i love how Heath and 3Mb is jus rocking out
So that accumulated in 4 years?Ric Flair is in major ass tax trouble again.
The Charlotte newspaper reports Flair owes $237,436 in unpaid taxes as well as $41,358 to the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
To give you an idea of how quickly that piled up, Flair's "payoff" for his WM24 match against Shawn Michaels was Vince McMahon paying off all his tax debt.
That'll be me!
Also if you woke up today and thought, "man I wish I could vote B-Arthur as the most hated wrestler in SRPW" now's your chance!
voted for you in every category I could.
Wrestle Mania 30 Newz!
Looking more and more likely that New Orleans will get WrestleMania 2014 as opposed to Dallas, since the Cowboys Stadium schedule for 2013 is out and theyll be hosting the NCAA tournament on April 4th and 5th. They could run March 30th if they wanted.
Where do I find that coupon?Looks like I'm out for Cage of Death.....Amazon posted another $5 off $25 coupon and I bought the Batman trilogy blu-ray which kills my COD money.
How long would it take to tear down the wrestling set-up and convert it to a basketball court?
I hope they move to the 30th. I really don't want to go to New Orleans at all.
It's a fun city for a long weekend. Just avoid the tourist trap that is Bourbon St.
Damn.For the AJ fans:
Going there with some peeps for Mardi Gras next year!
Wrestle Mania 30 Newz!
Looking more and more likely that New Orleans will get WrestleMania 2014 as opposed to Dallas, since the Cowboys Stadium schedule for 2013 is out and theyll be hosting the NCAA tournament on April 4th and 5th. They could run March 30th if they wanted.
Even in a video Christmas card, Cena still has to win.
This company.
Eww I hope zero. More likely to go to Wesley Snipes tax jail if he can't get paid by the E.What are the odds that Flair's life ends in a Benoit in the next 2-3 years?
Wtf!Ric Flair is in major ass tax trouble again.
The Charlotte newspaper reports Flair owes $237,436 in unpaid taxes as well as $41,358 to the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
To give you an idea of how quickly that piled up, Flair's "payoff" for his WM24 match against Shawn Michaels was Vince McMahon paying off all his tax debt.
How Punk hurt his knee?WTF was that
Poka dots are more of a dusty rhodes thing don't you think?
I have it as my ringtone. If anyone ever chants "you suck" to it, I will mark the fuck out.I want to change my WrassleGAF wish.
I'd wish that the Kurt Angle theme from WWF always played whenever I entered into a crowded room. I mean I want the whole thing - pyro's included.
CZWaMania 2002 by Maffew is up at 29 minutes long!
CZWaMania 2002 by Maffew is up at 29 minutes long!
Silly Ric Flair, he'll be wrestling till he's 90 at this rate.
Who's that Flair is with? Yep! Lou Thesz.
Cesaro on Main Event.
Interesting newz from F4W this week that I hope is true
Someone on creative (not sure who, but we were told this was a person who usually got ideas through) suggested the idea this week of Brock Lesnar running in and costing Rock the match with Punk at Royal Rumble, leading to Rock vs. Brock at WrestleMania. I think the chances of this happening are slim as Rock was pretty much promised the title, plus the company felt their top matches for Mania were locked in weeks ago and Cena vs. Rock II isnt something I see them changing now with Punk still champion going into the Rumble match with Rock.
Eh, doesn't excite me much. I want some new opponents, not old ones.
and likely, Sheamus/Ziggler and Show/Ryback
Meanwhile, Team Hell No will be working the concessions stand.
That HHH hate is so strong in 2012 when he's wrestled a whole what, 5 matches in the past 3 years, is amazing. Y'all need to start acting like basketballs and stop holding grudges.