I mean, if anything the way Raw ended just makes it even more clear Reigns is not winning the title. Jericho is still gonna come out in the main-event or hell, even HHH might.
Meatloaf.Wtf after they chanting? Brie mode?
"Our audience will hate the nWo because all their fathers are addicts like Hall"Am I a child?
Incredible feat by The New Day. Who would've thought they'd achieve this when they first formed as a team
I mean, if anything the way Raw ended just makes it even more clear Reigns is not winning the title. Jericho is still gonna come out in the main-event or hell, even HHH might.
Lana came out dressed in all camoflague. Rusev said ever since he's arrived in the WWE, he's destroyed all of the fans' American heroes one-by-one. But last week was different, he took out American trash. Week after week, Amore runs his mouth about how he's a Certified G, and it wasn't until last week he understood what G stood for: garbage. After he threw the human garbage out in the hallway and closed the door behind him, he and Lana took care of business together. Rusev offered the fans a chane to see what he was talking about. He asked the fans if they wanted to see it. The footage was a little edgy and a little out there. Lana told children to close their eyes because it may be senative to them.
All they showed was Enzo getting crushed again and nothing behind lewd. Lana made fun over the fans thinking they would show her and Rusev getting it on. Rusev credited his wife for coming up with the plan that ended up with Enzo getting crushed. Lana stole Big Cass' catchphrase "C-R-U-S-H. CRUUUSHHH!"
Basically, what happened is Jericho saw what was going on in the ring and wanted answers as to whether my best interests were in mind as far as my health and safety, explained Orton. I had my family there, sitting front row, and Chris knew that, as well. He was just coming up to check on his boy, thats what it boiled down to, and I think thats awesome.
You hear all these things about how they were going to fight, but I dont think Jericho wanted to fight Brock, Im just going to throw that out there, said Orton. I think he was coming up to just make sure everything was cool. Its unfortunate that in that small space, with the dozen bodies in there, somehow that leaked and everybody knew about it. Thats very unfortunate. It was blown way out of proportion, and Jericho just wanted to check on one of his fellow boys in the locker room.
Day 1:
WWE's BIG DAVE BATISTA vs Vince Lucero
Day 2:
WCW's Craig Pittman vs Yuki Nakai
Day 3:
NJPW's Katsuyori Shibata vs NJPW's Kendo Kashin
Day 4:
USA's WWE/TNA Kurt Angle vs. Iran's Abbas Jadidi
Day 5:
IGF's Josh Barnett vs IGF's Hideki Suzuki
Day 6:
WCW's Vader vs WCW's Ric Flair
Day 7:
PWFG/UWFi/NJPW's Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs. PWFG/WCW/AJPW's Joe Malenko
Day 8:
NWA's Lou Thesz vs NWA/WWWF's Buddy Rodgers
Day 9:
Minnesota's WWE Brock Lesnar vs Iowa's Wes Hand
Day 10:
WWE's Mark Henry vs The Inch Dumbbell
Day 11:
AWA/NJPW's Billy Robinson vs NJPW's Antonio Inoki
Day 12:
UWFi/Kingdom Pro/NJPW's Kazushi Sakuraba vs Zelg Galesic
This American Truck Simulator update is so good
Do I need a steering wheel to play American Truck Simulator?
In kayfabe, Daniel Bryan trolled the fuck out of Sami Zayn. Tried to get that man on the cheap. Shame Eva Marie had to catch a stray though.
Mick never called Bryan, that's why the page was blank
I think Michael Cole is the WWE announcer at this point that annoys me the least.
Corey announced it was the last fight with no rematch clause.So the Sasha and Charotte promo package last night apparently said that no matter who wins, there's no rematch clause?
Woo if so.
Why the fuck does a video game from a decent sized publisher have such a shit animation? I know their budget is pretty low but fuck, it's 2016
Why the fuck does a video game from a decent sized publisher have such a shit animation? I know their budget is pretty low but fuck, it's 2016
Reading through these Raw thoughts and I must just hate it as even someone pumped and gushing about it makes the show sound awful. Shame about Sami, wouldn't mind seeing him again.
Reading through these Raw thoughts and I must just hate it as even someone pumped and gushing about it makes the show sound awful. Shame about Sami, wouldn't mind seeing him again.
holy shit corey yelling "YES!" at eva marie