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Dead State Kickstarter project by DoubleBear Productions [Ended, $332K funded]

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Yeah, they usually answer questions there. But I'd like them to show more love to the KS page.

Have they said if you can crouch to sneak by zombies without making a lot of noise(or to hide behind stuff during firefights) ?


no idea about sneaking

they should relay their stuff on ks updates more often

no need for really detailed posts or anything, just like do once every two weeks a recollection of interesting dev posts on their forums or something...


no idea about sneaking

they should relay their stuff on ks updates more often

no need for really detailed posts or anything, just like do once every two weeks a recollection of interesting dev posts on their forums or something...

I hope it's in, cover and positioning should always be important when ranged combat is involved(otherwise you get Fallout).

That's a good idea, you should post it on their forums :)


I want this game, but State of Decay seems to have done the things they are aiming for, but in realtime. I really hope they take advantage of what turnbased offers in combat and that they have a real deep story that ties into the game play like Fallout.


I hope it's in, cover and positioning should always be important when ranged combat is involved(otherwise you get Fallout).
but-but-but what's wrong with fallout :3

That's a good idea, you should post it on their forums :)
you do it, I'm too lazy :/

I want this game, but State of Decay seems to have done the things they are aiming for, but in realtime. I really hope they take advantage of what turnbased offers in combat and that they have a real deep story that ties into the game play like Fallout.
well that's kind of the hook

x-com + mitsoda


but-but-but what's wrong with fallout :3

What's wrong with FO's combat? A LOT. Positioning didn't really matter(specially later in the game), Deathclaws, cover also didn't matter, Deathclaws, dumb companions, Deathclaws, enemy AI wasn't so good and Deathclaws.

I want this game, but State of Decay seems to have done the things they are aiming for, but in realtime. I really hope they take advantage of what turnbased offers in combat and that they have a real deep story that ties into the game play like Fallout.

That would be great.


What's wrong with FO's combat? A LOT. Positioning didn't really matter(specially later in the game), Deathclaws, cover also didn't matter, Deathclaws, dumb companions, Deathclaws, enemy AI wasn't so good and Deathclaws.
but-but-but-but you get your own pet deathclaw in fo2... that surely makes it all right :3


but-but-but-but you get your own pet deathclaw in fo2... that surely makes it all right :3

I still remember the first time I tried to kill the mother deathclaw in FO1. I was confident that with my powered armor and my minigun it'd be an easy fight, then I burst fired at that thing and it received 12 damage.


gimme a summary, bro, the codex doesn't like my kind

Awor Szurkrarz said:
Combat in GURPS:

1. Damage - weapon damage higher than in Fallout, much lower HP, unpleasant stuff happening at negative HP.

Crippling damage based on damage thresholds - more than two damage points at an eye and you're blind, damage over HT/2 cripples leg, etc.

More subtle hit locations - you get stuff like distinction between head and brain, torso and vitals, which allows skilled characters to aim for more damage instead of depending on luck on critical hits.

Location based damage multipliers - brain hit is 4x basic damage (after going through skull's DR) with automatic knock-out roll, vitals is 3x damage.

Working AP/JHP ammo types.

2. Attacking - default attack is snapshot - it gives -4 to hit. You need to aim for one round to not get that penalty and get accuracy bonus from a weapon. There's opportunity fire.

3. Generally the game is manoeuvre based. Look at this screen:




Note how in the right part of the interface there's a field with name of manoeuvre:

"Aim", "Move" and "Step and Attack".

They have different effects on what you can do in a turn with various modifiers.

GURPS also has stuff like various positions but I doubt Fallout would have it, taking in account the limited amount of space for animations. Generally, GURPS is a semi-realistic system which is based on tons of research while S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is pretty arbitrary.

4. Character creation - it's point-based with lots of points and advantages and disadvantages - the first take points while the latter give points. The advantages and disadvantages were implemented in game.

Here's what Vault 15 was like in GURPS: Fallout according to a design document published in Swords & Circuitry: A Designer's Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games:

Interesting stuff:

Radscorpion may appear only in the night if the player is unlucky.

It was possible to fall down ladders with a failed Dexterity roll and suffer damage, characters with fear of darkness would have to do Will rolls to go down. Characters with a fear of height would get a negative modifier to the roll.


There are additional messages and rolls for the characters that fear darkness.

All the comments about the functions of various rooms were displayed after passing an Area Knowledge (Vault) tests.

Main entrance tunnel caved-in due to natural reasons (the PC will determine that the collapse looks natural and no explosives were used after passing an IQ test).

Airlock was opened (not destroyed)

There are six flares in a compartment in the Airlock.

There's one mole rat near the airlock (I won't list ordinary rats, but they are there)

There are two "stimpatches" in a wall container in the Emergency Medical Lab. There's another wall container that is empty.

Elevators don't work - there are ladders and the character needs to climb up them (which makes much more sense than descending on a rope - in Vault 13 Command Centre is on the top). It's possible to fall down with a failed Dexterity test - putting a flare at the base of the ladder makes the test easier. A character with Intuition stat that passes an IQ test will get a hint about it.


There's a room with a pile of bones on level 1 - PC may notice a medi-kit under a bed after a passed Vision test.

In another room there's an empty opened wall container - a box of 10mm JHP ammo lies on the floor below that container.

A room farthest south has a chair that faces an empty wall. PC may notice that there's a key in a crack of that chair after passing a one time Vision test when entering the room.


There are 3 mole-rats in a Meeting Room.

There's a tunnel in the wall through which rats enter the Vault which can be noticed after passing a Vision test. Blowing it up stops rats from gradually reappearing when the player leaves the vault and gives the PC one Character Point.

There's a mole rat and a single locked cabinet in the Storage room. It can be opened with a key from the living quarters. It contains four 10mm AP and four 10mm JHP ammo boxes.

There's an Uzi hidden behind a pile of rubble. Passing an Area Knowledge (Vault) test gives a hint about it to player.

Learning that removing the rubble that buried the way to the Command Centre is impossible requires passing an IQ test.

Determining that the whole Command Centre itself is buried requires a critical success at that test.

Two large mole rats guard the rubble.

It's possible to attempt to repair computers in the Central Core - trying to do it shows that the internal hardware has melted due to extreme heat and pressure. There are two mole rats in the room.

There's a holodisk with a log entry on the floor. It contains an information that the water-processing chip of Vault-15 has failed in the 2067 and that the Vault was abandoned when the water reserves reached 2%.

There was some accident when powering down the Vault which caused the log to end abruptly.

There's nothing of value left in the library which is communicated to player when PC passes a vison test.

There's a lot of mole rats there. Also, I like how they thought about stuff like fear of heigh and fear of darkness and how the stats and skills can give hints about where to find loot.

So, the game awards players directly with Character Points not with experience.

Increasing a skill may cost from 1/2 to 24 Character Points depending on its difficulty and skill level. The higher is your skill level the more expensive it's to increase.

I'm not sure how much(if any) of this is speculation.


leave it to the codex to make fallout look like shit :p

I like how your skull had DR, that's hilarious lol

but yea, ofc a lot of shit could've been better in fallout, tho I dunno if I would've liked it going to a more x-com-ish road. I'd rather they added simple reality-based skills and weapon alt-fires and just expanded your options with a small team. stuff like move-fire like in resonance of fate would've been cool too, albeit obviously a lot less flashy.

I mean, the picture I have in my head of fallout is usually of the personal story of one guy just roaming the wasteland with his friends, not a commander leading a unit or anything like that.

something actually pretty close to what I have in mind about dead state, maybe.

I just wouldn't want it to get too high level to the point it feels like I'm playing commandos instead of an rpg

if that makes any sense


It makes sense, but I can't sympathize. I want tons of depth in my combat systems!

I think a decent compromise would be having more tactical options appear the longer you play the game with a certain group.


I don't mind depth, but (in fallout) I'd like things to be small scale

it's just the fallout I love, and my poor heart has already endured too much pain in my favorite series so I don't want more change :(


I don't mind depth, but (in fallout) I'd like things to be small scale

it's just the fallout I love, and my poor heart has already endured too much pain in my favorite series so I don't want more change :(

Depends on what kind of change, the stuff that Bethesda did was evil and vile(Obsidian did somewhat salvage the series). Better combat, however, would be a good change and it'd also be a first for the series.

By the way, it probably seems like I'm not very fond of Fallout, but it's actually my favorite cRPG which speaks volumes about the quality of the stuff that isn't combat.


yeah I guess fallout is just beyond actually being critically analyzed by me

I just played that game so many times I just love everything about it, the repetitive thoughtless combat, the clusterfuck inventory, the useless skills and perks, the braindead ai, etc., it's just in my blood, and can't ever look at it with nothing but precious love :3

also I've never been one to care much about combat in my rpgs, probably because I've been trained by fallout/planescape/bloodlines/etc. to not give a shit about it, so it's just like the least of my concerns.

I'd love a modern obsidian take on fallout tho, I'm all for change and was actually very receptive of fo3 until I got to play it for myself lol


Oh, it's nice to hear that the game development is still going well. They've been so quiet with updates it feels like.


Oh, it's nice to hear that the game development is still going well. They've been so quiet with updates it feels like.

That's because they locked the majority of the updates behind a backer paywall during funding. Kinda a shitty thing to do imo, but it's the reason.


new update on development status

and pickies:



hyped hasn't died down for me one bit... can't wait for this game


Huh, I had no idea they had gone to kickstarter to get more funds. Hopefully this means they'll be able to finish the game. It's been too long.


Dead State Dev
Some new screens, exclusive to GAF for now. Everything is a WIP. We're doing some GUI revisions at the moment, so expect some improvements when the demo rolls out.






I like that the GUI isn't all over the place and has a rather simple (in a good way) look.

Keep up the good work.

Question to you Brian: Is March 2014 the estimated release date?


Yeah, I mostly like the UI. Not a big fan of having 3 (4 if you count the LCD digits in the top left) different fonts on screen, but other than that it looks good.


yeah actually I enjoy the gui for how unintrusive it is and easy-to-read it is, so it's looking good.

things I'd change are that times new roman stuff and the dialogue window looks really placeholder-y


It'll be released on Steam Early Acess on wednesday: http://store.steampowered.com/app/239840/

1. Why is our game in Early Access?

We are releasing on early access to show our progress to Kickstarter backers/pre-order customers, as well as to bring the pre-release game to potential customers who supported us on Greenlight and have been asking us to bring a version of the game out on Steam. We would also like to get feedback on this earlier revision of the game so that we can improve the game for release.

2. How long do we plan to be in Early Access?

Our current goal is no more than 3-5 months, though we would like to release the final game as perfect and bug-free as possible.

3. What is the current state of the game?

The game is about to enter Beta internally, though we may decide to take extra time and revamp some of the current systems and assets.

4. What features are we planning to add to the game?

Right now, we're working on getting additional content/areas/art into the game, revamping some of the GUIs, and working on improving AI. The biggest missing features right now are Save/Load, final intros/endings, our final XP system, some skill/perk functionality, and animal NPCs, but these features along with many others are planned for future updates.

5. What is our pricing strategy during and after Early Access?

Early Access will be discounted to $24.99 until release, at which point the price will be $30.

6. How can the Steam Community help us during our development process?

We will be monitoring gameplay feedback from the Community, tracking technical issues, helping players with bugs/issues, and making sure players are kept informed about changes and release info.

From all of us at DoubleBear, thank you for your support and enjoy Dead State: The First Seven Days!”

Edit: From what I've read on the Codex the bit about the early access version not having save/load is incorrect: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/70755535/dead-state-the-zombie-survival-rpg/posts/734961 Double Bear should update the description.


It'll be released on Steam Early Acess on wednesday: http://store.steampowered.com/app/239840/

Edit: From what I've read on the Codex the bit about the early access version not having save/load is incorrect: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/70755535/dead-state-the-zombie-survival-rpg/posts/734961 Double Bear should update the description.
Cool! Should be fun to try out for a bit even if I'll probably wait for the full release until giving it some proper play.


Just got an email:

Dead State is going on Steam in a matter of minutes. We're going to be sending out the codes for KS backers and Pre-Orders as fast as we can. Email server limits and issues may prevent us from sending them all out at once, but we will process them until we're done. If you don't get a code right away, don't worry, it's coming. If a day or two passes and you still don't have a code, message us and we'll see what we can do. At this point, the team is pretty wrecked, very little sleep, two leads down from fevers, etc. We're hoping to make this as smooth as possible, so please be patient.

Thanks, everybody - enjoy the demo, and please feel free to leave feedback on our forums!


edit: Ah shit, this is buried in Community.
So...I think we need a new thread for this. Anyone want to or shall I go ahead and make a shitty barebones one?

Just got my kickstarter key, downloading now.
Awwww yeah! Just got my key and am wrapping up the download on Steam as we speak.

So excited to give the demo a try. I am just so thrilled to see these Kickstarter games coming to fruition.
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