John Cena should form a hip hop group stable. Then they can feud with 3MB. 3MB can put a single called "Rap is crap"
Those were some dark days my friend, dark days.
John Cena should form a hip hop group stable. Then they can feud with 3MB. 3MB can put a single called "Rap is crap"
You guys are really weird with your "AJ arcs her back, stupid white girl ass" thing. Asses come in all sizes. They can't all be like the Funkadactyl asses. Every woman on WWE TV arcs their back to make their ass look better. And wears heels to do the same thing. Why does no one have an issue with anyone but AJ doing it?
Why form a group Cena already single handily destroyed 3MB on Saturday Morning SlamJohn Cena should form a hip hop group stable. Then they can feud with 3MB. 3MB can put a single called "Rap is crap"
Mark ass marks.You guys are really weird with your "AJ arcs her back, stupid white girl ass" thing. Asses come in all sizes. They can't all be like the Funkadactyl asses. Every woman on WWE TV arcs their back to make their ass look better. And wears heels to do the same thing. Why does no one have an issue with anyone but AJ doing it?
Best gif definitely has to be Cena looking into the camera and smirking while Eve is crying in the background after being called a hoeski. No other contenders![]()
Sure...WWE just have to have the courage to place Cena elsewhere on the card. For instance, have him say "you know what, I've never held the Intercontinental Title before", only to discover that competition is stronger than he anticipated as he gets embroiled in a mid-card feud with Wade Barrett. Or, perhaps a young up and coming wrestler like Tyson Kidd needs a tag partner and turns to John Cena, who agrees, but for one match only. However, after an upset victory over an established team and some surprisingly good tag team chemistry between the two, Cena & Kidd decide to work their way up the division and challenge for the tag titles. Both these ideas would have to result in Cena actually having to put over young talent for once.
WWE just need to realise that Cena's a big enough draw on his own and he does not need to constantly be the focus of the show. He just needs to be there, somewhere. Preferably not at the end of every damn show.
Why form a group Cena already single handily destroyed 3MB on Saturday Morning Slam
I really thought that Cena's best time to do a character change would be after WM. Have him lose to Brock pretty badly and he now has to work his way up. Have him feud for midcard titles and wrestle against the lower midcard. Hell, have him lose a few matches. Give him a losing streak but he slowly starts to work his way back up to the title and the top of the card.
Working on getting the WrassleGAF End of the Year polls up, going with a few here, but all feedback is appreciated, pretty much ripping off the LAW's end of year awards with some tweaks:
Best WWE Star - CM Punk. Beating Cena's record is no small feat.
Best Non-WWE International Star - can't say!
Best Female Wrestler - Gonna go with Eve. Good character, and really not bad in the ring.
Best Tag Team - Team Hell No (contest). Comedy Gold.
Best on the Mic - Going to have to go with Punk too. He talks, we listen.
Best Comeback - Chris Jericho! j/k..... Yeah Ryback. Went from NXT nobody to this.
Best Gimmick - Damien Sandow intellectual for the masses.
Most Improved - I'm going with Big Show. I know Sheamus helps, but it's the best set of matches he's probably ever done.
Fall From Grace - Randy Orton. Suspension sure didn't help.
Angle of the Year - Cm Punk demands respect!
WWE Match of the Year - Gonna go with Cena/Lesnar. It definitely was the most shocking at least.
Non-WWE International Match of the Year - dont know.
Best Feud - Show/Sheamus. I don't if best is valid, but sure is way better than I could have hoped. Giving credit where due.
Best PPV - TLC, from what I read. Otherwise I liked Extreme Rules.
Worst Angle of the Year - AJ as Raw GM. At least she's back where she belongs.
Worst On-Screen Performer of the Year - Rosa. Por favor!
Most Underutilized Performer - Tensai for sure. What a waste.
Worst Moment That Made You Feel Wahjah- Hornswaggle anonymous gm.
So people are calling Big E. Langston:. Too racist?Ryblack
I don't think so. I mean, he is black. And he's built like Ryback. It's not like being black is a negative thing.
Hornswoggle as the anonymous GM
maybe we should call him Stevie Ray 2.0?
So people are calling Big E. Langston:. Too racist?Ryblack
Fukcing Winner Right here bitches.
Got a logical explanation for this one?Best Female Wrestler - Kelly Kelly
Worst On-Screen Performer of the Year
John Laurinitis. There is no other answer.
I was going to say that, but it's beyond fall from grace.
Fall From Grace
Jack Swagger.![]()
Who remembers Stevie's pinstripe outfits?
Man, Ryder/Eve gifs are the best.
Got a logical explanation for this one?
[quote="Sunflower, post: 45549305"][img][/img[/QUOTE]
She's the hottest diva of all time and improved in the ring a little bit.
She's the hottest diva of all time and improved in the ring a little bit.
She had like 5 matches in 2012, if that. She was around barely at the start of the year, and then disappeared for half the year, then was released.
She's the hottest diva of all time and improved in the ring a little bit.
Remember Stevie Ray's promo in harlem and talking to homeless people there and how he keeps it real and how booker wasn't keeping it real?
Couldn't find it, just looked - but I remember it. And he was right! Booker sold out! Stevie Ray was gutter as FUCK.
Where is that Jack Swagger gif from?
Maryse was great but a bit too sexy, I liked K2's charm and bubbliness if that makes sense.
Maryse was great but a bit too sexy, I liked K2's charm and bubbliness if that makes sense.
god I wish I could find that video
didn't that homeless guy ask Stevie for change and Stevie laughed and was like "Sorry man, gotta go"
thanks Stro for letting me witness that memorable moment.