Has anyone already pitched the idea that John Cena is behind The Shield and Brad Maddox? CM Punk has constantly rubbed it in Cena's face that John can't beat him, couldn't put The Rock away, first person to ever fail a MiTB cash in, and as of tonight will surpass his reign as WWE Champion. John Cena protects Punk from Ryback because if Cena beat Ryback, it doesn't really mean anything but if Cena beats Punk for the title it validates Cena. Not that he needs it but that Ego is huge.
As to why The Shield attacks Team Hell No, The Miz, and Orton? It's simply because they need to cover their tracks and make it all look connected to CM Punk. Or maybe it goes deeper than that and Cena still holds a grudge against Kane, Miz, and Randy.
He's also using AJ to get closer to Ziggler so he can get that briefcase, which while a Smackdown case, John Cena can have it turned into a Raw one because he's a Raw guy. He doesn't need the briefcase but it all looks cleaner and keeps Cena looking like the good guy instead of the mastermind.
As to why The Shield attacks Team Hell No, The Miz, and Orton? It's simply because they need to cover their tracks and make it all look connected to CM Punk. Or maybe it goes deeper than that and Cena still holds a grudge against Kane, Miz, and Randy.
He's also using AJ to get closer to Ziggler so he can get that briefcase, which while a Smackdown case, John Cena can have it turned into a Raw one because he's a Raw guy. He doesn't need the briefcase but it all looks cleaner and keeps Cena looking like the good guy instead of the mastermind.
My mom pitched all this to me as I was putting up the Christmas tree and preparing the Hanukkah Menorah. I thought it sounded pretty clever, too clever for WWE, and figured I'd pass it along.