bean breath
I wager that happens for about six seconds before Cena starts calling AJ a a slut and Dolph gay for wearing pink (??).
Ithil, you need to man up.
I wager that happens for about six seconds before Cena starts calling AJ a a slut and Dolph gay for wearing pink (??).
Ithil, you need to man up.
Heh, well I guess there's also Eve/Cena. :lol
Some interesting news bits here, though dirtsheets lol.
Keyser I think you need to admit you have a problem.
I refuse to believe she was graduating HS, absolutely refuse.Some interesting news bits here, though dirtsheets lol.
I am fine. No really I am fine. I AM FINE. OKAY?
I refuse to believe she was graduating HS, absolutely refuse.
I refuse to believe she was graduating HS, absolutely refuse.
It was a high school reunion she brought Cena too. Daniel Bryan was there as well.
Interesting statement on Paddy Power... not their usual T&C for WWE bets[IMG]
I guess Ziggler could cash in early in the night based on that.[/QUOTE]
Wouldn't that be awesome? What wouldn't be awesome is if Cena then won the belt...
Bryan got the better looking and smarter Bella.
Lol, from the latest Michinoku Pro show - Avengers, assemble!
Ithil, you need to man up.
Velvet Sky has too many clothes on.
Your not the only one. I took him serious when he was with his brother Matt in the WWE. But this face paint stuff is definitely not cool.I feel like if Jeff didn't paint his face to look like an idiot I'd actually be able to take him a lot more seriously and enjoy him more, not sure why.
And she is about to job to Velvet Sky.Madison's vag is about to come out
And she is about to job to Velvet Sky.
lol, holy shit does TNA have no shame and wes and garrett better be carefull those can give you heart attacks.
Hey, stop it. Velvet only jobs to be in the bedroom.Velvet jobs to the red head n the crowd
Joseph Park, ESQ in OVW?
I am totally behind this.
Why is Jeff carrying two belts? Doesn't want to commit himself that that terrible face belt?
I know but what's the point in wearing that face belt then?The face belt is a vanity belt, the other belt is the real belt.
Oh god Jeff, stop doing that plz.
Are there many girls that fantasize about syphillis?He is doing it to keep the girls in the crowd horny. So they can imagine he is humping them instead.