why wasnt cm punk fired then?
double standards for people who suck hhh's nutsack

She sticks it out as if she has one.she acts all modest and shit but you know she knows she fine as fuck, they all do.
why wasnt cm punk fired then?
double standards for people who suck hhh's nutsack
She sticks it out as if she has one.she acts all modest and shit but you know she knows she fine as fuck, they all do.
Why is a John Cena return #3?? Like, was he ever away long enough to necessitate what would be considered a return?
We need a Top 10 John Cena Returns
Despite the comically slapped together photoshop, this was a pretty good article. I didn't know Randy and Lanny's mom was Jewish. And the article acknowledges that Scotty Goldman is Colt Cabana!
Bork's return was so good.
Cena's had plenty of returns. Returning from Brock injuring him the first time, returning after Jesus stabbed him in the kidney, returning from pec surgery, return from neck surgery, returning after being fired for Wade not winning the title, returning after taking off TLC 2011, returning after his loss to The Rock, returning after Brock injured him, returning after being the first man to not cash in the MITB successfully, returning from his arm injury, returning after Dolph knocked him into a toilet, returning despite the WWE Universe being ROCKED by the AJ Scandal.
Plenty of John Cena returns to choose from.
Remember when Undertaker returned and you were like why is he on a motorcycle, why is he wearing a trenchcoat why is he coming out to kid rock? and then he changed it and it was limp bizkit and you were like oh no this isnt better at all
So now that Double J week is over, who or what's next?
So now that Double J week is over, who or what's next?
So now that Double J week is over, who or what's next?
Yo, why didn't Vince ever fire Austin for assaulting him???why wasnt cm punk fired then?
double standards for people who suck hhh's nutsack
birthday boy's
Every week is Sting Week.
I will seriously never get tired of watching the final 5 minutes of Stone Cold vs. Dude Love from WWF Over the Edge 1998:
(skip to 28:00)
Shit let's make it Kurt Angle week.
birthday boy's
Why was Bork's return so good? It's not like it was a surprise he was there or anything. Was it because the crowd was chanting "WE WANT LESNAR" the whole night and at the end they finally get it to us? Was it cause he F-5'd the fuck out of Cena? Was it because of the 30 second pause between Cena shutting the hell up and Bork's music playing?
I think that return was the only time I exclaimed something out loud for something wrestling.
wonder who should I start off saints row the third as....Cena or AJ.
How you doing, G-Fex after the other night?
I'm fine now.
Here's my Cena
Thats...rather accurate
I fully support Kurt Angle week. He was the total package to me during his time in the E.
Who is Kurt hugging in these?birthday boy's
Who is Kurt hugging in these?
How was last night, birthday boy? And when do you leave? Today?