Road to Wrestlemania is full of casualties.
I wonder what Gaf favorites will miss a pay day.
Weird, I thought Rock was much taller than Austin.
He very well might according to this report.Is Undertaker taking the year off until Cena vs Taker?
He very well might according to this report.
Dolph Ziggler, Antonia Cesaro, Dean Ambrose, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, AJ Lee, Damian Sandow
Will get a payday:
Santino, Brodus Clay, Tensai, The Great Khali, Hornswoggle, Kofi Kingston, The Miz...
Edit: Seriously though, no way Sandow and Cesaro are locks(unless you count the preshow).
Triple H could get a better match out of Rock Bot than the rest of the roster.
I don't get why Wrestlemania is so successful.
It's the same as every other PPV during the year but with a bigger crowd.
I don't get why Wrestlemania is so successful.
It's the same as every other PPV during the year but with a bigger crowd.
I don't regularly watch football but I'll generally see the Superbowl every year.
Production values, celebrities, etc.
I think it's unfair to say Wrestlemania doesn't have classic matches. Obviously it does.
I don't get why Wrestlemania is so successful.
It's the same as every other PPV during the year but with a bigger crowd.
There hasn't been a classic match in the past 2 WM shows.
There hasn't been a classic match in the past 2 WM shows.
Fucking perspective, how does it work?
There hasn't been a classic match in the past 2 WM shows.
In WWE logic both HHH/Taker matches are absolute classics which is funny as they're both magnitudes worse than X-7 but WWE wont speak of that one.
Remember how all the wrestlers were so impressed that they went and filmed little promos about how legendary both matches were of their own free will to be aired the following Raw? they were THAT classic.
They are not bad matches. Everyone just here just hates HHH and taker for Taking away from D. Bry time.
Is it Steamboat vs. Savage? No.
It was just a spot fest. Undertaker in 2011/12 is just terrible.
Perspicacity...more like Perpsectivecity!Fucking perspective, how does it work?
People were pretty high on the Taker-3H matches but I'll agree they weren't the Michael's matches.
Felt like Michaels distracted from the 2nd Taker v HHH match.
Well you see the thing about that is...They are not bad matches. Everyone just here just hates HHH and taker for Taking away from D. Bry time.
Is it Steamboat vs. Savage? No.
Ah, there we go, this.It was just a spot fest. Undertaker in 2011/12 is just terrible.
In WWE logic both HHH/Taker matches are absolute classics which is funny as they're both magnitudes worse than X-7 but WWE wont speak of that one.
Remember how all the wrestlers were so impressed that they went and filmed little promos about how legendary both matches were of their own free will to be aired the following Raw? they were THAT classic.
Perspicacity...more like Perpsectivecity!
Well you see the thing about that is...
Ah, there we go, this.
The first match does not hold up on a repeat viewing, whatever moments in both matches made it look like the streak might end have now lost that power, all that's left is an absurd finisher fest with tons of dead time as both the old geezers try and catch their breath for the next finisher spot.
In particular the second match seems like they just said "lets just kick out of EVERYTHING, that'll be so epic" and HBK starts crying in the corner because the moves are too intense for him to handle.
I'll give the second match props for being kind of fun when it happened for sheer absurdity in a WM lacking any sense of spectacle until the tepid and disappointing main event but I imagine it falls to pieces in a rewatch like its predecessor.
They aren't good matches from a technical standpoint but the emotion and the spot fest make it fun to watch.
What is the IWC's opinion on the Cena/Rock match that took place earlier this year? I don't much being said about it both good or bad.
What is the IWC's opinion on the Cena/Rock match that took place earlier this year? I don't much being said about it both good or bad.
What is the IWC's opinion on the Cena/Rock match that took place earlier this year? I don't much being said about it both good or bad.
predictable and boring
People marked out when Rock won. So that's not true even if the match wasn't as good as it could be.
Well I'm sorry if people can't enjoy Wrestlemania anymore.
I'm going to New York City for this one and I have no doubt I'll have fun.
But even the people here that will lamp is up will most likely find something they like.
People marked out when Rock won. So that's not true even if the match wasn't as good as it could be.
that wasnt marking, it was just cena hate
You mean 3rd surely.