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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Great use of Ryback too, just have him come out, beat up people and leave. It's what worked about Goldberg, they should stick to that. Shield stuff was very good, esp. in the opening match. Wouldn't it be great for Raw if Cena was out of commission for a few months? This is the first Raw in two months where I didn't fastforward anything.

Yeah, I don't mind when they use Ryback like this.
That fatal four way match was so hype, most enjoyable thing i've seen on Raw in a while.
Glad they put Cesaro over clean, Barrett needs a variation of the Souvenir (fuck the bullhammer, that name sucks) without the setup for the occasional out of nowhere usage.

Now GWF, I distracted that ref good, Vince would've been DQ'd had the non pg middle finger gesture been caught by the ref, speaking of which if I have an aerial finisher it's totally called flipping the bird.


So today is #380 on Punk's title reign?

Why was there no match with Cena?

Because that would have made sense.

And yeah, Cena coming out of the "scandal" unscathed and getting a MITB shot is just annoying, while AJ came out without a job. At least she's back in the ring.


If there had been a Cena match, this thread would have been mad about it not being built up and given away for free. They did Cena vs Punk two weeks ago on Raw. Which also had zero hype. And Cena vs Dolph last week. And ADR vs Sin Cara two weeks ago on Smackdown, plus at least once a month for the past year whenever Sin Cara wasn't injured. Depending on Smackdown spoilers, this might be the first week since 3 months that didn't have at least one ADR vs Orton match.

If there is one thing WWE is really good at right now, it is running match ups into the ground. Even dudes who aren't feuding will have 3 matches against each other in a month and a half. I be there will be at least 2 more Ryback vs Tensai matches before the Royal Rumble.


Good morning, everyone. I didn't watch RAW last night so I'm going to watch it now. If I start making a bunch of absurd, incomprehensible rage posts you know why.

Thank you and have an excellent Tuesday.
If there had been a Cena match, this thread would have been mad about it not being built up and given away for free. They did Cena vs Punk two weeks ago on Raw. Which also had zero hype. And Cena vs Dolph last week. And ADR vs Sin Cara two weeks ago on Smackdown, plus at least once a month for the past year whenever Sin Cara wasn't injured. Depending on Smackdown spoilers, this might be the first week since 3 months that didn't have at least one ADR vs Orton match.

If there is one thing WWE is really good at right now, it is running match ups into the ground. Even dudes who aren't feuding will have 3 matches against each other in a month and a half. I be there will be at least 2 more Ryback vs Tensai matches before the Royal Rumble.

Funny you say that, my mate who flicks between WWE and Monday Night Football ALWAYS catches Raw when Sheamus and Big Show are fighting.

"THEY'RE STILL FIGHTING!?" "Man, that must be one epic fight, those guys have been fighting each other for 3 months straight."


There is a major shakeup in Pro Wrestling NOAH. We don't have a lot in the way of details right now but should have more as the night goes on.

The gist is that Kenta Kobashi was fired, apparently because his salary was so high and the company is in such financial distress. Right now the rumor is Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki, Kotaro Suzuki and Yoshinobu Kanemaru and others may not sign their contracts for 2013 out of loyalty to Kobashi, who along with Mitsuharu Misawa, were the two people who really built the company.



If there is one thing WWE is really good at right now, it is running match ups into the ground. Even dudes who aren't feuding will have 3 matches against each other in a month and a half. I be there will be at least 2 more Ryback vs Tensai matches before the Royal Rumble.
Pretty much. I don't see many feuds in the roster right now that makes me excited much. They've run so many different matches and segments with every wrestler to speak note of so far; it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't job out so many guys in the main event when they had their 'opportunity'.

I'll catch the show on Youtube in a bit, meanwhile.


So, hang on, let me get this straight. Vickie gets AJ fired, and than harasses her and Cena for a month or so and as payback Cena gets a ladder match for Dolph's MITB case.

And AJ gets nothing out of it? Cena loses nothing, gets reward briefcase match... AJ loses her job and has to beg for her old job back and gets nothing?

Well, that makes perfect sense mister chairman, that Cena guy really did need a break.

At least it's ending up with Dolph getting the rub from Cena, after losing to him cleanly for two straight Raw's so we can all see how his win is actually a fluke and he can't really beat John Cena. Somebody needs to school this company on how to build up people, because they're doing it wrong.


Also, what is up with Teddy Long breaking up a tag-match to make a fatal four-way? This totally threw me off. Putting Cesaro cleanly over R-Truth, Kofi and Barrett though, great move on WWE's part. They're definitely doing their best to build the guy and rightfully so, lets hope they keep him away from Cena for a long time.


Great Raw overall, aside from the Cena stuff as always, I didn't get bored, the matches were fun, the segments were good and even King didn't annoy me as much last night. Great use of Ryback too, just have him come out, beat up people and leave. It's what worked about Goldberg, they should stick to that. Shield stuff was very good, esp. in the opening match. Wouldn't it be great for Raw if Cena was out of commission for a few months? This is the first Raw in two months where I didn't fastforward anything.


And in conclusion:

Almost correct, damnit!
Yeah, it's completely unfair. AJ loses her authority position and gains absolutely nothing, she's at the bottom of the totem pole in the Divas division in kayfabe, Dolph is put in a match where he has everything to lose and nothing to gain by winning (making him thoroughly the underdog), because...he's like, a bit annoying or something.

But Cena gets another chance at the title, how wonderful, right?

This case on the line, in return for nothing, against a more powerful opponent is a plot I'd expect of a face MITB winner, not a heel.


Few thoughts:

1) When did PTP get that new theme?

2) Why couldn't they have won that match? I mean come on.

3) Are Kane and Daniel Bryan officially past the bickering stage in their relationship?

4) I fucking love how Cena and Sheamas would be backstage talking about lame bullshit stories about giraffes like the two fucking goobers they continue to be written as.

5) AJs headbutt sell was pretty ace.

6) AJ shouldn't have won that match. Tamina was dominating and the pull a fucking roll up win? I know it's "LOL Diva division" but come the fuck on. Commit to telling the story on Tamina being Vickie's enforcer and let her be dominant. We KNOW AJ exits this feud as the victory. Just like Cena will never lose to Ziggler in the big one during this feud.


Tamina is there to put her over (probably every match knowing WWE's booking). Stevie Wonder could see that coming.

vvv - they used Nattie with Kaitlyn alot. Their best female performers are enhancement talent.


AJ shouldn't be on TV. Ugh. Tamina is miles better and why isn't Natalya on Raw? Why do they not use their best performers?


So not worth it
AJ shouldn't be on TV. Ugh. Tamina is miles better and why isn't Natalya on Raw? Why do they not use their best performers?

Tamina is not miles better than AJ.

More likely the other way around.

Not that either one would get the chance to showcase it in a 3 minute match that's booked to be 1. Pointless catfight for a minute. 2. Tamina beating up AJ for 2 minutes. 3. AJ suprise-rollup winning.


Tamina is there to put her over (probably every match knowing WWE's booking). Stevie Wonder could see that coming.

vvv - they used Nattie with Kaitlyn alot. Their best female performers are enhancement talent.

I don't like the "underdog face always wins" push. Especially with a roll-up victory, it's cheap and at the very most, should be used once only.


Tamina is not miles better than AJ.

More likely the other way around.

Not that either one would get the chance to showcase it in a 3 minute match that's booked to be 1. Pointless catfight for a minute. 2. Tamina beating up AJ for 2 minutes. 3. AJ suprise-rollup winning.

As bad as the Divas division is, your avatar is awesome enough to make up for it.

edit: Ithil's too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just caught up on GWF... am I dead?
Not dead like Vince, yours was just a hell of a match. The only matches involving death at the Fatal Match PPV are The Sandman vs Mr. Sandman, and SoulFrog vs Nocturnowl and Bootaaay. Even that one is kinda just "loser leaves earth" but it is a gimmick ppv.


Miz should stop the "Really" shit, and go back to his "Hooray!" catch phrase, or something. His mic work is nothing anymore. Never thought of it much, especially since he would keep making duck faces.


I have to watch Raw in chunks since I'm doing other things. Here are some more thoughts:

1) CM Punk and Heyman are really great but I think that's pretty obvious. I don't know how this ends but I hope it isn't happening before WM29. Oh and this is how you sell products WWE. Work it into the story and make it a complimentary piece, not like that wrestle buddies bullshit from a few weeks back.

2) The Miz fucking sucks with his repeating the same word or phrase over and over until the crowd is hot enough. Like dude, fucking move on. You don't need to say "really!?" twelve fucking times.

3) I really hope this John Cena vs Ziggler thing is actually being used to build Ziggler up as a credible superstar and he isn't just being used as foundation for the ever-growing monument of Cena.

4) I hate Sheamas if he isn't getting his ass kicked. He's a terrible face and everything he does outside of wrestling seems to suck shit. I'd rather watch him and Big Show punch each other in the face for an hour than anything else he's got going on.

5) Big Show has been a decent heel but I'm so tired of seeing him involved in anything but brawls with other wrestlers closer to his size.

6) Damien Sandow is so fucking great. He's such a great talker and a well-rounded wrestler. TOO FUCKING BAD COMEDY FUCKFACE SANTINO HAS TO RUIN EVERYTHING. Godfuckingdammit, I'd rather Zack Ryder Bro at Sandow for a while. At least Ryder has a likable charm to him in the fact that he legitimately loves wrestling and tried his hardest to make his gimmick work for him. Thankfully Sandow won the match. That's how it should be.


I have to watch Raw in chunks since I'm doing other things. Here are some more thoughts:

1) CM Punk and Heyman are really great but I think that's pretty obvious. I don't know how this ends but I hope it isn't happening before WM29. Oh and this is how you sell products WWE. Work it into the story and make it a complimentary piece, not like that wrestle buddies bullshit from a few weeks back.

2) The Miz fucking sucks with his repeating the same word or phrase over and over until the crowd is hot enough. Like dude, fucking move on. You don't need to say "really!?" twelve fucking times.

3) I really hope this John Cena vs Ziggler thing is actually being used to build Ziggler up as a credible superstar and he isn't just being used as foundation for the ever-growing monument of Cena.

4) I hate Sheamas if he isn't getting his ass kicked. He's a terrible face and everything he does outside of wrestling seems to suck shit. I'd rather watch him and Big Show punch each other in the face for an hour than anything else he's got going on.

5) Big Show has been a decent heel but I'm so tired of seeing him involved in anything but brawls with other wrestlers closer to his size.

6) Damien Sandow is so fucking great. He's such a great talker and a well-rounded wrestler. TOO FUCKING BAD COMEDY FUCKFACE SANTINO HAS TO RUIN EVERYTHING. Godfuckingdammit, I'd rather Zack Ryder Bro at Sandow for a while. At least Ryder has a likable charm to him in the fact that he legitimately loves wrestling and tried his hardest to make his gimmick work for him. Thankfully Sandow won the match. That's how it should be.

They already did have Ryder come out after a These Questions Three segment, on last week's Smackdown.


So not worth it
I have absolutely no problem with Santino coming out to get squashed by Sandow. Great way to build Sandow's character more.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Those of you who missed GWF last night, the show is streamed online in 3 separate parts!


Enjoy the implementation of magic, someone DIES, and Heavy's glorious debut!


I actually liked Miz last night. Loved that he seems like he's going to wear suits regardless of whether he's a face or heel. I think they could be build him as kind of a Tony Stark-like character if they play their cards right.


So not worth it
Why would they wrestle right now? They're building a storyline, the storyline is these guys are "shielding the WWE universe from injustice" and that's what they're doing.


Even more thoughts:

1) Decent match between Sin Cara and Del Rio. We've pretty much seen this before but it's a good pairing. I still get really worried about Sin Cara despite his improvements. When Del Rio gave him that shove while he was jumping back into the ring I cringed a little thinking he was going to break his legs or something. I blame the internet.

2) I don't want to be "that guy" but I'm really tired of seeing women getting bullied by their male superiors. Maybe I'm looking too into it too much but I didn't care for Vince basically shoving his ideas onto Vickie and taking his abuse. Yes, shes the heel GM but I dunno, just rubbed me the wrong way.

3) BRAD MADDOX IS THE FUTURE. I'm really enjoying Brad Maddox having his dreams crushed and him kinda blowing them off as whatever because you know he'll get that "surprise" win on some PPV pre-show and spend his WWE career getting beaten down by Alex Riley on superstars. Does Superstars still exist? Is ARy still alive? Doesn't matter because Maddox is living the dream.

Orton getting beaten down by The Shied was predictable. I hope these guys are actually going to be long-term things and wont end up in a shitty position once The Shield angle ends. All of them have the potential to be big.

4) MY MAN TEDDY LONG! Always good to see Teddy Long, even if he is turning tag matches into fatal 4 ways. I hope that becomes his new thing. Gotta keep things fresh. Holla Holla!

5) Was that poll rigged? It had to be but it doesn't matter because it made three out of four of the men involved look great in a good match. While totally obvious that the title wasn't changing hands tonight, that was a good win for Antonio and made him look awesome.

He's probably the best thing to happen to the title in ages and I hope they plan to make the IC and US titles meaningful again with good matches and strong champions.

5) MizTV went better than I expected. The Shied involvement was obvious but do love me a classic brawl to end Raw. I'm growing to like The Ryback. He's perfect when he shows up, does damage and that's it. Maybe he'll be able to wrestle matches without looking like shit but until then, they should keep him doing this.

I sort of feel like we watched a different segment - Santino worked for me there because Sandow got to cold cock him during all of his usual comedy shtick.

Sure, I see that and it works but I just don't like Santino at all. I never want to see him on TV ever again.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry I missed last night, fell asleep on Raw again. I watched the stream though, good stuff....I will make it for the PPV.

...what did you think? I...I took some creative liberties...


So not worth it
...what did you think? I...I took some creative liberties...

I hate Creative, they jobbed me out on the first match in under three minutes and I've been told "they have nothing for me" ever since. I even bladed to sell that defeat damnit!

I did thoroughly enjoy this Heavy kid though, that guy's going places.
Must have a hard time buying pants that fit though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I hate Creative, they jobbed me out on the first match in under three minutes and I've been told "they have nothing for me" ever since. I even bladed to sell that defeat damnit!

I did thoroughly enjoy this Heavy kid though, that guy's going places.
Must have a hard time buying pants that fit though.

Sad truth: your match got bumped due to the 15 CAW limit. That's what we get for having Ahmed Johnson and Albert return from the dead...

It wasn't bad......that reverse frankensteiner is a sick move isn't it?

Especially when it happens a few times! Good god he's killed him!


Ric Flair's fourth wife Jacqueline, who Flair separated from several months ago, has filed official divorce papers against him, according to TMZ.com.

The divorce papers cite that Flair, allegedly, "had numerous intimate relationships with other women during the parties' marriage, to the embarrassment and humiliation of wife" while his wife was completely devoted to Flair and their marriage.

In the lawsuit, Jacqueline is also alleging that Flair agreed to pay her $4000 in spousal support, $15,000 to cover her legal costs and $14,000 in back payments of the support (dated to when they separated in July 2012), but has yet to pay anything.

The lawsuit will be thrown out on the account of it's Ric Flair being Ric Flair and she knew what she was getting into.

It's probably something known as the Ric Flair rule.


So not worth it
Didn't she beat on him up to the point where the police had to come in?

Good luck with claiming devotion there mrs. Flair.

Sad truth: your match got bumped due to the 15 CAW limit. That's what we get for having Ahmed Johnson and Albert return from the dead...

Kinda dissapointed we didn't get a Tensai-chant from the crowd there actually.


Even more thoughts:

1) Decent match between Sin Cara and Del Rio. We've pretty much seen this before but it's a good pairing. I still get really worried about Sin Cara despite his improvements. When Del Rio gave him that shove while he was jumping back into the ring I cringed a little thinking he was going to break his legs or something. I blame the internet.

2) I don't want to be "that guy" but I'm really tired of seeing women getting bullied by their male superiors. Maybe I'm looking too into it too much but I didn't care for Vince basically shoving his ideas onto Vickie and taking his abuse. Yes, shes the heel GM but I dunno, just rubbed me the wrong way.

3) BRAD MADDOX IS THE FUTURE. I'm really enjoying Brad Maddox having his dreams crushed and him kinda blowing them off as whatever because you know he'll get that "surprise" win on some PPV pre-show and spend his WWE career getting beaten down by Alex Riley on superstars. Does Superstars still exist? Is ARy still alive? Doesn't matter because Maddox is living the dream.

Orton getting beaten down by The Shied was predictable. I hope these guys are actually going to be long-term things and wont end up in a shitty position once The Shield angle ends. All of them have the potential to be big.

4) MY MAN TEDDY LONG! Always good to see Teddy Long, even if he is turning tag matches into fatal 4 ways. I hope that becomes his new thing. Gotta keep things fresh. Holla Holla!

5) Was that poll rigged? It had to be but it doesn't matter because it made three out of four of the men involved look great in a good match. While totally obvious that the title wasn't changing hands tonight, that was a good win for Antonio and made him look awesome.

He's probably the best thing to happen to the title in ages and I hope they plan to make the IC and US titles meaningful again with good matches and strong champions.

5) MizTV went better than I expected. The Shied involvement was obvious but do love me a classic brawl to end Raw. I'm growing to like The Ryback. He's perfect when he shows up, does damage and that's it. Maybe he'll be able to wrestle matches without looking like shit but until then, they should keep him doing this.

Sure, I see that and it works but I just don't like Santino at all. I never want to see him on TV ever again.
I don't think the poll was rigged this time, at least, not physically rigged. That kind of poll is easy to rig with words.

"Vote for for the IC title, so poor Kofi will have to defend his title, or ( LOOK AT THIS>>>>>>>>) VOTE FOR THE US TITLE, HELD BY THAT JERK HEEL CESARO (<<<<<<<<LOOK AT THIS)."

Just like when they give you two meh options that are obviously not going to win, and a third that's blatantly the best one, so it's guaranteed to win.

I echo the Maddox love, too. Something about his self-important prettyboy goon character is really entertaining. An unexpected pleasure, for sure, I always knew the likes of Ambrose would be great, but Maddox I didn't ever notice in developmental.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Poor Grandfather Laserfrog, why would he work for Bootaaaaaay? WHY?!

When Bootaaay calls you up from hell, you have to obey. He creates thralls, Laser - and they're going to haunt you forever!
Dolph should just cash in before the PPV to f**k with Vince.


So stupid. :|

Wait, no then Vince would prolly just make their match for the title instead and Big Shoe and Limes o Plenty get to just sit on a dick and argue about beer.
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