The use of deadly force can be used whenever police fear for their lives or civilian lives, notice how i say police lives first.
The use of deadly force can be used whenever police fear for their lives or civilian lives, notice how i say police lives first.
Also why do so many of the USA police look like they all played high school football. ie, they're big as fuk. Do they recruit at games OR are they wearing some vest that makes them look bigger... do they all bulk up at the police gym ?
Just an observation.
I heard 'He has my gun! He has my gun!'.
If the person made a grab for the gun, then...yeah an officer might have overreacted and shot him despite the 4-5 officers on him. Still...I doubt anything well happen. Oh well.
Are cops not trained to be able to deescalate a situation and thus avoid resistance? Are cops not trained well enough to be able to shoot to incapacitate instead of shooting to kill every fucking time...?I really should just back away from this thread, but here it goes!
When it comes to a situation there are a few main factors. First, officer perspective; this is what the reasonable officer perceives. For example, let say someone is robbing a store. The suspect has their hand under their clothing acting like they are brandishing a firearm. An officer comes in see this and shoots. It turns out it wasn’t a weapon at all. However, the officer is able to justify the shooting. He feared for his safety and that of others. The suspect also showed intent to use it. This leads to the next part.
Intent, opportunity, and capability. These are the three signs a suspect should show in order to justify an act. What was the intent of the perpetrator? In this case his intent seemed to be malicious. He was uncooperative with police, which lead to him being restrained, and unfortunately killed. This was due to him showing the intent by resisting in the first place and also grabbing for an officer’s weapon.
They take steroids because black people have superpowers. Helps even the playing field.
Are cops not trained to be able to deescalate a situation and thus avoid resistance? Are cops not trained well enough to be able to shoot to incapacitate instead of shooting to kill every fucking time...?.
Well if he got a hand on a gun, that's a good shoot. Too bad they couldn't restrain him more effectively and cuff him so that couldn't happen.
But if people genuinely think a cop looks in the mirror each morning and thinks 'I hope I get to shoot a black guy at work today', it ain't happening.
Love the quality of the training. Dropping the batons like that, going into street boxing mode, and then executing the guy.
Bullets are cheaper than proper training.Well if he got a hand on a gun, that's a good shoot. Too bad they couldn't restrain him more effectively and cuff him so that couldn't happen.
Removed black, because trust me, some do.But if people genuinely think a cop looks in the mirror each morning and thinks 'I hope I get to shoot a guy at work today', it ain't happening.
Not going to comment on the video, but when there are four policemen vs. one unarmed homeless man, and the police cannot deescalate the situation, they are doing something very wrong...
Well if he got a hand on a gun, that's a good shoot. Too bad they couldn't restrain him more effectively and cuff him so that couldn't happen.
We're seeing stuff like this every week now. Disgrace.
It has to be nice to have ignored this forever...PSY・S;154243727 said:Now?
Now never ended.PSY・S;154243727 said:Now?
Yeh I thought he said "he's got my gun he's got my gun"
Not "drop the gun"
If he did have the pfficers gun then that was always going to end one way.
Edit: it does sound like he said "hes going for my gun" after repeat watching.
I think it's the opposite. There are a few good apples being ruined by a bushel of rotten apples, but tomayto tomahto.Case closed. Might as well say that every teacher wants to sleep with their students too while we're at it and, just to be safe, you probably should avoid the dentist. Every profession has people who are bad at their job.
I find it a bit odd that GAF is always advocating treating people as individuals and not promote stereotypes, yet everyone seems more than okay with stereotyping cops and acting like a few bad apples represent every single one of them.
Yeah they could have shot those valuable black market organs... that's just irresponsible.China wouldn't take thispolice brutality like the USA does those cops would dead right now
im no police defender but this post is kinda right, if they decided to beat the man with batons and the scenario still played out the same way people would have been like really!? they beat him with a baton and shot him! its a lose lose situation. If I was a cop I would hope I never have to use my gun.The use of batons would probably garner the same responses on here, I imagine.
Or maybe option C, they are just stupid fuckwits who never should have had the job in the first place, so therefore the situation got out of hand, and they are still cops who need to be covered up for? Next time try and account for all possibilities before you come into a thread trying to swing your dick.
looks to me like he put his gun away dropped his baton and put up his dukes to give the guy a fair one but what do I know.An officer drops his baton to try and reach for a gun, really? Completelly disregards protocol and allows another citizen to pick it up and use it as a weapon.
too late, to many citizens in America have guns legally and illegally. The police would literally not be able to approach anyone without facing the higher risk of being shot or assaulted.we should just disarm the police so we wouldn't have the problem of people reaching for officer's weapons
looks to me like he put his gun away dropped his baton and put up his dukes to give the guy a fair one but what do I know.
Are cops not trained to be able to deescalate a situation and thus avoid resistance? Are cops not trained well enough to be able to shoot to incapacitate instead of shooting to kill every fucking time...?
Sounds to me like these skills are very basic and necessary for any half-decent policing. But obviously, we have too many incompetent cops.
Case closed. Might as well say that every teacher wants to sleep with their students too while we're at it and, just to be safe, you probably should avoid the dentist. Every profession has people who are bad at their job.
I find it a bit odd that GAF is always advocating treating people as individuals and not promote stereotypes, yet everyone seems more than okay with stereotyping cops and acting like a few bad apples represent every single one of them.
Because the good cops never seem to speak out against the bad ones, I'm left to assume they're all assholes who think it's OK to treat people like shit and hold the justice system hostage. It can't just be a coincidence that it's always only the regular citizens who express outrage. Even on their little PoliceOne message board where they can speak anonymously, you'd think the levelheaded ones would speak out, but it seems like universal agreement on every fucked up incident. So fuck 'em. They're all garbage and I give zero fucks.
Because the good cops never seem to speak out against the bad ones, I'm left to assume they're all assholes who think it's OK to treat people like shit and hold the justice system hostage. It can't just be a coincidence that it's always only the regular citizens who express outrage. Even on their little PoliceOne message board where they can speak anonymously, you'd think the levelheaded ones would speak out, but it seems like universal agreement on every fucked up incident. So fuck 'em. They're all garbage and I give zero fucks.