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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man


Sometimes I think AJ does this intentionally to GAF. But I can't complain because I love the way she poses for the camera at the right time for the snapshot.


Of all the things on the rant, what really got to me was

Now, anime – the symbolic “sister” of Pro Wrestling’s extreme era

Since when is anime a symbolic sister of pro wrestling at all, but why specifically the Attitude Era? This is the weirdest line of the whole rant.
ok what in the blue hell is going on

this is the 2nd recent wwe dvd ive seen vince russo in (nWo, and attitude era)

also attitude era dvd has no bluring, did vince no sell the panda?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
you know know who had an awesome gimmick

The Giant.

He had no theme music. He smoked a cigg on the way to the ring. He didn't give a fuck during the match.

Whatever happened to that guy?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hollywood should make a big budget biopic on Jim Crockett wrestling. The stuff there is so interesting with the invention of cable and Georgia Wrestling being a big part of it.


BTW, for those wondering, CZW was fucking amazing

Was there live. They killed the crowd with the Joe Gacy stuff after the World Title match, which is to be expected when you have already gone 3 plus hours without an intermission. Cage match at the end was a great blow off to the year long feud, with glass breaking everywhere.

Highlight of the night was Sami Callahan using actual human shit in a wrestling match. https://twitter.com/blklkp/status/277617991842156545/photo/1


Ewwwwww. What the fuck.

Its funny- he's been cutting promos for some time talking about how he was going to take a shit in the CZW ring, and he pretty much delivered. It led to the awesome finish of him dropping Adam Cole in it, Cole no selling it (like he should if this was real), and Cole rolling Sami up for the finish.


WCW Monday Nitro 2/7/00.

I'm back, bitches. Dying hard drives and dead downloads can't stop me. I over come those odds.

Recap of the past two weeks of Commissioner Jarrett. TO THE BACK. Jarrett has a surprise for both Sid and Funk. This featured the back ground noise of the arena (as in announcements, 3 Count's entrance) going on over the backstage segment. They are in Tulsa tonight, so I expect something particularly tasteless with Oklahoma.

3 Count is trying to do their song, but someone keeps remixing it and throwing them off. I guess a Milli Vanilli play off wasn't good enough when Double J and the REAL Double J did it in 1996. Norman Smiley is fucking with the music in the production truck, wiggling from time to time. This is going on FOREVER, with the song starting and stopping and slowing down at least 10 times. Fuck. Norman's music hits and he doesn't recognize it at first, but then knows it is some Wiggle Music and gets to work.

Norman Smiley vs Evan Karagias. I don't know why WCW insisted on putting the shittiest member of the group in singles matches all the time. Norman wins with a reversal of a roll up. IT'S WIGGLE TIME HERE IN TULSA! He challenges all three members of 3 Count. WWE should reunite 3 Count to job to 3MB on Superstars one day.

We only have a two man team in the booth tonight, and those two men are Tony and Mark Madden. Fucking Mark Madden. Terry Funk vs David Flair in an I Quit Match, made by Jarrett mostly just to fuck with Arn. Ric and Funk will be renewing their feud with a match at Superbrawl and both guys want Arn on their side. Arn won't pick a side and has pretty much thrown his hands up on both guys, but still feels David is his responsibility. This is shockingly good heel booking, particularly from this period in WCW. I predict it will end with David laying Arn out. Again. Lex responding to Hogan's return and their confrontation on Thunder. Booker vs The Wall. Kidman vs The Demon. Stevie Ray vs Disco Inferno. This is such a WCW show. I love it.

TO THE BACK. Clarence Mason has cops searching the bags in the locker room. Something was in Booker's bag. The nWo are heading to the arena. SHUTTERSPEED SIMULCHAT with Sting after the show on WCW.com. A LIMO!?!

The nWo is here. Steiner is dressed as a pimp/Three Musketeer hybrid. Scott Hall has said maybe 5 words since he returned to the shows. I don't even get the point of having him there just to stand around. Oh shit, Hall has the mic! Steiner actually looks like he stole The Artist's gear. Amazing. Scott Hall DIDN'T talk. Instead, he gave the mic to the Harris Brothers. What a downgrade. I can't wait to hear Steiner's explanation for his attire. He doesn't really explain it, but he does start shit talking Flair pretty much immediately. From his Sharpe skin, his crooked yellow teeth, says you might as well hire Buddy Rogers (god bless his soul) because even dead he still styles and profiles better than Ric Flair. He says that when Flair came out last week, everyone switched over to the WWF to watch Stone Cold, who Flair got fired because he's a jealous old bastard. HE'S SHOOTING, FOLKS! Mind you, Steiner and Flair are not in any type of program at all. In fact, Flair isn't in a program even with the nWo in general. He's a heel and is feuding with Terry Funk. Steiner just takes the time to shit all over him, called him the biggest ass kissing, buttsucking, bastard not only in wrestling, but in life. And he belongs in WCW because WCW SUCKS and so does Ric. This is amazing, even if Steiner is stumbling over most of his words, in true Scott Steiner fashion. This promo has ZERO to do with anything on the show, which makes it even more awesome. Jarrett's turn. He's picked a ref for the match at Superbrawl (Slick Johnson, whom he has paid off). He's also booking Hall in a match against Sid tonight, which Hall doesn't like at all. He starts limping around and JJ says he cleared him tonight. "And Sid, this Outsider is gonna be alllll up in yo' ass tonight!" This was a few weeks removed from him saying he was going to stretch Larry Zbysko's ass like it had never been stretched before. Which by the way, they completely dropped the Old Age Outlaws thing. Completely. No more Larry, no more Mr. Wonderful, and no mention of them.

TO THE BACK. Booker and Midnight are walking to the ring. Booker is in plain black trunks complaining about how they took his colors and music, but never his freedom. Or dignity, I guess. Crowbar/David/Daffney promo. David can finally talk. Daffney and Crowbar were thumb wrestling during this. Crowbar won via outside interference. Even a thumb wrestling match can't have a clean finish in WCW.

Booker vs The Wall. Booker's music might be the theme from Leave it to Beaver. He doesn't even get his pyro anymore. No music, no flames, no pyro, no T. Poor Booker. Pretty short match. Booker hit the axe kick, spinarooni, and Book End. Then he went for the Harlem Hangover, but Clarence Mason yelled on the mic, which distracted him enough for the Wall to hit the ropes. Even though that happened before Clarence said anything. Oh well. Wall hits a chokeslam for the win, but Clarence is having Booker arrested for a PLE THH ORA of charges, up to and including attempted murder.

TO THE BACK. Knobs breaks into the nWo locker room, pissed over his broken arm that JJ was responsible for SWERVING Knobs last week. Swerve was used in this segment. Now he's going to book a hardcore match with Bam Bam. Terry Funk and Arn are discussing the match with David. Arn wants to see how Funk handles himself in the match tonight before he lets him know where he stands. Lenny and IDOL are still trying to come up with ways to get back on the show. They are going to challenge the Mamalukes to a tag title match. "That'll get us on Thunder!".

The Barbarian vs Tank Abbott. Oh shit. Someone is going to get got. This is probably continuing the Meng vs Tank idea. They've really had no interaction besides a stare down, but Tank taking out Meng's only bro might change things. This is the first guy to take it to Tank, for a minute. Still ends in a one punch KO. I don't know how I feel about Barb getting KO'd by a punch, even from Tank Abbott. I hope Meng vs Tank actually happens before Meng leaves the company. Big Al is again in the crowd.

TO THE BACK. Crowbar plays air bass in front of The Demon's caskset.

TO THE KID CAM. Kidman is recording Torrie getting ready.

OKLAHOMA! OKLAHOMA! OKLAHOMA! He was put in charge of the WCW YAK division last week. And since the ramp is covered, that means some YAKs will be involved in this segment. Same "yaks don't belong in wrestling, but bless their hearts for trying" stuff he's been doing for months. There will be physicals before each YAK match and he will be there to view each one. He brings out the doctor. Doctor Haywood Jeter. He's a cosmetic surgeon. He claims that he did a face lift, work on her lips, her tits, and her ass. She came out and laid out the doctor and then GROUND HER HIGH HEEL INTO HIS BALLS. What the fuck? It wasn't even played up as a big deal, either. Might as well have been a light low blow. The fuck, Russo? As she walked out, a fan almost got a grab of her ridiculous tits, but she blocked it last second.

TO THE BACK. Ric Flair is here with a harem. He immediately finds a monitor that is playing this segment. It's like that scene in Space Balls. A never ending loop of Flair watching Flair watching a TV. Nature Boy Inception. Mean Gene has a scoop. The Championship Committee has an announcement on the Hall/Sid match. The Red Rooster will be out soon to announce it. Funk/David/Daffney/Crowbar are on their ways to the arena.

TO THE BACK. The Red Terrific Taylor Made Rooster Man says that Slick Johnson is no longer the ref at Superbrawl and the Hall/Sid match is now a title match. Jarrett is not happy with the decision, but Hall is.

A highlight package of the Flair/Funk I Quit match from 1989. Outside of that hilarious piledriver, that match is so awesome. WCW never did video packages like WWE.

Terry Funk vs David Flair I Quit Match. David sends Crowbar and Daffney to the back. Funk gives him a chance to back out. David is taking this seriously. Terry wants Ric to have this match instead. David takes the chance to whack Funk with a serious of chair shots to the head. This turns around quickly and Funk hits a piledriver on the floor. David won't quit and Ric won't come out. Piledriver through the table. Which really looked more like Funk falling backwards with David on top of him. Now he's getting another table. We want Flair chants. Now, Funk is supposed to the face here, but the crowds have been booing him pretty much since his first night. First against the nWo and now against Ric Flair. He says he's going to jump off the ropes onto the floor through David on a table if Ric doesn't come out in 5 seconds. Ric doesn't come out and Funk relents and quits, because he doesn't need to beat on David more, but he won't quit at Superbrawl.

TO THE BACK. Mike Tenay is making Tenay faces at the monitor. Arn comes in and wants a camera crew. He's so pissed at Ric for letting David go through that that he wants to agree with Scott Steiner. He's bowing out. He's not picking sides anymore. He's done with Funk, he's done with Flair, he's done with WCW, and he's done with the human race. I feel like maybe that was a bit of an over reaction. This whole angle is actually about how shitty a dad Ric Flair is. He's been letting David clearly go crazy for months and let him get beaten by Terry Funk because he was too busy in the back dancing with YAKs and being Ric Flair. Even Mark Madden is disgusted with Ric.

Disco vs Stevie Ray. Big T and the Mamalukes are getting into an argument and the whole ref locker room comes out to break it up, even though they weren't even shoving each other. Ahmed was too lazy to even do that much. Madden asked if Clarence used to carry a tennis racket. Stevie Ray wins with the move slapjack in a short match.

TO THE BACK. Jeff is trying to convince Hall not to win the belt, Hall jokes around but eventually says he's just going to soften Sid up. Sid don't care. He's going to end Hall's career tonight. Ric Flair and his yaks leave. He's not happy with Arn. Now he's going out for a night on the town.

Bam Bam vs Knobs for the Hardcore title. Knobs has a broken arm. Finlay is again the ref. Meh, I didn't really watch this because A. Fuck Knobs and B. I was browsing the Carmella Bing thread. Bam Bam wins after Finlay whacked Knobs with a chair. New Champion.

TO THE BACK. Lodi and Lenny ask Disco how his ass feels. BECAUSE HE JUST GOT IT KICKED! Pull apart brawl. Kidman and Torrie head to the arena. Sting was on The Late Show promoting his movie. The Cat tells Gene he's been on the road with James Brown. Gene doesn't believe him.

Kidman vs The Demon. Crowbar is watching and jamming out. I think the idea is that he thinks The Demon really is Gene Simmons. Maybe. Whatever. Kidman wins with a super ranna. Crowbar then comes out and attacks him, presumably for beating up Gene Simmons.

TO THE BACK. Sid laughing and being crazy. Lex and Liz are on their way to the arena. Lex has a chair with Hulkster stickers on it. Hulk returned on Thunder and used a fake Sting to distract Lex so he could cheap shot him. You know, like an All American Babyface. He also atomic dropped Liz with no provocation from her at all. He also started to set up the Millionare's Club/New Blood thing by shitting on all the young guys who think they are superstars but haven't done shit in the business and that's part of why he decided to come back. And then Disco talked about how the new guys are better than Hulk's generation and all that. MONTHS of foreshadowing for a Russo WCW angle? Crazy.

Lex is still pissed about Hogan questioning his work ethic and body. He's pretty pissed. These two-three weeks of promos were for sure the most fired up I've ever seen him. Lex brings Jimmy Hart out. Jimmy is in production gear, including the head set, backstage pass, and mic pack. He doesn't work for Western Union, so he doesn't deliver messages. Lex will never sell out as many arenas as Hulk, never sell as much merch as Hulk. He then says that more people watch Hulk get his mail than watch Lex at house shows, which I think was more of a shot at WCW than Lex. Really weird to see Jimmy Hart in regular adult clothes. Slacks and a turtle neck. Lex puts him in the torture rack and then Pillmanizes his arm.

TO THE BACK. Scott Hall and Sid are on the way to the arena. Sid is walking around the back chanting his own name.

Sid vs Scott Hall for the WCW Championship. Hall's first match in about 2 months. Sid's music gets cut off for the Wolfpac music before he's even half way down the ramp. I don't know why Sid came out first and why he got the jobber entrance. Sid hits the chokeslam about 2 minutes in. Hall sells it for 10 seconds and then gets up to hit the SOS slam, which led to a ref bump. Double J runs out to attack Sid. Jarrett walks out while Hall hits the Outsider's Edge on Sid. He pins Sid, but the ref is out. Jarrett comes back in and they argue until Double J lays Hall out with the guitar and pulls Sid on top of him. Sid retains. The rest of the nWo is wondering wtf is going on and Jeff tells them they are either with him or Hall.
Had a wrestling show tonight. It was my birthday so I got a cake superkicked to my face and later I took a hurricanrana seated on the top turnbuckle for the first time. It was a fun night.

Also, one of our guys has a friend who used to do backyard wrestling with Derrick Bateman so he's partied with the USA guy. I was jealous.


I think it is the one that Flair reportedly cried over because he was so upset over it, but there easily could have been one in 1998-1999 that made him cry.
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