Sorry about that!Gah that's $47 XO Thanks for the info tho.
Sorry about that!Gah that's $47 XO Thanks for the info tho.
Great review, that pool scene was great. That gameplay variety reminds me of Alice Madness Returns, weirdly enough! Nice to know the combat feels good. Might get the PC version to avoid the framerate issues and slightly muddy graphics (or maybe that's just youtube video quality). Made a gif of that amazing sneak animation:
I am glad you did! That is actually one of the animations I felt was done so well. It just fits so perfectly for the attitude.
I was watching some of the first level via Youtube.
It's strange. The game definitely looks like a budget title in the gameplay department. It's wonky, quirky, inconsistent, and lacks polish.
Strangely enough, though, the fact that it's DeadPool almost gives it a license to get away with these things. It's like, this is what a game would be if DeadPool slapped something together... coming apart at the seams a little. I'm not suggesting that it was deliberate, as the game is a clear victim of rushed development and budget constraints, but it serendipitously feels right.
This could completely change once I play it today, but the game looks like a whole lot of dumb fun.
Can't confirm this but I was just speaking to a friend who has the game Over there and Deadpool can jump cancel. basically you launch with your triangle/Y square/X press X/A to follow and then in the air you can alternate light slashes and jumps indefinitely on a enemy unti they die. my friend also said that the teleport is a 1 frame activation and the twosome time ability leads to a lot of amazing cancels too. pretty decent if true, can someone here confirm?
Combat looks BORING. Seriously, I'm interested in this game.... but the combat looks like a freakin chore. I mean, the animations look generic as shit... There's nothing original about it. Couldn't they have played games like DMC or Bayonetta
The Humor and 4th wall breaking ideas behind the game are fine... THe actual gameplay does not.
Please help me see this game in another light.
That's promising. I'll definitely test it out once I get the game later today, but I'm sure some will have already confirmed by then.
The teleport looks super fast. It's essentially a Trickster dash without recovery.
Wait its on PC? I cant find it on Steam. :-\
oh man I love the art style, and the game itself looks good
but deadpool annoys the shit out of me
what should I do? wait for the steam sales and hope for the best?
Wait... this is what the game is all about, Deadpool and his zany, over-the-top, craziness.
isn't it? I didn't bother checking before posting
isn't it? I didn't bother checking before posting
In case you missed it.Found it. I had no idea it was on PC and the Steam store doesnt really show anything on it.
I'll download it and get some videos up for everyone.
Not sure if it's been posted yet, but Gamefly has the Steam version for $32 if anyone's interested. Just enter GFDJUN20 at checkout to get the 20% off.
oh man I love the art style, and the game itself looks good
but deadpool annoys the shit out of me
what should I do? wait for the steam sales and hope for the best?
Please let this game be good! I'm so worried its going to be another Neverdead situation.
As long as it's better than Neverdead, I'll call it a win.
Can't confirm this but I was just speaking to a friend who has the game Over there and Deadpool can jump cancel. basically you launch with your triangle/Y square/X press X/A to follow and then in the air you can alternate light slashes and jumps indefinitely on a enemy unti they die. my friend also said that the teleport is a 1 frame activation and the twosome time ability leads to a lot of amazing cancels too. pretty decent if true, can someone here confirm?
In case you missed it.
Embargo is up, current Metacritic: 66/100 out of 10 reviews.
Seems like your typical slightly unpolished High Moon Game. The better review have me excited. No idea why they list Gamesradar's review as a 6 when it was a 7 thouhg.
Jean Grey is in this game?! PS3T says she is but I'm not finding anything?
When does this go live on Steam? Also will VPN'ing it work?
When does this go live on Steam? Also will VPN'ing it work?
Embargo is up, current Metacritic: 66/100 out of 10 reviews.
Seems like your typical slightly unpolished High Moon Game. The better review have me excited. No idea why they list Gamesradar's review as a 6 when it was a 7 thouhg.
It's no Never dead... that's for sure..... Also having restarted on normal. Having a much better time. Not dying every few seconds, combat is getting better since I've level'd up. Much better then starting on hard.
The gun peeps are notoriously difficult.I only did 2 levels so far but Deadpool is funny as heck. The gameplay is ok, I'd compare it to Wolverine's Origins but less fast paced. I'm playing on normal and the game can kick your butt most of the time, especially the guys with guns.
So it's right up my alley then. I love High Moon's games. They're never super polished or super long but they're damn fun.
Upon completing the game, is there a chapter select or do you always have to restart from the beginning?
You can choose levels once you unlock them.
Good to hear. Should make achievement hunting easier.
You will love some of the achievements in here. Some of them are seriously funny.