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December Wrasslin' |OT| Dreaming of a Vanilla Christmas

I mean, if anything the way Raw ended just makes it even more clear Reigns is not winning the title. Jericho is still gonna come out in the main-event or hell, even HHH might.


Incredible feat by The New Day. Who would've thought they'd achieve this when they first formed as a team

From coming out to silence and pumped cheers to the longest reigning tag champs in WWE history and one of the hottest acts on the current roster.

So proud of these brothers.


I mean, if anything the way Raw ended just makes it even more clear Reigns is not winning the title. Jericho is still gonna come out in the main-event or hell, even HHH might.

what if maybe

just maybe

jericho comes out to interfere, but reigns overcomes the odds anyways?

it's royal rumble season, brother. owens has kept the belt warm for long enough.
Lana came out dressed in all camoflague. Rusev said ever since he's arrived in the WWE, he's destroyed all of the fans' American heroes one-by-one. But last week was different, he took out American trash. Week after week, Amore runs his mouth about how he's a Certified G, and it wasn't until last week he understood what G stood for: garbage. After he threw the human garbage out in the hallway and closed the door behind him, he and Lana took care of business together. Rusev offered the fans a chane to see what he was talking about. He asked the fans if they wanted to see it. The footage was a little edgy and a little out there. Lana told children to close their eyes because it may be senative to them.

All they showed was Enzo getting crushed again and nothing behind lewd. Lana made fun over the fans thinking they would show her and Rusev getting it on. Rusev credited his wife for coming up with the plan that ended up with Enzo getting crushed. Lana stole Big Cass' catchphrase "C-R-U-S-H. CRUUUSHHH!"

My boy rusev

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The Big Dog fought off two of Team Smackdown's best when everyone was exchanging finishers. I don't know why yall think he's gonna sweat midlife crisis Jericho, babygirl
“Basically, what happened is Jericho saw what was going on in the ring and wanted answers as to whether my best interests were in mind as far as my health and safety,” explained Orton. “I had my family there, sitting front row, and Chris knew that, as well. He was just coming up to check on his boy, that’s what it boiled down to, and I think that’s awesome.”

“You hear all these things about how they were going to fight, but I don’t think Jericho wanted to fight Brock, I’m just going to throw that out there,” said Orton. “I think he was coming up to just make sure everything was cool. It’s unfortunate that in that small space, with the dozen bodies in there, somehow that leaked and everybody knew about it. That’s very unfortunate. It was blown way out of proportion, and Jericho just wanted to check on one of his fellow boys in the locker room.


Orton only put hunter in his top 3 because a gun was pointed at his head as he was doing the interview

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This American Truck Simulator update is so good





Kinnikuman(Akihiko Tanaka) vs NJPW/IGF/Hustle's Bob Sapp

The definition of a freak show fight. Bob Sapp is what happens when a worker becomes a shooter. He is by no means a great tactician or fighter. Despite being 325 lbs of pure steroid muscles he fights like somebody afraid to get hit. However he also gets taken down and almost submitted. However unlike in a work those shots will hurt and punches from a man that size no matter the form will still feel like a baseball bat to the head. Bob Sapp is somebody who really should be a pro wrestler only but he is undoubtedly one of the biggest draws in Japanese MMA ever.

BTW in case you already didn't notice he's facing a man dressed as a professional wrestler from the manga/anime series Kinnikuman. The promoters thought kids would love seeing their superhero in the ring.

But guess what? Masks in MMA tend not to be a great omen for the person wearing them...



Past Days


In kayfabe, Daniel Bryan trolled the fuck out of Sami Zayn. Tried to get that man on the cheap. Shame Eva Marie had to catch a stray though.


Easily a candidate for best Raw of thew Year, it was 95% almost perfect.

Every segment built towards some sort of story, every match did as well, they made New Day's record breaking truly mean something, two fantastic triple threat tag title matches. A great invocation of the Freebird rule in the second one which makes New Day look smart as hell. That main event was off the charts as it was actually believable that the WWE could be dumb enough to put the belts on either of JeriKO or Rollins/Reigns because they're main event guys. Both of those teams furthered their own feuds while also putting over big the desire to in the tag belts, so it didn't come off like they didn't care about them, which made New Day winning that much better. Top it off New Day, especially Xavier Woods were booked to actually hang with the main event players.That cross ring elbow drop from Woods to Reigns was fucking money and big ups to Roman for selling for Xavier, Reigns put him over tonight. Also great move to have the blowup between Jericho and Owens come from something Rollins did rather than Owens just fucking up is good storytelling and keeps Owens from looking like an idiot. Roman getting the look strong to close the show was kinda dumb because it's Philly and they shit over stuff like that, but the WWE wants Roman to look good so naturally they're gonna do this, I've just come to accept it, especially when Reigns has done a lot of great in ring work the past few weeks and hasn't been a total cornball on the mic recently either (he still needs more of an edge but I'll take what I can get).

Rest of Raw thoughts:

Again fantastic opening match, Cesaro's hit everyone spot was beautiful. All the guys looks great in the match, and all these guys work really well together even if you seem them fight each other repeatedly. Gallows/Anderson might not be winning but at least they don't look like jokes anymore as well, smart move to not have them eat the pin here. Sweet Trouble in Paradise to boot.

I will say it right now I'm an unabashed Braun mark, I think he's great, I enjoy watching him do his thing, and he has a little gimmick brewing that I've been wanting, a guy with no set finisher, a guy who can just beat you with whatever, that wheelbarrow faceplant move was siiiick. Then to boot they finally let him actually cut a promo and I thought he did great, demanding to be congratulated first was money. Also they were smart to start letting the guys he's fighting against get a tiny bit of offense in as it sets up better his eventual loss, whenever that may be.

Zayn continues to be amazing on the mic during this feud and he's rbinging out the absolute best in Foley too which is nice because he's been not great as GM IMO. Great promo, the tease for the Smackdown trade was awesome though I actually think the payoff wasn't as great as it could have been. They kind undid what made the whole thing work a bit later when they revelaed that Foley never doubted Zayn and was jst firing him up, thought that was a bit shit, because Zayn doesn't need someone else to fire him up. That and I actually don't want to see Zayn vs Strauman as I think it doesn't really help either of them, Stroman should not lose his first genuine feud and Zayn should not get beat to a pulp again. They came this close to booking the end of that feud perfectly, they should have had Foley not Zayn initiate the Smackdown thing, Zayn should have been traded to Smackdown against his wishes by Foley, "to protect Zayn", then Zayn goes over with a fire and feuds with Miz and eventually AJ, Zayn is made for the Smackdown style and I'm kinda bummed it's not happening. Ah well.

Davari vs Lince Dorado was alright, would have preferred they used someone other then Dorado for what was basically a segment disguised as a match. That said holy shit the cruisers have storylines and feuds and mic time... fucking finally. Gallagher gave a great, unique promo, the polite announcement of his intention to interfere was fantastic, just Dorado kinda completely vanished and wasn't that his Raw debut? That said Cruisers getting mic time and stories can only be a great development.

The Rollins Report segment did what it needed to do, Owens refusing to sit in the ring was great, pulling out his own stool was even better. Move story lines ahead, teased JeriKO getting along which was good story building for the main event, Owens saving Jericho was a nice touch on that.

What's this Cruisers get a second promo segment on Raw? Bar might be low but I dug the three man promo, set up the Roadblock match nicely, Swann was great on the stick as was Kendrick, hell I find TJP insufferable but he handled the maybe the superkick was on purpose part of the promo great, sets up that it is indeed every man for himself. The match between Kendric and TJP was a solid TV bout, can't really complain, nice to see Kendrick pick up with the with Sliced Bread #2 for a change. Match had a weird spot where Kendrick sells the le/knee which you know is the focus of TJP's finisher but TJP folllows it up with several head attacks including a tree of woe which could have been a great drop kick to knee spot but whatever TJP doesn't do ring psychology lol. Still a solid bout.

Bayley vs Fox was a throw away, I admire them for trying to give it a bit of story, Fox destroying a Bayley Bear was pretty lol. Match was whatever, not bad, not great. What I did love though was the Bayley to Belly out of nowhere, I dig a finish that can just come out of the blue. i quite like the move when it's sold well, problem is it frequently isn't. What I want to give kudos to though is the announce team during this match, they kept playing up that Bayley wants to be WWE Raw Women's champion and I think that is smart building given that at this point you have to believe they're just having Bayley tread water until Sasha/Charlotte wraps up.

Btw that video package for the big Ironman match was fantastic, big money stuff and I know some of you complain of title hotshotting and whatnot but these women are over, especially Sasha and they continuously put on great matches and I thought the video package really sold just ho evenly matched these women are and how perfect an ironman match is to finish the feud. I can't wait for it on Sunday, it should be the main event, it won't be but it should be, it's the best built feud on the show.

Rusev was great on the stick tonight, I love that man. I dug that Enzo was used as a sacrificial lamb to spark a feud between Rusev and Cass. Cass can go and is believable as someone who could, and should, beat Rusev, this is great stuff for Cass. The segment was a bit longer overall but Rusev is one of the only guys who an actual heel on the roster so good on him for getting dat heat.

Nice to see Jinder on Raw, nice to see Zayn get the win. To add to my thoughts above i will say as I was writing it I forgot the whole 10 minute stipulation. That's not a bad idea, Zayn will play plucky underdog and will come out with a win/draw/whatever it means to survive 10 minutes and will look like the guy Braun just couldn't put down (which they already teased a bit a few weeks ago when It was Foley who had to stop the match because Zayn wouldn't stay down/Braun wouldn't stop hitting him). Zayn gets to look good and Braun doesn't have to eat a pin for it. I still think Zayn would be better on Smackdown but this isn't the worst way to go at it.

And yeah I said my peace about the main event, loved it, bought into all the false finishes, the Pop-Up into codebreaker spot especially. New Day looks like a million bucks in the end and the record breaking day meant something. Great shit.

Raw was just on a roll tonight IMO, like I said everything had a purpose/told a story, the three hours flew by, and two excellent triple threat tag matches to boot.

You know when we talk about how being a wrestling fan is kinda fucked up because when it's bad it's horrible, and it is frequently horrible, bit you stick with it because my god every once and a while they just give you something that reminds you why wrestling is amazing? The main event was that for me tonight and the show it self was too to a lesser extent, imagine if they could only do this every week.

In kayfabe, Daniel Bryan trolled the fuck out of Sami Zayn. Tried to get that man on the cheap. Shame Eva Marie had to catch a stray though.

Mick never called Bryan, that's why the page was blank


Good, we're finally done with New Day's never ending boring reign. Good for them though but I got tired of it like 6 months ago.


Reading through these Raw thoughts and I must just hate it as even someone pumped and gushing about it makes the show sound awful. Shame about Sami, wouldn't mind seeing him again.
Reading through these Raw thoughts and I must just hate it as even someone pumped and gushing about it makes the show sound awful. Shame about Sami, wouldn't mind seeing him again.

It was a really good Raw for storytelling, and the two tag matches were absolutely excellent, at least watch those.


Reading through these Raw thoughts and I must just hate it as even someone pumped and gushing about it makes the show sound awful. Shame about Sami, wouldn't mind seeing him again.

It was bad. I tried to actually watch the whole thing during my day off, but I couldn't, I ended up skipping more than half of it. There's so much wrong that the rights are just not enough to justify a full watch.
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