He's a bad wrestler, a bad talker, and looks fairly silly. But when they're super over, it's kind of fun anyway. Plus he keeps trying not to smile at how great the crowd reactions are, so I can't really hate the guy.
But keep him in his squash match pen. Ryback was entertaining when he was kept in his, as soon as he was let out he got tiresome, fast.
Leave the main event to the likes of Ohno.
For WWE shows I watch, the ranking is
NXT > Main Event > RAW > Smackdown.
NXT is great, there's no bullshit, it's a wrestling focused show with a huge variety of guys that are all fresh, plus you get to see some of the good low card WWE guys have longer matches. It's almost an indie show in size but with a WWE budget. It's what gives me hope for when HHH takes over, he's the man behind it, and he put Dusty in charge of creative for it. I've said it before, but HHH is a fan of wrestling, first and foremost, the sports entertainment side comes second, while it's the opposite for Vince (who I'm not even sure likes wrestling all that much these days). Combine that with the fact that HHH doesn't seem to have the "big WWE guy" bias, he's putting together a diverse roster of young guys from all over the place, including drawing right from the indies, and I'm eager to see him get more power over the TV product.
The developmental nature also means lots of experimentation, there's no status quo.