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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


Wrestlefest was supposed to come out on Live Arcade yesterday. I was going to play the demo. But there is no demo and you can't even buy the full game. Just the trailer. I wanted to see if it still played the same, even if the graphics are gross.

some wrasslegaffer said his friend was a dev and he played it and no matter what the game was so awful and not fun.
Thrilled to hear you had a great time. Dragon Gate at Korakuen Hall is like nothing else. One thing that a lot of DG fans outside of Japan don't realise is that women are a huge part of DG's home audience. In fact you can argue that they are the target audience for the company and many wrestling fans in Japan mock DG for being "Pretty Boy Wrestling". I attended a Korakuen show in 2009 and I think me and my friend were the only men in our entire row of seats (I also think we were 2 of only 4 foreigners in attendance, the others being PAC and some guy in an Affliction shirt I could see in another section).

And the Korakuen staircase is awesome to look at. So many signatures and drawings are scribbled on the walls. There's even a small "Cena sucks!" written somewhere if you search hard enough (not written by me, I swear).
Was the Brock plant the affliction guy?!

DGUSA just posted this picture of me from the DGUSA Heat event WM weekend. I'm on the far left of the image.

I'm on the far right!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
People say the same thing about the Vita, yet I've played more on that than any other system this year.

There's no accounting for taste. :/

According to my lists I've played through 'sufficiently' about 80 titles this year. I'm disgusted with myself.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
it's ok sunflower, I have more games than I know what to do with

I bought like 10 more games on GOG and Batman today.

You're redeeming yourself! What'd you get on GOG?

/changes title to "Wrasslin and Games"
I really regret buying a Vita...mainly because I broke it less than a month after I bought it, and it was imported, so it wasn't under warranty, lol. Gotta find the cash to get that fixed sometime.

Just completed The Unfinished Swan, what a beautiful game/experience! Sony have hit the ball out of the park time and time again with unique, thought provoking and innovative downloadable titles this generation.

Though, now I have nothing left to play...hmm, purchase The Walking Dead or dive into my sizeable backlog? I haven't even touched Spec Ops: The Line or Dishonoured since buying them. I might just charge up my GBA and play some Fire Pro Wrestling 2 instead. FUCK YEAH, FIRE PRO!!!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I really regret buying a Vita...mainly because I broke it less than a month after I bought it, and it was imported, so it wasn't under warranty, lol. Gotta find the cash to get that fixed sometime.

Just completed The Unfinished Swan, what a beautiful game/experience! Sony have hit the ball out of the park time and time again with unique, thought provoking and innovative downloadable titles this generation.

Though, now I have nothing left to play...hmm, purchase The Walking Dead or dive into my sizeable backlog? I haven't even touched Spec Ops: The Line or Dishonoured since buying them. I might just charge up my GBA and play some Fire Pro Wrestling 2 instead. FUCK YEAH, FIRE PRO!!!

Walking Dead is about 6-10 hours, depending on how much of a shit you give. Dishonored is a quick playthrough but neat, however it didn't click with me. I'm still waiting to buy Unfinished Swan, can't help but think it'll be a free PSN+ title any day now, and I'm a tightwad.

And then FPW2 on GBA is great so fuck everyone and everything, play the shit out of that.


You're redeeming yourself! What'd you get on GOG?

/changes title to "Wrasslin and Games"

Moonbase Commander
Darkstar One
Wing Commander Privateer
Chronicles of riddick: Assault on dark athena
Master of Orion 1+2
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition
Get Mark of the Ninja. That game is so good!

I think during my vacation, I will play a nice amount of Outrun 2.

Best soundtrack of all time, peeps.


the thing about GOG games is that the control schemes problems and the fact space games may be too complicated for me :\

man..sim games.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
the thing about GOG games is that the control schemes problems and the fact space games may be too complicated for me :\

man..sim games.

Grab the Sierra pack while you're there, time for some Space Quest.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Does the Sierra pack include SWAT?

1 and 2 I believe. Let me check.

Aw nuts, looks like the bundles are done. Glad I grabbed it while I could. They're still REALLY cheap.

And Fex...don't...Police Quest should be...

I'd pay good money for a G-Fex/Laserfrog cooperative Police Quest 1 Let's Play with no FAQs. If you know Police Quest you know the first one is fucking crazy.


1 and 2 I believe. Let me check.

Aw nuts, looks like the bundles are done. Glad I grabbed it while I could. They're still REALLY cheap.

And Fex...don't...Police Quest should be...

I'd pay good money for a G-Fex/Laserfrog cooperative Police Quest 1 Let's Play with no FAQs. If you know Police Quest you know the first one is fucking crazy.

I want to do this stuff

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's all about Risky Ride, and Magical Sound Shower. I love those jazzy SEGA 80's/90's soundtracks, so awesome. Burning Rangers, baby!


My favourite soundtrack of all time has to go to Super Castlevania IV, though.

Oh man you guys are making me preach the gospel of Night Flight from Outrun 2. So glad I picked up Outrun C2C on Steam before it was de-listed. Also love the HD Outrun on consoles. <3


SC4 had a really, really good soundtrack. I did pick up Dracula X (TG Japanese version) and it had some EXCEPTIONAL music, worth hunting down.

So many spoilers! Perhaps PQ isn't the game for you :(


So not worth it
GOG is just about the best thing ever.

Though way too addicting and way to easy to spend lots of money on there.

"Oh, it's only $2.99, buy buy buy"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GOG is just about the best thing ever.

Though way too addicting and way to easy to spend lots of money on there.

"Oh, it's only $2.99, buy buy buy"

GOG's best thing is all the old games actually WORK right, out of the box, 99% of the time.

E-Cuddling my HOMM3 copy and more. I've built up such a good library of games I'm REALLY happy to play again.
It's all about Risky Ride, and Magical Sound Shower. I love those jazzy SEGA 80's/90's soundtracks, so awesome. Burning Rangers, baby!


My favourite soundtrack of all time has to go to Super Castlevania IV, though.

My man <3

1980s/1990s SEGA arcade music had no equal. It is the best gaming music as a whole for that generation.

Oh man you guys are making me preach the gospel of Night Flight from Outrun 2. So glad I picked up Outrun C2C on Steam before it was de-listed. Also love the HD Outrun on consoles. <3


SC4 had a really, really good soundtrack. I did pick up Dracula X (TG Japanese version) and it had some EXCEPTIONAL music, worth hunting down.

So many spoilers! Perhaps PQ isn't the game for you :(

Yeah I'm glad I got the C2C and the HD remake. Damn shame you can't get those anymore.

And I would love to do a let's play with someone from wrestleGAF. Bad times ahead.


Fudge I can't even get past the driving in Police Quest 1, I've finished 3 though. It basically means I'm a qualified cop. I can also make people awake from comas just by bringing everyday objects from their lives to them.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is my "Not playing unless I'm bedridden for months" shelf on GOG. I just don't have that kind of time anymore and I so badly want to play again.



Thrilled to hear you had a great time. Dragon Gate at Korakuen Hall is like nothing else. One thing that a lot of DG fans outside of Japan don't realise is that women are a huge part of DG's home audience. In fact you can argue that they are the target audience for the company and many wrestling fans in Japan mock DG for being "Pretty Boy Wrestling". I attended a Korakuen show in 2009 and I think me and my friend were the only men in our entire row of seats (I also think we were 2 of only 4 foreigners in attendance, the others being PAC and some guy in an Affliction shirt I could see in another section).

And the Korakuen staircase is awesome to look at. So many signatures and drawings are scribbled on the walls. There's even a small "Cena sucks!" written somewhere if you search hard enough (not written by me, I swear).
Oh man, the female audience in Japan is crazy for the good looking guys. The reaction Rush got from the females blew my mind. He doesn't get those reactions in Mexico and they freaking love him too

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Y2J's return was so shitty.

The whole fucking thing.

Especially the segments where he first returned and said nothing.

You doofuses were going "oh that Chris Jericho you masterful troll!"

Fucking awful.

If someone did that today you'd all go "well they have to fill up 3 hours somehow"



WCW Thunder 3/22/2000


Why did Sid turn on Hogan? Probably because he's a glory hound shithead who kept trying to steal the spotlight from the champion. And that's a SHOOT, brother. This show is in Orlando, so let's see how Impacty this is.

Tank Abbott is out and grabs a mic. He wants WCW to stop pussyfooting around and send him out some real competition. Out comes FIT FINLAY!

Tank Abbott vs Finlay

Lol. Finlay shoot double legged Tank down about 10 seconds in. Now he's beating on Tank. Until Tank hit the KO punch (which didn't knock Finlay out), Fit was making Tank look like Regal made Goldberg look. Meng comes out and there is a pull apart. No fucking way could security pull these two apart when they can't even handle Jimmy Hart.

TO THE BACK. Hogan has the nerve to attack Sid in the back. HE DESERVED TO GET CHOKESLAMMED!

Gene is in the ring with Finlay. He's the only guy to not get knocked out cold from the KO punch. "Tank Abbott is as green as a jumping tree frog!" Tank says he's going to beat some respect into Tank, because he doesn't belong in WCW. But this is interrupted by Sid and Hogan brawling out to the ring. Fuck I want to see Finlay stiff Hogan. Instead, he picks a fight with Sid and promptly gets chokeslammed. Sid will break Gene's neck if Hogan gets in the ring.


Why Sid why? Because he's been carrying WCW on his back, but Hulk comes back and the company drops to its knees. The Master and Ruler of the World has the production truck play a video. Hulk has the weirdest band aids on his head. They look like liver spots. Hulk says any place any time. "Now, fly away old man. Fly away!"


Show run down. We get to hear from Buff about his reaction to Sid's turn. Then...

TO THE BACK. NWO reaction to Buff's reaction to Sid's reaction to the crowd's reaction to Hulk Hogan. Sid says he'll pay the security guards 3 times extra to follow him tonight. I think one of them was Chris Chetti, but that doesn't make a lot of sense. Gene asks The Last Outlaw American Nightmare about Hogan interfering in his match on Nitro. Dustin calls Hogan a vampire and he's going to put the stake in his heart. Dustin is now Blade? Hulk Hogan reacts and can't understand why all these people don't like him all of the sudden. Really? Really? Reallllly? Really? Really? Really? REally?


3 Count vs the Jung Dragons

Bobby is all OVER Hogan tonight. Awesome. Hogan is the worst parasite in the business. Triple tope from the Dragons!


Sugar Shane Zorro supekicks Jamie-San Zorro. The lack of charisma of Shannon Moore is palpable, but he's fun to watch. Shane/Shannon do a combination suplex into the knee of the other, and then Evan drops one of the other Dragons into a leg drop on the one on Shane's prone knee. Pretty sweet spot. I don't think there have been any tags this whole match, just spots. Huge froggy splash from Shane gets the win. Fun sprinty stuff. Dragons steal the green circles after the match! Oh noes!

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene is with Bodydonna Skip. He talks about a handicap match he had in Japan against Wrasslegaf's own Lou Thez and Karl Gotch. Gene calls him out for bullshitting. He'd never stretch the truth, but he's going to stretch Chavo tonight.

EARLIER TODAY. Humorous feels Sid was justified.

Chris Candido vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

This could be good. TAFKAPI and his YAK are watching in the back. Winner gets a title shot. Candido is one jacked up, stout little man. Hulk Hogan has agreed to a match with Dustin Rhodes! Paisley is now out for color. Literally and figuratively. Candido takes a crazy face first bump over the top to the floor from a backdrop in the corner.


Chavo follows it up with a top rope plancha. Huge t-bone from Skip followed by a delayed vertical suplex. About 13 seconds. Weird float over DDT from Chavo. That YAK is on the apron now. Almost distracts Chavo enough for a pin, but he kicked out. Candido hits a great snap powerslam and goes up for the diving headbutt, but Prince shoves him off and hilariously whiffs on his diving DDT. Chavo makes the pin and he'll get the title shot. Prince didn't want none of Hard Knox. Diving headbutt after the match.


TO THE BACK. Slow pan up of Stacy's legs. That YAK has got some GAMs. Steiner is doing bench presses with his YAKS as the weights.

XS (Lenny and Lodi (Idol, Rave)) vs Los Fabulosos!

El Dandy and Silver King have sweet new body suits. Lenny again falls over the top after doing the poetry in motion, but it was slower and more awkward this time. Tenay catches Brain checking out Stacy's ass and Bobby says he was signing an autograph.


Los Fabulosos are awesome. Brain tries to get Stacy to to get on her knees. He's way better at being hilariously creepy old man than King. Silver King hits a spinning crucifix bomb/Eye of the Storm on Lenny and El Dandy follows it with a la magistral for the win. WTF they cut just as Stacy started dancing? Fucking assholes.


. Steiner and the YAKs are heading the ring. Stacy is hotter than all of those yaks. Disco is ordering a pizza under Vito's name. The Mamalukes are going to beat up Disco if he doesn't get them another title shot and they got Disco booked in a match tonight. The Mamalukes should be getting an automatic rematch anyway.

Chuck Palumbo vs Scott Steiner


Chuck's main show debut. He's wearing jungle print silk boxers. I foresee him getting stiffed like a mother fucker tonight. I don't know if I've said it in Wrasslegaf, but I've said for years that Chuck Palumbo might have been the biggest causality of WCW dying. He should have been a huge star. He had the size, the look, and was really good in the ring from so early on. WWE ruined his career with Billy and Chuck, even though Billy and Chuck were great. Jungle kick! Huge top rope shoulder block almost gets Chuck an upset victory. Until the spinning belly to belly. Scott isn't playing now. Steiner might have broken his nose on the super kick. He keeps wincing and wiping his eyes. But if he had, I'd expect him to be beating the fuck out of Chuck for it. WWE should bring Steiner in to be Dolph's spotter. Steiner wins with the the recliner. Surprisingly good showing for Palumbo. Particularly since it was against Scott Steiner. You'd expect a total squash, but it wasn't.

TO THE BACK. Disco is getting ready for his match against Vampiro, who is in a dark office.

EARLIER TODAY. Mr. Perfect says that Sid was uncalled for. WCW used to be big enough for both a Hogan and a Sid, but not anymore. I think that's a shot at WCW ratings.

Disco Inferno vs Vampiro

Disco says he's a manager and won't be wrestling tonight. Vamp comes out before Disco can leave. I actually think Disco was underrated, too. He was really solid in the ring. His night at Halloween Havoc 1998 was great. Vamp immediately throws Disco around and takes him to the table, where Bobby and Tenay bail. Ugly landing on a tossing powerbomb. Disco makes a comeback and nearly wins. Vamp eventually turns it around and hits a ROCK BOTTOM BOOK END! Top rope spin kick. Nail in the coffin for the win. Team Package immediately attacks at the bell. Flair is wearing a Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts, and sockless loafers. Sting makes the save. Tenay screaming Brothers in Paint is obnoxious as fuck.


TO THE BACK. Gene asks if The Cat is still hanging with James Brown. Apparently he's dropped James Brown for mother fucking Virgil. Biggest downgrade of all time. Jeff Jarrett is asked about his title match with Buff Daddy tonight. "I'm gonnna cuff Buff, I'm gonna stuff Buff, and when it's all said and done Buff's gonna say 'I've had enough'". So Jeff is going handcuff and rape Buff until he says he can't take any more slapnuts. Interesting.

The Cat vs The Dog.

Yep. Virgil is no longer Mike Jones, he's Mr. Jones, and he's wearing a leather outfit and a leather pimp hat. "Ya know, y'all need to leave your love affair at home, ya big fat ass perverts!" This is stupid. The Dog's dog bark is nowhere near as awesome as Titus O'Neil's bark. Cat wins with a kick. Internet rejoices.

TO THE BACK. Knobs has lost his dog, again. This happens every week, even with the leash. Dog is found eating socks in a locker room. Mean Gene talks to Mean Gene. He's tired of being attacked by ruffians and hooligans and he's going to get someone to permanently watch his back. He WIGGLES OUT OF SCENE. Awesome. I needs to gif that.

The Demon vs Humorous

Hugh has the weirdest People's Elbow where he does a goofy strut while laughing like the Joker. He does one to the Demon and the drops on 7 feet away from him just because. Hugh wins with the moonsault in a short match. "Now that's....Hugh....miliating!"

TO THE BACK. Knobs throws Dog in his car. They're going for a ride. Dog has his head out of the window while Knobs calls him a stupid mutt. This shit is awful. Gene is outside of Sid's locker room and plans to get a word with him next.

TO THE KID CAM. Whoever has the Kid Cam was recording Buff from an alternate angle while he was recording his reaction on Sid's reaction to the crowds reaction to Hulk Hogan. This is some weird 4th wall leaning stuff. You can see the PAs, camera man, and boom mic operator. "Are we done?" They are, and Buff immediately hits on the PA, who turns him down.

TO THE BACK. Gene enters Sid's locker room only to find that the champ isn't in there. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?! Gene will get information back to Tenay and Brain immediately, if not sooner. How can it be sooner than immediately?

Recap of Wall's Hall of Pain.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with the Hulkster and Jimmy Hart. Hulk is gonna kick Sid's ass and Dustin's ass and whoever else wants some. Buff and Jarrett head to the arena. An ad for the Nitrogirls.com which is already out of date since it has Stacy in it when she hasn't been a Nitro Girl for months. Kind of unrelated, but I'm always annoyed when promotions have people win contests and then bring them in later as a completely different person. But it makes me laugh that WWE hasn't mentioned Ryback's stint on Tough Enough or as Skip Sheffield, but WWE 13 has Cole mention him being on Tough Enough. 6 years ago. That new comer.

TO THE GREAT OUTDOORS. Knobs has abandoned The Dog. The Dog howls at the moon in sadness.


Jeff Jarrett vs Buff Bagwell WCW US Championship.

WCW has all of their champions enter first. I don't think I've seen a title match in the 3 months of shows that the champ came out last. It's not mentioned on the show, but Buff was the original chosen one by TPTB, until he was forced to job to La Parka, so he threw a fit and asked Russo if he did his job right, and then was attacked by a debuting Jeff Jarrett. Goody, the Harris Boys are out. Curt Hennig is out to fight off the twins. Well, one of them. Double arm DDT! The left over twin breaks the pin, but Buff hits the blockbuster! New champ? Fuck that shit, here comes Steiner. Now the NWO is beating on both men. Guitar shot to Perfect while Buff is in the recliner. The bell ringer rings that fucking bell the entire time. Just a constant bell. They also ripped Perfect's cast off, which happened on Nitro as well. And Vampiro ripped his own cast off. What kind of shitty doctor was WCW sending their guys to?

TO THE BACK. Hulk tells Jimmy Hart to make sure he gets Bill Busch to get the contract ready for Hulk vs Sid.

Dustin Rhodes vs Hulk Hogan

I hope Dustin gets at least one really stiff punch for Hulk ruining his (and Austin's) push in 1994. Probably worked out for the better, though. Dustin attacks as Hogan slides in the ring. AXE BOMMMMMAAAAAA. Dustin has Hulk over table and pounding on him. "It's like a war zone down here at the announce table every Wednesday on Thunder." No, Mike, it's like a war zone on Monday Nights on the other channel. Hulk is Hulking Up. But Dustin ducks the big boot and hits a lariat! He decks Hogan with the cow bell and then decks Nick Patrick for fun. Dustin Rhodes leaves Hulk Hogan laying in the ring. Nick Patrick decides he's not going to DQ Dustin and he's going to give him a 10 count to get back to the ring or he'll be fined $10K and try to get a suspension. Dustin comes in and immediately gets hit with the big boot and leg drop. Of course. Sid is on the TurnerTron. He chokeslams Jimmy Hart through a table. But we don't really get to see it because of weird cutting where we got to see part of it on the screen that Hogan was watching and the ending actually on screen. Hogan runs to the back and Sid lays him out with a chair. Tenay says Hart and Hogan have been life long friends.

I'm really not into the booking of Hulk as the ultimate good guy who can't understand why people don't like him. If I had to guess I'd say it was intentional and leading up to Hogan becoming Hollywood again, but as a face. But it was WCW so you never know. Regardless, everything gets rebooted in a few shows.


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