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Deadlight |OT|


Steroid Distributor
All games have problems. But not all games let you just stand in the rain and watch the wind blows the trees around...and that is enough.

I'm just saying that a game like this getting such a low score and a game like Mass Effect 3 getting such great scores says something to me about an agenda to push bigger games and not give smaller games a chance (sometimes).

100% agree. Well I don't think there is a conspiracy going on but I also thought about the review scores and the love that Mass Effect 3 got this year in comparison to what is being written about Deadlight.
*not saying Mass Effect is bad. I loved it. But for some reason it was the game that popped into my head when seeing all the average to negative reviews that Deadlight has gotten.

Deadlight is awesome!!! I loved it. I actually can't recall having any issues with the controls that wasn't just due to simply understanding the limitations that this type of control scheme has. Extremely similar to the old Prince of Persia games.
Do not let the reviews convince you to skip this game.

Oh and I loved the second act. Loved it.
100% agree. Well I don't think there is a conspiracy going on but I also thought about the review scores and the love that Mass Effect 3 got this year in comparison to what is being written about Deadlight.

It's completely insane to suggest that Deadlight is getting low scores because it's more "indie" than Mass Effect 3. To claim as much would be to ignore the hundreds of indie games that get great reviews, and the hundreds of major releases that get bad reviews. Deadlight is getting average reviews because it's an average game, there's literally nothing more to it than that.

I never had any issues with the jumping in Deadlight. The only problem I encountered was Randall being incredibly slow to shoot his gun in places. Like, I'd aim and press RT and he wouldn't respond, and I'd press it five more times and he wouldn't respond, and then I'd get shot and die. It only happened at one specific point in the game though, so I'm fairly sure there's something going wrong with the controls there. As I say though, jumping always felt pretty nice.


Nearing the end I think. I know it's short but I've just been playing little bits here and there.

The biggest problem I've been having is the disconnect between how fast Randall moves and the quick-thinking actions Tequila puts you in. It just doesn't work so great and you really have to nail each action they want with no room for error. They definitely should have play-tested the cinematic events more or leaned more into the puzzle solving side.
Just finished the game. It took me just over two hours according to the counter. I realize the timer "doesn't work" but that feels somewhat accurate.

Loved the look and atmosphere. This was the big draw for me, and boy did it deliver.
The story, while a bit predictable, felt solid enough. I liked the final pay-off and the ending felt "right" -- even if it lifted from a notable zombie film.
The comic art for the cut scenes was well done.

The gameplay is weak throughout. This was forgivable when the jump button wouldn't work and I was in an isolated area, or I couldn't jump off a wall and had to drop down. But during a hectic action sequence? Not so much.
The dialogue was pretty terrible at points, as was the voice work.

While I had problems the game, overall I enjoyed my experience with it and thought it was worth the money.
Just finished it today. Overall I liked it. The first act was super strong up until I got to The Rat. Then unfortunately the gameplay kind of dipped down a bit for me personally. Some of the scenarios were so amazingly intense, then were just ruined by the "groundhogs day effect". I ended up totally losing my immersion when I needed to do a section over and over to figure out how to get past it. Seemed to be way more trial and error to figure things out unfortunately.

The storyline was pretty awesome, the voice acting was kind of lackluster.


Finished. Wow, while they might not have pulled the ending off I at least kind of liked what they tried to do. Although it would have been neat if (massive ending spoiler yo)
they would have let you go against the horde until you died.

Nice credit music. Deadlight actually has some pretty decent tunes at times. Oh, and a Jordan Mechner thanks in the credits, lol.

What does the badge on the select a scene level mean?
I just beat it too and I thought it was a solid game, although short.
I loved how they named the achievements after songs

I had a few problems with it in that, a lot of times I was clearly doing the expected input and I got hosed a few times in a row. It was a bit maddening.

Also, I felt that
the first 2 acts were really strong (really liked The Rat's lair) but the last act was chock full of 'fail your way to success' designs. What I mean by that is, there were things that you basically ended up failing the first time through because you weren't aware of what was coming. Examples are the collapsing building and the timed moments when you had shoot outs with The New Law.

The good outweighed the bad and it was way more PoP than Super Metroid (like Shadow Complex was).

I'd give it a 7.5-8.

Finished. Wow, while they might not have pulled the ending off I at least kind of liked what they tried to do. Although it would have been neat if (massive ending spoiler yo)
they would have let you go against the horde until you died.

the ending was about Randall accepting his end, not about him fighting it anymore. It would have be completely counter to that if you were allowed to fight it out.


the ending was about Randall accepting his end, not about him fighting it anymore. It would have be completely counter to that if you were allowed to fight it out.
I just wanted Randall
to go out in a blaze of glory.

Oh and if anyone wants to pair up for that infected achievement send a PM. None of my friends want to buy the damn thing.


I finished this tonight. I really enjoyed it and didn't have a problem with the length really. The timer said 2:10, but it had to be over 3 hours in reality. My biggest gripe would be that the game seemed to get worse as it went on. Some of the latter trial and error levels were more frustrating than fun. It was still a really good game though. I liked the first act the best. I really like this style of game too. I'd love to see a meatier/longer game like this or old Prince of Persia at retail like we have seen with the more cartoony 2D platformers, but there probably isn't a market for that. Oh well good game. Going to try and finnd the missing stuff when I get the chance too. Just need a few more for the full achievements.

@Grisby: If you still need that infected achievement let me know. Does it just entail having a friend on your leaderboard? I know I got it when I checked the leaderboard one day I think. But you can add me if you'd like. Just send me a PM if you need it still.


Best OT ever.

People who have finished the game already - do you think the price tag is justified considering how linear and how short the game is?

That's a tuff one...for me, no. However, I could understand someone who did think so.


listen to the mad man
Anyone got a time below 60 minutes here? I've replayed everything a few times and I'm sitting at 1:00 and change


1:09 <- this is pretty much perfect


Edit: just did it. 59:47 and number 60 in the world overall. A little higher if you remove people with impossible times.
so did anyone else decide that Randall was
a serial killer himself? all the stuff about attacks in the woods, crazy dreams and the two little girls in his diary paint a mildly creepy picture.


so did anyone else decide that Randall was
a serial killer himself? all the stuff about attacks in the woods, crazy dreams and the two little girls in his diary paint a mildly creepy picture.

Yeah, I came to that conclusion after reading all his diary entries in order. Add to that the fact that all the I.D.'s you find in the game are named after
serial killers
and it seems to point to that conclusion.
Yeah, I came to that conclusion after reading all his diary entries in order. Add to that the fact that all the I.D.'s you find in the game are named after
serial killers
and it seems to point to that conclusion.

yeah, and when I read the comments from the dev about how serial killers would be ideally suited for surviving the apocalypse it basically confirmed it in my mind.

really a shame they didn't go further with it, perhaps it becomes relevant in nightmare mode or something.


I started playing Deadlight a few days ago, and I'm in the middle of Act 2 or whatever and completely unable to get past a ridiculously difficult running and jumping sequence. It's seriously so nearly impossibly hard I'm tempted to send a fiery email to the developers asking whose lousy idea this sequence was and telling them all to go to hell. I've tried it at least 20 times now, if not more. According to a FAQ I read, there is no trick to getting past it. You simply have to execute every single thing perfectly. I'm giving it a few more tries and then shelving the damn game.

Anyone with any advice for this? Ostensibly you have to just hold the run trigger down and jump at the proscribed times. Am I missing something? It's the part where you
are being chased by a machine-gun firing helicopter on the rooftops.
It seriously feels completely out of place in the game, like it should be in Contra or something.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I don't know what to tell you other than to make sure that you are sprinting at every opportunity.

Also, prepare yourself for Act 3 as it has quite a few more bullshit sequences.
I started playing Deadlight a few days ago, and I'm in the middle of Act 2 or whatever and completely unable to get past a ridiculously difficult running and jumping sequence. It's seriously so nearly impossibly hard I'm tempted to send a fiery email to the developers asking whose lousy idea this sequence was and telling them all to go to hell. I've tried it at least 20 times now, if not more. According to a FAQ I read, there is no trick to getting past it. You simply have to execute every single thing perfectly. I'm giving it a few more tries and then shelving the damn game.

Anyone with any advice for this? Ostensibly you have to just hold the run trigger down and jump at the proscribed times. Am I missing something? It's the part where you
are being chased by a machine-gun firing helicopter on the rooftops.
It seriously feels completely out of place in the game, like it should be in Contra or something.

There was a reason I tried warning people earlier in this thread. Do not buy this game people. It's a mess.


I don't know what to tell you other than to make sure that you are sprinting at every opportunity.

Also, prepare yourself for Act 3 as it has quite a few more bullshit sequences.

Yikes. More? I like the game, it has a unique style and feel, but the trial and error stuff has got to go.

I did get past that part I moaned about above, though. The devs are spared!
Yikes. More? I like the game, it has a unique style and feel, but the trial and error stuff has got to go.

I did get past that part I moaned about above, though. The devs are spared!
I just beat the game (I'll post my thoughts later) and I found this guide/walk through to be extremely helpful. Just in case you get stuck again.


There was a reason I tried warning people earlier in this thread. Do not buy this game people. It's a mess.
Oh I wouldn't go that far.
My thoughts on the game:

Fantastic atmosphere.

Although the controls sometimes let me down I do think Tequilaworks was successful in their mission of making a Prince of Persia/Out of this World/Flashback style puzzle platformer. I loved all those games so anything close to that is something I'm going to enjoy, flaws aside. (So, this game had me at hello.)

The rat man sequence ran way too long.

I didn't mind the helicopter chase sequences or anything in the back half really. I think having to fight humans makes a lot of thematic sense, in many zombie movies humans end up being the greater threat anyway.

Some of the animation paradoxically is worse than in those old games I mention. The hand over hand animation when he's working his way across a bar or power line in particular did not look very good. Not a deal killer but it was a bit disappointing. I remember in Flashback running and changing direction over and over just to watch Conrad's pivoting animation, there is nothing that awesome here.

The overall story was not bad but the way it was told (combination of the quality of the voice acting and the dialogue/monologue writing) was terrible. It would have been better with less exposition. I would have confined all talking to cutscenes personally and let the written scraps do the rest of the story telling.

The dream sequences were lame and should have been cut if it were up to me.

All that said, l I really enjoyed it as a whole. Next time I play though I plan on turning off all dialogue.

Hey can I go back and play specific levels or do I have to do the whole thing in one big go?

nel e nel

Yeah, it's really just the second half of the game that's a mess. It makes for a really deflating experience though.

Just finished it up to 100% last night, and I wouldn't say the entire 2nd half of the game is a mess. There are a handful of sequences that require some trial and error. The problem with these parts is that the controls aren't super precise and just a tad unorthodox, so trying to do a bunch of quick actions in sequence can sometimes be an exercise in frustration.

Like, having to press A to pull yourself up to a ledge, but using the analog stick to flip over the top of a fence got me more than once when trying to make it through a screen quickly.

I thought it was a great little game, and glad I got it. Although I should qualify that I got it on the XLBA countdown sale. Between MercurySteam and now Tequila Works, I'm really curious what other Spanish games I've been missing out on.
Completed it the story, and then downloaded it again to get the achievements to ensure I never have to play it again.

It was fun at the beginning, but I was really expecting metroidvania... The controls are clunky too, especially during the
building sequence in Act 3
I had to put the game down for a few weeks before I got back to that one.


Just beat it! I think a lot of the criticism stem from people expecting this to be another Shadow Complex.

Deadlight is not a Metrodivaina, but a cinematic platform in the veins of Oddworld, Heart of Darkness, Out of this World and Flashback. Most of the criticism Deadlight gets applies to those games as well.

I don't think Deadlight is anything too special but if you're a fan of the genre you should enjoy it.
Got to chime in with a bit of love for this game, sure it's not revolutionary and I finished it in a weekend, but damn if it that weekend wasn't one of the best gaming experiences i've had in the last 10 years.

Loved it, flaws and all.

Oh and MAD PROPS to the composer, the main menu sounds, just fucking stunningly beautiful. That is all.


Anyone else having problems accessing the leaderboards on pc? I checked everywhere but I found no solution.

I'm still in Act 2 and enjoying it so far. But it sucks not being able to use this feature and get the "Spreading the disease" achievement. :/
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