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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date



Would yall watch this? I would. Maybe Vince can make it for the WWE Network.

is the blonde/black hair guy suppose to be tyler black? Because I don't know any of his accomplishments for him to seem relative in that all star cast.


Team Hell No don't need a manager, especially Flair. Ziggler could use him more, as the association to Rick gets him primed for the main event AND could also bring about associations with Shawn and Trips. Maybe Rick could even use whats left of his juice with the brass to get the kid better storylines.


She is so hot though. Obviously she is just doing her character and whatever WWE Creative tells her to do. But man...


AJ should form a stable of all the male talent on the roster, and call it "The Train".

And Ziggles will be at the helm of that "Train".


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
AJ is starting the new NoD.

Ryback dropped the hint when he quoted evil Owen Hart.


is the blonde/black hair guy suppose to be tyler black? Because I don't know any of his accomplishments for him to seem relative in that all star cast.
He was involved in the highlight spot of last night's PPV and almost got himself killed.
I'd say he's earned his shot.


There's going to be so much confusion.

First its that he just beat Rollins for the NXT title when Rollins came back as part of the shield, and now Big E is heel.

2nd he's from NXT, so is the shield, are they together?

Third that makes 5 newcomers floating around (Maddox, Shield, Big E)

Smackdown draft.

How weird does Wade look there with that t-shirt and underwear? jesus, this is why the younger generation doesn't think wrestling is cool, because it's "too gay". Just look at Wade, wearing a t-shirt and tights like that is not a good idea. It's shocking to me how Vince and Co. don't notice these things. Look how out of place Wade looks there, you can see his bloody bulge.

Edit- even Ziggler's got shorts on and he loves showing off ass every match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF Season 2 started off with a bang! Watch the archive at http://www.twitch.tv/sunnybuns/b/349016122#

EDIT: Aww you guys! I was holding onto that surprise all week, it made me hurt keeping it secret!

For those wondering:

Soulplaya and Laserfrog time traveled to 1998, and took on Sting and Lex Luger at Halloween Havoc in Fire Pro Wrestling

Thought it'd be something unprecedented nobody's ever tried before!



October 25, 1998

Dear Wrestlegaf,

I'm writing to you from the year 1998, I had to write this on a compaq, please get Soul and I out of this hellhole. The internet is really slow, the past is a haunting place.

Your Friend through time


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm announcing that I'm taking my talents and likeness elsewhere where I can be treated like the star that I am instead of being jobbed out.

I'm the modern day Scott Norton or Johnny Ace.


more money than God

October 25, 1998

Dear Wrestlegaf,

I'm writing to you from the year 1998, I had to write this on a compaq, please get Soul and I out of this hellhole. The internet is really slow, the past is a haunting place.

Your Friend through time

Help us!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm announcing that I'm taking my talents and likeness elsewhere where I can be treated like the star that I am instead of being jobbed out.

I'm the modern day Scott Norton or Johnny Ace.

:( Don't go Dragonzord, you're in the midst of a feud with Pepsi City!



WCW Monday Nitro 3/13/2000


TO THE BACK. Ric Flair more or less begs Lex to allow him to continue to be a part of Team Package.

Ric Flair calls out Arn to again apologize for embarrassing Ric and to join Team Package. Horsemen are dead, now it's Team Package.


Lol. Arn says that when they ran the business, they didn't go around breaking arms or legs so they wouldn't have to face people. Pretty sure Arn broke at least 3 limbs from 1987-1993 in a parking lot just because. Arn brings HUL KHO GAN to the ramp! Arn says he's going to take himself out of the whole shooting match at Uncensored. Hulk won't have to worry about Arn interfering. WHHHHHAAAAAAYYYTTTTT?!?!?!?! Crazy Ric Flair is my favorite. Hulk doesn't want to wait for the PPV and dives into the ring. Oh noes. Lex with the bat! Where is Sting? "I say whip it Tony. Whip it good. Hulk's shoulder was injured by the bat shot.

TO THE BACK. Trainers, Arn, and Jimmy Hart are trying to convince Hulk to go get his shoulder checked out.

3 Count vs the Jung Dragons

This could be fun. All I really remember about the Dragons was Yang botching stuff more than Sin Cara. Dive section. Starts with Kaz's twisting tope thing, then Shane is back dropped over the top, Jaime flips over Evan, Evan press slams Yang to the floor, Evan does a cross body, and Shannon does a top rop Asai moonsault.



Mark keeps calling Jaime Zorro. Another dive sequence, but this time in the ring. Shannon gets the win with a sleeper driver. Fun quick cruiser sprint. Best thing 3 Count has been in so far.

TO THE BACK. Team Package talk some more about Arn and the PPV. Arn catches Hennig coming in. Arn says this isn't anything like the business he knows and he's going home to see his kids. Bam Bam and The Wall head to the ring. SILVER KING and EL DANDY are reading fan mail when Ms. Hancock comes to talk to them. El Dandy says he's going to excite her loins. !


The Wall vs Bam Bam Bigelow.

Bam Bam with a Pearl Harbor to start things out. Hulk Hogan finally agreed to go to a hospital to check his shoulder. David/Daffney/Crowbar are out. Bam Bam is now handcuffed to the corner. Wall falls over delivering a big boot to the stomach of Crowbar. Neck brace is off again and another chokeslam. Same thing for David. The only one left to get chokeslammed is Daffney. Nope. David is chokeslammed off the apron onto Crowbar who is on a table while Bam Bam is forced to watch. It was like your cat presenting you a mouse with half of its head missing.


Shittiest NWO are out for a promo. The Harris Boys try to send the YAKs back, but Jeff stops them, only to tease them flashing again before sending them to the back. Tony keeps saying that it is Jeff's focus on the title, but it clearly is just him being a dick to the fans. He has prepared a highlight reel of him hitting Sid with guitars over and over in the past 2 months. Which has been pretty much every Nitro and Thunder. Jeff almost calls Uncensored Unforgiven. He's going to be oozing gold after this weekend. Now he's stealing Hall's lines? Fuck head. The Harris Boys vs Sid and a partner of his choice tonight. This brings out the champ. Madden says "I may watch that when I'm alone with my baby tonight". Let's get 3 things straight. "At Uncensored, I'm gonna take your smart ass mouth, I'm gonna rip it eight feed wide, and I'm gonna slip ol' slapnuts right in!" 2. "You don't have my number, you've never had my number, and you won't know that number, but there is one number you should keep in mind for yourself, and it is 9-1-1!" He brings out his partner for tonight: Vampiro!

TO THE BACK. Crowbar is being loaded into an amber lamps. Bam Bam challenges Wall to a match at Uncensored. I think. He's a terrible promo. Gene with Harlem Heat 2K INC. Stevie Ray vs Disco tonight. They tell Kidman he shouldn't trust Booker.

TO THE ARNOLD CLASSIC. I forgot all about this. They were supposed to show this stuff 2 weeks ago on Thunder and didn't even mention it. They sent Paul Orndorff to check out the dude with the laaaarggest arrma in the worlddd. Paul offers this guy a shot at the Power Plant. Paul Orndorff was acknowledged as being fired from his position as trainer at the Power Plant sometime in January.

Kidman/Booker vs Lenny and Lodi.

Lodi is now known as Rave. Lane and Rave. Ms. Hancock is out. Hopefully there is a good shot of Torrie and Stacy together.


They do Poetry in Motion spot, but Lane over shoots it (as he does every time and basically hits dudes in the face with his hip) and falls over the top rope like a goof. Torrie makes sure to tell Stacy that Kidman belongs to her. Tony tells Stacy she's red hot. Book End to Lodi, Ax kick and Harlem Side kick to Lane. Kidman hit a school boy while Booker was on top to hit a missile drop kick. Booker argues about it. WCW stands for We Can't Work (togther, sometimes, I guess) according to Tony.

TO THE BACK. Lex and Perfect head to the arena.

The Total Package vs Curt Hennig

The lumberjacks at the PPV don't have to have borked arms. Just casts. Which means that people could still be on Lex's side.

TO THE BACK. Hulk Hogan has returned. He stole the Ambulance. I don't know why he couldn't just get a ride back.

Hennig's cast is white this week. It was black on Thunder. Wrestlemania Rewind. Flair comes out, causing a DQ. This sends Hulk Hogan out to save Mr. Perfect? I don't know how I feel about that. Team Package bails out. Flair pelvic thrusts at a random woman in the crowd on the way out. Hennig and Hogan vs Team Package tonight! Hulk says he and Perfect have had something in common ever since they've been in wrestling. This is weird. Hulk Hogan and Mr. Perfect shouldn't be teaming up.

TO THE BACK. Vamp is in his boiler room with the ANOES lighting cutting a promo on JJ. The only that is forever is the hate he has for Jeff. Knobs has lost The Dog. He was drinking out of a toilet in the women's locker room.


TO THE NITRO PARTY. A Nitro Man contest was had with 3 Count as judges. Disco got a 0 from all three.

Nitro Girls dance.

TO THE BACK. Sid is with Gene. He will own Jeff. At first he was like:


But then he:


Dog (no longer The) vs Norman Smiley

Madden suggests that perhaps the Dog is actually a shaven Russian huskie. Norman does the Big Wiggle while Dog is on the mat with a hood on. Knobs takes FOREVER to get the chain off the leash and finally just gives up. The Demon runs out and attacks Knobs. Lane and Rave come out and attack Demon. Dog has been trying to eat the ref the whole time. Norman puts the chicken wing on for the win. Knobs has the biggest wtf look on his face. Oh shit. The Dog is on the loose! He runs up the ramp after Norman and completely stops and drops character before he made it to the back. Knobs says he's the hardcore icon of WCW and wants a fight right now. Naturally this brings out Terry Funk. After a commercial break.

TO THE BACK. Norman is hiding in what hockey officials hide in while the Dog tries to bite him.

Terry Funk vs Brian Knobs. Hardcore Match.

Funk went from being WCW Commissioner and more or less the defacto top face to having hardcore matches with Knobs and feuding with Dustin Rhodes in 2 months. They both hold on to the same trash can and hit each other in the head with it at the same time. 3 Count come out. Well, 2 Count game out. Shane broke his nose in the opener. PITTY CITY! Funk wins after Evan hits Knobs with the Hardcore title from the top. Funk has the chicken on his hand again. Shannon takes a flip bump off a chicken punch. Dustin is out with a bull drop. COWBELL! The Outlaw Dustin Rhodes. Dustin has the rope around Funk's neck and Irish whips him before yanking the rope and it immediately cuts to WIDE SHOT WIDE SHOT WIDE SHOT. Such a cluster fuck of a segment.

TO THE BACK. Jeff talks to the Twins. Sid and Vamp head to the ring. Finlay cuts a promo on Vamp about their falls count anywhere match at the PPV. He's going to pin Vamp in the bathroom and flush him.

Sid/Vampiro vs The Harris Brothers.

Fuck this shit. I really can't think of two guys I'd rather watch less than the Harris Brothers. I'm really enjoying the build they've been giving Vampiro. He needs to win a match sometime, though. Huge powerbomb to one of those bald fuckfaces for the win.

TO THE BACK. Gene is outside of the locker room of Hogan and Perfect and will be talking to all four men involved in the main event after a break.

But first, another shitty Nitro Party from Saturday. WHY THE FUCK DON'T THEY HAVE NITRO PARTIES ON MONDAYS?

TO THE BACK. Gene with Team Package. Lex says Sting is not here again, because he's a pussy. But Tony said he'd be here tonight.

Stevie Ray vs Disco Inferno.

The Harris Brothers and Mamalukes brawl in the back after Disco told them to wait for his cue, so he's obviously going to get beat down by all members of Harlem Heat. Disco sings the theme song to Fat Albert and calls Clarence Mason JJ Walker. Mamalukes miss their cue and Disco gets beat up. This match goes on way too long.

TO THE BACK. Gene with Hogan and Perfect. The greatest thing in wrestling history. They're going to do some serious strappation with the straps tonight.

Team Package vs Hulk Hogan and Curt Hennig.

I'm uncomfortable with this. Particularly weird that Hennig had had one match on TV all year and now he's basically filling in for Sting in the feud with Lex and Flair. This is pretty much what you'd expect. Nothing really to say about it. Hogan is FIP for a while until Hennig gets the hot tag, but as soon as Hennig gets pops, Hogan no sells and jumps back in the ring completely fine. Perfect Plex is broken up by a Lex bat shot. He also hits Jimmy Hart just for fun. Hogan hits a double clothesline. He takes his weight belt off and attempts to strap Team Package, but Mickie Jay takes it from him. Hogan shoves him off and gets DQd. Liz comes in and hits Hulk in the knee with a bat. The lights are out. Is it Midnight? There is a spotlight and Vampiro is now in the ring. Sting is coming down the ramp. The lights are still out except for a spot light or two. It looked weird. Finally the lights are on and Sting is taking it to Lex in the ring as Vamp chases Flair off.

Vampiro's major push in early 2000 WCW was damn exciting. He got over huge as a babyface when he and Sting started teaming up.

...then Russo comes back and turns Vampiro heel for damn reason at all.
How weird does Wade look there with that t-shirt and underwear? jesus, this is why the younger generation doesn't think wrestling is cool, because it's "too gay". Just look at Wade, wearing a t-shirt and tights like that is not a good idea. It's shocking to me how Vince and Co. don't notice these things. Look how out of place Wade looks there, you can see his bloody bulge.

Edit- even Ziggler's got shorts on and he loves showing off ass every match.
So am I the only one who read this. Heavy you're a very interesting person.


It's just so funny how after a great PPV the WWE always follows up with complete trash the next night. I thought maybe we'd finally get the clean win for Ziggler over Cena once the ladies left but instead we get this weird shaped Big E guy. Were there no other guys that could have filled that role? Mark Henry perhaps? Go get Batista....PLEASE! this guy couldn't have been any more generic if he tried. Terrible Raw


Junior Member
How weird does Wade look there with that t-shirt and underwear? jesus, this is why the younger generation doesn't think wrestling is cool, because it's "too gay". Just look at Wade, wearing a t-shirt and tights like that is not a good idea. It's shocking to me how Vince and Co. don't notice these things. Look how out of place Wade looks there, you can see his bloody bulge.

Edit- even Ziggler's got shorts on and he loves showing off ass every match.
It's a locker room who cares. Vince probably cares if they are promoting merchandise which Wade is.
You are very strange.
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