Officers yelled "drop the gun."
Let's wait for all the facts to come out first. I don't think this is a clear case of police misconduct.
Damn, bystanders are pretty damn calm about the entire thing all things considered, I'd be booking it.
Drop the gun! I just hope the cops remembered to at least sprinkle some crack on him.
Frankly, when six cops fail to restrain a single homeless man and have to 'more' resort to deadly force after shooting him at point blank range... whatever their official word is becomes a hard sell.
They tried tasking him first. It didn't work. Then when they took him down, the officer on top repeatedly shouted something along the lines of "gun!"
Now bearing in mind these officers were trying to restrain the man and that the man in question was mentally ill, which is more likely, that these officers are just scummy murderers or that the situation got out of hand and they were forced to use lethal force?
Maybe next time, and there will be a next time, you shouldn't come into a thread with your mind already made up on who are the guilty parties regardless of the facts.
Yeah, that guy with the pink shirt in the background with his hands in his pockets doesn't move an inch when the shots go off. Chill as fuck.Damn, bystanders are pretty damn calm about the entire thing all things considered, I'd be booking it.
Or maybe option C, they are just stupid fuckwits who never should have had the job in the first place, so therefore the situation got out of hand, and they are still cops who need to be covered up for? Next time try and account for all possibilities before you come into a thread trying to swing your dick.
Or maybe option C, they are just stupid fuckwits who never should have had the job in the first place, so therefore the situation got out of hand, and they are still cops who need to be covered up for? Next time try and account for all possibilities before you come into a thread trying to swing your dick.
Or maybe option C, they are just stupid fuckwits who never should have had the job in the first place, so therefore the situation got out of hand, and they are still cops who need to be covered up for? Next time try and account for all possibilities before you come into a thread trying to swing your dick.
? Sorry, the post just shit me. And to me, letting yourself get put in that position when there are that many cops around supporting you is a failure.Wow, what are you doing? You need a nap or a snickers or something?
I feel like people who try non-lethal methods like a taser before pulling out the real gun are the exact kind of people you want to have the job.
You're suggesting all six officers involved were incompetent and that's why the homeless man was killed, really? That isn't taking into account possibilities, it's delusion.
No one is covering up anything. That's next to impossible considering we have video footage of the incident.
there is a defense force for everything.Or maybe option C, they are just stupid fuckwits who never should have had the job in the first place, so therefore the situation got out of hand, and they are still cops who need to be covered up for? Next time try and account for all possibilities before you come into a thread trying to swing your dick.
So while being held down by 4 people. Getting taser gunned.
A homeless mentally ill man, managed to get his hand to undo a gun holster, and then take off the safety, at which point the officers shot him. ( I bet both of which didnt actually happen.)
I fucking love all the Americans comments in this thread and on youtube, who simply can't comprehend the officers being in the wrong.
Maybe if they simply you know, fucking restrained him, instead of spending most of the time trying to punch him he would have just been held down.
Why does it have to be black and white? What if both sides are in the wrong? The cops could be in the wrong, but so could the homeless guy. This isn't a book, it's real life. It's okay to have great areas. Sure, maybe the cops could've approached the situation differently so that it didn't escalate to the point that it did, but the homeless guy could've also chose not to reach for that gun.
I love all the comments in this thread and on youtube who simply can't comprehend that sometimes officers are in the right.
Why does it have to be black and white? What if both sides are in the wrong? The cops could be in the wrong, but so could the homeless guy. This isn't a book, it's real life. It's okay to have great areas. Sure, maybe the cops could've approached the situation differently so that it didn't escalate to the point that it did, but the homeless guy could've also chose not to reach for that gun.
I love all the comments in this thread and on youtube who simply can't comprehend that sometimes officers are in the right.
Well thank god, I was afraid that one of them broke a nail.No officers were injured during the altercation, Montgomery said.
Too hard to tell what went down.
Considering an officer likely had their firearm nearly taken from them whilst placing a suspect under arrest, I doubt anyone will argue mistakes weren't made. Like I posted earlier, the officers can still potentially be at fault for misconduct insofar as allowing the situation to escalate to the point it did.
They tried tasing him first. It didn't work. Then when they took him down, the officer on top repeatedly shouted something along the lines of "gun!"
Now bearing in mind these officers were trying to restrain the man and that the man in question was mentally ill, which is more likely, that these officers are just scummy murderers or that the situation got out of hand and they were forced to use lethal force?
Maybe next time, and there will be a next time, you shouldn't come into a thread with your mind already made up on who are the guilty parties regardless of the facts.
Because it's 4 men on 1 are you blind?
I appologise for coming from a country where horseshit like this doesnt happen and half the users sit there watching a man die and say...well...he deserved it.
If I can restrain 1 man on my own, I would expect 4 men, that look similar size and build, who do this shit for a living to hold down 1 fucking guy.
1 guy. Their job is to protect the public, what if the shot misses and kills someone?
They royally fucked up what they were supposed to be doing.
Restrain the fucker, with your hands, when you have that done, taser him if he's being a shit.
I watched 1 security guard absolutely destroy a guy in a mall just the other day. With his hands.
It's not that hard.
I virtually always side against cops. Yet I don't understand why people expect them to be perfect. So what if 4 cops were against one guy? All it takes is one slip for his hand to reach one of their guns. I'd hardly call that a mistake.
"being perfect" in this case means not killing citizens. I think that's a fair expectation to have.
They can make mistakes when handing out parking tickets but not when pulling their gun.
Very true. But there will be people who will argue no mistakes were made, sadly.
Yeah no, if 4 police officers are forced to kill a mentally ill man because they can't deal with him they have nothing to do in the police force.
That's called being grossly incompetent.
can police use deadly force ever?
You have clear video evidence of officers attempting to subdue the man. We know they tried tasering the man first. You hear at least one of them shout several warnings for the man to "drop the gun." We also know the man had a history of mental illness.
By what evidence can you confidently accuse the officers of murder?
I feel like people who try non-lethal methods like a taser before pulling out the real gun are the exact kind of people you want to have the job.
Just Curious, because this thread is already going the way of any thread on GAF with police, can police use deadly force ever?
It's not like this guy was walking down the street minding his own business, he was engaged in fisticuffs with several officers, had been tased. It was clearly hard for them to even get him close to restrained. If he got a gun, do you think he's not a threat?
If he obtained a gun, I don't see how the officers reacted incorrectly. The video shows what looks like him reaching for their weapon. So let's not go on assuming things before we know what happened because we really don't.
Just cause they say he's going for the gun doesn't mean the homeless actually did. Maybe he was trying to scramble up and was grabbing on to anything he could.
And if you are 4 on 1 and the guy gets a gun from one of the police officers i don't get how anyone can argue that no mistakes were made, sorry.
I get getting scared in a 1 on 1. But here? nope.
If you are grossly negligent in any job, you have to own up to the consequences. If a mechanic fucks up repairing your car and it results in an accident he is liable.
I don't see why police officers would be exempt.
I'm inclined to believe the suspect was reaching for the gun, otherwise the officer on top of him wouldn't have reacted as though he were.
Regardless of whether he was successful or not or wasn't even reaching for it, all that is necessary is that the officers believed he had.
Uh, what
I never said it wasn't a mistake. I said letting someone's hand slip through is hardly a mistake. Expecting to always perfectly subdue a crazed suspect is unrealistic.
Uh, what
Larger picture, it's quite disgusting a simple case of vagrancy ends with a man being mugged, then shot like a dog. Why in the fuck were the cops even involved in a violent confrontation with this man? So what if dude wasnt being cooperative about packing up his shit and leaving, they have to respond to every belligerent drifter and squatter with brute force?