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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Guy in back is a Ryback fan.

'Nite, all!
Spare us the hour long segments belittling and bullying Vickie and just send out a press release achieving the same thing in 3 sentences like that in the future please Vince.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

lol i wonder if claudio and dbry laugh when punk talks about hard work compared to them in the gym

also, i can't stop noticing cesaro's huge nips


Why not vacate the title and do Ziggler vs. Cena in a TLC match for the title? Ziggler wins it after already cashing in on Big Show and winning. He holds both championships and he wants to unite them when all of a sudden Punk returns with a rematch clause for the WWE title and beats him dirty with Big Show help. Thus turning him into a face top tier champion with a rematch with the Show at the Rumble where he will be super over.
Strict observance of the 30 day clause would give Punk quite a while, but even a loose version which only included televised matches would still take him to the Raw right after TLC. Presumably he'll be well enough to get himself a loss by DQ or whatever by then.


We've got Bryan Danielson, Tyler Black and Jon Moxley in a TLC match, in 2012.

Oh, and there are three other guys in the match too.
I really love this account.

@IndiesWrestler: New entrance idea:
• Walk through curtain wearing hooded vest
• Wait for music cue
• Pull back hood
• Yell "LET'S GO (town name)!"

@IndiesWrestler: Promoter wants me to be a babyface. I hate being face. I get cheered more as a heel.
Viewership data is in for Monday’s 12/3 edition WWE RAW and the show lost almost a half million viewers from last week.

This week’s RAW averaged 3,437,000 viewers with the following hourly numbers:

Hour 1: 3,580,000
Hour 2: 3,370,000
Hour 3: 3,360,000

:lol @ the ratings

>.< @ Rybotch for injuring Punk

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I played with Ryback in WWE 13.

And now I have to say, the idea behind Ryback's not that bad. His moveset is real cool at times.

..Unfortunately, video game Ryback is a lot better than real Ryback.


Junior Member
WWE will never fire Vickie Guerrero because while it may be X-Pac heat, she is the only person on the roster that gets the kind of boos that she does the moment she walks on stage.

Even John Cena doesn't get that kind of heat in heel cities.....except for maybe that one night in Chicago.....and that one night long ago in NYC.
X-Pac heat?
WWE built their heels like this they have nobody to blame but themselves.

Didn't Cena's 380 day run end with getting injured too?

That says something about how the wwe burns their top talent out.


:lol @ the ratings

>.< @ Rybotch for injuring Punk

Punk had his knee wrapped last week, so I doubt it was just a random Ryback thing.

Just have Punk squash Ryder/Santino the night after TLC, or have Maddox or someone lay down for him. Or some shenanigans with Vickie. Plenty of ways to get out of the strict 30 day rule.


After finishing RAW on the DVR, I hate when The Miz is in segments with CM Punk. I fast forward through everything The Miz is in recently, whether its a promo or a match, but I enjoy watching Punk, thus... the torture that is The Miz. He's horrible at everything. Just when I think he's shit on the mic, he wrestles and I think he's worse in the ring, only for him to then hop back on the mic and be even worse...

He's truly one of the worst two or three wrestlers who gets major screen time on WWE shows. Get the fuck off my TV pls.

On the polar opposite end, Cesaro is the future godking.

lol. I really do like that I idea. I always spend too much money at Taco Bell.

Mexican Pizza
2 supreme tacos
2 chalupas
2 crispy potato soft tacos
chicken quesadilla

And I want to eat more.

And yeah, I want to roll people over. Raw power baby.

#Bulking #AcquiringMass

C'mon son.



I got to 213-214 on my bulk (upper limit goal was 220) but my shoulder's causing me way too much pain post-chest day, so I think I'll take it easy for a month. 14 pounds in three months works for me... I indulged in the fast food lunch but man if I went the route above I'd be Paul Heyman Walrus right now.

...that last line reminds me to restate the enormous number of dicks The Miz should eat.
Punk had his knee wrapped last week, so I doubt it was just a random Ryback thing.

Just have Punk squash Ryder/Santino the night after TLC, or have Maddox or someone lay down for him. Or some shenanigans with Vickie. Plenty of ways to get out of the strict 30 day rule.

Do it Punk



Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
My storyline in WWE 13 with Rikishi Brodus Tensi and Val Venis as a faction of male strippers is more entertaining than ROH right now.


PWG kicking off the year with a bang

Making their long-awaited return on Jan. 12th, 2013. The Briscoe Brothers are the first team to be entered into DDT4!

Chances the Briscoes actually show up? I'll say 65%


Junior Member
Do it Punk


The ratings are in such a bad way that the wwe should be doing everything they can to ensure that people care about watching. (They are doing a terrible job or doing that.)

I honestly think that the idea idea of doing a super-short match in the vein of this would be more interesting than another screwjob.

I also could have sworn that the wwe at one point did something like this.


I wish someone would use kickstarter to create an open source wrestling game for PC. They would just need to put the foundations in place + modding tools for the community :'(


will you guys leave the nwo alone.

Dean Ambrose and his nxt cronies single handedly ruined wrestling! They're burying Ryback!
Some friends of mine went to tonight's taping of Smackdown; their ride broke down near the stadium, and they decided to watch it before they flagged someone down for a jump start.

They really liked
the match with Del Rio, because of all the stiff kicks he used in his offense.
Everything else was kind of a blur, though, so they didn't tell me what else they thought about the show.

They also told me about how they got to see Jinder Mahal, Khali and AJ as they made their way to their buses, although they didn't get to take any pictures or anything. Apparently, at least one of the buses had a Be A Star paint job, with big, honking pictures of The Miz and David Otunga on the side - they got a good laugh out of that, in light of Miz's name calling from yesterday.
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