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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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You can't just think of the present. WWE got to the point of them having Cena burying so many people that either talent left, they lost all credibility of heels when entering in a feud with him, and made it seem like he was the only capable man present on the roster.

Just a bad thing.


more money than God
he draws numbers. what do you want from him?
I don't blame Cena. I blame the WWE. Cena has been their top draw since 2005. It's been 7 years.

Austin was only on top for like 3 years (and he was injured for most of one of them)

Rock was on top for like 1 or 2 years.

Lesnar less than 2 years.

Cena has been on top for 7 years, and the fans started booing him in like 2005 or 2006.

At this point, there's nothing Cena can do (besides go heel) that'll make him interesting to me. It's like HHH, I just don't care anymore.


I don't blame Cena. I blame the WWE. Cena has been their top draw since 2005. It's been 7 years.

Austin was only on top for like 3 years (and he was injured for most of one of them)

Rock was on top for like 1 or 2 years.

Lesnar less than 2 years.

Cena has been on top for 7 years, and the fans started booing him in like 2005 or 2006.

At this point, there's nothing Cena can do (besides go heel) that'll make him interesting to me. It's like HHH, just don't care anymore.

Exactly, word for word how I feel. It's like there is no real consequences to him losing in ANY feud he's ever involved in. Nothing changes, no matter the payoff.

Example: Pfft, loser gets fired? I'll lose through some bullshit shenanigans, technically I'm fired but LOL, BOUGHT A TICKET TO RAW, FRONT ROW, GOT THROUGH SECURITY SO I CAN FUCK UP (heel of the month), HEEL IS PRESSURED TO CONVINCE GM TO REHIRE ME, BACK ON RAW LOLCENAWINS SEE YOU NEXT WEEK ON RAW.
I know we like to joke about Cena burying everyone (RIP Nexus), but he has actually been a punching bag for a big part of the year:

Royal Rumble: No decision vs. Kane
Elimination Chamber: Defeated Kane
Wrestlemania: Lost to The Rock
Extreme Rules: Defeated Brock Lesnar
Over the Limit: Lost to Laurinitis
No Way Out: Defeated Big Show
MitB: Won MitB, but was the first person to cash it in and not win the title
Summerslam: Lost to Punk
Night of Champions: No decision vs. Punk
Hell in a Cell: Jobbed to elbow surgery
Survivor Series: Lost to Punk
TLC: Lost to Ziggler

He also hasn't had a championship in over a year. I honestly think they are kind of over relying on the "attack Cena to get over as a heel" storyline. I do agree that he gets way too many title shots for doing nothing.

Stopped what was looking like a really hot angle, and some of the better booking WWE has managed with that win.
I know it was a New York crowd, which is always a good thing for us watching on TV, but at TLC Cena made Ziggler look like a face with the way he acted in the ring and the crowd response.


Stopped what was looking like a really hot angle, and some of the better booking WWE has managed with that win.
I know it was a New York crowd, which is always a good thing for us watching on TV, but at TLC Cena made Ziggler look like a face with the way he acted in the ring and the crowd response.
That should be a turning point (ala Bret-Austin, Ironman Match) but they won't do it.
The problem is that it doesn't matter. Win or lose, Cena is the main event, Cena gets title shot after title shot. He's the main event and everything revolves around him, no matter what. If the Shield angle stays hot, he'll be facing them soon enough, as well.

Also even though he lost all those PPV matches. He was heavily protected in all of them its never clean NEVER. Oh and the worst thing of all is how is anybody supposed to be a successful babyface when your top face gets boo'd out of arenas for almost a decade now.


The worst part is that when he loses, he's not upset. AJ pushes him off a ladder and he doesn't care. Last year before Wrestlemania he talked about how he had to beat the Rock to validate who he was. He lost and who is he? He's the guy that, win or lose, always makes jokes so that no one but himself gets and stays over.

And you know, Cena has as much clout as HHH in saying that he doesn't want to go out there and just make stupid jokes all the time. But he won't do it. He's not going to rock the boat that makes him millions of dollars for the betterment of the company.
I know we like to joke about Cena burying everyone (RIP Nexus), but he has actually been a punching bag for a big part of the year:

Royal Rumble: No decision vs. Kane
Elimination Chamber: Defeated Kane
Wrestlemania: Lost to The Rock
Extreme Rules: Defeated Brock Lesnar
Over the Limit: Lost to Laurinitis
No Way Out: Defeated Big Show
MitB: Won MitB, but was the first person to cash it in and not win the title
Summerslam: Lost to Punk
Night of Champions: No decision vs. Punk
Hell in a Cell: Jobbed to elbow surgery
Survivor Series: Lost to Punk
TLC: Lost to Ziggler

He also hasn't had a championship in over a year. I honestly think they are kind of over relying on the "attack Cena to get over as a heel" storyline. I do agree that he gets way too many title shots for doing nothing.

Count-up all the clean losses on that list...

All I see in one single clean loss, to a guy who hasn't been a regular on the roster in almost a decade. Not Cena's fault, but the booking has been atrocious

Edit: Lets look at 2011 while we are at it.

Royal Rumble: Was in the Rumble, didn't win, but lasted 34:17 and eliminated six guys
Elimination Chamber: Defeated CM Punk, John Morrison, King Sheamus, Randy Orton, and R-Truth in a chamber match
Wrestlemania: Lost to Miz (Rock interference)
Extreme Rules: Defeated The Miz and John Morrison in a steel cage
Over the Limit: Defeated The Miz in a "I Quit" match
Capital Punishment: Defeated R-Truth
Money In The Bank: Lost to CM Punk (clean loss)
Summerslam: Lost to CM Punk (leg was on the rope, Triple H who was the ref didn't see it)
Night of Champions: Defeated Alberto Del Rio
Hell in A Cell: Lost to Alberto Del Rio in a triple threat hell in a cell with Punk (Punk took the pin)
Vengence: Lost last man standing match with Del Rio (interference by Miz and Truth)
Survivor Series: Teamed with The Rock to defeat Miz and Truth
TLC: Wasn't on the Show

So in two years, I count a total of TWO clean losses by Cena, one to Rock and one to Punk.


I know we like to joke about Cena burying everyone (RIP Nexus), but he has actually been a punching bag for a big part of the year:

Royal Rumble: No decision vs. Kane
Elimination Chamber: Defeated Kane
Wrestlemania: Lost to The Rock
Extreme Rules: Defeated Brock Lesnar
Over the Limit: Lost to Laurinitis
No Way Out: Defeated Big Show
MitB: Won MitB, but was the first person to cash it in and not win the title
Summerslam: Lost to Punk
Night of Champions: No decision vs. Punk
Hell in a Cell: Jobbed to elbow surgery
Survivor Series: Lost to Punk
TLC: Lost to Ziggler

He also hasn't had a championship in over a year. I honestly think they are kind of over relying on the "attack Cena to get over as a heel" storyline. I do agree that he gets way too many title shots for doing nothing.

has he lost clean even once this year besides vs rock?

he also wins all the fucking time on raw, and enjoys clean pins over punk in tag team matches. fuck cena


has he lost clean even once this year besides vs rock?

he also wins all the fucking time on raw, and enjoys clean pins over punk in tag team matches. fuck cena
Ever since Triple H undoubtedly beat Punk in that oh-so stupid match they had that inevitably did nothing for the show (so why was HHH ever brought in?), I don't think CM Punk has lost much at all. Maybe a tag match or something to Bryan, not much else I can think of. I don't like Cena's antics post-match where he acts like wrestling is goofy and takes nothing serious, but there's a bigger fish right now in terms of getting wins/out of losses than he has.
Ever since Triple H undoubtedly beat Punk in that oh-so stupid match they had that inevitably did nothing for the show (so why was HHH ever brought in?), I don't think CM Punk has lost much at all. Maybe a tag match or something to Bryan, not much else I can think of. I don't like Cena's antics post-match where he acts like wrestling is goofy and takes nothing serious, but there's a bigger fish right now in terms of getting wins/out of losses than he has.

Cena pinned Punk clean last month on Raw (November 12th)



For sure dropped a pin to Daniel Bryan, maybe more than one during their feud. I seem to remember a roll up/small package and KO kick.
So that's what, two, maybe three losses in the year? Ryback caused the loss. Like when Cena lost to Punk back in MitB, it was because of Vince interrupting, and in the SS match where Triple H was ref and they did the foot on the rope angle.

Ryback didn't touch him, Cena pinned him clean. Vince didn't interfere with the match (physically, Cena left the ring of his own will), Punk pinned Cena clean (enough). The Cena foot on the rope match is not a clean pin

Here is the problem though, Punk at his peak (the last 13 months while champion the entire time) still gets pinned clean more than Cena. Punk's run has been slightly over a year where as Cena has been doing this for YEARS. It's boring at this point. There was a stretch early last year (March 7th-April 18th) where Punk lost eight straight televised matches (one was a PPV). Punk isn't stale like Cena.......yet

For sure dropped a pin to Daniel Bryan, maybe more than one during their feud. I seem to remember a roll up/small package and KO kick.

Bryan pinned Punk clean on the June 25th 2012 Raw in a triple threat elimination with Kane


He lost to Tensai too. Why's it matter? The constant moaning about Cena's wins when Punk has just as many wins, if not more, in the last 13 months is just boring to read. Now when they treat him over the supposed top belt, sure. That's Vince thinking he has the Hulkamania of the 80's running around here, but he doesn't.
He lost to Tensai too. Why's it matter? The constant moaning about Cena's wins when Punk has just as many wins, if not more, in the last 13 months is just boring to read. Now when they treat him over the supposed top belt, sure. That's Vince thinking he has the Hulkamania of the 80's running around here, but he doesn't.

That Cena loss to Tensai had Otunga interfering when Cena had Tensai in the STF, hardly clean.
Punk and Cena aren't comparable because 7 years of barely losing clean >>>>>>>>>>13 months.


Of course. We got a different guy that was pre MitB than we do now. Look at where current Orton is (despite the awful, awful decisions they had for him post-suspension). They have another man in the lineup who very rarely loses replacing Orton, who seemingly does every other week now.
I enjoyed Cena running around before WrestleMania saying that if he lost to The Rock, everything he did up to that point would be illegitimate and he'd basically be a fraud. He loses clean to Rock and comes back business as usual on Raw the next night like he didn't even lose. Shit like this is why I can't watch anymore.


So not worth it
Heel AJ needs a less bubbly theme song :lol

The problem with Cena? As people mentioned: He's never serious. Look at last night, smiles on the ramp, looks at Ziggler/AJ for a second, smiles for the camera and hat throw. He doesn't sell anything and that's what's wrong. He might win almost always, I don't really care. But be angry, be serious, be upset at least once in a while. And be consistent about it, don't be serious and smiles all at the same time or minutes apart.

It makes Cena look extremely fake. Out of the entire roster he's the one you can tell is "acting" the most. The best wrestlers make you forget this is stuff is fake, Cena reminds you almost constantly, unless he's in the ring with a really good worker and even then only as long as the match is going on. As soon as the bell rings it's back to "worst Cena" within no-time.


So not worth it
I wish wrestling would move away from "gay", "slut", "hoeski" and "fat" jokes. Not to mention they should punch Lawler right in the face every time he racial stereotypes a wrestler. Because really it's 2012 and we should move beyond this.

Eve kissing another guy when she's not exclusive to Ryder doesn't make her a whore.
Sandow wearing Pink does not make him gay, nor is being gay something that one would consider insulting, unless they're on Fox News.
And AJ kissed 5 guys. And they aluded to her having sex with Bryan and Punk. Two guys in a year? Come on.

If you're really a PG company, than perhaps it's time to have an openly gay wrestler on your roster. But for once, not have it be a stereotype. Just a guy that happens to not be into women. Wouldn't that be mind-blowing?




I can't believe this is real.


So not worth it
I do like heel AJ, though I hope she transforms more into a vindictive heel. Still a bit too much crying about John Cena instead of anger or rage. Her commanding Big E Langston is great though, I see these three going very far together. They're clearly making AJ/Ziggler the new Lita/Edge, which is a good move for Ziggler.

It took them a year to pull the trigger and it should have been with Bryan back in early 2012 and avoided this whole "AJ Scandal" angle, but hey all is well that ends well.

Would be nice if Kaitlyn wins the belt from Eve and we get a decent AJ/Kaitlyn feud with some actual wrestling though.


Everything not having to do with WWE will be based on King of Trios 2012. Besides a gif of Daniels and Kaz doing it Gangnam Style, it's the only thing non-WWE I've seen this year.

Best WWE Star = Daniel Bryan
Best Non-WWE / International Star = Kaori Yoneyama
Best Female Wrestler = Kaitlyn
Best Tag Team Team = Hell No
Best on the Mic = CM Punk
Best Comeback = John Cena
Best Gimmick = Damien Sandow
Most Improved = Heath Slater
Fall From Grace = Jericho
Angle of the Year = Kane and Bryan's weird friendship
WWE Match of the Year = Punk vs Bryan OTL
Non-WWE / International Match = Colt Cabana, Swamp Monster, Darkness Crabtree & Yohnel Sanders vs. 3.0, Ebessan & Takoyakida.
Best Feud = Bryan/Punk/Kane
Best PPV = King of Trios 2012. This is the only PPV I bought this year, but it's the most enjoyment I got out of watching wrestling in years.
Worst Angle of the Year = Cena/AJ/Vickie/Bullshit
Worst On-Screen Performer of the Year = Never Not The Great Khali
Most Underutilized Performer = Tyson Kidd
Worst Moment That Made You Feel Wahjah = Bryan losing in 18 seconds
Best GIF of the Year =

Best Wrestling Theme Music = Bray Wyatt's
Hope for 2013 = Dolph Ziggler
Time to Retire = Kane


So not worth it
With Raw next week being throw-away and TNA being taped.

Here's my final fave five ten of 2012.
1. Daniel Bryan
2. CM Punk
3. Austin Aries
4. Damien Sandow
5. AJ Lee
6. Bully Ray
7. Antonio Cesaro
8. Sheamus
9. Bobby Roode
10. Kassius Ohno

Honorable Mention for Bray Wyatt, but since he didn't do much in 2012 due to being sidelined he can't be in here.

(This is for all of 2012 and based on wrestling/gimmick/promo work)


Count-up all the clean losses on that list...

All I see in one single clean loss, to a guy who hasn't been a regular on the roster in almost a decade. Not Cena's fault, but the booking has been atrocious

Edit: Lets look at 2011 while we are at it.

Royal Rumble: Was in the Rumble, didn't win, but lasted 34:17 and eliminated six guys
Elimination Chamber: Defeated CM Punk, John Morrison, King Sheamus, Randy Orton, and R-Truth in a chamber match
Wrestlemania: Lost to Miz (Rock interference)
Extreme Rules: Defeated The Miz and John Morrison in a steel cage
Over the Limit: Defeated The Miz in a "I Quit" match
Capital Punishment: Defeated R-Truth
Money In The Bank: Lost to CM Punk (clean loss)
Summerslam: Lost to CM Punk (leg was on the rope, Triple H who was the ref didn't see it)
Night of Champions: Defeated Alberto Del Rio
Hell in A Cell: Lost to Alberto Del Rio in a triple threat hell in a cell with Punk (Punk took the pin)
Vengence: Lost last man standing match with Del Rio (interference by Miz and Truth)
Survivor Series: Teamed with The Rock to defeat Miz and Truth
TLC: Wasn't on the Show

So in two years, I count a total of TWO clean losses by Cena, one to Rock and one to Punk.
Even this wasn't completely clean, Cena got distracted by McMahon.
I like Big E, on NXT it seems he was planned to be heel but he got over with the full sail crowd and they made him a face and he has a decent amount of charisma, I like his 5 count gimmick as well

Also I just found out his real name is Ettore Ewen which is awesome, according to Wikipedia his Big End finished is actually called:

Finishing moves
Willy Slap[2] (Front powerslam lift dropped into a cutter)[20][21]

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