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Death Stranding Review Thread


Likes moldy games
You might not want to use that word xbot, they will report you for it.

I smell Day's Gone all over again. This game is going to do better than I thought. Xbox fanboys hatin on Sony exclusive that got a 70s, hatin on a Sony exclusive that got an 80s. What do these 2 have in common? It's going to sell better than Xbox exclusives this year.
Your going to wish its a quarter as good as Days Gone and what do they have in common. It will be full of Sony fanboys convincing each other its great. Ha there was even people trying to convince people Medievil is good, that game was shit 20 years ago.
Or maybe.....like a lot of things in life it takes a bit of serious commitment and dedication that creates a bond between you and something. If you're looking for instant gratification go jerk off. I criticize THE HELL out of just about every Kojima game but I also respect him enough to play it before I slam it. IMO this one actually has the best chance for me to like the complete product. More often than not I like the story concept, hate the game play, and hate the dialogue. I genuinely don't understand the genius but am almost always day 1. Make your own opinions!

Man this is a fucking videogame, it's not your son. You shouldn't have to commit and dedicate everything to it in the off chance it's suddenly going to give you an epiphany. Back when I was younger I often used the "you don't get it" defense for a game. Don't like it? You don't get it! But now, it seems the reviewers are using that logic in reverse. THEY don't get it. But they trust Kojima just enough to assume it must be a good title.

I can pick choice quotes from any game with 10/10 or 9/10 ratings that paint it in a worse light than it actually is.

Here one of the best games of this generation (according to many), Bloodborne.

Man... all these reviewers must have HATED the game, how could they give it scores that don't reflect what they're saying?

It's disingenuous and annoying.

I appreciate the exercise and how weirdly fitting it is. Thing is, like I said, I read a lot of reviews about this game. It isn't just the snipets, it's the everything. Even when the game is getting a solid 9,5 or a 10, it doesn't read like that. It reads like a 7. In most of the Death Stranding FULL VERSION reviews that are positive, it just sounds pedestrian. I believe this game could receive some REALLY low scores from the players.
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The graphics are something else, shaper, good AA, and beautiful... some of the best I played this gem... I can't imagine how it looks in Pro with HDR.

The controls are responsibles and the holds buttons works way better than I thought... in fact they are really to get.

I played 2 chapters so the story is at begining but it feels Kojima and that is great.

I did pretty few deliveries but I like it... you need to explore the map to find them and manege to not damage them... the sense of exploration is good and the delivery management interesting... it is engaging too, I took over 1 hour to do the Prologue delivering because I was entertained in find others delivering instead to rush the main pack delivery... it is just fun to do that because mountains makes the exploration very very addictive.

Right now I'm loving it... I can't wait to play more tomorrow after work... it is 4am right now here... I played two hours without realize... I repeated the Prologue twice because I didn't want to damage the delivery packs.
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Gold Member
You might not want to use that word xbot, they will report you for it.

I smell Day's Gone all over again. This game is going to do better than I thought. Xbox fanboys hatin on Sony exclusive that got a 70s, hatin on a Sony exclusive that got an 80s. What do these 2 have in common? It's going to sell better than Xbox exclusives this year.

Funnily enough, Days Gone is by far my favourite PS exclusive. Loved it. Bored to tears by Naughty Dog games and didn’t get into GoW, but Days Gone clicked.
Going to pass on DS for now. Reeks of hype culture. The reviewers are trying to convince themselves they like it rather than getting the game to convince them.

Kagey K

I’m not going to taint the OT with drama so I’m going to ask here.

Some of you have had 4 hours plus to play it so far, what are your early impressions? Do you lean towards the 10 or the 7?


I’m not going to taint the OT with drama so I’m going to ask here.

Some of you have had 4 hours plus to play it so far, what are your early impressions? Do you lean towards the 10 or the 7?

I'd love to get some real idea of what this is. Not the stupid Kojima fanboy 10/10 and none of the hate talk, just what exactly are we looking at. I've been pretty let down as far as good big budget games this year and unless users really rag on it, I think I can overlook the semi boring gameplay if the story really engages me (none of this Kojima nanomachines nonsense).

this is probably one of the weakest holidays for games I want to pick up, so I could definitely take a chance on this since my only other title to get this year is Pokemon

Kagey K

I'd love to get some real idea of what this is. Not the stupid Kojima fanboy 10/10 and none of the hate talk, just what exactly are we looking at. I've been pretty let down as far as good big budget games this year and unless users really rag on it, I think I can overlook the semi boring gameplay if the story really engages me (none of this Kojima nanomachines nonsense).

this is probably one of the weakest holidays for games I want to pick up, so I could definitely take a chance on this since my only other title to get this year is Pokemon
I know there was all the lead up and such, and the honeymoon period is just starting, but I was hoping for a bit of discussion about why the 10s and 6s were both worthy based on what people played.

It’s still, early though and everyone that ordered it physically hasn’t has a chance to even install it yet.


amazing thread


I tried to keep an open mind about it and I watched streams all evening and it just looks dumb as hell, boring and incredibly self serving.
To each his own, it's just not for me I think.

Kagey K

I tried to keep an open mind about it and I watched streams all evening and it just looks dumb as hell, boring and incredibly self serving.
To each his own, it's just not for me I think.
In reality it’s barely for anyone. All the reviews said it was a package delivery game with some cutscenes.

Some of those rated the “story” highly but ignored the gameplay, some rated the gameplay badly and ignored the “story”

I wS hoping for opinions that I trusted in this community to help me figure out where this game stands.(Or Strands as Kojima put it)
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I’m not going to taint the OT with drama so I’m going to ask here.

Some of you have had 4 hours plus to play it so far, what are your early impressions? Do you lean towards the 10 or the 7?

Only a few hours in but early impressions are very, very, good.

I can easily see why some would give it a 10 and others would give it a 7.

Sometimes we fall into that trap of just thinking of "games" as a kind of "one size fits all" thing, which is a bit crazy.

If you hate westerns then why would you like RDR2? If you hate horror then why would you love RE7? If you think Sci-Fi is dumb then why would you want to play The Outer Worlds? Etc.

Same with platformer vs RPG vs action etc etc.

For me, the game is offering something new and different and even in the opening hours it's SO clear that this is offering a unique, high quality, experience.

Has anyone ever read The Martian (or seen the movie)? I'm getting a vibe like that from this game. You gotta plan out your journey in advance and go carefully so that things don't go wrong. The game manages to build a proper sense of being a bit isolated in an epic environment.

The story is strange, of course, but honestly you do kind of want that in the early stages. A ,lot of weird stuff going on.

I'm not really feeling like I can really articulate how I feel about it all yet but the opening hours are extremely good and well put together.

Kagey K

Only a few hours in but early impressions are very, very, good.

I can easily see why some would give it a 10 and others would give it a 7.

Sometimes we fall into that trap of just thinking of "games" as a kind of "one size fits all" thing, which is a bit crazy.

If you hate westerns then why would you like RDR2? If you hate horror then why would you love RE7? If you think Sci-Fi is dumb then why would you want to play The Outer Worlds? Etc.

Same with platformer vs RPG vs action etc etc.

For me, the game is offering something new and different and even in the opening hours it's SO clear that this is offering a unique, high quality, experience.

Has anyone ever read The Martian (or seen the movie)? I'm getting a vibe like that from this game. You gotta plan out your journey in advance and go carefully so that things don't go wrong. The game manages to build a proper sense of being a bit isolated in an epic environment.

The story is strange, of course, but honestly you do kind of want that in the early stages. A ,lot of weird stuff going on.

I'm not really feeling like I can really articulate how I feel about it all yet but the opening hours are extremely good and well put together.

I like what you said, but even with all those words you didn’t say if you were enjoying it. How do you actually feel about it?

Do you want to continue playing it to see where the story goes?

Do you want to keep playing it because of the gameplay?

Do you want to stop playing it?
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I like what you said, but even with all those words you didn’t say if you were enjoying it. How do you actually feel about it?
"High quality experience" doesn't tell you that he is enjoying it?

As for keeping with it, we need to give people more time.
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Kagey K

"High quality experience" doesn't tell you that he is enjoying it?
Not really, all he is saying is that he can see they spent money on it.

Similar to how I feel about the new Transformers movies. They are high quality, and I can realize that, while also not enjoying them.

Why are you his speaker now? I remember asking that member those questions and now if you want to answer for yourself I have no problems, but don’t answer for them.


"High quality experience" doesn't tell you that he is enjoying it?
It's Kagey K, he's only looking for impressions that fit his already made view that the game is bad. If someone said that it's the best game ever but the music is a little repetitive, he'd only take into account the music criticism.

That's how "impressions are very, very, good " & "the opening hours are extremely good and well put together. " are turned into "Ha! But you didn't say you're enjoying it! GOT'EM!"
Nintendrones BTFO!!!

You're right, the correct way to look at the reviews is to make up a completely arbitrary metric.

I mean there isn't much more to do than laugh at people still thinking the archaic practices of Nintendo are top drawer.

Arbitrary metric? What's more arbitrary than the 83 Metacritic gives you? A game could get all 83s and end up with 83, or a game could have 15 critics give it 10/10, the most of any game in 2019 and end up with an 83. The 83 doesn't tell you shit. Like the T-Meter it's a way to celebrate safe, mediocrity that everyone can enjoy, that's why Nintendo games always score so well and that's why Marvel movies always score so well, they don't upset anyone but they don't really challenge them either.


If you like collectives in games you will love this game.
I could not stop to think about the game when I go bed after play it... the first two hours are absolutely amazing.
The controls are pretty intuition be too... easy and intuittive.
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I’m not going to taint the OT with drama so I’m going to ask here.

Some of you have had 4 hours plus to play it so far, what are your early impressions? Do you lean towards the 10 or the 7?

I'd love to get some real idea of what this is. Not the stupid Kojima fanboy 10/10 and none of the hate talk, just what exactly are we looking at. I've been pretty let down as far as good big budget games this year and unless users really rag on it, I think I can overlook the semi boring gameplay if the story really engages me (none of this Kojima nanomachines nonsense).

this is probably one of the weakest holidays for games I want to pick up, so I could definitely take a chance on this since my only other title to get this year is Pokemon

Honestly? 8.5 seems about right. Visually stunning, music and audio is good, controls and animations are smooth and the characters seem interesting. The games atmosphere is amazing and I can fully understand why Digital Foundry compared DS to a Team ICO game.

As for the gameplay, it controls rather smooth and the "fun" is in planning your route and hiking.
It migh sound boring and vague, but it is exactly what it is and tbh it's far more fun than I personally expected it to be.

On the other hand, I can easily see how this can become tedious and frustrating (especially with the balance-mechanics) and I haven't even gotten to a point where I can get some action or whatever.

If you're looking for a more traditional action/adventure game or something like MGS, this is not the game for you.

But if you're interested, like Kojima games, don't mind less action-focused games and/or want something different, just buy it.
I think this is one of those games that needs to be experienced first hand.
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This game is very Japanese. It's japanese meets Holywood. It's got the production quality of a Holywood film with the systems and quirky video game elements of Japanese influence such as hud and overlay and systems on top of systems. Which is exaxtly what I guess Kojima was going for.

I'm really enjoying it so far. It's a slow burn of drip feeding the systems while throwing the story beats at you.

The graphics are incredible. The mood and atmosphere is incredibly solitaire but adds that Kojima flair with codec calls to explain wacky out of this world elements and story hooks.

Bout 4 hours in now. Interesting to see where it takes me at the 20hoir mark.

Don't trust my word though. I love kojimas stuff.
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Honestly? 8.5 seems about right. Visually stunning, music and audio is good, controls and animations are smooth and the characters seem interesting. The games atmosphere is amazing and I can fully understand why Digital Foundry compared DS to a Team ICO game.

As for the gameplay, it controls rather smooth and the "fun" is in planning your route and hiking.
It migh sound boring and vague, but it is exactly what it is and tbh it's far more fun than I personally expected it to be.

On the other hand, I can easily see how this can become tedious and frustrating (especially with the balance-mechanics) and I haven't even gotten to a point where I can get some action or whatever.

If you're looking for a more traditional action/adventure game or something like MGS, this is not the game for you.

But if you're interested, like Kojima games, don't mind less action-focused games and/or want something different, just buy it.
I think this is one of those games that needs to be experienced first hand.
Yeap at least the first hours are amazing.
The mistery and atmosphere of the game is something else.
The game has that weird power of not left your head even when you are not playing it.
It is still early but I'm liking the delivering gameplay loop.


Your going to wish its a quarter as good as Days Gone and what do they have in common. It will be full of Sony fanboys convincing each other its great. Ha there was even people trying to convince people Medievil is good, that game was shit 20 years ago.

There must be lots of Sony fanboys then, because DG has sold millions and was a resounding success. Something that can't be said about ANY MS exclusive this gen...oh how the mighty have fallen 😥🤣


I mean there isn't much more to do than laugh at people still thinking the archaic practices of Nintendo are top drawer.

Arbitrary metric? What's more arbitrary than the 83 Metacritic gives you? A game could get all 83s and end up with 83, or a game could have 15 critics give it 10/10, the most of any game in 2019 and end up with an 83. The 83 doesn't tell you shit. Like the T-Meter it's a way to celebrate safe, mediocrity that everyone can enjoy, that's why Nintendo games always score so well and that's why Marvel movies always score so well, they don't upset anyone but they don't really challenge them either.

Not sure what Nintendo's or any other games scores have to do with this, the game is divisive which is why it will not score as high, there are some great things about this game but it also has some issues as well.


Not sure what Nintendo's or any other games scores have to do with this, the game is divisive which is why it will not score as high, there are some great things about this game but it also has some issues as well.

math is not your friend
Not sure what Nintendo's or any other games scores have to do with this, the game is divisive which is why it will not score as high, there are some great things about this game but it also has some issues as well.

It's divisive because it's not safe, unchallenging entertainment. It's getting more perfect scores than any 2019 game, do you want to play the game 4 critics thought was perfect or the game 15 thought were perfect? Do you want to play the game all the critics were like "yeah this was fine" or the game where half the critics went ape shit and less than half hated outright? This is the video game version of the Joker, which has a lower than 70% t-meter while getting more perfect scores than movies with 90%.


I like what you said, but even with all those words you didn’t say if you were enjoying it. How do you actually feel about it?

Do you want to continue playing it to see where the story goes?

Do you want to keep playing it because of the gameplay?

Do you want to stop playing it?

I'm trying to at least counterbalance my own bias and give a more neutral take though.

I've wanted to play this game since the first trailers dropped. Of course I am enjoying it. It seems like a redundant question, really.

Do I want to play the game? Yes. Do I want to play through until the end? Yes.
Am I enjoying the whole package so far? Hell, yes.

The story is intriguing. I definitely want to see how this all plays out.

The gameplay is great and the atmosphere of the whole thing just elevates that. It's so immersive and atmospheric.
It's beautiful, it's terrifying, it's lonely. Yet, there is that "connection" when you encounter the things that other people have left for you.

I REALLY like this take on the open world style of game. The traversal mechanics and the way this is tied tightly to the story works perfectly.
Making decisions on where I have to go and how I want to get there and what I want to do while I'm going there (am I going to construct stuff to help with traversal etc) is such a satisfying part of the gameplay.

It still has that weird Kojima quirkiness but I don't want to be accused of being a fanboy so whatever. There's lots of "hahaha what the hell" stuff going on.

For me, this is the way to do true "cinematic" gameplay. Traversing these incredible landscapes and just getting fully immersed in the game world.
Basically an experience that can ONLY be done as a videogame. My only gripe is that I can't be playing this stuff on an IMAX screen.

Let's be honest though, it'll be easy to dismiss this as "walking simulator".
It's not like you are walking to the bus stop or going for a stroll around the shops in the game though.
It's a completely unique and intriguing world and there is a clear purpose to the traversal.

Definitely one of the highlights of this console generation but I get that it's not for everyone. Is any game really "for everyone" though?
Man I am so far from a kojima fanboy I've always thought his stories were goofy poorly told full of too much exposition and that his games don't focus enough on gameplay. That's what my favorite metal gear solid is part 5 I've played it for over a hundred hours but haven't beaten it cuz I don't really care how the story boils out it's just a fun game. but I'll absolutely defend his new game from people attacking it who haven't even played it because that stuff is the worst.


I'm trying to at least counterbalance my own bias and give a more neutral take though.

I've wanted to play this game since the first trailers dropped. Of course I am enjoying it. It seems like a redundant question, really.

Do I want to play the game? Yes. Do I want to play through until the end? Yes.
Am I enjoying the whole package so far? Hell, yes.

The story is intriguing. I definitely want to see how this all plays out.

The gameplay is great and the atmosphere of the whole thing just elevates that. It's so immersive and atmospheric.
It's beautiful, it's terrifying, it's lonely. Yet, there is that "connection" when you encounter the things that other people have left for you.

I REALLY like this take on the open world style of game. The traversal mechanics and the way this is tied tightly to the story works perfectly.
Making decisions on where I have to go and how I want to get there and what I want to do while I'm going there (am I going to construct stuff to help with traversal etc) is such a satisfying part of the gameplay.

It still has that weird Kojima quirkiness but I don't want to be accused of being a fanboy so whatever. There's lots of "hahaha what the hell" stuff going on.

For me, this is the way to do true "cinematic" gameplay. Traversing these incredible landscapes and just getting fully immersed in the game world.
Basically an experience that can ONLY be done as a videogame. My only gripe is that I can't be playing this stuff on an IMAX screen.

Let's be honest though, it'll be easy to dismiss this as "walking simulator".
It's not like you are walking to the bus stop or going for a stroll around the shops in the game though.
It's a completely unique and intriguing world and there is a clear purpose to the traversal.

Definitely one of the highlights of this console generation but I get that it's not for everyone. Is any game really "for everyone" though?
I completely agree... the game holds you in that desolated world.
I need to say how exploring the terrain, rivers, mountains, caverns are fantastic... there are dozen of path you can choose to reach a package with compete different experiences.
Climbing and go down from mountains are so satisfying.
Honestly? 8.5 seems about right. Visually stunning, music and audio is good, controls and animations are smooth and the characters seem interesting. The games atmosphere is amazing and I can fully understand why Digital Foundry compared DS to a Team ICO game.

You sure completed that quick :)


Would recommend to anybody to play this with headphones as the sounds effects and atmosphere created as your wandering is amazingly immersive and really helps to create that feeling of isolation.

Coming out of speakers/tv the experience doesn't feel the same.
I'm intrigued by the game and it does sound like a really rubbish concept. Graphics look interesting and know very little about the story. Reading people's views seems like hyperbole as opposed to honest criticism (positive and negative). People who are instantly loving the game are the ones who already loved it and defended it before it was released so no surprise there then. The ones hating on it are those who hated on it without even playing.

Guess I'll have to play it at some point to make up my mind but with so much uncertainty I will have to wait until it is reduced in price.


Would recommend to anybody to play this with headphones as the sounds effects and atmosphere created as your wandering is amazingly immersive and really helps to create that feeling of isolation.

Coming out of speakers/tv the experience doesn't feel the same.
I don't have a headphone to compare but in a Soundbar 4.1 with speakers on back seems pretty good too.


I’m not going to taint the OT with drama so I’m going to ask here.

Some of you have had 4 hours plus to play it so far, what are your early impressions? Do you lean towards the 10 or the 7?
I was really skeptic. But fuck its a fucking 10
This game my god..
Most reviews diddnt do it much justice
Just those first 2 houre alone already. Geezus so good. And really. Walking in this game is like nothing u ever experienced. And I really feel like being sam. An importend delivery guy. Its so immersive. The landscape wow..
The cutscenes wow
The story is very interessting
Delivering being done is insanely satisfying..


A lot of users are not happy with the game

This user score is not reliable though, lots of people give it a low score because of fanboyism, not the quality of the game.

Though i agree that this game might not be for everyone, which can reflect in the scores as well.


Weird, usually when a game was on the launch day it's normally sitting at the top. Now DS is trailing behind the third sku of Pokemon SnS.
It's bizarre when Day's gone performed better than DS and DS not even charted in top 100 of 2019 amazon.com so far.


Funnily enough, Days Gone is by far my favourite PS exclusive. Loved it. Bored to tears by Naughty Dog games and didn’t get into GoW, but Days Gone clicked.
Going to pass on DS for now. Reeks of hype culture. The reviewers are trying to convince themselves they like it rather than getting the game to convince them.
I’m pretty much in the same boat as you- However, I not only loved Days Gone, I loved Last of Us and Control.
And like you, I have to wait for the dust to settle before I invest my time (more important than money) in such an odd “experience” known as Death Stranding
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