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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


Man I missed Raw AND GWF... I forgot the Redskins game was on Monday night tonight. :(

Without any spoilers how was Raw out of 10. I already know GWF was 10/10


GWF: Week 3 Recap

Tonight is the 3rd taping of GWF. We start the action in the ring with Johnny Ace and Bootaay, explaining the actions of last week. Bootaaay is reluctant to reveal who he was on the phone with last week, but does reveal the latest in resurrection by unveiling the newly brought back to life from green space hell, Vince McMahon. Cue the flashback to the McMassacre and previously unseen footage of Bootaaay being the first on the scene the day Mr McMahon’s car exploded. Vince has a mic and is now trying to figure out what the hell is going, before realizing he must serve the commissioner and muscle milk.

Back to ring, we are introduced to a Mr Sandman, who claims to be the real sandman, not like that hack last week. To prove it, he challenges that Sandman to a Fatal Cage match next week, where the loser will never be seen again

1st match of the night Dragonzord (with Professor Beef) vs Mr Sandman
So, Dragonzord takes on another Sandman. Match starts with DragonZord in full control. Dragonzord few some kicks from his educated feet. Mr Sandman swings the momentum his way with a facebuster. Dragonzord put on the top top, but counters with an elbow. Goes for the hurricarana, but Mr Sandman reverses for a sick powerbomb into a single legged boston crab. Beef makes his presence known by getting on the ring apron, distacting Mr Sandman enough that he lets go and allows for a drop kick to the side of Mr Sandmans head. Dragonzord goes outside to the announce table, only for Mr Sandman to answer with an ace crusher. Dragonzord counters with a ddt. The action heads back to the ring where Mr Sandman busts open Dragonzord with a reverse frankensteiner. Dragonzord attempts to fight back, but is nailed by another reverse frankensteiner which is enough for the 3 count. Your winner via pinfall: Mr Sandman

We head to back with Raider Nation asking Bootaay if what they saw was true, that Vince was back from the dead. This doesn’t sit well with Raider Nation who are anti-necromancy. They’re generally anti-magic. They quit working for Bootaay. Bootaaay turns his attention to Steph, showering her with roses and affection. Bootaaay reveals that he must destroy Vince and send him back to Green Space Hell and leaves the room, only for a scheming Stepth to note everything is going according to keikaku

We go to the ring, where Nocturnowl reveals the new man in employ of Bootaaay, Laserfrog!

2nd match Laserfrog vs Vince McMahon
Shocking heel turn! Something seems off with Laserfrog this week. He seems 50 lbs lighter and is wearing his mask to the ring now. The two trade stiff shows to one another before Vince gains control with his famous mat work. Laser follows with his own mat wrestling skills and the two continue to trade shots. Vince with a huge back body drop before Laser counters into a crossface. No one is really gaining momentum so Vince leaves the ring and ruins the announce table to that is not repaired. Vince whips Laser into the barrier and a couple of shots to the ring post followed by a Lou Thesz press. Nocturnowl heads to the apron to distract and succeeds. Vince follows with a kick to the stomach and hits the stunner, which leads to the 3 count and staying out of green space hell. Your winner by pinfall: Vince McMahon.

After the match, the two continue fighting, with the surprise reemergence of Vader, who was dead. He aids Laser against Vince. Out come Ahmed Johnson and Albert to a stand off, only to reveal that theyre on Bootaay’s side. They all gang up on Vince and kill him.
We then see Soulplaya and Laserfrog in HELL< where its revealed that the Laserfrog in the ring is grandfather Laserfrog. Soulfrog challenges Bootaaay and Nocturnowl to a match at the ppv where the loser leaves earth. Nocturnowl pleads for bootaay not to do it, but Bootaaay accepts since Steph wouldn&#8217;t love a coward

3rd match Raider Nation vs Perspicacity/McNei1y in a Tables Elimanation match
So yeah, this shit got out of control. Tables are everywhere. Theres action outside the ring and inside. Table shots all over the place. There&#8217;s a sickening scoop slam on the outside. Sok speared someone. McNei1y puts Sok on the table and heads to the top tope but Sok moves and avoids the ax handle. More chaos. Ithil attempts to fly from the top to the announce table but thinks better of it. Another attempt by Sok to put McNei1y on the table. Nothings comes from it. Sok with a sick power slam to McNei1y and is completely decimating him. Ithil pets Persp on a table for a moonsault, only to put himself through one. Persp answers by putting Ithil on a table, but the table disappears from under Ithil. Thanks Yukes. Raider nation reestablishes control . Ithil attempts to put Persp through a table in the corner, but the falllaway slam is short. McNeilly attempts to elbow drop Sok, only for Sok to move out of the way at the very last second. Both Ithil and Persp are bleeding now. Everyone is now killing one another. Sok gets speared through the barricade by McNei1y. Persp with a muscle buster on Sok. SOk grabs a table and nails Persp. Sets him in the corner with a table and spears him through the table for the first elimantion. Raider Nation double team McNei1y and set him up the table. While Sok pounds on mcNei1y, Ithil goes up for the splash. Your Winners: Raider nation

We go to the back where Soulfrog finds Professor Beef and ask for a favor

4th Match Heavy vs Soulplaya
Heavy has the freakiest legs and the most disturning pale ass ever. Heavy comes out firing with a takedown and punches. In complete control. Heavy takes it to the outside and gets the announce table ready since it&#8217;s a rule in GWF that the table be readied every match. Heavy puts Soulplaya on the table and to the top and nails a nasty splash. Soul fight backs, but Heavy regains control. Heavy goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and nails it, drawing blood. He hits an AA and applies the STF and wins in easy fashion. Your winner via Submission: Heavy in a complete squash

WE go to back where Bootaaay show off the Resurrection Machine to Stepth. Bootaaay spins the wheel and once it stops, Steph looks shocked at who it lands it as the shows rolls of the air

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man I missed Raw AND GWF... I forgot the Redskins game was on Monday night tonight. :(

Without any spoilers how was Raw out of 10. I already know GWF was 10/10

You had an all-out WAR against Raider Nation my friend. Check it out.


I think he's losing his touch, I think he's losing his touch, Vickie I think he's losing his touch, I think he's losing his touch. Vickie I think he's losing his touch...


well at least neither Dolph or Miz go off on pointless liners about space ships and other things that CM Punk goes on about when he is trying to clever.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Glad you all had fun. Next week is the PPV - stay tuned for the minisode on youtube that details the card.

I can't wait to get some resolution!
Not to get all internet booker or anything but wouldn't the logical reason for the shield getting involved in punks matches and the Maddox at HIAC be that Heyman went and hired them without Punk knowing?

Would be more interesting the "cowardly heel lol" and it would create some heat between Heyman and Punk with them then breaking up a few weeks before Bork returns.

And yeah Face Miz needs work and WWE creative need relearn how to make a face who isn't just a cocky immature asshole.

Also I would rather Cena win the rumble then rob Ziggler of his MITB. The rumble is normally won by a established star anyway. Keep the MITB for the mid cards and people on the verge of breaking through.

Best thing about Raw tonight was Sheamus and the Father Ted shout out.

That's what I've been trying to tell everyone! WWE ruins everything!


i havent watched Raw yet, but reading through comments...

Did WWE once again set Vicki up for a demeaning segment? If they did that again, I am ready to quit this company.



Fuck you my good friend soka. I had you like ten times. Damn what an awesome match. Even though they last too long... they're still 5x better than what the WWE presents.


more money than God
One last video before I'm off to sleep, and it involves Jericho in 2008, when he was in the World title picture, after he had that great feud with HBK. Now, I love this promo, just because it's so weird. Jericho was feuding with Cena, Kane had just turned "heel" after attacking Mysterio. Well, Jericho tries to pump up Kane, before his match. Remember, Kane is supposed to be a "heel", lol.



Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
So where was Ryhack when the NFL Shield attacked Kane and FRYIN in the first segment and where was he when they attacked Orton?

Something ain't right.


It's not really fair to get on Miz for not going after Punk. Miz is a face, and he's got bigger restraints on him, as far as what he can say. He used to have good quips as a face. Remember his stuff about Kofi not that long ago?

I don't know, man. Last week's Main Event had him saying the same kind of shit he would have as a heel. I'm not sure faces in WWE have restraints like they would have a few years ago or the 80s. In fact, the faces are usually the ones now that cross the line from shit talking to "making your opponent and angle look like a joke". But really, there are no restrictions anymore for either side. "Buried" is used way, way too much and in completely wrong ways, but today, most promos from anyone above the US/IC level will involve burying that makes everyone look bad. There aren't "this guy is great, but I'm better" type of promos anymore. They are all "your gimmick is stupid, you suck, your can't cut a promo, everyone in the back thinks you are a loser, and you'll never amount to anything", regardless of who is face/heel and who is cutting the promo. Or at least, that's what happens on Raw constantly. It doesn't seem to happen as much on Smackdown, even from guys who cut those kind of promos on Raw. Miz has consistently looked terrible anytime he's been in a "serious" promo off. He says lame stuff and stumbles over his words. Except now we're supposed to cheer for him, despite him still being the same smarmy, lame shit head that has fallen off dramatically over the past two years on promos and in the ring. Miz is probably the single most channel changing/cheesiest guy since Jeff Jarrett in his Slapnuts phase and from 2003-2006 in TNA.

Also, I caught up with last week's Raw. Claudio/Sheamus and Dragon/Rey were awesome. Particularly Claudio/Sheamus. A month of matches like that on Raw should put Claudio on the Bear Rot Garage/ADR level of heel.


Cena's self awareness is so weird. A lot of guys right now (and even the announcers) have that self aware, 4th wall breaking thing going. But Cena's somehow is really annoying and offensive. He never, ever feels like a character or a real person. It's the oddest thing. He's so "lol, i'm a wrestler" that when he gets serious, it seems even more put on and false. There was something that changed in him around the time of his neck injury, I think. He wasn't always like that.
Cena's self awareness is so weird. A lot of guys right now (and even the announcers) have that self aware, 4th wall breaking thing going. But Cena's somehow is really annoying and offensive. He never, ever feels like a character or a real person. It's the oddest thing. He's so "lol, i'm a wrestler" that when he gets serious, it seems even more put on and false. There was something that changed in him around the time of his neck injury, I think. He wasn't always like that.

He comes across as a huge phony. That goes past the gimmick, something about HIM out there comes just feels incredibly fake and forced. I really, really dislike watching Cena, and it's more than being tired of his shtick now. Hearing him cut promos is probably the most effective form of torture to use against me. It takes hype on the levels of MITB 2011 to even get me slightly interested in seeing him work.

And you're right, he wasn't always like that. He was more convincing and tolerable playing a completely over the top fake gangsta rapper persona than this bleh he does every week.


The real Cena is a wacky dude who wears banana hammocks and fucks really fat chicks. Not some "I'm a good, honorable man" bullshit. I think WWE portrays the character of John Cena as the real John Cena, in some weird meta thing, but it's pretty obvious that isn't the case whenever he's on something that isn't WWE television. He's infinitely more likable because that's the real John Cena on those shows.

We're living in a post 9/11, post Benoit, post Double Down, post Katrina, post op, post office world. There isn't room for more than one person with a deeply patriotic, perfectly honorable, super human, super jacked guy who believes in the American Way/Dream and always over comes the odds in this day and age. His name is Stephen Harper.


If Cena wins the briefcase I'll honestly stop. I can't watch it anymore if they really pull this shit. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it.

I stopped for about 2 months now... tried to watch this Raw, but I couldn;t handle the Cena chants during the first shield attack.

I'll see you all at the royal rumble.

WWE seems to be borrowing a lot from TNA lately. Storylines. That little recap introduction at the start of Raw. The 'IMPACT' Cameras that have sharp cuts, crazy angles and zoom in when there's a 'big hit'.


So not worth it
So, hang on, let me get this straight. Vickie gets AJ fired, and than harasses her and Cena for a month or so and as payback Cena gets a ladder match for Dolph's MITB case.

And AJ gets nothing out of it? Cena loses nothing, gets reward briefcase match... AJ loses her job and has to beg for her old job back and gets nothing?

Well, that makes perfect sense mister chairman, that Cena guy really did need a break.

At least it's ending up with Dolph getting the rub from Cena, after losing to him cleanly for two straight Raw's so we can all see how his win is actually a fluke and he can't really beat John Cena. Somebody needs to school this company on how to build up people, because they're doing it wrong.


Also, what is up with Teddy Long breaking up a tag-match to make a fatal four-way? This totally threw me off. Putting Cesaro cleanly over R-Truth, Kofi and Barrett though, great move on WWE's part. They're definitely doing their best to build the guy and rightfully so, lets hope they keep him away from Cena for a long time.


Great Raw overall, aside from the Cena stuff as always, I didn't get bored, the matches were fun, the segments were good and even King didn't annoy me as much last night. Great use of Ryback too, just have him come out, beat up people and leave. It's what worked about Goldberg, they should stick to that. Shield stuff was very good, esp. in the opening match. Wouldn't it be great for Raw if Cena was out of commission for a few months? This is the first Raw in two months where I didn't fastforward anything.


And in conclusion:
So WWE just put this on their YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBJpVcqgZ6U&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Calling it, Maddox is joining The Shield tonight.

Almost correct, damnit!
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