So are people up for a 2013 Wrassle GAF Rumble?
Guys, I have a confession: I have no idea what's happening in the WWE or TNA right now. At all. I've been coasting by on my looks for what feels like 2 months with no knowledge of The Product. I'm turning into WrassleGAF's Kelly Kelly...except the guy version....
Yup! now she can fall on her face again!
GWF has had some pretty dope storylines, there was even a Time Travel segment.
oh yeah? Well when I get SD vs. Raw 2008 I'll be running my own competitive fed
having GWF be a shoot federation has been the best thing for ratings. nobody cares if the stories are fixed, the real drama and emotion is what's driving viewers.
BTW there -will- be another GWF DPPV coming in a few weeks. And yes, it will be a gimmick PPV, but a very special gimmick PPV that I hold near and dear to my heart...
I think you let too much power get to your head
kinda like that bozzo guy though you don't have angry video game nerd as a champion.
I think it's time to shut you down. You're OUTTA CONTROL
We need another Kane Battle Royal. I miss Malibu Kane and Wall Street Kane.
We need another Kane Battle Royal. I miss Malibu Kane and Wall Street Kane.
Did that Kane Royal Rumble ever actually happen?not making 30 Kanes again, last time I did it I almost quit WWE13 and I had just got it!
Did that Kane Royal Rumble ever actually happen?
Yup. I miss that girl. And Broad Lesnar.The only kane I regret not making was sugarcoated lollipop Kane.
The best Kane? She-Kane.
There was an NWO Kane? And I missed it? Darn the luck!It did, and it ended up not being fun to watch at ALL so I scrapped it. It really wasn't fun, I promise. I think nWo Kane won it, where he was black and white.
There was an NWO Kane? And I missed it? Darn the luck!
It's like a beautiful dream.nWo Kane, Midget Kane, Fabulous Kane, Deformed Kane, Candy Kane (thanks Mcnei1y), Giant Kane, Fat Kane, and many more...
Broad Lesnar was too ahead of her time.
I'm back from Christmas!
What did you bring us?
I don't know! I was on a narrow boat for 2 days. Lou Thesz's book is the best.
Oh yeah I bring a live dramatic reading of passages of his book.
Regarding the THQ bankruptcy, WWE is claiming it is owed $45 million. That number is what the company would be own based on the length and terms of the contract and guarantees. They are not owed $45 million in back royalties at this point, although they are owed millions in back royalties for the current WWE 13 game. They also owe Yukes, the company that made the game, $17.8 million. Exactly what happens from here is unknown. It depends on a lot of factors. If WWE isn’t paid, they could declare it a breach of contract. It is known that Ubisoft is interested in purchasing THQ and does want to continue with the annual WWE game, but then they would have to work out something regarding at least the back royalties owed.
D-Bryne definitely picked the better twin.
Do yourself a favor and watch TLC.
Not saying watch Raw, but you're doing yourself a disservice by not at least watching Hell No and Ryback vs. The Shield and Ziggler vs. Cena. And the rest of the card was pretty damn good as well.
Here's all you need to know about WWE:
- Punk and Heyman are still together, still good on the mic, but still kinda booked as standard coward heels for the most part.
- AJ is now once again Cray, and has hooked up with Ziggles; they are currently feuding with Cena.
- Kane and D-Brine are still awesome, still sorta feuding with Rhodes Scholars who are also awesome.
- The Shield had a fucking awesome TLC match against Ryback and Team Hell No. Watch it.
- Cesaro is still awesome, but is kinda starting to get jobbed out for no reason.
- Brad Maddox still shows up to Maddox it up every once in a while.
- Alberto del Rio may or may not be on the way to turning face
- Everything else sucks.
I got Rayman Origins yesterday from Gamefly. I'm sending it back today. It was really well made and looked great, but didn't really make me want to keep playing. So I'm going to watch WCW!
I wonder if they've ever swapped.
I wonder if they've ever swapped.
I wonder if they've ever swapped.
I wonder if they've ever swapped.
So are people up for a 2013 Wrassle GAF Rumble?
So are people up for a 2013 Wrassle GAF Rumble?
As long as I get numbers 1-5 or 25-30. The past two years I've had JTG and Ezekial Jackson.
What, you think brown skinned people can't win? For shame!
So are people up for a 2013 Wrassle GAF Rumble?
Batista doesn't count!
I agree, he doesn't. HOWEVER both Telly Savalas and Batista have some Greek in their bloodline, so you can see where greatness is.