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Deadly Cool DS Site (Japan)

Ok this is what Nintendo needed to do. to go along with the drop dead cool teaser ad we've already seen, this hi-style stark cool flash site is a headturner IMO.


2 wallpapers to be found within, along with the commmercial, etc...



And yet I still enjoy them.....thanks.

And a search for touchDS comes up with nada.

Gotta love the net when sharing info is unwanted.

aoi tsuki

The interface precedes the content at this point, at least based on what little i could read. Wallpapers were pretty bland; a wide shot of what we assume is a DS (or maybe it's a UX-50 Clie) on a table and a closeup of two DSs, one in focus. Boring.

The real-time hit counter is kinda nifty though. Woulda been cool if it told us what region the visitors were from.

Also, if you're going to hijack the wallpapers, please at least show the smallest versions and link to the others.


krypt0nian said:
And yet I still enjoy them.....thanks.

And a search for touchDS comes up with nada.

Gotta love the net when sharing info is unwanted.
A search for 'touch' will reveal the old thread.
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