That was really smart of them. Man just release JTG already it's to the point where it is just sad.
He's getting paid to do nothing, there are worse things in the world I guess.
That was really smart of them. Man just release JTG already it's to the point where it is just sad.
He's getting paid to do nothing, there are worse things in the world I guess.
Sandow can become our WHC by winning the Rumble.
"Our?" Our RR winner is going to be Ryback, sir.
I was a fan of Test, up until they sliced off both his hair and pants, they must have been the source of his power and then he got stuck in an awful feud with botching Steiner about Testicles.
I can't even remember how that was all resolved, not very well I imagine.And beating women, too.
I can't even remember how that was all resolved, not very well I imagine.
Nah, Ric Flair!
That's kind of hilarious for all the wrong reasons.If I recall it was something like Test first won the services of Stacy and then won Steiner as his man servant, too, but Steiner wasn't playing that shit and they both were raping her for a while until Foley fired them both.
Man, some of you guys have crazy memories for this wrasslin stuff. I can barely remember angles from 5 years ago much less some of the mid tier angles from 2000-2002 you guys are discussing.
Y'know, unless you're all just cheating with Wiki and Youtube, you dirty cheaters.
It's because mid tier angles from 2000-2002 are usually more memorable than most main event angles in the past 5 years.
Man, some of you guys have crazy memories for this wrasslin stuff. I can barely remember angles from 5 years ago much less some of the mid tier angles from 2000-2002 you guys are discussing.
Y'know, unless you're all just cheating with Wiki and Youtube, you dirty cheaters.
Where's that Vince and Trips memory erasing gif when you need it?S'not the point dood. I can't remember ANY of them. I know there was this one guy...Cold Stone? And some other guy with an eyebrow gimmick...?
That HHH hate is so strong in 2012 when he's wrestled a whole what, 5 matches in the past 3 years, is amazing. Y'all need to start acting like basketballs and stop holding grudges.
Pretty sure this request goes to Bootay but who wants to hook me up with some primers for the companies I'll be seeing in Japan. I know I'll be seeing NJPW, NOAH, JWP, and DDT. I've seen a little ddt but the rest I don't know much about. I'll also see Dragon Gate and I'm pretty good on that. Hook a brother up!
I'm jealous. A Japanese wrestling trip is a bucket list item I'm sure I will never check off.
If cena cannot defeat punk, then it's time for HHH to come back and kick his ass
I do believe I get Generico vs Omega at the DDT show I'm seeing.
Did somebody say HHH?
I hear if you say his name 3 times while looking into a mirror he will appear and bury your ass and then he vanish into thin air only to reappear 8 months later to bury the next poor soul who summoned him.
Merry Christmas to me!The December 24th show? Yep, you will see that match. You lucky git.
I wish I could visit Japan...but only in the 1980s. Now THAT'S some cool times. 80s wrestling + Japan = awesome.
You know, we all laugh at Cena's huge audibles in the ring, but I'm watching Jeff Hardy v HHH from a 2001 April Raw, and you can hear HHH throughout the match shouting the next spots.
In fairness... he really does a good job of putting Jeff Hardy over. This goes against everything I've been told to believe on the internet.