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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?

Seems I found my favourite weapon, a javelin minigun modded with stasis shots and increased damage and on the lower part, an ionized gun that can throw spinning bolas on the ground that lasts for a few seconds then explodes, but not before shredding the enemy to pieces. A really good offence and defence :D


Seems I found my favourite weapon, a javelin minigun modded with stasis shots and increased damage and on the lower part, an ionized gun that can throw spinning bolas on the ground that lasts for a few seconds then explodes, but not before shredding the enemy to pieces. A really good offence and defence :D

gonna try the javelin minigun

I need something new, game was a cakewalk until now with the plasma cutter, but I have reached its max damage cap and thats simply not enough anymore for those black motherfuckers and zombies in the late levels.


Having played the game for a couple of days now, I've definitely warmed to the additions and changes. As always with dead space, the production values are sky high, and the environments are gorgeous.

There is no doubt that the intro is piss poor and will leave a nasty taste in your mouth. However, once you get going this is undeniably a dead space game. I'm actually really enjoying the weapon crafting elements, and I'm happy to report that despite being a coop game, it doesn't feel like it when you play single player.

It's a shame that the scares come not from tension and suspense but the sheer panic of being overwhelmed by Necromorphs. But I guess we've done that twice already so we're used to Necromorphs by now. It's a fitting end to Isaacs story. I'm enjoying Tau Volantis and bits of backstory I'm picking up here and there. However the snow environment is definitely less tense compared to the confines of the dark corridors in the first quarter of the game.

I've been playing on hard and its been fairly challenging on my own at times (tram section be damned). I actually have found myself running out if health and ammo at times too. Luckily never enough to half my progress completely.

Overall I'm really enjoying it and despite a few sacrifices here and there (save system, arghh) to accomodate coop play, this is still very much the dead space we know and love. However, if you didnt enjoy DS2, you won't enjoy this one much either.

I think the Dead Space trilogy is definitely my personal trilogy of the generation.


finished the 360 version. took me around 15 hours on normal (single player, did 2 side missions).

i am surprised that i liked it much more than dead space 2. ds 3 has its share of issues, but overall i really liked it. the spectacle/uncharted moments/quicktime event overload that ds 2 suffered fom, was heavily dialed back.

they also towned down the enemy assault bullshit (hey, lets throw the player in a room with 2 respawners and tons of other enemies! lets repeat that for the last third of ds2!).

i love the weapon crafting system, i also never had issues with loot/resources. i used the bots and always had plenty of stuff (i maxed out the rig, my plasma cutter and 2 other kickass weapons and always had plenty of ammo/medipacks).

what i didnt like:

-enemies spawning behind the player without any hint/cue. its just unfair bullshit
-human enemies are no problem, but with the current controls, its just a pain in the ass to fight them.
-backtracking is a bit much. i didnt hate it, but ds3 cleary overuses a lot of its mechanics (wall climbing for example). they could have shorten the game and made it much better.
-while i like that there are less bossfights, 1 or 2 more good bosses should have been implemented.
-the story is not as terrible as some people in the spoiler thread make it out to be, but its also not great and suffers from "we need to explain shit and deliver answers that nobody really wants to know". "and we also need some pointless closure/finish the fight bullshit that is rendered pointless as soon as the credits are over".

what i liked:
-fantastic visuals, holy shit this game looks amazing. also: zero framerate/tearing issues. fantastic work visceral!
-weapon crafting is fantastic once you fully understand it.
-music is heavily "inspired" from the alien ost.
-good replay value.


im at a point where im collecting ice cubes and there's a ton of those dark coated guys with dual pickaxes. right now i still have that gun you're forced to build along with a acid shotgun+rocket launcher. those dark coat assholes can take a rocket and a full 7 round clip and still get up. wtf? any recommended builds for a gun that works well on them?


Whoever came up with the idea to enable voice chat instantly while waiting to respawn is a genius.
The game disconnected us, I joined again but I had to wait till the next checkpoint to respawn. I was about to write him a msg to back out and start again, but then the voice chat came through. Super useful for PS3 owners where there's no party chat.

Also it disconnected us earlier, I was left in a big room with a giant glass window looking into space, I could walk through the glass window and out into space. I looked back at the space station and could see through some walls. I went further out but then I fell to death :D


Damn, what are your weapon set ups? Normal mode enemies aren't even dropping like that for me.

At the time the video was recorded I was using a full-auto Rivet Gun on Hammond's frame with flame rounds and upgrades to round out its capacity to 110 and firing rate/damage to pretty ridiculous levels, as you can see in the video :p

I don't really know the specifics of his gun at that time, but I'll ask him next time we play.


Ellie's new design is godawful. Why did they change her? New face sucks and her outfit and bigger boobs are ridiculous. Bizarre decision, Visceral. Issac's new design looks consistent at least.


Ellie's new design is godawful. Why did they change her? New face sucks and her outfit and bigger boobs are ridiculous. Bizarre decision, Visceral. Issac's new design looks consistent at least.

sex sells, thats at least what the marketing guys think. do you really think visceral said "hey, she didnt look sexy enough in ds 2, lets give her double d tits, more make up, a bigger ass and less clothing."

i really would like to hear what visceral has to say about that (and the godawful "love triangle"). codecow?



A friend of mine made this video while we were playing co-op. This is "hard" mode >.>

My friend and I finished on hard last night, and yeah we regret not doing impossible. I played up through chapter 9 solo and it seemed about right on hard, but between his shotgun and my blast shield survey charges we were untouchable in co-op.

I still have classic mode and pure survival to try out though.


I can't really remember much about DS2 (apart from enjoying it) but I don't remember feeling this bored half way though the game. I'm at the part just after the demo ends and the game lacks any variety at all. Fighting the humans is awful too. Don't think I can stomach another 5 hours of doing the same thing and fighting the same enemies.
so i have to buy a 5.1 system to make the game fair? sounds great!

Actually a lot of the sounds that are supposed to be in front of you actually come out quite loudly from the rears. typically those screaming dudes that explode when they get near you. It's annoying because i'll spin around only to find out there's nothing there.

Sound is fantastic in the game, but the mixing is a little screwed up at times.


sex sells, thats at least what the marketing guys think. do you really think visceral said "hey, she didnt look sexy enough in ds 2, lets give her double d tits, more make up, a bigger ass and less clothing."

i really would like to hear what visceral has to say about that (and the godawful "love triangle"). codecow?

Story spoilers -
I gotta say, though, the scene where you meet Ellie for the first time and she kisses Norton worked and by that, I mean it was a punch in the nuts. Motherfucker. Kinda feel like Visceral went way out of their way to make him unlikeable, though. Felt like they were trying too hard. Ellie saying he's not usually like that didn't convince me either. Oh well, got to shoot him in the face, so it could've been worse.

It's ironic, because Ellie was way more attractive in 2, by the way. Well, as attractive as a bunch of pixels can get, really.


Story spoilers -
I gotta say, though, the scene where you meet Ellie for the first time and she kisses Norton worked and by that, I mean it was a punch in the nuts. Motherfucker. Kinda feel like Visceral went way out of their way to make him unlikeable, though. Felt like they were trying too hard. Ellie saying he's not usually like that didn't convince me either. Oh well, got to shoot him in the face, so it could've been worse.

It's ironic, because Ellie was way more attractive in 2, by the way. Well, as attractive as a bunch of pixels can get, really.

the big problem for me is (story spoilers for the whole game!!!!)
they portray ellie as a bitch that just uses men as a tool. isaac doesnt want to help me with the markers? ok, just fuck the commander of earth gov and he will help me. shit, i still need isaac. fine, i just send my new lover to abduct him!
norton dies/is no longer usefull: ok, back to isaac!
she comes across as a cold hearted, mean bitch and is by far the most unlikable character in the game (to me).


the big problem for me is (story spoilers for the whole game!!!!)
they portray ellie as a bitch that just uses men as a tool. isaac doesnt want to help me with the markers? ok, just fuck the commander of earth gov and he will help me. shit, i still need isaac. fine, i just send my new lover to abduct him!
norton dies/is no longer usefull: ok, back to isaac!
she comes across as a cold hearted, mean bitch and is by far the most unlikable character in the game (to me).

I thought the same thing but didn't really want to say that out loud. They really destroy her characterization.
Full game-
The worst is that she up and leaves Isaac after a couple of minutes of checking at the end. So Isaac will probably run out of air and die now.


the big problem for me is (story spoilers for the whole game!!!!)
they portray ellie as a bitch that just uses men as a tool. isaac doesnt want to help me with the markers? ok, just fuck the commander of earth gov and he will help me. shit, i still need isaac. fine, i just send my new lover to abduct him!
norton dies/is no longer usefull: ok, back to isaac!
she comes across as a cold hearted, mean bitch and is by far the most unlikable character in the game (to me).

More story spoilers, beware:
Hm, I never thought about it that way, but yeah, that's a plausible interpretation. Not much time was dedicated to fleshing out the characters. Character dynamics feel like an afterthought.

My interpretation of it all was that Ellie never got over Isaac, in romantic terms, so Norton was her emotional support as she tried to move on with her life. She never totally managed to do that, though, so I don't think she ever truly loved Norton. I dunno, didn't give it much thought to be honest, considering it's not all that interesting.

I thought the same thing but didn't really want to say that out loud. They really destroy her characterization.
Full game-
The worst is that she up and leaves Isaac after a couple of minutes of checking at the end. So Isaac will probably run out of air and die now.
Oh shit, I forgot he doesn't have his helmet, ahah. You done goofed, Visceral.

Then again, if Ellie managed to survive that impossible scenario in the Rosetta lab, I'm sure they'll work something out.


Man, if Visceral had just kept in the original Necromorph health and hit detection, kept the swarming to a minimum, pumped the brakes on the love triangle and ditched the microtransies, this would've been the best Dead Space out of the trilogy, hands down.

I already enjoy it more than DS2 because of the lesser degree of setpieces and the abundance of derelict spacecrafts and buildings you get to explore. And let's not even get into the weapon customization, because once you get, it's fucking stellar. I'm already pondering what to use for my next playthrough, which is happening immediately.


Actually a lot of the sounds that are supposed to be in front of you actually come out quite loudly from the rears. typically those screaming dudes that explode when they get near you. It's annoying because i'll spin around only to find out there's nothing there.

Sound is fantastic in the game, but the mixing is a little screwed up at times.
This is the truth right here. The necros with the yellow exploding arm sound like they are directly behind Isaac when they spawn. So annoying.


ditched the microtransies

This should have absolutely no effect on the enjoyment of the game. It's not required, it's not shoved in your face. Hell, if gaf and the rest of the internet didn't make a big deal about it, you wouldn't have even realized it.


This should have absolutely no effect on the enjoyment of the game. It's not required, it's not shoved in your face. Hell, if gaf and the rest of the internet didn't make a big deal about it, you wouldn't have even realized it.

Very true. I was quite vocal about this myself and I still loathe the practice, but it is about as non-intrusive as it can possibly be, and not required at all. Don't even pay any attention to the option when I am at a bench.


Has anyone else run into the same glitch that I and aru have? At the end of our first playthrough, we had 3 Scavenger Bots in out inventory but after starting NG+ one bot just vanished. We've replayed every chapter (5, 8, and 13) that the Scavenger Bots are located in and we still can't find the missing third bot.
Very true. I was quite vocal about this myself and I still loathe the practice, but it is about as non-intrusive as it can possibly be, and not required at all. Don't even pay any attention to the option when I am at a bench.

If the best case scenario we can hope for is that it doesn't make things worse, is it still worth having around? I'd feel better about it if it anyone ever described in a way of "It made the game more fun because of <x>, <y>, and <z>!" rather than " Well, it didn't manage to fuck up this game, so whatever."


This should have absolutely no effect on the enjoyment of the game. It's not required, it's not shoved in your face. Hell, if gaf and the rest of the internet didn't make a big deal about it, you wouldn't have even realized it.

So true. In fact, it's so true. I dont know why I put that down there. When the GAF Hive Mind bitches, it bitches hard and you cant help but let it somehow seep into your psyche.


If the best case scenario we can hope for is that it doesn't make things worse, is it still worth having around? I'd feel better about it if it anyone ever described in a way of "It made the game more fun because of <x>, <y>, and <z>!" rather than " Well, it didn't manage to fuck up this game, so whatever."

Hey, it's not a practice I condone and not having it be intrusive does not suddenly make it OK to me. I am just saying that it thankfully is not a requirement and it does not intrude upon the experience here. But beings it is indeed there, that is about the most I can ask for in Dead Space 3. As I really dig the game itself and I am just glad it is not designed around it or shoved in my face. As bad as the practice is, they kept it about as minimal as they could and thankfully the game is not ruined.
Hey, it's not a practice I condone and not having it be intrusive does not suddenly make it OK to me. I am just saying that it thankfully is not a requirement and it does not intrude upon the experience here. But beings it is indeed there, that is about the most I can ask for in Dead Space 3. As I really dig the game itself and I am just glad it is not designed around it or shoved in my face. As bad as the practice is, they kept it about as minimal as they could and thankfully the game is not ruined.

Hmm, I didn't intend for that to come off as directed at you specifically so much. More just addressing the idea that we should expect positives, rather than simply a lack of negatives.
Did no one have a problem with reused assets and environments like I did?

DS2 had some amazing environments and unique locales like mining tunnels, daycare playground, unitology church.

This game had the same bunker reused five times, not just on planet surface but on one of the spaceships too. All the locations were really dull and drab.

It kind of really went backwards on environments and locations from previous games.


I'm in Chapter 4 currently. Plasma cutter seem underwhelming so far although I'll admit I haven't upgraded it, but it felt that way from the start.

Enemies seem to move so damn fast and come in groups, I've found myself just using the line gun else I get swarmed even with stasis. I feel like its trying to actively push me away from the cutter.


Nork unification denier
More story spoilers, beware:
Hm, I never thought about it that way, but yeah, that's a plausible interpretation. Not much time was dedicated to fleshing out the characters. Character dynamics feel like an afterthought.

My interpretation of it all was that Ellie never got over Isaac, in romantic terms, so Norton was her emotional support as she tried to move on with her life. She never totally managed to do that, though, so I don't think she ever truly loved Norton. I dunno, didn't give it much thought to be honest, considering it's not all that interesting.

Oh shit, I forgot he doesn't have his helmet, ahah. You done goofed, Visceral.

Then again, if Ellie managed to survive that impossible scenario in the Rosetta lab, I'm sure they'll work something out.

I have to say that's the most uncharitable interpretation of why
Ellie left Issac that one could possibly come up with. Given that they apparently lived together for some time after the events of DS2, my guess is that she saw that he was afraid of going after the remaining markers (Issac actually tells her this at the ending of the game "I was afraid of what had to be done") and decided to do it for him. Leaving him to go and track down the markers for him was an act of love, not "using him like a tool".

In any case, I finished the sp, and I had a great time (DS3 has its faults, but it's still a great game and people who are condemning it without even playing it are really missing out). I'm going to send a friend request to anyone with the PC version who added their Origin nicks to the co-op list. Really want to see these divergent "dementia" sequences!
I'm in Chapter 4 currently. Plasma cutter seem underwhelming so far although I'll admit I haven't upgraded it, but it felt that way from the start.

Enemies seem to move so damn fast and come in groups, I've found myself just using the line gun else I get swarmed even with stasis. I feel like its trying to actively push me away from the cutter.

Felt that way too initially. Sometime in Chapter 6-7 though I found a larger tip, and bolstered it with upgrade circuits so it can de-limb most creatures in one hit and now I like it much more.


I have to say that's the most uncharitable interpretation of why
Ellie left Issac that one could possibly come up with. Given that they apparently lived together for some time after the events of DS2, my guess is that she saw that he was afraid of going after the remaining markers (Issac actually tells her this at the ending of the game "I was afraid of what had to be done") and decided to do it for him. Leaving him to go and track down the markers for him was an act of love, not "using him like a tool".

As I said, I never really interpreted what happened the way S1kkZ did, but I meant I can understand some people having that viewpoint, even if I agree that it's probably the most uncharitable. Your post forces me to realize that I also didn't pay as much attention to all dimensions of the plot as I should have. I never really thought of Ellie's actions as being out of love for Isaac. The story really didn't engage me X_X


Steroid Distributor
I'm in Chapter 4 currently. Plasma cutter seem underwhelming so far although I'll admit I haven't upgraded it, but it felt that way from the start.

Enemies seem to move so damn fast and come in groups, I've found myself just using the line gun else I get swarmed even with stasis. I feel like its trying to actively push me away from the cutter.

Do you have the circuits full? Try Stasis coat on it as the second attachment.
But increases its damage and fire rate and put stasis on it and then ammo box to increase clip size and you might like it more.
Just started chapter 4 and I'm really enjoying the game. I guess that aiming issue from the demo (I felt like something was off) was just me, I haven't had any problem in the retail game.

This game is gorgeous though, flying over the ice planet was a definite high point. It's also nice that the game runs at a smooth clip especially after coming off AC3.

Glad to find out that the game still has the great sense of dread from DS1 and 2. Playing through this with my 5.1 headphones really brings out the tension, there was a moment or two where an off screen noise sent me into the pause menu for a second.

nel e nel

My friend and I finished on hard last night, and yeah we regret not doing impossible. I played up through chapter 9 solo and it seemed about right on hard, but between his shotgun and my blast shield survey charges we were untouchable in co-op.

So for someone who was comfortable with Zealot on DS2 for their first run, would Impossible be too hard solo?

nel e nel

If the best case scenario we can hope for is that it doesn't make things worse, is it still worth having around? I'd feel better about it if it anyone ever described in a way of "It made the game more fun because of <x>, <y>, and <z>!" rather than " Well, it didn't manage to fuck up this game, so whatever."

It's really a matter of personal opinion on the whole matter. Myself, I am never bothered by DLC stuff, and I can tune it out if it doesn't interest me. Others are more picky and would prefer not to see it at all, and others still see it as the harbinger of the apocalypse.


Yeah, this game is Dead Space through and through. It's more open than the previous two and it really doesn't focus as much on action as people claim it does. At this point I'm not sure if it's better than DS1, but it's definitely better than 2 in most ways.

nel e nel

I'm hearing Severed is only about an hour long. Oy

Last road block to DS3 and I'll finally get to see what's what.

Meh, having literally just finished up a fresh run of DS2 this morning with the DLC, it's in the 1-2 hour range depending on difficulty and play style. I played on Zealot, and I also play slow and steady, making sure to kill everything and collecting resources before moving on. My playtime for Severed was about 1hr 30-odd minutes.

It's only 2 chapters though, and re-uses alot of environments from the main campaign and one of the multiplayer maps.
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