of just tossed in instead of being a part of a whole.

I enjoy it as a sequel to Dead Space in a narrative sense, but the more aggressive A.I., poor handling of the human combat (which didn't really show to me until Impossible), and the near-factory press soul of the game makes it fall a bit short of what it wanted to accomplish.

The way I see it is that it won't sell to expectations but won't totally tank. (Pre-orders tracking ahead of DS2) EA will probably put it on hold for a while and then bring it back later on next gen.

Just speculation.

Also, god damn at the return of raptors. Those things were terrifying

Would you prefer to see something a bit more direct to follow the game up with or would you want a more spiritual successor of a game?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
They should have named this game Dead Space Invisible War.

Almost every dumbed down change from Deus Ex to IW has happened here, right down to the universal ammo for everything.



They should have named this game Dead Space Invisible War.

Almost every dumbed down change from Deus Ex to IW has happened here, right down to the universal ammo for everything.


Dead Space always dropped ammo on what guns you were using... it's really not that big of a difference.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Made it to chapter 10 solo.

If DS2 was Dead Space cranked up to the red zone, DS3 is that cranked up to eleven.

The sense that DS1 (and to a lesser extent, DS2) has about its pacing and encounter rate and time between encounters has decreased to almost nothing.

I know DS1 was a monster closet game too, but it did a better job of making it less obvious, or at least attempted to mask it better in with the story re: quarantine and such. On the same note, super open space travel is pretty cool, but nothing about it was particularly exciting like the upgrade to free roam in DS2 compared to mag-lines in the original.

Also, the encounters come with such frequency and the monsters just keep running up at you that I've become numb to them appearing. I guess it is one way to make sure people aren't as scared of the encounters. It's an expectation that I'll fight a group when I enter a new area, rather than having any sort of tension.

I will say that there have been a few silent monster drop ins behind me (like the sidequest inside the Tera Nova) that worked well, but overall, this game just doesn't feel like DS1 or even 2. Atm it feels like an uninspired sequel, which sucks, because I was really hoping for more.

Whoever said the RE4->RE5 comparison was pretty apt.

One caveat is that I played through chapters 1-4 on normal to get a feel for the difficulty, then bumped it up to hard for most of the rest, save a few specific spots like Chapter 5-6. Whoever thought putting that sequence in....ugh.

I also agree that the game is a bit dull. I love the atmosphere of the pre-planet chapters, but they feel a bit soulless. I think part of what made DS1, and even DS2, great in the atmosphere was that many of the areas had a story to them that you could tell by just looking at the rooms; no logs were necessary to make it feel like a living space. DS3 though just sort of feels empty. You don't get any idea of what the Sovereign Colonists were like on the same level as the crew of the Ishimura.

It's also that there's way fewer audio logs. Yeah, I'm sure the text logs were focus-tested poorly, but the audio logs were always cool because you could collect them, hit play, and go while still listening and looking around the area. The few that remain are usually attached to a small transfer room instead of being pickups. That and the fact that the ships/planet are 200 years old gives them much less of a sense of being inhabited, like you said.


I've just played the first chapter of this so far, I took the plunge in spite of not liking the demo after reading the reviews. Visually this is one of the most striking games I've ever played, and I love the lighting and the camera work going in and out of cutscenes. Looking forward to digging into the crafting system as that was the thing with the most potential from the demo.

It's nothing like the atmospheric crawl of Dead Space 1, and yeah it feels even more actiony than 2. I'm still having a lot of fun.
It's also that there's way fewer audio logs. Yeah, I'm sure the text logs were focus-tested poorly, but the audio logs were always cool because you could collect them, hit play, and go while still listening. The few that remain are attached to a specific room instead of being pickups. That and the fact that the ships/planet are 200 years old gives them much less of a sense of being inhabited, like you said.

I was going to add in the 200 year timeframe, but figured that bit was self explanatory like you said. It just bugs me that the stage in DS2 felt more of an environment that I'm moving through than any of the ships (minus the Eudora, which was pretty nice while it lasted).

I'm also a bit bothered by the enemy designs. The mummification makes them a bit boring, not that you get any opportunity to see them. It's also disappointing that some of the more interesting enemy types (
Infector, Brute, Divider
) are no longer in the game. The little skin flippers that come out of the pregnants in the past games were cooler than the mini-Divider heads that crab up the corpses in this iteration. That bit of retcon just didn't make sense to me and oddly infuriates me.

These are all minor quibbles, with some like the aggressive enemies and focus on replays/co-op being only noticed on my Impossible run. The game is still good, but some of the changes alongside the new additions (which I like) just bother me in the back of my mind more than it should.
The game isn't a disaster. It has some good points. It's most likely going to be the weakest of the three.

"The game is sick..."

"The co-op is sick..."

Carter is liked "a ton".

The beginning sequence is great.

He's trolling...or he's thirteen.
He's not dwelling on the fact it's "more action-y than the first two".

I'm hearing it's a pretty good game on it's own, and tbh I think that's how games should be judged. A lot of you guys are being very biased.
This is a Dead Space-ass Dead Space game. Really surprised at the length. Played for like 6 hours straight and made it to chapter 10. I would have beaten or almost beaten Dead Space 2 in that amount of time.


The controls feel weird in the demo for this game, is the final game any different? The walking and shooting feel bizarre compared to the first for me.
The controls feel weird in the demo for this game, is the final game any different? The walking and shooting feel bizarre compared to the first for me.

Switching to classic aim helps a bit for some folks (like myself).

Part of the issue is that the enemies are now so fast and aggressive that the shooting just feels a bit off. The guns are also a bit weaker than in the past games, with less stopping power to balance and level the playing field amongst the weapons. Your guns will eventually get some oomph behind them around Ch. 6-8, but it makes first runs on Impossible a nightmare when all the other factors are taken into account.

The walking doesn't feel any different from 2 IMO, though I noticed that the rolling and crouching is a bit better on the PS3 than 360. Maybe moving while aiming is too "slick", but that's all that comes to mind.


Nork unification denier
I'm on Chapter 4 I think. Maybe 5? I don't think I have a scavenger bot yet and I haven't gotten much resources together. I am really digging the crafting, so I wanna collect a lot more stuff so I can experiment more.

Lots of people hate Chapter 1 cause of the human enemies, but I really dug at least seeing more of the DS universe. The moon is like a city from Blade Runner, it's kind of awesome. The zero-G and space is fucking gorgeous. Visceral always nails the "space" element. Story's alright so far. Hasn't quite grabbed me like DS1 and DS2, but I'm liking it. I love the backstory though, of SCAF and the craziness of what's going on. Art and sound design is fantastic as always. Norton's such a dick, lol. Game looks gorgeous. Gameplay is ridiculously fun as always.

Seriously, all the zero-G makes me so happy. I find it relaxing. I quite enjoy the soundtrack of the game as well.

I'm taking the game slow. So I'll finish for the night here in Chapter 4/5ish... (I'm at the first optional side mission,
the USS Greely
?) Stopped there. I miss the old save system though.

Anyone else love in Chapter 1, Isaac's first use of stasis? "Oops"

I laughed my ass off.

Re chapter 1: I actually was rather sad we left the
moon after the Unitologist guy set off the marker. I really wouldn't have minded staying there a bit longer - the crater station names in the tram station were really evocative. I haven't read the newest graphic novel yet, but I suppose Earth Gov has fallen, right? It's just Unitologists all the way down?

Re chapter 6: going to be impossible on hardcore for me. I died so many times from just walking into
fire-y jets of doom, not to mention they send f-ing regenerators after you.
-_- Really need to craft a ripper.

I will say that I'm tempted to get the personality module for the collector bots. It sounds hilarious (apparently if you set them down when it's dangerous they give you a hard time).

Really, REALLY miss the old save system. I've lost about an hour's worth of gameplay all told, just from the "save" not actually saving where and when I hit save. I had to replay the
regenerator waiting for the tram
bit from Chapter 5 because of this. -_-

Anyone on Origin wanna co-op? I'm up to chapter 6.

I really do, but I need to finish single player first. It's 2:30 in the morning here though, really need to head to bed.


Playing on PC and I keep getting a random crash about every 30 minutes or so. Anyone else experiencing this?

this might be why...

Not sure if it matters to many but i've been dinking around with the vsync options and monitoring temps. I have an Asus 670gtx and simply run through the prologue mission then check the results. Everything is maxed and i use a CRT running at 100hz.

Game options:
No vsync - 240fps(near 400 in menu) - temp 78'C
game vsync - 30fps - temp 42'C

Outside game options:
nvidia vsync - 100fps - temp 60'C
frame limiter(vsync on/off) - 60fps - temp 51'C *this method creates microstutters!
nvidia adaptive vsync (half refresh) - 50fps - temp 46'C

i checked DmC without vsync on since it also runs above 200fps and temps were only 54'C after 10 minutes or so. not sure what it is with this game but running without some sort of vsync pretty much stress tests your card the whole time playing(not good). Vsync is a must with this one.
Re chapter 1: I actually was rather sad we left the
moon after the Unitologist guy set off the marker. I really wouldn't have minded staying there a bit longer - the crater station names in the tram station were really evocative. I haven't read the newest graphic novel yet, but I suppose Earth Gov has fallen, right? It's just Unitologists all the way down?

Yeah, that was a great touch with the names. I'm not sure about the last question though. I don't think that's exactly what's happened, but they've caused a big blow.


This game has been dumbed down to hell. A major disappointment, I'm sad it had to happen to Dead Space. I loved the previous two.


Okay, so I just learned the hard way that reloading with a near-full clip discards all bullets in that clip in exchange for the new one. That's pretty cool, and now I don't feel so bad about the new ammo system. More games should do this. Gonna have to put away my compulsive reloading habits.


I'm 1 1/2 hours into it and damn this game is awesome. I'm loving the level design. The only negative is that the human combat is pretty blah. But while it does feel out of place as part of the gameplay, it makes sense for the story.

Oh and I'm on hard and still seem to be maxing out my inventory.


This game has been dumbed down to hell. A major disappointment, I'm sad it had to happen to Dead Space. I loved the previous two.

What do you feel has been dumbed down? I'm not that far but I feel if anything some systems were made more complex. Like crafting weapons or using kinesis in more interesting ways.
I was not expecting to demo to
show later parts (Second DVD on 360) of the game

I am now at chapter 11 and I am in love with this weapon modification stuff.

I am not sure if I'll get any new rigs afterward but
the orange mining suit rocks
Okay, so I just learned the hard way that reloading with a near-full clip discards all bullets in that clip in exchange for the new one. That's pretty cool, and now I don't feel so bad about the new ammo system. More games should do this. Gonna have to put away my compulsive reloading habits.

Whoa... just got to chapter 9 and found that out now. Oh well, it's not like I've been hurting for ammo, even on Impossible.
I seem to have unlimited ammo... not sure how. I was testing out the "reload and lose the rest of the discarded magazine" thing and I'm noticing I'm not expending any ammo at all.

I'm using the evangelizer the way it comes, plus a few upgrades, as well as an SMG made from the compact elite frame that came from the planet cracker plasma cutter. (no lower tool)

Is this a "feature" of some of the special weapons? Maybe a glitch? I'm playing on Normal btw, I'm on chapter 4 (doing a side mission).

edit: nm, I thought the game might be glitched but it wasn't. I was just overlooking something. I've still got infinite ammo though.
The Bolas Gun is probably going to be one of my go-to weapons in the game. It's an offensive/defensive beast and is bound to wreck if you apply a better frame and better upgrade circuits to it. Check it out in action:


You can find the blueprint in chapter 8.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Had no idea about the clip thing. It's just a force of habit to reload every time I have a quiet moment.

I fucking love this game. I think I'm in chapter 9,
just finished the supply depot side mission,
and I'm just blown away by how much I'm enjoying it. I was worried I was too hyped and would be left disappointed, but it's actually even better than I expected.

I do have an annoying glitch to report, though (hopefully Codecow or Monkey Pants sees this). Ever since completing the optional mission
Conning Tower
, I haven't been able to play any audio messages. I was able to play the last message in that mission, but since then every recorder just says "waiting" and never gives me an option to play. I'm playing on PS3, and it was all in one sitting. Haven't tried booting the game up again to see if it will be working after a restart, because I knew I'd be able to just get them on my next playthrough.
Pro tip: When hunting for items either as Isaac or with scavenger bots, you'll come across Ration Seals. You can use these to purchase resource DLC packs instead of paying real money. Very helpful.
Pro tip: When hunting for items either as Isaac or with scavenger bots, you'll come across Ration Seals. You can use these to purchase resource DLC packs instead of paying real money. Very helpful.

I don't think those resource DLC packs are on PC, unless I'm looking at the wrong menu. I get Ration Seals from my bots, though.

Check out this unlimited resource farming glitch, though. LOL @ EA's micro-transactions:

Beat the game in 15 hours on normal, solo, all sub-quests. Will probably play it again in Co-Op to see what changes. Goes a long way in explaining much of the world, but does a good job at keeping the big mystery a mystery(something Mass Effect 3 should of done).

Was about as scary as Dead Space 2 imo, more shootbang though. Less linear too, which was cool, but enemies don't respawn.

Movei analogy;
Dead Space 1 = Alien
Dead Space 2 = Aliens
Dead Space 3 = The Thing


Man, the flotilla is the best part of the game. DS4 should just be that. Have a giant debris field in space that you can explore at your own pace, complete with the little shuttle, side missions, and everything in between.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
the farming glitch it wouldnt suprise me if the devs left that in on purpose

def sim

I'm still working on my hardcore run for DS2, but I get out early tomorrow so I should be able to poop sock my way through and get to some DS3 by night time. I'm looking forward to being able to save my game when needed again!

the farming glitch it wouldnt suprise me if the devs left that in on purpose

DS2 has a node/credit farming dupe glitch right in the beginning, IIRC, and Visceral didn't bother patching it out. For this EA is charging for, what are essentially, cheat codes so I wouldn't be surprised if they treat this differently.


wow, the hate this game gets for absolute nonsense is astonishing.

first of all, dead space was never a AAA franchise. dead space 1 was a surprise hit because nit had a surprisingly high polish, played great and had a nice setting and atmosphere, but at the same time, it was kinda dull and left you wanting for more. it it would have been nearly as hyped as part 3, the reception would have been terrible.

part 2 was a very good game, but reveived equally much hate for nonsense just like part 3.

part 3 now, is a very good game, too. sure there are some things I would not have wanted this way, I dislike the save system, the universal ammo, the poor implementation of coop left overs in the single player experience. but hell, what do we get?
the first half of the game, and I dont want to spoil too much, but wer are able to travel between 4 open space enivorments full of main quests, side quests and collectibles, and hell do they look amazing, this is just beautiful in both graphics and atmosphere, this is 110% of what dead space fans expect and love and there are some of the best few hours in the whole dead space franchise, period.

in the second half of the game, there are the dreaded human enemies. well first of all I really thought they sucked in the first chapter, but in the second half of the game they are kind of decent, maybe its because of the weapons. all in all, I have absolutely no problem with different kinds of enemies, and especially if the belong to different factions and fight each other like in half life 1. this is a pure win. if we would have fought necromoprhs for 20 hourds in darkrooms, I'm sure there would have been enough people bitching about that, too.

I am not finished yet, I have just reached the part with the human enemies, but its nowhere as bad as some people say it is.

I'm looking forward to finishing it in the next few days. maybe it does indeed get terrible and I'll change my opinion.
Had no idea about the clip thing. It's just a force of habit to reload every time I have a quiet moment.

I fucking love this game. I think I'm in chapter 9,
just finished the supply depot side mission,
and I'm just blown away by how much I'm enjoying it. I was worried I was too hyped and would be left disappointed, but it's actually even better than I expected.

I do have an annoying glitch to report, though (hopefully Codecow or Monkey Pants sees this). Ever since completing the optional mission
Conning Tower
, I haven't been able to play any audio messages. I was able to play the last message in that mission, but since then every recorder just says "waiting" and never gives me an option to play. I'm playing on PS3, and it was all in one sitting. Haven't tried booting the game up again to see if it will be working after a restart, because I knew I'd be able to just get them on my next playthrough.

"Where is that
supply depot side mission?
I could not find it
I really enjoyed the first hour or so even with all the cliche set piece stuff, much more than i thought i would... But now that the game is getting down to business i'm losing interest FAST, i just feel like i'm wasting my time when i play and that the overall quality of the experience isnt as good as the other 2...


maybe tomorrow it rains
"Where is that
supply depot side mission?
I could not find it

Go back to where you first encountered the necromorphs on Tau Volantis, where the first heated room was. There's a big door that needs a key, and you'll find around the area where you acquire the snow suit. If you already have the key, you can set it as your objective in the mission menu and your waypoint will guide you right to it.

Man, just realized I played 8 hours straight with no breaks. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that, if ever.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
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